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2021 Rulebook

1. League Requirements---------------------------------------------------------3

2. League Fees---------------------------------------------------------------------3

3. Communication------------------------------------------------------------------4

4. Eligibility / Down-Up------------------------------------------------------------6

5. Starts and Restarts-------------------------------------------------------------7

6. Cautions, Pace Laps, Pit Road----------------------------------------------8

7. Wave by / Lucky Dog / EOL--------------------------------------------------9

8. Black Flags-----------------------------------------------------------------------10

9. Connection Hardware Issues-----------------------------------------------11

10. Racing and Contact-----------------------------------------------------------11

11. Numbers and Paint Schemes-----------------------------------------------12

12. Cheating--------------------------------------------------------------------------12

13. Penalties, Suspensions and Probations-------------------------------12

14. Appeals, Protests and Penalty Reviews---------------------------------14

15. Teams-------------------------------------------------------------------------------15

16. Broadcasts-----------------------------------------------------------------------16

17. League Policies / Race Etiquette-----------------------------------------16

18. Race Controller-----------------------------------------------------------------17

19. League Owner, Admins, and Members-----------------------------------19

Conduct detrimental to the league----------------------------------------19


Personal Conduct------------------------------------------------------------------19
Elite Sim Racing Association
All Times Are Eastern Standard Time

1.1 These rules only apply to ESRA not any other Series within iRacing Community or
outside of the league. References of League in this Document refer to and meaning Elite
Sim Racing Association.
1.2 Drivers wishing to Participate in the League must abide by a set of MIN Requirements to
Be accepted into the league. These requirements are as follows

1,000+ iRating
50+ Official iRacing Events
D Class or Above
13 Years of Age or Older

1.3 Any New driver coming into the league will be Brought into a channel in Discord and go
thru a Recruitment Interview with a admin, This Interview includes going over rules, Series
Details, Entry Fee Requirements, Number Selection, Roles in Discord And or Running a Team
or Being a Free Agent and helping them find a team. Once done with the Interview you are

1.4 Applications will be Accepted and Considered at the discretion of the admin team
1.5 The League will Charge a League Base General Admission Fee of $5.00 This is a one
time fee. There are additional fees for select series that once accepted will be talked about in
the recruitment interview. All Drivers must submit their Fee’s by a specific deadline to be
officially eligible for the series within the league. Drivers who Miss their Deadline risk Forfeiting
their spot on the roster. Extensions will not be Given after the deadline has passed.

1.6 New Drivers Who join the league will be considered ROOKIES no matter if they join
during the off season or halfway into a season. The rookie status goes away the following
season as long as the rookie starts 5 times in the series. During their Rookie Season and or
Rookie Status Drivers are Held to a higher standard as they are here to prove a point that they
can race in this league. Which means any penalty can be looked at for further discipline.
1.7 All Members must Have a Wheel and Pedal Set, NO CONTROLLERS.

2.1 This is a Premier League within iRacing with that we hold the utmost professional
atmosphere to offer, with all the things this league gives to its members and professional grade
racing, it requires a FEE.

2.2 There is a General Admission FEE of $5.00 Paid by every member in ESRA, This Fee is
Non-Refundable unless otherwise approved by an ADMIN. This Fee covers your basic cost
of being within the league and is a one-time FEE. Remember NON-REFUNDABLE

2.3 All Payments will be Kept inside an Account and ALL Funds are only used for
League Purposes.

2.4 This league has other FEES associated with racing within, these fees include but not
limited to Series Entry Fee, Team Building Fee, Number Rights Fee, and Per Race pro eligible

2.5 Please See Series Rules for Details on Series Fees.

2.6 Any Member who misses 3 Races without notifying an admin will be subject to Removal
from the league with NO Refund, when you join the league you are committing to showing up
each week. It is up to you to be here and make it known to an admin of situations.

2.7 Entry fees are non-refundable unless with approval from the Admin Team. Any approved
refund will be prorated based on the number of races remaining. No refunds will be given due to
personal conflicts with other drivers, the Admin Team, real life scheduling conflicts or
disciplinary action resulting from rule violations

3.1 All drivers must have a WORKING microphone for voice communication. There are no
3.2 We use Discord as our Main Communication in this League Which makes it a
requirement that all Members must have and be in Discord on Race Day.
3.3 Drivers will set their Discord name (Nickname) to be professional and their preferred first
name and last name (and capitalize the first letter in each name). Drivers Need to add their
car number to end of name so it all should look like this, John Doe # 55
3.4 Drivers when in Discord will have Numerous Lobbies to be apart of weather it be sitting in
Race Lobby and or Being invited to a team and having their own Team Channel, Discord
channels are to be used as they would for discussions and such, If you want to have a full blown
convo with your team/friends on a fishing trip you just took key up on discord if you are making a
call as far as pitting, down low, watch out, that would be considered race chatter and would Key
up on iRacing, Always remember the difference.
3.5 Obscene, abusive, threatening, bullying, harassing language or name calling via radio or
private message towards other drivers will not be tolerated. Drivers will always conduct
themselves professionally and respectfully towards one another. This Includes but is not
Limited to Official ESRA Events, Discord, Practices, Fun ESRA lobby’s Etc.
3.6 In-game voice chat is only for communicating with Race Control and for drivers making
their “Pit In” and “Pit Out” notifications. Drivers will remain respectful to other drivers and
keep all non-race related communication to a minimum. Calling out pace-car locations,
requesting damage checks or calling out upcoming wrecks are permitted but are not
3.7 At no time during the event should a driver try to get an admin to speak up about an issue
and address it during the race at that point. There are Penalties in Place to Handle Certain
3.8 During the Race most of the time race chatter should be silent other than calls being made
to Race Control for Flag Clears, EOL’s Etc. Please be sure to give time in between the calls
from other drivers to not overwhelm the Race Controller. The appeals/protest system will handle
all other issues in this regard (blocking, slower cars, etc.)
3.9 A driver who has had their voice or text chat disabled by iRacing may have it enabled within
the League upon request. If text or voice chat infractions arise with a driver whose chat was
enabled manually by Race Control, the penalties will be more severe. It is a Privilege to talk on
voice chat not a requirement. BE NICE.

