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Simulation of residential project using BIM

Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements
of the degree of
Master of Technology in Construction Project Management

Akash Patel
Roll No. IU1451190005
Guided by:
Sheth Umang

Civil Engineering


Approval Sheet
This dissertation entitled “Simulation of residential project using BIM concept” by Akash
A. Patel is approved for the degree of master of technology in construction project





Guided by




Head of Department



Place: Ahmedabad

I declare that this written submission represents my ideas in my own words and where others'
ideas or words have been included, I have adequately cited and referenced the original sources.
I also declare that I have adhered to all principles of academic honesty and integrity and have
not misrepresented or fabricated or falsified any idea/data/fact/source in my submission. I
understand that any violation of the above will be cause for disciplinary action by the Institute
and can also evoke penal action from the sources which have thus not been properly cited or
from whom proper permission has not been taken when needed.


Akash Patel
(Name of the student)

(Roll No.)



I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my internal guide Mr. Umang Sheth for
his kind understanding, academic guidance, moral support and extra patience over the time
period he has committed to my research. I would also like to show my special appreciation to
Mr. Jay Maniar of M.A.R.S. Consultancy for his efforts and patience in taking time to review
my master thesis, offering advice about how to improve my thesis. I have obtained beneficial
research advice from these people, which has good impacts on my present research and thesis
I would also like to appreciate the consideration and help from all other faculties of
Construction Project Management Department for their imparting me professional Civil
Engineering and Project Management knowledge and assisting me to deal with various
problems in my post graduate study at Indus University. A special thank you to our Head of
Department Mr. Tejendra tank for the help rendered by him whenever it was needed.


In construction industry, to develop a construction schedule, visualization of 2D design

documents is necessary. Planner needs to study 2D documents with their related construction
activities, and then mentally visualize the construction sequence.

Building Information Modelling (BIM) is a process involving the creation and management of
objective data with property, unique identity and relationship. In the Architecture, Engineering
and Construction (AEC) industry, BIM is adopted a lot in the lifecycle of buildings because of
the high integration of information that it enables. 4D modeling technologies, visually
representing the construction schedule time along with the 3D model components, has the
potential to aid this learning process by providing a common visual language for students. This
thesis presents Implementation of project management function with use of BIM concept in
residential building.

To assess the effectiveness of using 4D modeling to visualize a construction schedule, a case

study research project is being performed where a 3D model is being generated and a
construction schedule with the aid of a 4D learning module. The 4D learning modules were
developed using two different 4D modeling applications. Finally, a conclusion will be made
on whether it is beneficiary and practical to apply 4D scheduling in any construction project,
and recommendations will be made based on the same.

Table of Contents
Title Page…………………………………………………………………...….……. I

Approval Sheet…………………………………………………………...….....…...II




1. Introduction .............................................................................................................. 1

1.1 General .............................................................................................................. 1

1.2 Need for the study ............................................................................................. 2

1.3 Objective ........................................................................................................... 4

1.4 Scope ................................................................................................................. 4

1.5 Research methodology ...................................................................................... 5

2. Literature Review ..................................................................................................... 7

2.1 Building Information Modelling ....................................................................... 7

2.1.1 The Value of BIM in Construction .............................................................. 9

2.1.2 Benefits ...................................................................................................... 10

2.1.3 Application of BIM ................................................................................... 13

2.1.4 Level of Development ............................................................................... 14

2.1.5 BIM Dimensions ....................................................................................... 18

2.2 Current Trend in Application of BIM in Construction Industry ..................... 21

2.3 Current Trend in Application of BIM in Indian Construction Industry ......... 22

2.4 Bim concept with respect to scheduling of project ......................................... 25

2.4.1 Concept of 4D BIM ................................................................................... 25

2.4.2 Drivers and enablers for 4D schedule........................................................ 26

2.4.3 Model based scheduling ............................................................................ 28

2.4.4 Clash Detection ......................................................................................... 29

2.4.5 Just in time (JIT) ........................................................................................ 29

3. Data Collection ....................................................................................................... 31

3.1 Study area profile ............................................................................................ 31

4. A case study of residential project ......................................................................... 33

4.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................... 33

4.1.1 Software tools selected .............................................................................. 34

4.2 3D Modeling ................................................................................................... 34

4.2.1 Process description .................................................................................... 34

4.3 Time schedule ................................................................................................. 37

4.4 4D Model ........................................................................................................ 39

4.4.1 Bringing the model from Revit to Navisworks ......................................... 39

4.5 4D Simulation of the construction process ..................................................... 46

5. Analysis and discussion ......................................................................................... 48

5.1 4D Scheduling and animation ......................................................................... 48

5.2 Benefits of 4D scheduling over traditional scheduling ................................... 49

6. Conclusion.............................................................................................................. 52

6.1 Further Research ............................................................................................. 53

Reference ....................................................................................................................... 55

Appendix I ..................................................................................................................... 57

Appendix II ................................................................................................................... 60

Appendix III .................................................................................................................. 70

List of Figures
Figure 1.1 ‘Start Excavation’ Must Choose a Side ......................................................... 3

Figure 1.2 different phase of thesis with time line .......................................................... 5

Figure 1.3 Research methodology................................................................................... 6

Figure 2.1 BIM process ................................................................................................... 7

Figure 2.2 Illustration of the difference between CAD objects and BIM objects. .......... 8

Figure 2.3 BIM roadmap ............................................................................................... 13

Figure 2.4 Level of Development ................................................................................. 17

Figure 2.5 BIM Dimensions [9]...................................................................................... 20

Figure 2.6 Reasons for not using Bim in India [11] ........................................................ 22

Figure 2.7 Adopting BIM leads to greater efficiency. [11] ............................................. 23

Figure 2.8 The Progress of BIM Application achievement [14] ..................................... 27

Figure 2.2.9 Clash detection.......................................................................................... 29

Figure 4.1 Task ID parameter of a rectangular column ................................................ 36

Figure 4.2 Original BIM model created in Revit 2016 ................................................. 36

Figure 4.3 comment parameter of different activities ................................................... 37

Figure 4.4 Time schedule in Navisworks ...................................................................... 38

Figure 4.5 Different Autodesk Navisworks file formats [18] ......................................... 40

Figure 4.6 BIM model opened in Navisworks Manage 2016 ....................................... 41

Figure 4.7 BIM model opened in Navisworks Manage 2016 ...................................... 42

Figure 4.8 find item tool with its condition................................................................... 43

Figure 4.9 Fields mapped in the field selector .............................................................. 44

Figure 4.10 Auto-Attachment of elements to tasks Using Time liner Rules by Task ID
(comments) ............................................................................................................................... 45
Figure 4.11 Navisworks ‘time liner’ simulator showing an intermediate stage of the
construction. ............................................................................................................................. 46

List of Tables
Table 2.1 BIM users by organization type [12]............................................................... 24

Table 2.2 Level of usage amongst BIM users [12] ......................................................... 24

Table 5.1 Traditional scheduling problems with BIM solution .................................... 50

1. Introduction

1.1 General

The real estate and construction industry is one of the world’s larger industries but also
one of the most fragmented. The characteristic view of the industry is of a brought together
multidisciplinary group in a unique project facing great coordinating issues. Advances in
information and communication technology (ICT) have been put forward as a tool to deal with
these coordination issues in order to improve the industries historically low productivity.

During the last three decades the construction industry has seen drastic improvement of
the use of IT. The latest and most promising in these developments is the use of Building
information modelling (BIM). BIM can be described as a tool that enables storage and reuse of
information and domain knowledge throughout the lifecycle of the project. Therefore, BIM has
a main role of coordinating and integrating the exchange of information and knowledge
between different disciplines and phases within the project.

The use of BIM in a construction project both has the potential benefit of improving
product quality, and enabling more sustainable designs of buildings.

