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Rovshan Oguz Group LLC

Land transport is one activity that has a very high level of associated risk. To eliminate the risk
completely would require a total ban on using vehicles. This is not a viable option, control and
recovery measures must be implemented to mitigate the risk.
In addition to Golden Rule for Driving Safety, this policy outlines the Rovshan Oguz specific
requirements for Transport.
 Only TRAINED, ASSESSED and APPROVED drivers will be allowed to operate company
vehicles. Driving Permits must be carried at all times when in the control of a vehicle.
 NON COMPANY PERSONNEL are not to travel in company vehicles.
 PRE-HIRE INSPECTIONS are to be conducted prior to a vehicle being used in Rovshan Oguz.
 SEATBELTS must be worn, at all times, by all occupants, when the vehicle is in motion.
 ZERO TOLERANCE. No driver is to operate a vehicle while under the influence of alcohol or
 DRIVER FATIGUE. A plan must be implemented to give all drivers adequate rest.
 NO SMOKING or EATING in any company vehicle.
 DEFENSIVE and COURTEOUS driving habits are to be used by all drivers. With consideration
given to all other traffic on the road especially pedestrians.
 TELEPHONES. Drivers are not to answer or in any way engage their mobile phone while the
vehicle is in motion. Stop at a secured area off the road to engage the phone.
 BREAKDOWN. If a vehicle breaks down during a trip on any public road the driver shall ensure
the vehicle is off the road as far as possible before bringing it to a complete stop. The driver and
the passengers shall disembark from the vehicle and remain on the non road side of the vehicle.
The driver shall be responsible for displaying the appropriate warning signs around the vehicle to
warn other vehicles of its presence. The driver will call for assistance and or a replacement
vehicle. Under no circumstances will anyone attempt to repair the vehicle on the side of the road
or relocate the vehicle by pushing it to any other area.
 REVERSE PARKING rule applies to all vehicles. All vehicles are to be fitted with a reversing
 DAILY VEHICLE INSPECTIONS to be carried out and documented by the driver.
o 15 km/hr on site roads
o 60 km/hr in towns or built up areas
o 90 km/hr on open roads


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