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New Perspectives Excel 2016 | Module 6: SAM Project 1b

Gentle Movers

 Open the file NP_EX16_6b_FirstLastName_1.xlsx, available for download
from the SAM website.

 Save the file as NP_EX16_6b_FirstLastName_2.xlsx by changing the “1” to

a “2”.

o If you do not see the .xlsx file extension in the Save As dialog box, do
not type it. The program will add the file extension for you automatically.

 To complete this SAM Project, you will also need to download and save the
following data files from the SAM website onto your computer:

o Support_NP_EX16_6b_1819_Revenue.xlsx

o Support_NP_EX16_6b_Prices_2020.docx

 With the file NP_EX16_6b_FirstLastName_2.xlsx still open, ensure that

your first and last name is displayed in cell B6 of the Documentation sheet.

o If cell B6 does not display your name, delete the file and download a new
copy from the SAM website.

1. Kavanna Serbagi is an assistant manager at the Gentle Movers corporate office.
Kavanna is summarizing two years of revenue data from her office locations.
Since each office supports a different area of the country, Kavanna will need to
coordinate and consolidate revenue data on multiple worksheets.

Break the external link that exists in the worksheet, so that the formulas in
cells B4, B5, B6, and B7 of the Branch Information worksheet are replaced with
static values. Then switch to the Branch Information worksheet.

2. Kavanna wants to update the links in her workbook, so that she’ll be able to
quickly pull up the Branch pricing plans for the 2019-2020 season.

In cell B9, create a hyperlink to the Gentle Movers Price listing for 2020 as
described below:

a. The hyperlink should link to the

Support_NP_EX16_6b_Prices_2020.docx file, available on the SAM

b. The hyperlink should use 2020 Rental Prices as the text to display.

c. The hyperlink should use Click here to view the Rental Price listing
for 2020. as the ScreenTip text.
New Perspectives Excel 2016 | Module 6: SAM Project 1b

3. Edit the hyperlink Gentle Movers Management website in cell B10 as described

a. The hyperlink should use Gentle Movers Management as the display


b. The hyperlink should use Click here to access branch management

information. as the ScreenTip text.

4. Kavanna now wishes to give a consistent look and feel to the worksheets
submitted by each of the vendor stands.

Group the Boston, NYC, and DC worksheets together and then make the
following formatting updates:

a. Change the font size in the merged range A1:F1 to 24 pt.

b. Apply the Heading 1 cell style to the merged range A2:F2.

c. Bold the values in the range A5:A10.

d. Apply the Accounting number format with zero decimal places and $ as
the symbol to the range B5:F5. (Hint: Depending how you complete this
step, the number format for this range may display as Custom.)

Do not ungroup the worksheets.

5. With the Boston, NYC, and DC worksheets still grouped, update the worksheet
as described below:

a. In cell A5, edit the text to read Pickup Truck (instead of Pickup).

b. In cell A7, edit the text to read 10’ Truck (instead of 10’).

Do not ungroup the worksheets.

6. With the Boston, NYC, and DC worksheets still grouped, select the range
B11:E11. Using the AutoSum button, enter a formula using the SUM function
that totals the revenue for each quarter of the year (shown in the range
B5:E10). Ungroup the worksheets and then check to confirm that the
formatting and formulas from steps 4-6 are present in all three worksheets.

7. Kavanna wants to create a copy of the formatted DC worksheet to use for the
Chicago location’s revenue data.

Create a copy of the DC worksheet between the DC worksheet and the

Consolidated Revenue worksheet then update the worksheet as described

a. Rename the copied worksheet using Chicago as the name.

b. In the merged range A2:F2, edit the text to read Chicago (instead of

c. Clear the contents of the range B5:E10.

8. Kavanna now wishes to consolidate the data from each of the locations.

Switch to the Consolidated Revenue worksheet.

New Perspectives Excel 2016 | Module 6: SAM Project 1b

In cell A5, enter a formula without using a function that references cell A5 in
the Boston worksheet. Copy the formula from cell A5 to the range A6:A10
without copying the formatting.

9. In cell B5, enter a formula using the SUM function, 3-D references, and
grouped worksheets that totals the values from cell B5 in the Boston:Chicago

Copy the formula from cell B5 to the range B6:B10 without copying the
formatting. Then copy the formulas and the formatting from the range B5:B10
to the range C5:E10.

10. Kavanna wants to compare the revenue from the 2019-2020 season to the
2018-2019 season and needs to include the missing data.

Open the support file Support_NP_EX16_6b_1819_Revenue.xlsx.

Switch back to the NP_EX16_6b_FirstLastName_2.xlsx workbook and go to the

Consolidated Revenue worksheet.

Create external references in the Consolidated Revenue worksheet to the

revenue information found in the Support_NP_EX16_6b_1819_Revenue.xlsx
workbook as described below:

a. Using external cell references, link cell G5 in the Consolidated Revenue

worksheet to cell F5 in the Revenue worksheet in the
Support_NP_EX16_6b_1819_Revenue.xlsx workbook.

b. Using external cell references, link cell G6 in the Consolidated Revenue

worksheet to cell F6 in the Revenue worksheet in the
Support_NP_EX16_6b_1819_Revenue.xlsx workbook.

c. Using external cell references, link cell G7 in the Consolidated Revenue

worksheet to cell F7 in the Revenue worksheet in the
Support_NP_EX16_6b_1819_Revenue.xlsx workbook.

d. Using external cell references, link cell G8 in the Consolidated Revenue

worksheet to cell F8 in the Revenue worksheet in the
Support_NP_EX16_6b_1819_Revenue.xlsx workbook.

e. Using external cell references, link cell G9 in the Consolidated Revenue

worksheet to cell F9 in the Revenue worksheet in the
Support_NP_EX16_6b_1819_Revenue.xlsx workbook.

f. Using external cell references, link cell G10 in the Consolidated Revenue
worksheet to cell F10 in the Revenue worksheet in the
Support_NP_EX16_6b_1819_Revenue.xlsx workbook.

g. Do not break the links.

Close the Support_NP_EX16_6b_1819_Revenue.xlsx workbook.

Your workbook should look like the Final Figures on the following pages. Save your
changes, close the document, and then exit Excel. Follow the directions on the SAM
website to submit your completed project.
New Perspectives Excel 2016 | Module 6: SAM Project 1b

Final Figure 1: Branch Information Worksheet

Final Figure 2: Boston Worksheet

Final Figure 3: NYC Worksheet

New Perspectives Excel 2016 | Module 6: SAM Project 1b

Final Figure 4: DC Worksheet

Final Figure 5: Chicago Worksheet

Final Figure 6: Consolidated Revenue Worksheet

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