Even though the economic and environmental benefits of BIM is widely, the adoption
of this new technology has been slow. [1]
Building Information Modeling (BIM) is an emerging technology throughout the world
in the Architecture, Engineering, and Construction (AEC) industries. BIM technology provide
users with accurate and consistent building data and information, accommodates the functions
needed to model the building and provides a virtual view of the building model. Building
Information models are also increasingly used by diverse stakeholders during the project
lifecycle such as Owners, Designers, Contractors and Engineers. As a key part in the project
lifecycle, contractors play an important role in making sure the project will be delivered on time
and within the budget. This thesis will show how BIM technology will benefit contractors for
planning and scheduling. [2]

A 4d model is created to identify the order in which elements should be constructed or

demolished. A 4D model is introduced by linking the 3D model of the project with generated
schedules from suitable scheduling software. Then a 4D simulation is created in suitable
software which lists the sequence of works to be carried out in a date wise manner. The
simulation model determines the idleness of resources and locates any potential bottlenecks. To
achieve this, the developed simulation model should reflect the real world system.

1.2 Need for the study

 In the construction projects, construction managers face many problems such as

over budget projects, schedule errors, omission of some activities like safety tasks
that originate from poor planning methods.
 The traditional way of planning is done by using 2D drawings, sketches, Gantt-
charts, forecasts, etc., and information from several disciplines needs to be included
in the schedule.
 Traditional scheduling methods show dependencies between activities but they do
not connect the tree dimensions of space with aspects of time. Information of space

and time is closely related and important for planning, evaluation, monitoring, and
coordination of the construction process.
 The scheduler now has to make some choices earlier based on more refined
decisions. It is no longer enough to have the activity ‘Start excavation’ – a particular
area has to be chosen to start and another to end to make sense visually.
 Creating this link between space and time is one of the visions with BIM and
referred to as the fourth dimension of CAD. The main idea is to connect activities
in the time plan to objects in the 3D model, enabling visual simulations of the
building process by hiding and revealing objects in a sequential order.
 The visualized 4D models can help managers make decisions about different method
alternatives, and since every object can be coded with information such as size,

Figure 1.1 ‘Start Excavation’ Must Choose a Side

material, required workforce and equipment, they can be used to make time plans,
material delivery plans, purchasing schedules, etc.
 That should drive the development and adoption of 4D BIM.

1.3 Objective

 To study current trend in application of BIM in construction industry.

 To Understand BIM concept with respect to scheduling of project.

 To generate & simulate virtual model using project design software & project management

1.4 Scope

Scheduling of construction projects involves defining construction methods and tasks,

sequencing of tasks, resource allocation, resource leveling, activity duration estimating, cash
flow analysis, and calendar and staff allocations.

 This study is limited only to activity sequencing because of time constraints.

 Case study for research is limited to only residential building in Ahmedabad having area
up to 90000 sq. ft.

 In this study only Revit and Naviswork is used as design software for creating LOD 100
model and Microsoft Project as project management software.

 Due to contractor’s legal binding with the consultant, steel detailing is not considering
while creating BIM model.

1.5 Research methodology

This thesis includes practical and theoretical research. For theoretical part literature
review is done which is basically based on e papers. This study consists of 4 different phases
to accomplish the aims and objective. Phase 1 include the literature review and theoretical part
of study. The practical part involves Phase 2 and Phase 3. In phase 2 BIM model is being
generated with help of Autodesk Revit. And also time schedule is prepared using MS Project.
In phase 3 Autodesk Naviswork is being used for simulation of time schedule and 3D model to
create 4D model. And the final phase is for conclusion and opportunities and limitations derive
from the study.

In phase 4 conclude the research work and also discuss its outcome with opportunities
& limitation for simulation of residential project.

Practical part of thesis which consist 3D model making from 2D cad drawing using
Autodesk Revit and scheduling using Microsoft project. Than after with the help of Naviswork
linking 3D model with MSP schedule for creating 4D BIM.

Figure 1.2 different phase of thesis with time line

For this thesis work, simulation of a residential building project will be prepared using
BIM. For that building its 2D drawings and general specifications will be collected. Based on
this two types of data a 3D model will be prepared in Revit. Also a basic work breakdown
structure will be prepared based on which MSP schedule will be prepared. Next, the schedule
will be linked with the 3D model based on which a simulation will be prepared.

Figure 1.3 Research methodology

2. Literature Review

2.1 Building Information Modelling

The Building Information Model is primarily a three dimensional digital representation

of a building and its intrinsic characteristics. It is made of intelligent building components
which includes data attributes and parametric rules for each object. For instance, a door of
certain material and dimension is parametrically related and hosted by a wall. Furthermore,
BIM provides consistent and coordinated views and representations of the digital model

Figure 2.1 BIM process

including reliable data for each view. This saves a lot of designer’s time since each view is
coordinated through the built-in intelligence of the model.
According to the National BIM Standard, Building Information Model is “a digital
representation of physical and functional characteristics of a facility and a shared knowledge
resource for information about a facility forming a reliable basis for decisions during its life-
cycle; defined as existing from earliest conception to demolition”

Building Information Modeling (BIM) is the process and practice of virtual design and
construction throughout its lifecycle. It is a platform to share knowledge and communicate
between project participants. In other words, Building Information Modeling is the process of
developing the Building Information Model. [3]

A building information model differs from a conventional 3D model in the way that it
is built up by objects. These objects, e.g. building parts, relate to each other in the model and
contain different information.

Figure 2.2 Illustration of the difference between CAD objects and BIM objects.

Figure 2.2 illustrates the difference between CAD objects and BIM objects. Examples
of object information that can be included are geometry, spatial relationships, geographic
information, quantities and object properties such as material, weight, color, unit cost, and
assembly time. Based on this information cost estimates, project schedules, and quantity lists
can be created. Furthermore, changes in the model will be transferred to all documents
generated from the model. Many 3D models are only created to visualize surfaces and are not
built in the same intelligent way as a BIM model. But this is not to say that a BIM model cannot
be the basis for 3D visualization used for attractive pictures and environments. [4]

2.1.1 The Value of BIM in Construction

The value of BIM in construction comes in many shapes and sizes. Whether it’s the
ability to save time through automated functions, eliminate the need to travel to a meeting, or
save money because better information is available earlier to make cost-effective decisions,
they all have the same focus: results.

It’s hard to imagine an area of our daily lives in which technology doesn’t affect us,
particularly in the workplace. The same is true within the construction industry. The advent of
BIM and the rise of application-based technologies have opened door sand arguably created
one of the most exciting new dynamics since Microsoft excel. Over the last 50 years, the
construction industry has had just a handful of notable technological innovations compared to
other industries. Granted, there were many innovations in material research, installation
methodologies, and energy efficiency, such as prefabrication, eco-friendly materials, and green
building design. However, the technologies used by project teams for construction management
remained largely the same. Now, innovation is becoming a part of the way contractors deliver
their work and differentiate themselves from their competitors. As a result, we are starting to
see a healthy ecosystem of supply and demand for ever better tools between technology vendors
and construction management firms willing to invest to drive efficiencies, as is evident in the
rise of contractors adopting BIM technologies.

BIM as we have come to know it is largely based on object-based parametric modeling

technologies that were developed by the parametric Technologies corporation in the 1980s.
BIM for the construction industry was commercially available as a tool in the early 1990s with
the ability for computers to handle the size and processing requirements of 3D cad models. The
acquisition of Naviswork by Autodesk in 2007 served as a catalyst for BIM adoption among
contractors because of its ability to integrate multiple BIM file types. As BIM became more
mainstream from 2007–2010, the series of follow-on applications, services, and hardware that
were associated with this exciting new tool grew significantly. This surge in quantity of BIM-
related plugins, add-ons, and applications created the two new dynamics that we outlined
previously. The first dynamic was the early stages of the technology “renaissance” that moved

the topic spotlight to the construction space and where it stood in its use of technology. The
second dynamic created was the challenge imposed upon construction firms to select the right
BIM tools that worked together to create value. This is a very exciting time for BIM and
technology within construction.

The percentage of companies using BIM jumped from 28% in 2007, to 49% in 2009,
and to 71% in 2012. For the first time ever, more contractors are using BIM than architects.