3.10 Members of the Admin Team are busy planning and racing on official race nights.
Members should make every effort to speak with the Admin Team prior to the start of official
race sessions. Once the race session opens, any urgent issues will be brought to the attention
of Race Control, and all non-urgent matters will wait until after the race. Under no
circumstances should any League member contact any member of the Admin Team during a
race session.
3.11 The Admin Team can be contacted several ways including the Discord or private PM OR
asking to speak to an admin one on one. The Admin Team will hear any participant's
suggestions, complaints, and discussion of potential changes in how the League runs within
3.12 If Drivers start arguing and fighting during any ESRA Event Non Points related or not and
Derogatory remarks are sounded towards a driver it will result in an automatic DNF from the
Event with a DQ 0 Points. Any Issues with a driver should be taken to the protest form and
or with the driver after the event. Always think before you speak.
3.13 Communicating with your Series Admins, In a Situation that happened in a race you
should always consult your Series Admins unless it involves something the Admin did during the
race, there is a Ladder Ranking System Below to Help Identify where to go first in a Situation.
Always start from the bottom if it is a situation within the race then Race Control should be there
to handle and resolve the issue, if they can not an admin should be notified after the event.
Ladder for Issues

• President
• Series Admin
• Race Control (In Race Admin)

3.14 ALL DRIVERS Must remember that they represent our league outside of Official Events and
should always act, race, and speak in a respectful manner in the way they would in ESRA races.
Anytime a League Driver is in a hosted session with an ESRA title on it, should be treated like a
real Points race. If you break any rules in a hosted session with ESRA u can be penalized in the
same manner as a points race.
4.1 ESRA Has a ranking system in Place for each of their Series to move to the Top within the league
4.2 You Automatically Start in the Lowest Series the league offers, it is up to you to show you
are ready and can compete with the top of the league. There are no Exceptions you must Start
in the lowest Series.
4.3 Team Owners will be in charge of promoting drivers to the next series. If an owner feels
their driver and or a driver is ready and they have a car in the next series available they
have the right to DEBUT that driver into the next series. This is at the “Admins Approval”
Details Below
Admins Approval is Based on
the MIN Requirements to Get a Debut or
Promotion to the next Level.

Must Achieve in the Same Season. Consecutive Season Starts do not count

● Must have Competed in at least 4 events in current series.

● Be Below an AVG INC Of 3.00 from the previous 4 Events in question.

● Must be On and Sign Contract with Team.

● Must not have been suspended or put on a probation in previous 4 events.

● Must of finished their races and not quit (DNFs from wrecks do not count)

● Shown up to 70% of the season for their series at the point of moving up.

4.4 Other points admins will look at when team owners bring a driver for promotion to the
table. But not limited to.

• Behavior Within the Series

• Inc Per Race / Inc Per Lap
• Overall Stats
• Cleanliness
• Ability to Drive a full race without Inc.
• Common Sense Factor
• Consistency

4.5 Can I get Demoted From a series; the answer is YES. We always watch our drivers and people that
cause issues, accidents etc. Need to maybe take more time in a lower series. How the Demotion Works.
Well Same as moving up a driver will be reviewed periodically, This does not mean you will be demoted
by finishing dead last in races etc, Just states that you will be watched, We take pride in being one of the
cleanest and competitive leagues
4.6 Could I be Demoted half way thru my season “YES” as stated above we always watch
our drivers A “Season Review” can happen when you are the cause of wrecks every race,
maybe not grasping the car all to well, INC are too high, not abiding by the INC/RACE rule. We
always want to put you in the series you are most comfortable and can compete in, There will
always be the drivers that argue I don’t belong here or I don’t agree with moving down, I’m sure
you will find this system works and works well, Even getting demoted should not discourage
you but should motivate you to do better and get back and prove everyone wrong.

4.10 Driver(s) Racing up and down within a series. A Driver that is in a higher series may run
as many races as they want in a lower series but not for a championship. You may only run one
series for points. The last race of every series is Blacked out for Drivers not running for points.

4.11 A Driver Racing down is held to a higher standard and can be penalized more severely
depending on the incident and the regard of RC.

4.12 If i'm in a lower series can i run up? Only if you are eligible. Meaning you previously held a
higher license within our league and elected to run a lower series. Otherwise you must compete
in your series and finish the set requirements to move to the next series.

4.13 Any Driver racing down must commit by Friday Night before 11:59.59pm EST or they will
not be allowed to run, A team must keep up with their rosters. Admins will check them weekly to
see substitutes and changes.
4.12 Remember when running down or up if you are not competing within Thunder you must
find a team to sign to. There are NO Free agents in Clash or Pro.


5.1 The start of the race is a double file rolling start with the pole sitter maintaining the proper
pace speed behind the pace car. The initial start of the race is going on GREEN LIGHTS When
the green flag flies, the leader must immediately accelerate to race speed
5.2 On the Initial Start of the Race the LEADER DOES NOT have Lane Choice.

