Assignment#3: Name: Roll No: Subject: Class: Section

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Name: Arbaz Ahmad Khan

Roll No: BCSM -F18-308

Subject: Operating System

Class: BSCS

Section: 5A

Submitted To: Miss Arshia

You are required to choose any one architecture of your choice and
then mention if you implement paging and segmentation on such
architecture what will be the outcomes?
Arm Architecture:
 ARM CPUs are used in smaller applications than x86 CPUs.
 ARMv7-A supports two different paging modes.
 These are the short descriptor format and long descriptor format.
 The long descriptor format is an ARM equivalent of the X86 PAE system.
 However, even the short descriptor format allows access to a 1TB physical address
space, but only with a 16MB granularity


 Allocating memory is easy and cheap

 Eliminates external fragmentation
 Pages are mapped appropriately anyway
 More efficient swapping
 Just swap out page least likely to be used

 Longer memory access times

 Inverted page tables
 Memory requirements
 Page Table Length Register to limit virtual memory size
 Internal fragmentation
Some architectures (like ARM) do not support memory segments at all. If Linux had been
source-dependent on segments, it could not have been ported to those architectures very

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