BIM continues to redefine the way the construction sector builds and works together.
The core value of BIM that the construction industry should be aware of is the ability to take
model information and extend its use by giving it meaning for other related workflows and
processes. These workflows include impacts to basic functionality such as estimating,
scheduling, logistics, and safety. [5]

2.1.2 Benefits

 Benefits of BIM: The benefits of BIM have major impacts on quality control, on-time
completion, overall cost, units/man-hour, dollars/unit and safety. Following are some
of the currently recognized benefits of BIM.
 Faster and more effective processes: According to the survey conducted by McGraw-
Hill constructions, more than 48% of the owners say that overall project outcomes are
of high benefit. There are very few RFI’s and field coordination problems. BIM helps
transfer information easily. It can be more value added and reused. Also BIM helps in
quickly reacting to design or site problems.
 Better Design: The models can be rigorously analyzed, simulations can be performed
quickly and performance benchmarked. There is better communication and
understanding from 3D visualization.
 Reducing Rework: The problems are fixed early in the design and hence there will be
fewer issues in the plans and hence fewer hassles. Any design changes entered to the
building model is automatically updated. Hence, there will be less rework due to

possible drawing errors/omissions. More than 80% of the people surveyed by McGraw
Hill construction (2009) agreed that reducing rework is very important and BIM helps
in achieving it.

 Better Collaboration: BIM facilitates early participation of all the players and
simultaneous work by them. This shortens the design time and also reduces errors and
omissions. This also helps reduce cost as value engineering is done simultaneously and
not at the end of design process.

 Generation of accurate and consistent 2D drawings at any stage: Accurate and

consistent 2D drawings can be extracted at any time in the project process. If any
changes are incorporated in the model, it is immediately updated accurately and hence
fully consistent drawing can be generated as soon as design modifications are entered.

 Early check against design intent: BIM not only provides 3D visualization but also
quantifies material quantities. This helps in accurate and early cost estimating. Hence
the design intent of a building both quantitatively and qualitatively can be checked early
in the process.

 Controlled whole-life costs and environmental data: Environmental performance

and life cycle costs are more predictable and better understood.

 Cost estimation possible during design stage: The BIM helps get the bill of quantities
at any stage of the design. These values can be used to get a more accurate cost
estimation at early phase of a project. Hence, a better-informed design decision can be
made and also be aware of cost implications of the design.

 Improving energy efficiency and sustainability: The building model can be linked
with energy modeling tool to evaluate energy use and hence provide opportunity to
design buildings with better energy efficiency, thus improving the building quality.

 Synchronizing Design and Construction Planning: The 3D objects in the design

model can be linked to the construction plan and hence it is possible to show how the
building and the site would look at any point in time.

 Detection of errors and omissions (Clash detection): This is the most rated way by
which owners save time and money using BIM. In 2D drawings, any changes in one
drawing are not updated in other related drawings. This leads to many inconsistency and
hence lots of errors and omissions. Lot of these errors is detected only after the work
has started at the site, which might lead to many site conflicts, legal disputes and change
orders. However, use of BIM eliminates these issues. Conflicts are identified before
they are detected at site and hence co-ordination between the designers and the
contractors are enhanced. Detection of errors speeds the construction process, reduces
costs, minimizes legal disputes and provides a better project process.

 Reducing conflicts and Changes: The errors and omissions are detected early in the
design and hence there will be fewer conflicts and changes. According to the survey
conducted by McGraw Hill Construction, engineers feel that reduced conflicts and
changes add maximum value to the project.

 Verification, guidance and tracking of activities: To err is human. Even if the

modeling is accurate, there could be some error in the construction due to human error.
But use of BIM helps detect these errors quickly and easily even with the traditional
method of daily site walks. More sophisticated techniques as the following are evolving
to support field verification, guide layout, and track information.

o Laser scanning technology

o GPS technologies

o RFID tags

 Use of design as a basis for fabricated components: Digital product data can be
exploited in the downstream process and be used for manufacturing/assembling of
structural systems. In BIM, the components are already defined in 3D and hence their
automated fabrications using numerical control machinery is facilitated. This facilitates
accurate off site fabrication and hence reduces cost and construction time. Likelihood
of on-site changes is reduced, and then larger components can be fabricated without the
worry of later possible dimension change due to other items being constructed. The site

is also safer since more items are fabricated off site and trucked to the site keeping onsite
trades minimum.

 Better manage and operate buildings: The BIM provides a good source of
information for all the systems used in the building, which the owner can use to check
if all the systems are working properly as the building is completed. Also, the
information about warranty and maintenance on mechanical equipment, control systems
and other systems can be provided and thus help a better

Figure 2.3 BIM roadmap

2.1.3 Application of BIM

 Visualization: BIM allows generation of 3D renderings in-house with very little effort.
This is very important for visualization of the project

 Fabrication/Shop Drawings: For various building systems, the shop drawings can be
very easily generated as soon as the model is complete. Example: shop drawings of
sheet metal ductwork.
 Code Reviews: Fire departments and other official bodies to review the building
projects for better results use the BIM drawings.
 Forensic Analysis: Potential failures can be graphically illustrated using BIM.
Example, leaks, evacuation plans etc.
 Facilities Management: BIM can be used for space renovations, planning and
maintenance operations.
 Cost Estimating: BIM software can be used for accurate detailed estimating. They have
built in cost estimating features, which helps in updating the material quantity whenever
any changes are made to the model
 Construction Sequencing: BIM can be used for create an effective schedule of material
ordering, fabrication, and delivery of all building components.
 Conflict, Interference and Collision detection: BIM helps in visually inspecting for
all interferences, clashes and collision and thus reduce conflicts.

2.1.4 Level of Development

LOD (Level of Development) was developed by Vicosoftware, a software company that

produces construction costing software. They saw the advantages of costing straight from a
BIM model, but had a problem. How do you tell how accurate, or how definitive, the model
elements you are connecting to in the model are? Traditional methods of costing have a human
between what was being measured and the way it was being measured. But automatic take off
from the BIM model doesn't.

So they developed the concept they call "Level of Detail". A measure of how definitive
an element is in terms of costing it. So LOD 100 meant not very definitive, an area or volume
rate is accurate enough, LOD 200 you can assume the number of items in the model is correct,

but use an estimate for each, LOD 300 items are identified and actual cost can be used, LOD
400 is a measure what has actually been supplied so can be used to assess payments.

Then the AIA (American Institute of Architects) decided that this system would be a
good one to apply to all uses of a BIM model, from energy analysis to 5D programming. They
sensibly renamed it "Level of Development" because "Level of Detail" could get confused with
the amount of information, rather than the decisiveness of the information. Although both still
have an acronym of LOD so the two continue get confused. Others have taken up the concept,
and today it has become one of few common BIM concepts that is kind of understood by all.

LOD, as in "Level of Development", is a measure of how seriously you take the

information represented by a BIM element. It is not necessarily a measure of the amount of
information, although obviously there must be enough information to satisfy the LOD level it
is at. It is also not a measure of the amount or accuracy of graphical information. The appearance
of a BIM element is only one piece of information about that object, and usually the least
important. A contractor doesn't need to know what a desk looks like to order it, nor to place it
in the building. But they do need to know what the manufacturer and model number is. Others
may need to know its dimensions to coordinate with things around it, but they too do not
necessarily need to know what it looks like.

 LOD 100 - Basically, the equivalent of conceptual design. The Model Element may be
graphically represented in the Model with a symbol or other generic representation, but
does not satisfy the requirements for LOD 200. Information related to the Model
Element (i.e. cost per square foot, tonnage of HVAC, etc.) can be derived from other
Model Elements.

 LOD 200 - Similar to schematic design or design development. The Model Element is
graphically represented within the Model as a generic system, object, or assembly with
approximate quantities, size, shape, location, and orientation. Non-graphic information
may also be attached to the Model Element.