5.3 Anytime after the first start of the race The Leader will have control of the restarts and may
accelerate at their discretion after the pace car exits the track. The leader must be the first to
cross the start/finish line on starts/restarts. (Unless the leader spins tires of misses’ shift)
5.4 Leader can choose inside or outside on Restarts ONLY, must be called on or prior to 2 to
Green, If it is missed and called on 1 to green it will be an invalid call and won’t be registered
at that point leader must start on inside. (Only the front row changes lane everyone behind
them stays in their same spots)
5.5 With one lap to the green flag all cars must maintain a consistent and proper pace speed
with a maximum of two car lengths from the car in front. Jumping the start, brake checking, or
any start/restart conduct Race Control determines to be in attempt to gain an unfair advantage
is prohibited. Drivers in violation will receive one warning and may be penalized per the black
rules See Section 9 Black Flags. Multiple infractions by a single driver may result in
disqualification and could jeopardize future participation in the league.
5.6 All Restarts are Double Filed Lapped cars in the Back.

5.7 On Restarts You should be focused on maintaining speed and keeping up with field if for
some reason it is telling you to let a car by or telling you to pass a car and they are not passing
or you can’t get there in time let a admin know and the black penalty will be cleared at green
GREEN FLAG “Always Maintain Speed”

5.8 There are no changing lanes on a restart before the start finish line, If a driver is found to
have switched lanes prior to the start/finish line they will receive a Black Flag Drive Thru
Penalty by RC.


6.1 A caution is called when 2 or more drivers make contact and lose control of their vehicles
on the track or when 1 car spins or hits the wall and others must check way up to avoid

6.2 Never Call a Caution as sometimes when a driver calls one it may not be one at all,
Remember Race Control is watching, Yes they sometimes miss some things it happens but we
don’t want people to call something that shouldn’t have been and mess the outcome of a race
up. “Debris Cautions Are not apart of this League”
6.3 When a caution happens, try to locate it on the track and let everyone know where it is
happening. The caution will come out and all drivers should follow iRacing directions as normal
under Caution Procedure.
6.4 Cautions are Manual Admin Cautions for All Series, As we have guidelines as what is
considered a wreck, Race Control will throw a caution where Deemed necessary and will let
drivers know of where on track accident is at to allow time for Check Up.
6.4 While under a full course caution, drivers are required to catch up to the pace car as fast as
is safely possible. Drivers with damage please notify an admin so a EOL Penalty can be given
so we do not slow the process down, If you are found to be slow and off pace catching pace car
Race Control has the RIGHT to give the EOL when needed.

6.5 Contact between vehicles that causes an incident or damage during a caution or pacing
may result in Immediate DNF for the driver that caused said incident. We do not tolerate
wrecking under caution. Be mindful of what is always happening in front and around you!

6.6 Drivers determined to be “the cause” of a race caution may receive an End of Line Penalty
at the discretion of Race Control which will be served before the next green flag. Additional
penalties may be issued pertaining to the incident itself, which will be addressed by Race
Control. A racing Incident can be determined by Race Control and if determined will result in
6.7 If there is a caution late in the race, per the Rules of a Caution, the race will be extended.
There are 3 GWC Attempts in all League Events.

6.8 If a Driver is the Cause of 3 Cautions that resulted in them receiving the EOL on the 3 rd
Caused caution they are removed from the race and put on a Probationary 2 caution Cause for
the next Race, If in the next race they cause 2 Cautions they will be removed and put on a 1
week Suspension, (Always Race Clean and be patient. Impatience will BITE YOU)
6.9 Pace Laps If you are caught pacing back or causing pacing issues you will receive a
drive thru penalty Served under GREEN conditions. (Race Control Makes the Call)

6.10 Lagging Back on Pacing and on Restarts for Advantage. The 1st offence is Drive Thru
Penalty. 2nd offence is Disqualified from event *Lagging back is when a driver is more than 2
car lengths behind the car in front of them while we are about to go green*
6.11 While on Pace Laps be sure to give room to the Lucky Dog going around, be on the
bottom lane. If you are found to be blocking the track and become an issue a penalty can
be issued per Race Control if they deem Necessary.
6.12 When entering pit road cars must travel in the normal traveling lane whenever possible.
Under yellow flag conditions all cars must enter pit road single file in the normal traveling
lane. Under green flag condition cars may enter side by side. The driver on the outside
(Closest to front stretch) must yield to cars on the inside when needing to enter the
acceleration/deceleration lane for any reason.

6.13 Cars may enter the acceleration/deceleration lane within 8 pit stalls of their pit box.

6.14 Cars must maintain the posted speed limit through the whole pit lane, if they are
Speeding a Penalty will be Issued from iRacing and Must be Served. That is a non-Clearable
6.15 Drivers who have contact with other cars in the pit lane, lose control of their vehicle
causing a delay for other drivers, or have any unforced error while on pit lane may be
penalized during the race by iRacing. Those will not Be Cleared.
6.16 While entering and/or exiting their pit stalls, drivers may pull through no more than three
(3) stalls in front and three (3) behind their own. All pit stops will be reviewed in real time, and
the line of a pit box is considered “in the pit box.” This is to ensure no one makes contact on pit
road from someone not ghosting through someone else. If a driver is caught not obeying this
rule they will be subject to a -5 Point Penalty in their series.


7.1 The Wave arounds are given to any lapped cars that did not pit and are not stuck behind a
lead lap car. If you have a lead lap car in front of you who did not pit, you will not receive the
wave-around. The Wave around is given at 1 to go in a caution, and all wave around cars will
catch up to the tail end of the field in single file order.
7.2 As your Approaching the Field be cautious do not Try to full Throttle past everyone if you
catch up last second, Race Control will review the incident and will treat it as a Jumping the
7.3 The Lucky Dog award is given to the driver who is the first car a lapped down. This driver
will be given a wave-around on the pacing before 2 to green as leaders are pitting, the lucky dog
will then catch up with the field and be able to pit, If lucky dog pits and gets a closed entering
penalty due to not having time before it closes that penalty will be Cleared. Do not ask if you are
lucky dog it is one of the first things Race Controllers do under caution. Be Patient

