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NAME: Perocho Katherine T.

SECTION: Grade 12 HEB3


A. Directions: Write t if the statement is True and F if it is False then, underline the word or
phrase that makes the sentence wring.

True 1.the background of study includes a detailed literature review in which you explain what
previous studies state about the topic, discuss recent developments on the topic, and identify
the gap in literature that has led to your study.
True 2. You should also explain the problem that the study addresses and give a brief account
of the history of the problem mentioning whether it has been addressed in any form before.
True 3. In preparing your background of the study, you must conduct preliminary research on
your area of study and specific topic will help you to formulate a research question or thesis
statement that will lead to more specific and relevant research.
True 4. You must think about what you've read and look for issues, problems, or solutions that
others have found and determine your own opinion or stance on the issue.
True 5. Think about what you've read and look for issues problems or solutions that others have
found and determine your own opinion or stance on the issue.

B. Directions: Answer each question intelligently and concisely.

1. Describe the behavior of one writing a conceptual framework of a research.

- A conceptual framework represents the researcher's synthesis of literature on how to explain
a phenomenon. ... In other words, the conceptual framework is the researcher's understanding
of how the particular variables in his study connect with each other.

2. In what stage of research is conceptual framework written? Give reasons for your answer.
- I think conceptual framework is written at the chapter two of the research paper. Why?
because it represents the researcher's synthesis of the literature on how to explain a

3. Why should a research be given a conceptual framework?

- In simple term, a conceptual framework explains what you expect to discover in your study,
often represented in a visual format. It is very important because it describes the it describes
the different variables of the study and shows how these things contribute and connect to each
other showing the importance and the need to conduct the study. It helps us asses and refine
our goals, develop relevant research questions, select appropriate methods and identify
potential threats.
4. Suppose the research has no conceptual framework, what would the consequences be?
- If there is no separate conceptual framework, then it will organize the ideas of the analysis. It
would be nonsensical and impossible to grasp the study. It will also undoubtedly lose the
importance and intent of the report.
5. Compare and contrast these two: conceptual and theoretical framework.
- The theoretical framework provides a general representation of relationships between things
in a given phenomenon. The conceptual framework, on the other hand, embodies the specific
direction by which the research will have to be undertaken. ... The conceptual framework is also
called the research paradigm.

6. Which between the conceptual framework and theoretical framework is comparable to the
post of a house? Justify your point.
- Because when we talks about post of a house it is a columns to support of something or to
give strength. Back to theorical Framework, Yes, it is because, theorical Framework is an order
on how to structured and to hold or to give support to the theory of the research study.

7. Should you focus your attention first on the conceptual framework than on the theoretical
framework of your research paper? Why? Why not?
- It actually depends on the kind of research one is undertaking. In usual academic research,
there is a theoretical framework under which the research questions and the objectives of the
study are formed. However, when one is undertaking grounded theory, then one collects data
and then builds the theoretical framework in the subsequent stages. Thus the conceptual
framework exists more or less and then one forms the theoretical framework.
8. How does a conceptual framework mirror some personality traits of the researcher?
- Research theory and theoretical and conceptual frameworks are often used in the language of
researchers to represent similar things, but there are subtle differences in meaning - as the
previous posts elude to. Research frameworks provide the knowledge and theory basis for
research studies.
9. Do you find writing a conceptual framework easy or difficult? Explain your point.
- For me conceptual framework is easy because it illustrates what you expect to find, It defines
the relevant variables for your study and maps out how they might relate to each other. You
should construct a conceptual framework before you begin collecting data. It is often
represented in a visual format.
10. If you were to write a conceptual framework, what should your work contain?
- Include a narrative which explains in-depth the variables influencing your research and the
research methodology.

C. Directions: Decide whether each set of words make up a conceptual or a theoretical

framework. Put a check mark (✔) on the line under your correct answer.

1. Relationship of variables ✔

2. Language has a social basis ✔

3. Einstein’s ideas on nuclear energy ✔

4. Conducting pre-test and post-test ✔

5. Analysis of rhetorical patterns ✔

6. Reading as a psycholinguistic game ✔

7. Universe formation through explosion ✔

8. Seeing the link between the Science ✔

book and the CHED syllabus

9. Syllabus as the blueprint of the course ✔

10. Testing the effects of Ebola virus on rats ✔

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