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The Impact of E-Banking Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction: A Survey Research

Statement of the problem

Buy this study, researcher will investigate the impact of electronic banking on customer
retention, and conduct survey to find alternative solutions to improve service quality that can
help them to sustain service quality and retain customers.

Specifically, this study aims to answer the following questions:

1. How many demographic profiles of the respondents be described in terms of:
1.1 sex,
1.2 age,
1.3 marital status,
1.4 education attainment,
1.5 occupation, and
1.6 Types of electronic banking services used

2. How may the satisfaction of the respondents on the electronic banking services be
described in terms of:
2.1 access privileges
2.2 confidentiality
2.3 security
2.4 rights and responsibilities

3. Is there a significant relationship between the service quality of electronic banking

services to the customer’s retention?

4. Is there a significant relationship between the reliability of electronic banking services

to the customer’s retention?

5. is there a significant relationship between the security and privacy of electronic

banking services to the customer’s retention?
Part I: Demographic profile
Direction. Provide appropriate answer to the following (please do not leave any blank):

Complete name (optional)

Sex: Male Female
Age: 18-25 26-40 41-55 56 and above
Marital status
Educational attainment:
Elementary Level
High School Level
Senior High School Level
Bachelor’s Degree
Master’s Degree Level
Doctorate Degree Level
Government employee Business owner
Private employee Student
Self – employed Others
Types of electronic banking services use:
ATM Mobile Banking Debit card banking
Part II. E-Banking Services

Access and Privileges

1. Customers 18 years of age or older can use electronic banking services
2. E-banking services may not disclose customers personal information
3. E-banking services will take reasonable care to maintain confidentiality of
information related to customer.
4. E-banking services strive at all times to ensure that customer’s personal data
is protected
5. E-banking services is equipped with Secure Socket Layer (SSL) protocol
6. E-banking services web servers are protected behind firewalls and systems
are monitored to prevent unauthorized access.
E-banking Rights and Responsibilities
7. E-banking services have installed with adequate security and designs to control
risk in operating systems
8. E-banking services shall no be responsible for any loss, damage, liability or claim
arising directly and indirectly from any error of the customer.
4-Srongly Satisfied (SS) 3-Satisfied (S) 2-Dissatisfied (D) 1-Strongly Dissatisfied (SD)

(40) (3) (2) (1)
1. You are satisfied in the bank’s service quality.
2. The bank provides sufficient information when needs
it in case of any problem
3. The bank resolves any problem very quickly which
encounters with the online transaction.
4. The function of the online transaction is easy to
operate and you rely in it
5. The bank is site is secure for credit card information
6. The bank is responsible enough towards its
7. It is easy to complete a transaction quickly through
the bank’s website.
8. The bank will not misuse your information
9. The banks helps its customer willingly and provides
best service
10. The site of the bank gives sufficient promises to its
customer about their service.

(Hindu J, et al 2018) E-Banking, Services Quality and Customer Satisfaction in Selected
Nigerian banks.
(Victorai tatu simon et al 2016) Effect of electronic banking on customer satisfaction in selected
commercial banks, Kenya.

Umme Sauda Bente morad (2013) A research proposal on the Impact of Internet Banking on Customers

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