 LOD 300 - The Model Element is graphically represented within the Model as a specific
system, object or assembly in terms of quantity, size, shape, location, and orientation.
Non-graphic information may also be attached to the Model Element. Model elements
equivalent to traditional construction documents and shop drawings.
 LOD 350 - The Model Element is graphically represented within the Model as a specific
system, object, or assembly in terms of quantity, size, shape, orientation, and interfaces
with other building systems. Non-graphic information may also be attached to the
Model Element.

 LOD 400 - This level is considered suitable for fabrication and assembly. The Model
Element is graphically represented within the Model as a specific system, object or
assembly in terms of size, shape, location, quantity, and orientation with detailing,
fabrication, assembly, and installation information. Non-graphic information may also
be attached to the Model Element.

 LOD 500 - This level represents the project as it has been constructed including as-built
conditions. The Model Element is a field verified representation in terms of size, shape,
location, quantity, and orientation. Non-graphic information may also be attached to the
Model Elements.

Therefore, LOD levels for a chair might go

LOD 100 = there is a chair

LOD 200 = there is a chair that has nominal space requirement of 500x500

LOD 300 = there is a chair with arm rests and wheels

LOD 400 = manufacturer and model number.

LOD 500 = manufacturer and model number, supplier, date purchased

Or in general terms:

LOD 100 = there is a thing

LOD 200 = there is a thing about this size

LOD 300 = there is a thing with these functions and options

LOD 400 = it is this particular thing.

LOD 500 = this particular thing provided by this person on this date.

The purpose of an LOD table is that it tells others what information they CAN USE. To
put it another way, it is a measure of the certainty, or confidence, of that information.
So even if a chair in the model contains information that would satisfy LOD 400, only
the portion of that information that satisfies LOD 100 can be relied upon with any
certainty. This means a chair family from a manufacturer could be used at LOD 100,
but everyone knows (by referring to the LOD table) that this particular chair is not
necessarily the one that will be actually used. LOD is also a measure of progress. At
LOD 100 there is obviously more work to do to reach LOD 300. In that sense it is like
the traditional percentage complete of drawings. Assuming LOD 500 is 100%, then

Figure 2.4 Level of Development

LOD 100 = 20%, LOD 200 = 40%, LOD 300 = 60% etc.
Except LOD contains more information. It tells you how decisive each element is; not
just how complete its representation is on a drawing. It is more useful to know that on
a plan the floor is 60% complete (LOD 300), the walls are 50% complete (LOD 250)

and the service ducts are 40% complete (LOD 200), rather than the whole drawing is
50% complete (the average of all elements). [8]

2.1.5 BIM Dimensions

3D – Model

 Model walkthroughs: These provide a great visualization tool enabling designers and
contractors to work together to identify and resolve problems with the help of the model
before walking on-site.

 Clash detection: Traditionally design drawings must be coordinated to assure that

different building systems do not clash and can actually be constructed in the allowed
space. Accordingly, most clashes are identified when the contractor receives the design
drawings and everyone is on-site and working. With clashes being detected so late,
delay is caused and decisions need to be made very quickly in order to provide a
solution. BIM enables potential problems to be identified early in the design phase and
resolved before construction begins. Illustrating the advantages of BIM, one project for
the General Services Administration in America saw BIM model reviewers find 257
constructability issues and 7,213 conflicts. On the same project, traditional plan
reviewers found six constructability issues and one conflict.

 Project visualization: Simple schedule simulation can show the owner what the
building will look like as construction progresses. This provides a very useful and
successful marketing tool for all those involved in a project. Contractors can also use
project visualization to understand how the building will come together.

 Virtual mock-up models: Often on large projects the owner will request physical
mock-up models so they can visualize, better understand and make decisions about the
aesthetics and the functionality of part of the project. BIM modelling enables virtual
mock-ups to be made and tested for a fraction of the cost.

 Prefabrication: The level of construction information in a BIM model means that
prefabrication can be utilized with greater assurance that prefabricated components will
fit once on-site. As a result, more construction work can be performed offsite, cost
efficiently, in controlled factory conditions and then efficiently installed.

4D – Time

 Construction planning and management: BIM models provide a means of verifying

site logistics and yard operations by including tools to visually depict the space
utilization of the job site throughout a project's construction. The model can include
temporary components such as cranes, Lorries and fencing. Traffic access routes for
Lorries, cranes, lifts, and other large items can also be incorporated into the model as
part of the logistics plan. Tools can further be used to enhance the planning and
monitoring of health and safety precautions needed on-site as the project progresses.

 Schedule visualization: By watching the schedule visualization, project members will

be able to make sound decisions based upon multiple sources of accurate real-time
information. Within the BIM model a chart can be used to show the critical path and
visually show the dependency of some sequences on others. As the design is changed,
advanced BIM models will be able to automatically identify those changes that will
affect the critical path and indicate what their corresponding impact will be on the
overall delivery of the project.

5D – Cost

 Quantity Takeoffs: To determine a project's construction cost and requirements,

contractors traditionally perform material ‘take-offs’ manually, a process fraught with
the potential for error. With BIM, the model includes information that allows a
contractor to accurately and rapidly generate an array of essential estimating
information, such as materials quantities and costs, size and area estimates, and
productivity projections. As changes are made, estimating information automatically
adjusts, allowing greater contractor productivity.

 ‘Real Time’ cost estimating: In a BIM model cost data can be added to each object
enabling the model to automatically calculate a rough estimate of material costs. This

provides a valuable tool for designers, enabling them to conduct value engineering.
However, it should be noted that overall project pricing would still require the expertise
of a cost estimator.

6D –Sustainability
 6D-BIM (sixth-dimensional building information modelling) helps perform energy
consumption analyses.
 The utilization of 6D-BIM technology can result in more complete and accurate energy
estimates earlier in the design process. It also allows for measurement and verification
during building occupation, and improved processes for gathering lessons learned in
high performance facilities.

Figure 2.5 BIM Dimensions [9]

7D - Facilities Management

 7D is sometimes referred to as Facilities Management. Other times it is ascribed to other

aspects of the construction process.

 Lifecycle management: Where a model is created by the designer and updated

throughout the construction phase, it will have the capacity to become an ‘as built’
model, which also can be turned over to the owner. The model will be able to contain
all of the specifications, operation and maintenance (O&M) manuals and warranty
information, useful for future maintenance. This eliminates the problems that can
currently be experienced if the O&M manual has been misplaced or is kept at a remote

 Data Capture: Sensors can feed back and record data relevant to the operation phase
of a building, enabling BIM to be used to model and evaluate energy efficiency, monitor
a building's life cycle costs and optimize its cost efficiency. It also enables the owner to
evaluate the cost-effectiveness of any proposed upgrades. [9]

2.2 Current Trend in Application of BIM in Construction


McGraw Hill Construction (2008) published a comprehensive market report of BIM’s

use in the AEC industry in 2008 and projections for 2009 based on the findings of a
questionnaire survey completed by 82 architects, 101 engineers, 80 contractors, and 39 owners
(total sample size of 302) in the United States. Some of the key findings are as follows:

 Architects were the heaviest users of BIM—43% used it on more than 60% of their
projects—while contractors were the lightest users, with nearly half (45%) using it on
less than 15% of projects and only a quarter (23%) using it on more than 60% of

 82% of BIM users believed that BIM had a very positive impact on their company’s

 79% of BIM users indicated that the use of BIM improved project outcomes, such as
fewer requests for information (RFIs) and decreased field coordination problems.

 66% of those surveyed believed use of BIM increased their chances of winning projects.

 Two-third of users mentioned that BIM had at least a moderate impact on their external
project practices.

 62% of BIM users planned to use it on more than 30% of their projects in 2009.

The report predicted that prefabrication capabilities of BIM would be widely used to
reduce costs and improve the quality of work put in place. As a whole, BIM adoption was
expected to expand within firms and across the AEC industry. [13]

2.3 Current Trend in Application of BIM in Indian

Construction Industry

With the development of innovation different industries have changed and enhanced
their procedure however the construction industry is still labor intensive and taking after same
conventional procedure of creating drawings by modelers or architects and building is raised
by contractors. 2D CAD (Two Dimensional Computer Aided Drawing) speaks to just graphical
elements like views like plan, section and elevation, in which modification in one view demands
for annual modification in all other view. Building model gets automatically updated in each
view with modification in any one of the view which saves the time and less error prone. BIM
contains all the information of each element of building from design to demolition.

