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2012 Practice Paper Question 5

A Proposal to the Principal about a Reality Show

To: The Principal
From: Chris Wong
Subject: Details of a weekly reality TV show
Date: 17th October 2013
Our school would like to film and broadcast a weekly reality TV show on the school TV network for one term. I
am going to give you some suggestions for the theme and content of the show. The purpose of my proposal is to
raise the awareness and concentration of students towards money and the importance of reality TV show. Also,
they can learn more knowledge instead the knowledge in books.
Details of the show
First and foremost, we are going to hold the reality TV show at lunch time on Friday at the school hall. The
reality TV show is meant to be unscripted, featuring ordinary people instead of professional actors. Furthermore,
the theme of our reality TV show is about money. Students in groups of four are going to have $60 per day.
They have to spend their money on transportation, food and entertainment. In addition, they are required to use
$60 per day without getting help from people. The aim of the show is to let students limit their use of money
properly, understand the importance of money use and treasure what they have.
Popularity with students
Honestly, everyone should have good money management so as to improve their saving habits. If not, they may
suffer a massive plight of overspending. When they are young, we should let them have a proper management
towards money. Moreover, as a matter of fact, this reality TV show is definitely attractive since it is an exciting
and fantastic show. The content of the show is meaningful and it involves lots of students to join, so if they want
to experience the show personally, they can view our show so as to gain the meaning behind the show. Besides,
students always revise their work and do their homework. If our reality TV show is successfully held about the
things out of their books, they may have the curiosity to engage in the show.
The first episode
For how to make the first episode appealing to reviewers, I hold the belief that the first episode of the show
should be played at the class time which students must concentrate on the reality TV show through the computer
in the classroom. As a matter of fact, the teachers can help us to encourage students to participate in our show.
The most vital point is we will hold a small game to appeal the reviewers to enjoy our show. However, for the
details of the game, I will have a meeting with you personally.
In a nutshell, I wish my proposal can be considered and I will make my endeavours to film this reality TV show,
so as to raise the awareness towards money saving. I will put all my efforts to hold a fantastic reality TV show.
Written by Jody 6C Chui Chung Ting

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