7.4 Lucky Dog is not Rewarded IF THE DRIVER IN THE LUCKY DOG SPOT WAS
7.5 An EOL is an End of Line Penalty given to the driver who causes a caution/wreck. They will
be forced to go to the end of the line when there is 1 to go in a caution. Our EOL’s Work off of
the Honor System, Own up to wrecking someone or face heftier penalties up to -5 Points and
an EOL to start the next event. If the incident is blatant and can be called by RC they will issue
the EOL During the event. If it is too close to call at fault and no one admits it will be reviewed
after the race for a heftier penalty if one is needed. In the event you have multiple incidents on
your 3rd EOL you will be removed from the event. **A racing deal is when 2 cars collide by
one going up and one coming down or a Net Code Incident**
7.6 Always be aware of guys around you and never force the issue 3 wide on lap 10 of a 100
lap race it is inconsiderate of others around you, Just because you can run 3 wide doesnt mean
others can. If you cause a wreck by being aggressive and not driving with your head your
penalties could be more severe with up to DQ of the event.

8.1 Black Flags must be served immediately. If the black flag is because of an iRacing error,
Race Control will clear it for you. Examples of Errors, Spinning/Wrecking into Pits, passing
under yellow because a car is wrecked, Restart ordered messed up due to iRacing Any
other black outside of these examples will not be Cleared unless deemed an error on iRacing’s
Part per Race Control.

8.2 Race Control will not clear any Black Flags for drivers pitting when pits are closed or
speeding in the pits . This is Non-Negotiable. (Lucky Dog Drivers Not Affected).
8.3 We would clear black flags for passing cars under caution (passing under the yellow) if
those cars passed are WRECKED CARS. This includes any cars off pace or are not moving.
HOWEVER, passing under the yellow penalties will not be Cleared if a driver went below yellow
to pit and made an advantage on a car in front. Keeping pace speed is very important for pitting
while pacing, If you go below the apron and accelerate towards pits and pass the guy in front of
you and it gains you a spot iRacing will auto issue a passing below the yellow this will not be

8.4 If a driver enters a closed pit or speeds in pits the black flag will not be cleared. If a driver
exits the pits when pit exit is closed, their black flag will not be cleared. (Unless RC see’s an
issue with the penalty at the track they are at in that case everyone with an exciting
closed pit will be cleared to keep it consistent and fair) Entering Closed is no Exception
and will not be cleared pay attention to your time to pit.
8.5 So everyone has a understanding a Exiting and Entering Closed pit penalty as well as a
Speeding Penalty DURING A CAUTION is a End of Line penalty by iRacing, Even if cleared by
Admin(‘s) it will not actually clear and the driver(‘s) will still be required to go to rear of field so
don’t start an argument about it as it is iRacing not allowing a clear of such penalties.
8.6 Drivers in violation of the rules may be issued a Black Flag during the race. Drivers who
ignore a Black Flag will be disqualified and face further penalty from Race Control.
8.7 Whenever possible Race Control will issue penalties during the race. Any penalties not
administered during the race, for whatever reason, will be addressed at the end of the event.
8.8 At the discretion of Race Control, drivers may receive a drive through penalty for their
actions on track. Drive through penalty must be served under green flag conditions. Drivers
are instructed to drive through the entire pit lane, maintaining the proper speed. Drivers are
not permitted to take service while serving a drive through penalty.
8.9 Race Control will issue penalties in any situation deemed applicable.

8.10 ** Honesty Rule ** If you are caught getting a blacked cleared of something that is not
allowed, like excessive speeding and or entering an exiting closed pit you will be subject to up
to a -20 point penalty and or suspension for 1 week. Admins check the penalty list after the
race they can see what was cleared, what lap and by what. Always be honest about why you
are getting your black cleared.
8.11 All Black Flag Clear Calls must be called over the iRacing Chat to Race Control ONLY.
not Privately and or in Discord. As We want Consistency in Calls, we want every driver to hear
DRIVER(’S) Clearing of Penalties. Please use iRacing Chat and or Type in iRacing chat
“BLACK CLEAR iRACING ERROR” Race Control will Clear the Penalty. If after the Race
was found not a clearable penalty See Section 9.10


9.1 If a driver disconnects from a race they can re-enter whenever but must re-enter the track safely.
We will not be backing out, restarting, or giving any laps back for any drivers who disconnect in a
9.2 If you are seen Blinking or lagging an admin will give you a warning (in which you have 2
laps) to try to fix your issue on track. Race Control will Watch you.
9.3 If you are still Blinking after the 2 laps or if Race Control deems you unsafe around others
you will be Black flagged to come down pit road. Ask if your connection is better before
reentering track If when you reenter the track you continue to blink or lag you will be DQed from
the event. No Questions Asked.
9.4 If someone calls you out for Blinking or lagging, you should maintain your line safely
and not drive close to anyone. Give plenty of room and wait for word from Race Control.
9.5 All drivers are expected to show up prepared and ready to race with the proper quality
9.6 If you see someone blinking under caution let them know about it. Race Control will
Watch and make sure this person is following the guidelines of connection issues. Most of
the time under caution someone may blink because of all the cars around them but during
racing will be fine in this instance just be careful around them and the controller will keep a
eye for
9.7 Drivers must have a reliable internet connection capable of running iRacing with a
“GREEN” colored quality and ping.
9.8 Drivers experiencing equipment issues not related to internet connection are expected to
act aggressively to protect the quality of racing for other drivers. Drivers are expected to
immediately “Tow” or “ALT+F4” when a hardware issue prevents safe operation of their vehicle.
10.1 iRacing’s sporting code is in effect in all League sessions. Any incident seen by Race
Control will be reviewed in real-time with penalties issued during the race. Following the
checkered flag Race Control will issue a report detailing all noted in-race incidents, penalties
assigned during the race, and any additional explanations, actions, or penalties.
10.2 Drivers have until 11:59:59PM EST on the THURSDAY immediately following the race to
request any incident not addressed in race be reviewed by Race Control for Penalty. Drivers
penalized on the post-race report have 72 hours from when the report is published to appeal
any punishment levied against them. There will be no additional time added to the appeal
window during bye weeks, off weeks, any other break in the schedule, or real-life conflict. All
submissions must be accompanied by a replay and/or lap number, description of the incident
and logical reason for the reversal.
10.3 Drivers incapable of maintaining the appropriate race speed may continue to compete
ONLY under the following conditions:
1. The car must maintain an adequate race pace and not pose a hazard to other
competitors. Determination as to “adequate race pace” “safely” and / or “safety”
is determined at the discretion of Race Control.