Owners not No technical

requesting expertise
24% 28%

Not familiar with

the technology Software too
24% expensive

No technical expertise Software too expensive

Not familiar with the technology Owners not requesting

Figure 2.6 Reasons for not using Bim in India [11]

Construction sector in India is second largest industry contributing to the Indian
economy. Indian industry has unwillingness to adopt new technology immediately. Survey
done by Indian built environment sector, RICS school of built environment and KPMG found
that 22% of respondent currently use BIM, 27% respondent reported that they are aware and
actively considering BIM usage. 43% respondents claimed to be aware of BIM but are not sure
about implementing it in their organization near future. Additionally, 8% respondents are not
aware of BIM. The main reason for not using BIM is the lack of technical expertise, the
professional who has heard about this doesn’t know how to use it, and most of them are not
even aware of this methodology. [10]

The BIM is a new and promising approach in India which is gradually gaining
acceptance by the owners, architects, engineers, and builders. The survey explores the BIM
potentials when used in the field to better communicate and integrate construction information
across different trades, allowing for efficient work processes and better decisions. More
specifically, the study concentrated on the deployment of the model to support planning,
scheduling and tracking of the job site operations in India. The survey has supported the
authors’ expectation that BIM has remarkable acceptance potential among the AEC firms in
India. [11]

Somewhat 6%
Disagree Strongly
16% Agree

Not sure
Strongly Agree Somewhat agree Not sure 31%

Somewhat Disagree strongly Disagree

Figure 2.7 Adopting BIM leads to greater efficiency. [11]

Survey shows that 31% of users feel that adopting BIM leads to greater efficiency and
only 6% people feel that BIM cannot increase efficiency. Above figure shows survey results.

Survey shows that 27% users are architect of total BIM users. Construction manager is
also using BIM. Around 12% of total users are Construction managers. Table 2 shows total
users of BIM.

Table 2.1 BIM users by organization type [12]

Architectural firms 26.25%

Structural engineering consultants 13.50%

MEP consultants 8.75%

Construction management consultants 11.25%

Real Estate and Infrastructure developer 12.50%

Contractors 7.50%

Cost planners 1.25%

MEP Subcontractor 0.25%

Facility Management 0.50%

BIM Consultants 18.25%

Table 2.1 shows the level of usage of the respondents who are currently using BIM.

Table 2.2 Level of usage amongst BIM users [12]

Just experimenting (beginner usage) 24.36%

Good experience (moderate usage) 29.49%

Advanced usage 24.36%

Expert usage 21.79%

The study resulted in the generation of a lot of information, which has been used to
provide key findings.

 BIM is gaining popularity amongst professionals within the Indian built environment

 BIM enjoys maximum popularity among experienced professionals since they have a
better appreciation of the value proposition of BIM.

 BIM is more popular in large organizations, with a large strength of technical staff,
hinting that BIM implementation is more beneficial in large and complex projects.

 BIM is largely in its experimentation phase in India as compared to the developed world
especially when the maturity and level of implementation are taken into account

 Many new players are considering BIM implementation in their projects.

 BIM popularity and usage appears comparatively weak in the eastern region of India.

 No single market pioneer has risen and there is some doubt as examples of overcoming
adversity are not broadly accessible. [12]

2.4 Bim concept with respect to scheduling of project

2.4.1 Concept of 4D BIM

4D BIM, a terminology commonly applied in the Computer Aided Design (CAD) field,
indicates the intelligent link between 3D CAD elements or assemblies with time or schedule
related information and enhances the 3D model that challenges the conventional practices of
scheduling by including scheduled dates into model components, enhances the plan of the
project team and incorporates communication between numerous divisions. The schedule is
connected to BIM models with the progress of time to evaluate alternatives and make the best

decision. With 4D modelling, stakeholders can potentially better comprehend how the project
impacts them. Additionally, they can use 4D models to improve understanding of estimated
construction schedules for purpose of funding. [17]

2D drawings are commonly being used to present the work process of 3D objects in the
construction industry. The engineers require having sufficient knowledge to interpret these
drawings for use in various areas of the work especially for providing planning and scheduling
programs. In the construction projects, construction managers face many problems such as over
budget projects, schedule errors, omission of some activities like safety tasks that originate from
poor planning methods. Therefore, look for other tools for better understanding of real project
tasks sequences and procedures. One of the most reliable applications is introduced by the
Building Information Modeling approach (BIM) that develops four-dimension model based on
a combination of three dimension models with time. The benefits of BIM-based on 4D
modeling not only improving the perception of planners and construction teams but also
facilitate the procedure of planning and scheduling like automatically clash detection, introduce
parallel activity and etc. [14]

2.4.2 Drivers and enablers for 4D schedule

In general, owners are driving the adoption of BIM. The General Services
Administration (GSA) has mandated BIM and related initiatives such as 4D scheduling for all
its projects starting in 2007. The Construction Users Roundtable (CURT) a group of owners of
large facilities is also pushing its members to take an aggressive role in implementing BIM and
associated technologies.

General Motors is one such large owner who has taken the decision to use BIM for all
its new projects. GM and other first users have reported big successes from their projects both
in terms of savings in cost as well as in schedule.

There are two important enablers which make it easier to use 4D scheduling. The first is
the generally increasing acceptance and usage of 3D CAD and modeling. The major software
vendors are focused on delivering 3D functionality.

The second big factor in enabling 4D schedules is the availability of off-the-shelf

software which can combine a schedule from a scheduling package and a 3D CAD model
prepared with a standard CAD package and links them together. These 4D packages are
platform ‘neutral’ which means that they will accept scheduling and CAD information from
most of the leading packages in their classes. [16]

The following flowchart (Fig.2.8) exhibits the process of promoting the planning and
scheduling method by integration of 3D model with the main project information such as time,
cost, quality and safety that lead to create BIM model in the construction industry. BIM model
simulate the progress of the work and assist the user to predict most reliable planning and
scheduling. [14]

Figure 2.8 The Progress of BIM Application achievement [14]

2.4.3 Model based scheduling

Another common use for BIM is tying the model (design or construction) to a schedule
to animate the sequence of work and display where a project should be at any given time. This
has become a common tool for selling work to owners, looking at logistics of construction for
efficiencies and safety, as well as throughout construction for justifying subcontractor billings
to the owner for completed work. The reason this has become such a popular feature of BIM is
its ability to give immediate clarity to all stakeholders in understanding the project schedule.
Typical Gantt chart schedules can be hard to understand, but when you watch a simulation of
the building being built, the logic becomes more tangible.

Model-based scheduling can be used at all stages of the project, whether it’s during
conceptual design to discuss site logistics or used during construction for demonstrating the
sequence of work and validating costs of completed work. It doesn’t require a high skill set to
create model-based simulations, but it does require a competent person who understands the
sequence of construction and scheduling logic. For this reason, it is important to integrate
personnel who can achieve both into the project team. [5]

2.4.4 Clash Detection

In Fig., parallel activities can be identified for clash detection. By using 4D BIM-based,
visualization and interpreting construction sequence can be made to integrate schedule
dimension. Furthermore, formalizing design and construction information also can be
interpreted earlier whereby, by BIM-based it forced user to detail visualize that lead to accurate
design. [14]

Figure 2.2.9 Clash detection

2.4.5 Just in time (JIT)

The Just-In-Time (JIT) philosophies aims to eliminate inventory, eliminate waste,

smooth the flow of materials as well as improve productivity. Just in Time material delivery
aims to deliver the right amount of material just in time for use or installation.

