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Case Study Template – MGMT 3041: Organizational Behavior

Semester Year

Full Name of each group member

Full Name of each group member
Full Name of each group member
Full Name of each group member
Full Name of each group member

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Problem Statement: [10 points]

Start your analysis with a problem statement. Avoid explaining the case or providing a summary.

Instead, state the problem clearly.

In a couple of paragraphs, explicitly link the problem to specific OB concepts. Insert in-text

citations for OB concepts.

Recommended page limit for this section: Maximum 1 page, including in-text citations.

Alternatives: [total 60 points]

Alternative #1: In one phrase, write your alternative here.

Briefly explain alternative #1 and in 1-2 paragraphs support it using specific OB concepts with

in-text citations. Your alternative should be clear, realistic, and relevant to the case. [8 points]

Use the following tabular format for pros and cons of each alternative.

Pros [6 points] Cons [6 points]

(3 pros for each alternative) (3 cons for each alternative)
• State your pros, one in each row, and support • State your cons, one in each row, and support
each pro using specific OB concept(s). Insert each con using specific OB concept(s). Insert
in-text citations for OB concepts. in-text citations for OB concepts.

• Each alternative with pros/cons is worth 20

• State your pros/cons in a clear and concise
points. Total points for this section (all three
alternatives with pros and cons) are 60.

• No more than 3 pros and 3 cons are required • Make sure all pros/cons are relevant to the
for each alternative. case.

Follow the same format for the remaining two alternatives. Recommended page limit for each

alternative with pros and cons: 2.5 pages

• Half a page for each alternative with OB concepts

• Maximum 2 pages for a table with pros and cons

• Total page limit for this section is 7.5 pages, including all alternatives with pros/cons
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Recommendation & Implementation: [15 points]

Select one of the three alternatives for your recommendation. Discuss your choice by addressing

OB concepts in more detail and creating interlinkages among OB concepts. Make sure your

recommendation addresses the problem statement realistically.

Implementation Plan:

State clearly how you will implement your recommendation. Your implementation plan should


- an appropriate timeline;

- specific steps; and

- people involved.

Make sure your implementation plan is realistic, relevant to the case, and helps in solving the

problem. Recommended page limit for this section is: 1.5 pages

Formatting, References/In-Text Citations [15 points]

The maximum page limit for the case analysis is 10, excluding cover sheet and reference list.

Check your work for page numbers, spellings, grammar, sentence structure, references, and in-

text citations. Use the APA format for writing in-text citations and references.

When you refer to your textbook for the first time in your analysis, use the in-text citation,

(Langton, Robbins, & Judge, 2019). Then every time you refer to your textbook, write (Langton

et al., 2019). Also, your work will be graded based on the course concepts addressed in the

textbook. If needed, you may refer to other credible sources for OB concepts, however, the

expectation is that students will make full use of the course textbook.

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