2. Drivers of slower vehicles must maintain active situational awareness of faster

cars approaching and make every effort to communicate their position on track to
avoid impeding cars successfully maintaining the race pace.

3. Slower cars are prohibited from running below the yellow/white line (apron)
during green flag conditions to complete more laps.

4. If a car is too damaged to safely complete green flag laps, and a hazard on track
the driver may be asked by Race Control *under their discretion* to Park it for the
day if they do not listen a DQ can be Implemented.

10.4 Drivers choosing to compete with a slower or damaged car are subject to more severe
penalties should they contact another driver, and/or impede the progress of another car that is
maintaining the race pace. Race Control may act against any car not maintaining the race
10.5 Drivers have the right to defend going a lap down, but this defense must be done in
accordance with League rules. Once a lap or more down, drivers are expected to not interfere
with vehicles on a higher lap.
10.6 If a Lapped Car Wrecks a Lead Lap Car while trying to race them multiple laps down,
they could face a big penalty with possible DNF depending on severity of incident. Per Race
10.7 In most cases slower cars on a Road Course should maintain course within the racing
line. In most cases slower cars on ovals should yield the racing line to faster cars. Drivers
found to be impeding faster cars whether intentionally or unintentionally may be removed from
the race. This rule does not apply to cars on the same lap.
10.8 If the Leader and/or Faster cars come up on a group (2 or more) Driver’s and they are on
a different lap then leader but on the same lap with each other. Be mindful they are on the
same lap racing for position don’t expect them to pull over and let you by this is a form of racing
and/or racing deals all leaders and faster paced cars may in counter in a race, this is not a
penalty if the lapped cars are racing and holding up the faster car, you are faster it is your job to
get around them and overtake as safely as possible.

10.9 Remember the car being passed does not need to move out of the way it is the passers
job to make the pass cleanly.


11.1 Numbers are owned by the Team Owners. No Driver gets to own their number or pick a random
number to run unless they are in the Thunder Series.

11.2 Team owners hold the right to put a driver within the number they desire.

11.3 Free Agents within the Thunder Series will pick a random number not owned by a team.
11.4 Numbers will be limited to two digits, unless approved by the Admin Team

11.5 Custom paint schemes are welcome with the use of Trading Paints, but not necessary.
11.6 All schemes must include a number that can be clearly seen and read.

11.7 Custom Number Paints must be Number Chosen within the league to not confuse
racers and or broadcasters. A Driver seen in a custom number not reflecting his car
number chosen within the league will have til the next event to fix his paint or be subject
to a -5 Point Penalty per race he runs that custom number.

11.8 Custom paint schemes that are not permitted include nudity, obscene language, racism,
drug use, offensive content, or sponsors
11.9 If you have Trouble Loading Custom Number Paints “Always Remember in graphics
Settings in iRacing to Click Hide Car Numbers”, This will Allow You to See them Beautiful
Custom Numbers without Trading Paints PRO
11.10 There is no Sponsor Lock for Drivers you may run any scheme you want within the
guidelines posted in Section 14.8 If you see another driver with the same scheme try to
choose something different whether it is the same sponsor or not.

12.1 Any form of cheating will result in a penalty. An example of cheating is but not
limited to "grip hacks" or exploiting possible flaws in the iRacing simulation software. In
the event of possible cheating, a review of the race will take place via replay with an
“innocent until proven guilty” policy. If in fact proven guilty, points and wins could be
stripped from said driver(s) along with immediate banishment from League. There is 0
Tolerance for anyone doing a hack, cheat of any sort in this league.
13.1 Penalties and suspensions can be given if there is a failure to follow League rules and
regulations. Penalties during a race can be anything from starting at the end of the line on a
restart, to a pass down pit road, to being parked for the rest of the race, depending on the
situation and severity of the event. Post-race suspensions, Probation and loss of points can
also be given out also based on the situation and severity of the event. League Admins
Reserve the right to change the length and Severity of Penalties if the Situations Deem
13.2 Every attempt will be made to distribute penalties during the race, these may be in the
form of black flags, an EOL, or disqualification.
13.3 If a penalty is not administered during the race, it may be addressed on the post-race
Discussion. Penalties administered on the post-race report may be future EOL, points
deductions, race suspensions, or disqualification.
13.4 All races will be reviewed by the Series Admins and any penalties or results from the
review will be posted on the League Discord, and or Website Following Ruling of a Penalty and
all Parties involved Notified.
13.5 Overtaking and Avoidable Contact: The primary responsibility for avoiding contact with a
Competitor resides with the overtaking Competitor and the secondary responsibility resides with
the Competitor(s) being overtaken. A Competitor who fails to demonstrate their responsibility
and initiates a maneuver that results in contact with another Competitor may be penalized with
the Effective EOL Ruling by Race Control during the Caution.
13.6 A Disqualified driver may Appeal their Disqualification from the event in the case the
Event was Deemed unnecessary and Overruled, 5 points will be added to the driver in
questions points for season.
13.7 Verbal Abuse is a Big Penalty during Points Races, No Fighting, Arguing, or
Retaliation, OR any Race Chatter Deemed inappropriate during a Race. The Penalty is As