BIM has a positive impact of just in time material deliveries which are both quantifiable
and unquantifiable. The quantifiable benefits are the reduction of material inventory,
improvements in quality and waste reduction. The unquantifiable benefits include visualization

and productivity improvements, as well as improved communication and collaboration, and
field co-ordination problems during deliveries. BIM has a positive impact on the fundamental
Principles of JIT. Quantity take-offs generated from BIM models helps in the elimination of
waste while 4D-BIM can be used for quality control, continuous improvement and helps to
ensure uninterrupted workflow which improves productivity. Visualization gives clients a
better understanding of the project. BIM generated prefabricated components and more
accurate material delivery schedules improves relationships with suppliers. [15]

3. Data Collection

3.1 Study area profile

The purpose of the case study is to explore and understand the details involved in
implementing BIM for the planning and scheduling of residential building. The ELITE 32,
Memnagar, Ahmedabad is chosen to develop a case study of individual building based on a
Revit model. Elite 32 is 7 storey residential building which is located in Memnagar,
Ahmedabad. The model contained the architecture portions of ELITE 32 apartment and did not
include structure and MEP part, but it is still good enough to support this research. The reason
for choosing elite 32 flats is because building is constructed with tradition method with no
project management aspect is used so more chance to implement scheduling in project in reduce
in time delay of project.

For developing case study model Autodesk Revit is being used and also it is BIM tool.
Revit is selected as BIM tool because the wide spread of applications, people in the AEC
industry understand it much.

The final model is developed as per developer needs with only architecture perspective.
The information is critical to the success of the case study because developer needs from BIM
is important, which means the scope and level of details of BIM should be defined prior to the
implementation of BIM. Microsoft project is selected for scheduling because it is widely use in

India and easy to understand for local contractor. Autodesk Naviswork is being used for
simulation of BIM model and MSP schedule.

2D Drawings

Elite 32’s Architecture consultant is Adishwar developers. All floor plan is collected.
Other required information like activity duration, resource, work method is collected from elite
32 site.

4. A case study of residential project

4.1 Introduction

This chapter provides an in-depth description of case study of residential project. This
chapter provides the background information of the chosen project and describes the 3D
modeling development processes.

The purpose of the 4D modeling for the case of residential project elite 32 is to
investigate how 3D BIM models can be utilized to create schedules and sequence animation of
the build-up scenario. The focus of the study is to explore, how a 3D model containing time
and location information can be made useful for analyzing and optimizing an existing Gant-
chart schedule.

The building is 67000 sq. ft. and having frame structure and is having mainly partition
wall. Elite 32 have 7 floor with 32 flats and one basement. Each floor has 5 flats four of them
3bhk and one is 2bhk. Basement and ground floor is for parking area. This building have two
lift shaft and one stair.

4.1.1 Software tools selected

Autodesk Revit 2016: A BIM-enabled design tool for architects and designers;
Autodesk Revit can capture the design concept and provide the virtual view of the building

Autodesk Navisworks 2016: A project review software that supports intelligent 3D

model-based designs with scheduling, visualization, and collaboration tools, as well as
advanced clash detection capabilities.

Microsoft Project 2016: A project management software application for construction

planning. It has been used to complete the time schedule, defining the activities, their duration
and sequential relationships. The schedule has been imported in Autodesk Navisworks Manage
2016 in order to create the 4d model [2]

4.2 3D Modeling

In order to complete this practical part, first a Bim model and a time schedule are to be
produced, so as to merge them afterwards and generate the 4D BIM model. This is the analysis
of quite common workflow: merge a model from Revit with a time schedule from MS Project
into navisworks for 4D modeling.

4.2.1 Process description

Since there is a time limitation and due to the fact that the author considers it as
unnecessary to validate the requirements and capabilities of these tools, it is not the aim of this
work to create and manipulate an extremely complex model. In any case, the exercise could be

further extended to the wished level of complexity. However, it has to be kept in mind that as
the model grows in size the requirements of the equipment used increase considerably.

No specific design criteria have been considered for the creation of the model, the main
idea has been to have a building composed of different elements in order to carry out a logical
analysis of the possibilities offered by the applications. The model of the building generated in
Revit consists of 7 floors and a simple topography is included in order to represent excavation
works. The elements used to compose the model are generic, assuming a level of development
LOD 100, representing a very initial stage of the project. In the construction stage, the LOD
would vary for a greater definition of each of the elements.

First step to generate 3D BIM model in Revit imported floor plan from AutoCAD
drawings into Revit. Revit can only import 10000 elements at a time so unnecessary text lines
in AutoCAD plan remove before import or Revit have option to filter import so we can select
according to our need. Than after we create model in Revit according to floor plan of AutoCAD.

In order to ease the visualization of the 4D model in Navisworks, there are some
requirements for the output of the Revit model to be taken into account while creating it. The
process consists in adding project parameters to the elements in the model. Two advanced
options are going to be explored: (1) the division of elements into parts (2) the assignment of a
Task ID (identity data “comments”) to the elements.

Parts and zones: while elements with a pre-established geometry such as doors and
windows do not require of any preparation, some others like floors and walls may need to be
split into parts to better represent their construction sequence. For instance, floors can be
divided into zones representing concrete pours. But in this case whole slab cast in 1 day so no
need to divide into zone. But in the case of wall it should divide into vertical parts like level
wise or if need more specific divide it into two parts because wall cannot be constructed more
than 1.5m in a day.

Assignment of Task ID to elements: There is an interesting possibility to include a

parameter to the elements in the model so as to make reference to tasks in the construction
schedule and ease the mapping process in the future. For example, the ID or code for the
columns contained in Level 1 is in this case “1c” (Figure 4.1). This has to be done prior the
model exportation to Navisworks.
Figure 4.1 Task ID parameter of a rectangular column

Figure 4.2’ shows the original BIM model generated in Revit. The next step would be
to import it into Navisworks as well as to create the construction schedule.

Figure 4.2 Original BIM model created in Revit 2016

4.3 Time schedule

When it comes to realize the time schedule there are many different methods to arrive
to the same point, but some of them are more time-consuming than others. As it has been
mentioned before, Navisworks counts with a built-in scheduling application for introducing
activities and several features of them. Nevertheless, due to the synchronization options of
Navisworks with more appropriate and powerful project management software like Microsoft
® Office Project 2016, the schedule is to be completed in MS Project in order to later import it
in Navisworks.

A simple construction sequence was prepared based on the BIM model. Approximated
durations were given and relationships were added to all tasks. The different ways to create the
time schedule will be further described later in 4D model section. In this case the grouping of
elements in activities has been generally made gathering the elements by level.

Figure 4.3 comment parameter of different activities

‘Figure 4.3’ shows the original time schedule generated in MS Project. The next step
would be to import it into Navisworks to start creating the 4D BIM model.

If the schedule is going to be created directly in MS Project, it is of great importance to

include one extra columns: “Comments”. The comments consist of a code given to each task

and the Task Type is introduced with the aim of distinguishing between temporary elements,
elements to be constructed, and elements to be demolished. Task type directly add in
navisworks and also add new column in MS Project text1 with name task type. The below figure
4.3 shows different activity with comments according its name like -1p shows P.C.C of base
level -1. -1rw shows that retaining wall of -1 level etc.

There may be activities that do not represent any object in the model but are equally
consuming time shows in figure 4.4. They are irrelevant for the 4D simulation but have to be
considered in the schedule, representing either a waiting period or a milestone. No actual dates
are introduced at this step because it is to be analyzed in the section about time monitoring
within the project management functionalities.

Figure 4.4 Time schedule in Navisworks

Above figure 4.4 shows imported time liner with task type directly added in Navisworks.
There is other way to give task type is adding column while preparing schedule in MSP. In that
text column we can add activity is construct, demolished or temporary.

4.4 4D Model

Once both the BIM model and the time schedule have been generated, it is time to bring
the graphical and non-graphical data to Navisworks in order to merge them through a linking
process and finally create the 4D model. As it is going to be shown, the preparation of the 4D
model as well as the fact of dealing with changes are some of the most important issues. Hence,
the workflow required for those purposes needs to remain clear throughout the whole process.
Since the workflow aim of investigation is based on the use of several applications, the ability
to switch from one platform to another as well as the export/import capabilities play an
important role in all this.

