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Affirmative + Negative -
I am I’m I am not I’m not
Aa [ei] Bb [bi:] Cc [si:] Dd [di:] Ee [i:] Ff [ef] Gg [ʤi:] Hh [eiʧ] Ii [ai]
in summer He is He’s He is not He isn’t Jj [ʤei] Kk [kei] Ll [el] Mm [em] Nn [en] Oo [] Pp [pi:] Qq [kju:]
autumn She is She’s She is not She isn’t
It is It’s It is not It isn’t Rr [a:] Ss [es] Tt [ti:] Uu [ju:] Vv [vi:] Ww [ˊdʌblju:] Xx [eks] Yy [wai]
We are We’re We are not We aren’t
Zz [zed]
You are You’re You are not You aren’t
MONTHS They are They’re The are not They aren’t
January [ˊʤænjuərı]
February [ˊfebruərı] VOWELS
Interrogative ? Short answers
March [ma:ʧ] Aa Ee Oo Uu Ii Yy
Am I right? Yes, I am./No, I’m not.
April [ˊprıl]
Is he right? Yes, he is./No, he isn’t. [æ] [] [e] [i:] [ɒ] [] [ʌ] [ju:] [ı] []
May [mei]
in June [ʤu:n] Is she right? Yes, she is./No, she isn’t. cat cake pen we dog note cup cute pig bike
July [ʤu:ˊl] Is it right? Yes, it is./No, it isn’t.
August [ˊɔ:gəst] Are we right? Yes, we are./No, we aren’t.
ee, ea = [i:] tree, tea oo + k = [ʊ]
book cool oo = [u:]
September [səpˊtembə] Are you right? Yes, you are./No, you aren’t.
October [ɒkˊtbə] Are they right? Yes, they are. /No, they aren’t.
November [nˊvembə] a+r = [ɑ:] car a+ss =cla ss
[ɑ:] tere+r
m = [ɜ:]
December [dıˊsembə] purple
u+r = [ɜ:]
VERB CAN o+r = [ɔ:] sport ball
a+ll = [ɔ:] gi ri+r
l = [ɜ:]
DAYS of the WEEK I I
You you
Monday [ˊmʌndı]
Tuesday [ˊtju:zdı]
She can swim. (+) Can she swim?
Wednesday It cannot swim. (-) it
We (can’t swim) (-) we c + i /e/ y = [s] city, bicycle, center
Thursday c + a/u/o/cons. =[k] cat, cold, cup, clock
[ˊϑɜ:zdı] They they
Friday [ˊfraidı] Can you swim? – Yes, I can. /No, I can’t.
Saturday [ˊsætədı] g + i /e/ y = [ʤ] giraffe, gentle, gym BUT get give
Sunday [ˊsʌndı]
g + a/u/o/cons. =[g] gas, gum, go, globe
the morning You have got (+) Have you got a cat?
We haven’t got (-) - Yes, I have./ th [ð] this th [ϑ] tooth sh [∫] fish ck [k] duck
in the evening
the afternoon They - No, I haven’t.

noon He has got (+) Has he got a dog?

ch [ʧ] teacher ph [f] photo kn [n] knee
at night She - Yes, he has. /
hasn’t got (-)
2 o’clock It - No, he hasn’t.
ADJECTIVES Cardinal numbers Ordinal numbers
a + consonant
I my 1 – one [wʌn] 1st – the first [fɜ:st]
you your a banana, a desk, a boy 2 – two [tu:] 2nd – the second [ˊsekənd]
3 – three [θri:] 3rd – the third [θɜ:d]
he his an + a, e, o, i, u 4 – four [fɔ:] 4th – the fourth [fɔ:θ]
she her 5 – five [fv] 5th – the fifth [fıfθ]
it its an apple, an egg, 6 – six [siks] 6th – the sixth [siksθ]
we our an orange, an insect, 7 – seven [ˊsevn] 7th – the seventh [ˊsevnθ]
you your 8 – eight [eit] 8th – the eighth [eitθ]
an umbrella 9 – nine [nn] 9th – the ninth [nnθ]
they their 10 – ten [ten] 10th – the tenth [tenθ]
11 – eleven [ıˊlevn] 11th – the eleventh [ıˊlevnθ]
12 – twelve [twelv] 12th – the twelfth [twelfθ]
13 – thirteen [ˊθɜ:ˊti:n] 13th – the thirteenth
PLURALS 14 – fourteen [ˊfɔ:ˊti:n] 14th – the fourteenth
noun + s a girl – girls 15 – fifteen [ˊfıfˊti:n] 15th – the fifteenth
16 – sixteen [ˊsiksˊti:n] 16th – the sixteenth
-s/sh/ch/x/o +a es
bus – buses a bush – bushes a bench – benches 17 – seventeen [ˊsevnˊti:n] 17th – the seventeenth
a box – boxes a tomato – tomatoes 18 – eighteen [ˊeitˊti:n] 18th – the eighteenth
conson.+ y a baby – babies BUT a boy – boys 19 – nineteen [ˊnnˊti:n] 19th – the nineteenth
ies 20 – twenty [ˊtwentı] 20th – the twentieth [ˊtwentııθ]
21 – twenty-one 21st – the twenty-first
22 – twenty-two 22nd – the twenty-second
IRREGULAR PLURALS 23 – twenty-three 23rd – the twenty-third
a man [mæn] – men [men] a sheep [∫i:p] – sheep [∫i:p] 24 – twenty-four 24th – the twenty-fourth
25 – twenty-five etc. 25th – the twenty-fifth
a woman [ˊwʊmən] – women [ˊwımən] a fish [fı∫] – fish [fı∫] 30 – thirty [ˊθɜ:tı] 30th – the thirtieth [ˊθɜ:tııθ]
a child [ʧld] – children [ˊʧıldrən] a deer [dıə] – deer [dıə] 40 – forty [ˊfɔ:tı] 40th – the fortieth [ˊfɔ:tııθ]
a person [ˊpɜ:sn] – people [ˊpi:pl] a foot [fʊt] – feet [fi:t] 50 – fifty [ˊfıftı] 50th – the fiftieth [ˊfıftııθ]
a mouse [mɑʊs] – mice [ms] a tooth [tu:θ] – teeth [ti:θ] 60 – sixty [ˊsikstı] 60th – the sixtieth [ˊsikstııθ]
an ox [ɒks] – oxen [ˊɒksn] a goose [gu:s]– geese [gi:s] 70 – seventy [ˊsevntı] 70th – the seventieth [ˊsevntııθ]
80 - eighty [ˊeitı] 80th – the eightieth [ˊeitııθ]
90 – ninety [ˊnntı] 90th – the ninetieth [ˊnntııθ]
A or SOME? 100 – a hundred/ 100th –the hundredth [ˊhʌndrədθ]
one hundred [əˊhʌndrəd]
a + singular countable a banana, an apple
some + plural some bananas

some + uncountable some milk

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