• 1st Offense Voice Chat Disabled

• 2nd Offence 10 Point Penalty Voice Chat Disabled 20 Laps
• 3rd Offense Removal from the race and Suspended the Following Week

(In an argument whether you are on the offensive side or defensive side you are
involved and that is how it will be looked at)
13.8 Race Chatter If a driver is talking too much during a race and trying to hold full-on
conversations in the middle of a race, he will be penalized by the following guidelines

• 1st Offense Verbal Warning and or Chat Muted 2 Laps

• 2nd Offense Drive-Thru Penalty under Green Conditions
• 3rd Offense 5 Point Penalty Suspended the Following Race

13.9 Wrecking Someone Under Caution Purposely: Automatic removal from race and
suspension from the following week’s race. (No retaliation of any Kind)
13.10 Lagging Back on Restarts for Advantage.

• 1st Offence is Drive Thru Penalty

• 2nd Offence is Disqualified from event

13.11 Penalties for incidents or breaking of the rules, depending on their severity and
frequency shall be handled in the following order: warning, penalty, probation and/or
suspension, indefinite suspension, and or removal from the League. This order is a guideline,
and due to the severity of the incident may be accelerated at the discretion of Race Control
and/or Admins.

13.12 Drivers who have multiple avoidable contacts within the same race will be looked at for
Possible Penalty during the event Per Race Control. “An Avoidable contact is a situation where
a driver could have braked and or moved to avoid contact from another car in a timely manner”
13.13 Race Control has the right to make a call or penalty during an event based on
circumstances surrounding the incident. Starting with the Penalty Procedure See Section

13.14 All Penalties are Reviewed after the race by Admins and League Enforcer, If a
Ruling is deemed not necessary that resulted in a loss of positions and or running in the race a
+5 point can be added to Driver Involved at the Admins Approval.

13.15 Racing Line: A Driver tries not to alter his/her racing line to impede pursuing drivers. Any
deviation a driver makes from his or her racing line that impedes the forward progress of a
following car will be considered blocking, Blocking is a legal form of Racing but any incidents
caused by blocking will result in the penalty going to the blocking car not the car trying to make
the move as they were overtaking said driver.
13.16 A driver that is placed on probation shall have all race and personal conduct reviewed
during the duration of the probation. Said drivers are subject to a period of good behavior
under the supervision of the Admin Team. Infractions committed while on probation will result
in additional penalties up to and including removal from the League.
13.17 If a Driver is Suspended from any Series within the league they are not allowed to join
or participate in any Official League Activities involving that weeks race(‘s)
13.18 If a driver is Suspended by iRacing for any reason they will additionally be suspended
from the League until the suspension from iRacing is removed.
13.19 All League Suspensions are Based on the Severity Deemed Necessary by the Race
Control / Admin Team All Suspensions should be looked at Case by Case to Deem weeks,
Starting with 1 Week – 10 Week Suspension.
13.20 A driver who is suspended will have the duration of the suspension made known to
them immediately.
13.21 A driver who has an indefinite suspension will be contacted by a member of the Admin
Team when the suspension has been rescinded. Meaning No Timetable of Return.
13.22 A message will be sent to all members informing them when the Penalty Review is
posted to the Leagues Discord/Website. Members are responsible for reading the reviews and
are expected to be aware of any warnings or penalties that have been issued to them. In cases
where penalties extend to subsequent races (EOL, race suspension, etc.) drivers are expected
to be aware of these rulings and act accordingly.
14.1 Series Admins will complete the Post-Race Penalty Review and post it onto the
Discord/Website within 24 – 48 hours of the completion of an event.
14.2 A protest is a formal request made when a driver is not in agreement with a decision
made by Race Control during the race and/or Admins in the Post-Race Penalty Review. This
includes actions not witnessed by Race Control or that were not included on the post-race
Penalty Report.
14.3 An appeal is a formal request against the punishment levied by Race Control.

14.4 It is a driver’s responsibility to know where they stand regarding threshold penalties. No
advanced notice will be automatically provided. If a driver is concerned about an approaching
penalty, they are instructed to reach out to Race Control and/or Admin directly for their status.
14.5 Drivers will have until 11:59:59 PM EST on Thursday that immediately follows a race
to appeal or protest any decision made by Race Control. Only appeals submitted in the
proper manner, within the deadline will be considered. Appeals and protests should be well
articulated, well-reasoned and provide evidence in consideration of the request. See Section
14.6 Admins will Post the Penalty Review 24 – 48 Hours after the event, If you have an
incident you want looked at being a part of that please notify the admin before the report
is released.
14.7 When a Penalty is Reviewed all Parties involved will be Questioned and a
Decision will be made upon the evidence Admins Have, It is up to you to be truthful
about all incidents in question, If you are found to lie and or make up a assumption of a
incident you can face a penalty of not limited but up to a Suspension.

15.1 ESRA Has Teams incorporated into the league each Team must abide by the Strict rules
in place to make each team fair for the league.
15.2 There is only 16 Charters Available once they are sold there are no more team formations

15.3 A Team is defined as a group of two - four drivers. These drivers compete for the Team
15.5 Once a Team roster is declared official no changes are permitted. In the event a full
time / part-time driver on the team is having issues with the team and or not performing the
Team Owner Reserves the Right to Release said driver, Only under Team Release Guidelines.