It is worth mentioning that the better the quality of the BIM model and the time schedule
the more refined the result will be. Therefore, great part of the job is to be done out of

4.4.1 Bringing the model from Revit to Navisworks

It is important to understand how to deal with different Navisworks file formats before
starting to work. There are three different Navisworks file formats (Figure 4.5)

 NWC (Navisworks Cache File): This is the default Navisworks format and it is linked
to the original appended file (in this case RVT). This format compresses the model up
to a 90% of its original size, and allows publishing NWF files. Although, this is not
typically the workable file and the following 2 formats are more used.

Figure 4.5 Different Autodesk Navisworks file formats [18]

 NWF (Navisworks File Set): This is a reference file including external reference to the
original appended file. No geometry is saved and it relies on the data from the main
files, either NWC or RVT. This is commonly the file to work with. It is also linked to
the original file (in this case RVT) and any change in it can be reflected. From an NWF
it is possible to publish files with NWD format.

 NWD (Navisworks Document File): This is typically the file to be shared with
different team members for revision. It is a snapshot of the model in a specific moment,
in which annotations can be included to communicate possible corrections. [18]

As in many other similar applications there are two possibilities to bring the model
created in Revit to Navisworks: (1) to import the model once the user is running Navisworks or
(2) to export the model from Revit to a NWC file. The result is identical because in the first
option a NWC file is created when the model is first saved. If the NWC file is opened again,
there is a possibility to save the model as a NWF or NWD file.

The size of the NWC is considerably smaller than the main RVT file (105 KB) because
of the aforementioned reasons. At the same time, the NWF file is further compressed taking up
a size of just 19 KB, whereas the NWD file is 99 KB. This is conceived this way so as to assure
a smooth navigability of the model.

Once the model is in one of the Navisworks workable files it is ready as far as model
graphical and non-graphical data is concerned. ‘Figure 3.7’ shows the BIM model opened in
Navisworks. For the purpose of this study NWF is the file format to be continuously used. The
next step would be to import the time schedule in order to add the time attribute to the model.

Figure 4.6 BIM model opened in Navisworks Manage 2016

Preparing the model: Selection Sets

Before starting to analyze the different functionalities of the presented workflow, a

description on how to prepare the model is to be given. One of the most important steps comes
right after importing the BIM model to Navisworks. This process consists in creating selection
sets of all the elements contained in the model based on the way it is aimed to represent the
time schedule, e.g., amount of elements linked to a certain activity. As many selection sets as
necessary have to be generated in this step with a view to facilitate the manipulation of groups
of elements from the model.

In this case, as in the time-schedule, elements have been grouped by level. For example,
all the columns from the Level 0 have been classified in one single activity. These sets are
essential for the linking process that comes right after importing the schedule. The ‘Selection
Tree’ is also very useful for creating sets since it automatically organizes all the elements
contained in the model so as to make it is easier to select any particular item. Furthermore, in
case more than one model has been appended, all of them are visible in the selection tree. The
hierarchy is maintained as per in Revit: Category > Family > Typology. For instance: ‘Column
> Rectangular > 450x450 mm’. All the information from the original model is hence well

Figure 4.7 BIM model opened in Navisworks Manage 2016

Once the selection sets have been created, every time they are selected the elements
included in them are highlighted in the model (Figure 4.7) and are ready to be linked to schedule
data. Furthermore, every single element or selection set can be isolated from the model hiding

the rest of the elements. This helps considerably in the process of creating and checking the
selection sets as well as visualizing internal parts of the model.

Another useful feature is the ‘Find Items’ tool since it allows a further exploration of the
model by the introduction of several searching criteria, which is especially useful in complex

Figure 4.8 find item tool with its condition

With the help of find items tool, navisworks find item easily. In this tools we have to
make one condition for search our specific elements. While creating Revit model we add
comments with different code in every element so we have to find that element we have make
condition which is shown in figure 4.8.

Bringing the time schedule from MS Project to Navisworks

Navisworks has a built-in alternative to create activities in a similar way to other

scheduling tools but this option has been discarded. Hence, the method of bringing the time
schedule generated using external planning software (MS Project) to Navisworks is to be
explained in this section.

Under the ‘Data Sources’ tab in the ‘Time liner’ it is possible to add several file types
and ‘Microsoft Project 2007-2013’ is one of the options. At the time of adding a MPP file, there
is a need to re-map the fields or columns from MS Project to associate the information to the
‘time liner’ in Navisworks.

This is done by means of the field selector, which pops-up each time a schedule is to be
loaded. In this case, only the fields shown in ‘Figure 4.9’ are mapped. Depending on the method
used this mapping process will be required more or less times. Since it acts as a data source,
every time a change is made in the linked schedule it has to be refreshed using the ‘Rebuild
Task Hierarchy’ or ‘Synchronize’ option. The first one overwrites the whole existing schedule

Figure 4.9 Fields mapped in the field selector

according to the linked one, whereas the second option only updates the changes introduced to
different tasks’ data It is possible to include more than one construction schedule as a data

Merging geometry and tasks: Linking process

This is one of the keys of 4D modelling, the ability of the program to link elements to
activities. It can be done manually, but in a model with a vast amount of elements it would be
frustrating as well as time-consuming to attach all of them one by one. This is why automatic
linking options gain so much importance.

A very useful tool for automating the linking of elements to tasks in Navisworks is the
‘Auto-Attach Using Rules’ option. The choice ‘mapping by selection sets with the same name’
is the most suitable in those cases when sets were created with that purpose, but it is also

possible to do it by layers or elements. The set to which the task has been linked can be seen
under the ‘Attached’ tab (Figure 4.10).

Figure 4.10 Auto-Attachment of elements to tasks Using Time liner Rules by Task ID (comments)

The powerful option is to create specific rules to map elements by category and property.
This is suitable for making use of any of the properties of the elements such as ‘Task ID’. This
way it is not even necessary to create selection sets and the linking process is totally automatic,
thanks to the information coming from the design tool. In this case, beside every activity being
mapped the attachment is indicated as an ‘Explicit Selection’ instead of a selection set.

Regardless of the linking method used, once an object has been linked to a task the
information regarding such task in the ‘time liner’ is displayed in the element properties. It is a
good practice to check whether all the elements have been properly linked with the command
find ‘Attached Items’ and then hiding the selection.

The secret for a fast and effective linking lies in making use of the right option in any
case, since all the cases are not equal. However, for companies dealing with many similar
projects it would be really helpful to have all these processes standardized and to count with a
defined workflow for all of them.

4.5 4D Simulation of the construction process

Navisworks allows simulating the construction process of the BIM model imported from
Revit. The output would consist of either a clip or several snapshots of the building to visually
anticipate the state of the construction progress over the planned period. It also helps envision
possible conditions that are likely to be faced during construction to reduce uncertainty before
or even during the construction stage. Apart from that, it serves as a communication tool to
coordinate site works.

The simulation can be freely navigated backwards and forwards and it can be paused or
even adjusted to a specific date in the schedule. The simulation period can be limited by dates
if desired, as well as the total duration of it set in seconds. In addition, the simulation can be
viewed from different angles and points of view and it is possible to orbit and zoom in and out
the view while the sequence is being displayed. These options facilitate the visualization of
possible critical parts of the model at a certain moment in time.

Figure 4.11 Navisworks ‘time liner’ simulator showing an intermediate stage of the construction.

Simulations are the basis for the rest of project management functions since they are the
tool to be used every time something needs to be analyzed, clarified or discussed. ‘Figure 4.11’
presents the planned state of the building by ‘Wednesday 02/03/2016’ (marked in red). As it
can be seen, the building would be completed up to the second floor slab at that specific date.

It is worth mentioning that a paper-based delivery of the present work does not facilitate
the envisioning of the 4D simulation. In consequence, screen snapshots are the only way to
show it in the written report, although the full potential of this tool is not tangible.

