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Was lack of unity the main reason for war?

During the War of Independence 1857, there was a

complete lack of unity among the fighting groups though
all were fighting against a common enemy, the British
soldiers. There was no coordination between different
regions of unrest and no attempts were made to bring their
strengths together. Some local leaders even helped the
British in the war e.g. the ruler of Kashmir sent 2000 troops
on the British side. However, there were also some other
reasons for the failure of the war.

The sudden outbreak of 1857 war had no defined goals or

planning. Different groups were fighting for different
causes. Most of the Muslims wanted to restore the Mughal
ruler, Bahadur Shah Zafar, but Hindus and Sikhs were not
ready to fight for restoring the Muslim Mughal Empire.
Many princes were interested in regaining their own feudal
powers. A good number of ordinary people remained
neutral i.e. they did not take part in the uprising. 

There was no central leadership to motivate people to join

the rebellion. There was no central command to provide
guidelines, prepare action planes or coordinate between
different areas of revolt. The final reason is that the British
were very strong to defeat, and they were very determined
to suppress the revolt. 

The most important reason for the failure of the war was
the strength and position of the British. They were good
planners of war strategies. They had sound financial
resources and could fight long wars. They had latest
warfare tools and their troops were experienced and highly
trained in modern methods of fighting. They had efficient
means of communication e.g. railways for quick
deployment of troops. They had skilled diplomats who
knew the techniques of gaining support of local rulers. 

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