• Driver must Not Be Performing for Team

• Missing Multiple Races
• No Communication with the Team
• Gets Suspended/ Put on Probation
• Mutual Agreement

15.6 When a Driver is Picked Up / Released, It is to be notified Via Discord in the For Hir
15.7 Each Team Must abide by the iRating Caps placed to keep all teams even and fair,
The Caps are for all series and can be seen on the Charter Page on the Website

15.8 Every Truck/Car must be the Same Manufacturer Any Driver on a team with a different
Manufacturer will not have points added for team championship and will be in violation of the
rule. You have the Choice as Team owner of Chevy, Toyota, Ford

15.10 Points are calculated by TOTAL points awarded to the driver(‘s) on the team, those
points are totaled and divided by the number of cars in the event for that team, if the Points are
calculated and are 28.5 they will be rounded to the nearest for a Straight Number.
**Example Team gets 86 points total in race and has 3 drivers so their team points would be 28
points for that event and added to championship**
15.11 If a Team has only 1 of their 2,3,4 driver team in the event they will be rewarded with 0
points as there is no AVG to Calculate.
15.12 A Team can have a substitute fill in for a driver missing on their roster due to issues, The
driver must be eligible to compete in that series and abide by all rules and be within the iRating
cap for the team, Team owners are responsible to update their Active Rosters weekly.
15.15 A Team owns the rights to the car numbers, If a driver is released from the team they
can no longer run said number. When moving up the ladder within ESRA it is important to find
an open team to run with; we have 16 charters with over 50 spots available to run FIND A

16.1 Every Series in ESRA is a broadcasted series, with that we expect every Driver to Abide by the
rules within the league, Always be mindful of at any moment being pulled into the broadcast booth
during cautions or breaks for an interview.
16.2 Any Driver who Violates any policy in place during an interview which includes but not
limited to Bashing of Drivers, Curse Words used against Someone, Or anything of that nature
can be Penalized in the Necessary manner by Admins.
16.3 It is a Privilege to be a part of a broadcasted league not a requirement it is up to you to
follow all guidelines and represent the league well when being on the spot light, Always have
the utmost Professional attitude in an interview and don’t forget to always think before you


17.1 Overall, drivers should race how they want to be raced.
17.2 Drivers should always maintain control of their car.
17.3 Show up with a proper attitude towards all competitors and sponsors.
17.4 ALL DRIVERS Must remember that they represent our league outside of ESRA and
should always act and race in a respectful manner in the way they would in ESRA races.
17.5 Each driver should use common sense when making decisions on the track like passing
and entering/exiting the pits.

17.6 League members are required to always conduct themselves professionally and
respectfully. Vocalized opinions, comments, social media posts, on air comments, comments
over race-chat, or private PM during a race session, etc. determined to be a detriment to the
League or its partners will not be tolerated and may result in immediate removal from the
League. Drivers are always expected to be good ambassadors to the League, and this is a
condition of membership.
17.7 If a driver intentionally wrecks themselves to take out other cars and/or provide
advantage for another car, it is Grounds for Possible Suspension/Removal from
17.8 If it is determined that a driver intentionally causes a caution to give advantage or
disadvantage to another driver, it is Grounds for Possible Suspension/Removal from
17.9 If it is determined that a driver intentionally wrecks another member or threatens to do
so, it is Grounds for Possible Suspension/Removal from League
17.10 Intentional wall Riding in a League event for an Advantage will be grounds for
Suspension/Removal from League
17.11 ESRA Asks all drivers to just go out there prepared and know that it is a long race, so be
patient, wait for your opportunities, and take them safely when you can. Any drivers that have
issues with another driver should take up the issue with an Admin at the end of a race Per
Rules and go through the Proper Procedures of making your issue known. Never bring an issue
or problem up during an event!
17.12 If anyone tries handling a dispute in the middle of a ESRA Official Event it’s a -5 point
penalty from your points in your respected series and if they have to be told again it’s an
Automatic Removal from the event pending a review for further penalty.
17.13 We respect every member of ESRA There is no Advantage from any admin or Biased
Opinions. All Admins and situations are handled accordingly to the rules and are subject to
further review farther up the chain if something was off, Here at ESRA we hold the Highest
Standard for our Admin Crew and will Penalize and/or Discipline any admin accordingly with
possible removal, upon a review of the situation If one was to come up. Every Admin is to Show
Professionalism when Dealing with issues within the league and will hear all sides before
making decisions.


18.1 Each Position within NLR is especially important for the Consistency and running of the
league, we uphold the Rules and put them into play and MUST abide by every single policy in
the Rulebook.
18.2 RC are responsible for all officiating decisions made during the race, including the
throwing of manual yellow flags and all in-race warnings and penalties issued to drivers. Race
Controllers will issue all Race penalties and Answer any questions as to why and such at the
end of events, Additionally, Admins of Series may be brought into Race Control to assist and
advise as needed.
18.2 RC will also Create a Post-Race Report of issues within the race and bring it to the
attention of the Series Admins after each event where they will talk and look at all accidents and
penalties and address issues where needed.
18.3 RC will communicate on the Race Control channel during the race session. Other
members of Race Control and the Admin Team will not communicate through this channel. As
the only person that you should hear is the Official for the Event. Members of Race Control
may enter private team channels on Discord at their discretion and/or Drag Members up to
Race Control.
18.4 Should there be no RC personnel available to serve in Race Control, the event will be run
by members of the Admin Team who are NOT participating in the race. All in-race officiating will
be handled according to Rules. At the end of the race a post-race review will be conducted,
and every attempt will be made to address any issues or incidents missed during the race.