5. Analysis and discussion

5.1 4D Scheduling and animation

BIM could be used in construction analysis and planning with 4D animations models
and 4D schedules. In 4D animations you connect the objects with what is being built. 4D
animations shows how the time schedule looks like in a specific moment and work as a help in
communication. 4D animations works as a communication tool to understand the scope, detect
potential problems early and visualize the planned construction with completion dates to all
actors. It gives you a check-up that you have thought right in the design phase. 4D scheduling
could visualize the construction plan with 4D animations of the site being built according to the
schedule. The 4D animation could help the contractor to see if the planned work is realistic.
The animations could then be shown at meetings and in work preparations. A vision in the use
of BIM in civil works is to connect the 3D model with the time schedule for the workers to see
the project being built day-by-day. The animation could make the workers understand complex
structures better and thus get more engaged in the work. A problem with this vision is that it is
hard to do quick changes in a 4D schedule since there is hardly ever any gap in the time
schedule. It is important that you are able to make changes directly in the model. The theory
did not write anything about that there being any problems in making changes in the model.
The reason is probably because it is more generalizing and that it is not explaining 4D in detail
and instead aimed towards exploring the possibilities with 4D scheduling.

It is important to decide to work with 4D from the beginning of the project and someone
who is familiar with the schedule has to be responsible over the 4D schedule. The results
indicate that it is important to have a BIM coordinator. This person should also be responsible
for the 4D schedule and animations. The BIM coordinator should be involved in the project
from start and should also work for the contractor. 4D CAD is expensive and requires
knowledge and experience of how to link a schedule to a 3D model. It is also demanding for
people working with it for the first time. Conducting and capturing information that is needed
for a 4D animation is both hard and time consuming. It could also be hard to get out the 3D
model and time schedule into the building process. But 4D schedules and animations do not
have to be exact. The visualization of a simple 4D animation is probably enough for the actors
to visualize and understand potential problems and to start a communication around it. If the
scheduling with 4D is done properly the benefit in cost and time would most likely exceed the
implementation cost as both the theory and findings indicates. [19].

5.2 Benefits of 4D scheduling over traditional scheduling

4D scheduling much better compared to traditional scheduling. Traditional scheduling

has some problem which is solve by BIM based scheduling. Table 5.1 shows traditional
scheduling problem and its BIM solutions.

1. Problems Identification

4D modeling provides a powerful visualization and communication tool that gives

project teams a better understanding of project milestones and construction plans. 4D
simulation can help teams identify problems well in advance of construction activities, when
they are much easier and less costly to resolve. Providing dynamic phasing plans of occupancy
enables multiple options and solutions to arrange conflicts to be considered and evaluated.

2. Site utilization planning

BIM models are used to appraise the locations of both permanent and temporary
facilities on site during multiple phases of the construction process. Linking with construction
activity schedules enables BIM models to explore space and sequencing requirements.
Additional information describing locations of equipment and materials staging areas can be
integrated into the project model to facilitate and expedite site management decisions, enabling
project teams to effectively generate and evaluate layouts for temporary facilities, assembly
areas, and material deliveries for all phases of construction.

Table 5.1 Traditional scheduling problems with BIM solution

Traditional Scheduling BIM based Solutions

Lack of visualization Problems Identification

The lack of knowledge about material and Site utilization planning

facilities location at site

Waste of time and money due to lack of 3D Coordination and clash detection
proper understanding of future construction

Inability to detect future planning conflicts Determining time based clashes

Determining time for material delivery based Planning of material and its management
on activity precedence and experience

3. 3D Coordination and clash detection

Determining potential conflicts by comparing 3D models of all building systems. The

purpose of clash detection is to reduce and eliminate field conflicts, which in turn reduces
request for information (RFI's), reduces construction cost, delay and increases productivity on

4. Determining time-based clashes

Verifying the planned sequence of construction operations on constrained sites to

confirm that the demolition, permanent construction, and temporary construction activities can
occur without creating conflicts. Time-based clash analysis provides valuable insights for
construction planners as they coordinate the trades, materials, and equipment that must coexist
in the limited space available. Construction planning models can be integrated with the
composite project model and linked to the project timeline to consider the impact of temporary
items (such as work packages, formwork, cranes, installations, and so on) and check for
potential time-based clashes.

5. Planning of materials and management

Using 4D modeling and links between the building elements in the project model and
the associated task schedule to forecast the dates when elements are needed on site for
installation. Parameters can be added to the elements in the project model to track their ordering
and delivery status and manage the supply chain for materials needed on site.

6. Conclusion

4D Modelling is a present day way to deal with design and management of the building
construction process. It permits effective utilization of critical resources such as labor, materials
and time during the building development life cycle.

The study raised 4D modeling as a promising tool for construction planning. There are
many positive impacts of 4D modeling discovered which are not possible to achieve through
traditional planning methods. The most significant advantages of 4D modeling are found out to
be better visualization of construction work, better communication among project teams and
increased planning efficiency. In addition, 4D modeling helps in achieving detailed and
accurate work plans, planning of temporary structures, quantity takeoffs and managing site

Construction projects are scheduled according to the availability of resources and rely
on many external factors. As time advances these parameters also change so it is important to
keep a check on important activities to finish the project without any time delays. The popular
3D building information model does not help in establishing the relationship between the
schedule and sequence of construction activities to be carried out during the project execution.
A 4D model modulate time as the added 4th dimension so it improves the quality and accuracy
of the entire building during project execution.

The major benefits of using 4D model during construction planning are:

Improved reliability and scheduling efficiency: 4D modelling enables a project team

to easily visualize time constraints and opportunities to improve the project schedule, as well
as easily identify changes if occurs.

Optimum use of critical resources: 4D modelling allows the team to understand the
scope of work effortlessly and access to different resources over a period of time. It also allows
to planner to visually review and evaluate the complete construction plan and to optimize the
resources and labors if needed.

Improved communication: During the execution phase potential spatial conflicts may
arise between building components. These conflicts are very hard to identify when coordination
is depending on 2D or 3D layouts. The use of a 4D simulation shows show significantly
improves this coordination process. In addition, the overall communication of project scope and
sequencing is greatly improved.

Building Information Modeling is beneficial to construction industry. BIM utilizations

such as coordination, construction planning, and prefabrication, make construction projects
more efficient. In other words, BIM provides time and cost savings and yields better quality
construction products. Various BIM tools can be used to implement BIM in construction
projects. However, BIM tools pose setbacks such as interoperability. Overall, Building
Information Modeling is a great concept, but BIM tools are not perfect and require

6.1 Further Research

The project studied the different uses, advantages of BIM and set backs of its tools. The
research focused on the use of BIM mainly for a research facility and the use of 4D scheduling.
The studies both demonstrated the difficulties as well as the advantages of BIM. The project
recommends that the use of 4D BIM will be an advantageous process to the construction
BIM enhances the use of “design to build” and “build to design” concepts. The
visualization, coordination, and construction planning were carefully studied and LOD 100
model also was generated. Because of the time consideration of the project, extra attention to
use of cost estimation, construction monitoring, and higher LOD modeling could not be given.
Hence, further studies in these subjects are necessary.

Several interesting subjects were experienced during this master thesis. These have
however not been within the scope and purpose of this study and are therefore suggested as
subjects for further research. Subjects that require further investigation are for instance:

 The legal aspects concerning 4D BIM.

 How adoption of BIM affects the work processes in a project.
 BIM with project management aspect like: lean construction, value engineering.
 4D BIM with just in time delivery.
 4D BIM with project finance schedule.

BIM is useful methodology for paperless working method. Other important topics can
be developing method for paperless method for contractor. To develop method for visual
validation for payment approval for contracting organization and also for owner it can


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Appendix I

This appendix contains time schedule which is made in MS Project 2016.

Appendix II

Appendix 2 include all 2D drawings: floorplan, sections and also include Revit model
elevation and 3D model.


East elevation in Revit

North elevation in Revit

South elevation in Revit

West elevation in Revit

Appendix III

Step wise 4D simulation


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