18.5 Each Race will Have a MIN of 2 or more RC present at a time and officiating the race.
18.6 All decisions made by Race Control during the race are FINAL until after the event in
which a post-race review will happen with the series admins and/or League Enforcer to see if
any penalties or incidents were over seen or not called according to Rules. (This Means do not
argue a penalty after each race we will make sure the right thing is done and review every

18.7 RC and the Admin Team will not discuss any rulings made in any public setting or
explain any process or decision-making logic to anyone other than the driver receiving the
penalty. (Once Penalty is Set it will Publicly Announced)

18.8 Drivers are permitted to appeal the severity and/or length of a disciplinary action against
them. They must provide very specific evidence and a well-reasoned argument for their request
to be considered.
18.9 Members of the RC Team may be called to vote on incidents involving any driver within
the League During the Event Quickly and are expected to be able to rule fairly, impartially and
professionally on behalf of all League drivers.
18.10 When ruling on conduct, incidents off the track, driver behavior, voice chat violations,
and on-track incidents, it is the responsibility of Race Control to interpret the League’s Rules
and enact punitively where needed. Every situation will be treated as a lone incident, except
where necessary to establish a pattern, however, precedent may not apply if involving other
drivers or other races. It is the intention of Race Control to act upon conclusive evidence, which
would require conclusive evidence to have a call overturned. When, in the opinion of Race
Control, the evidence is inconclusive Race Control will rule in favor of “no action.”
18.11 In a NETCODE Incident, RC holds the right to deem a at fault if it was going to happen
without NETCODE, They must watch replay and decide if it is applicable, NETCODE incidents
can be Deemed Racing Incident(‘s) Which will Result in No Penalty Issued if the RC See’s No
18.12 Race Controllers Must Sit in the Discord Race Control Channel and monitor the race
from there, When a Driver is Subject of a penalty they will be moved to the channel to discuss
the penalty and agree and be moved back, Remember no need to argue as EVERY penalty is
reviewed at the end of the race for possible over ruling if deemed not necessary.
18.13 Race Controllers have a very hard job as they are the face of the rulebook on Race Day.
It is up to making the right calls and every RC can be Punished for No Good Calls by higher
ups in the league. And could be Removed as RC. Be patient and understand things happen in a
race fast so everything may not be caught. That is what the post-race Penalty Review is for. We
want the fairest race called each race.
18.14 Voice Chat will be managed solely by Race Control during events. Please understand
that senseless chatter, text messages, well wishes, catch phrases, etc. are prohibited. This is
the only way to control our product and the integrity of the racing. Remember, other drivers are
trying to focus, still trying to race, and voice interruptions are an unnecessary distraction.

18.5 Race Control reserves the right to repeat warnings, disable chat for drivers, add
additional penalties, and/or skip steps at their discretion deemed necessary


19.1 League Owner Is Brandon Frohnapfel. With a Focus on making this the Top Premier
League in iRacing He looks to put forth his best effort to never let a single member down!
Starting in iRacing in late 2012 Brandon has the knowledge of the do’s and don'ts of a league.
ESRA is becoming one of the biggest leagues in iRacing.

19.4 Series Admin Both series have a set of 2 admins, and this is to ensure unbiased
opinions. They take care of all things to do with the series, Recruiting, penalties, answering
questions, practices, making sure members read rules, making sure everyone is set and ready
for race day, getting to know members, rule tweaks, the list can go on. These guys are your go
to guys, before going anywhere you must go through them to make your mark if they can not
help or by all means go higher. Our Admins are held to a high standard to uphold all league
policies whether they own a portion of a team or not and should treat every situation as it is
meant per rules no matter the person. Any admin found not doing so will be removed from
their role. Series Admins write up the post-race penalty review, if you have any issues in your
series you come to them as the league enforcer is only penalized and the write ups. These
guys will have your answers for you at the end of the day.

19.5 Race Control is a Roll much needed in a league as they are the officiator of every event
for a particular series, They enforce all rules and regulations during a event, After the races
they are to answer to admins and/or league enforcers for possible issues that came from the
event per their rulings. A post-race Penalty review will be written up by RC and the other
admins involved with enforcing penalties. RC is to keep the Integrity of the race in order thru
the whole event and have a positive impact on all drivers racing.

19.6 Members are the Bread and Butter of every league and we can't appreciate and thank
each and everyone of them for their desire and will to race in ESRA. It means the world to the
admin team to have such great members supporting the league in every way possible.
Conduct detrimental to the League may include but is not limited to any action or actions by
members that the Admin Team deems harmful or destructive to the League, other members, or
its sponsors to include social media posts, and on-air behavior. Conduct or actions that create a
negative or destructive environment is strongly discouraged. Based on the severity and or
nature of the conduct it may result in a warning, probation, penalty, suspension, or removal from
the League.

There is not a rule for every situation, but as new or unique situations occur, rules may
be added to bring further enhancements and improvements to the League. In the event of
a situation occurring with no rules in place, the decisions during an event will be
considered final. After said event, a review of the situation will be made to determine
what can be done to fix or improve the rules to avoid any potential problems in the

League members are not expected to like every team or driver. We encourage professional
rivalries and heated, season long and career long battles. League members are expected to be
professional and respectful. Abusive, threatening, bullying, harassing language, texts, social
media posts, etc., will not be tolerated. This includes League members, visitors, Admins, Race
Control, broadcast personnel, sponsors, etc. We will continue to enforce a zero-tolerance policy
for poor conduct off the track. League members are reminded that Personal Conduct is
completely subjective. Disciplinary action for Personal Conduct is at the discretion of the Admin
Team and is not appealable.

Personal Conduct also applies when appealing decisions made by Race Control. Drivers are
encouraged to be honest in their appeals and state their case. At no time will threatening,
harassing, abusive, ‘calling someone out’ etc. be tolerated.

League members are expected to control their emotions and will be held accountable for their
actions. At no time will statements against any driver or League sponsors be tolerated. Drivers
are encouraged to keep their opinions to themselves. Conduct or actions determined to be
detrimental to the League will not be tolerated. This includes social media, race interviews,
news articles, etc. Attacking, complaining, discrediting, insulting the League, etc. are grounds
for immediate removal. Personal Conduct does not forbid being critical, but it does require that
words and actions be chosen carefully.

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