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El Participio Pasado Con

Descriptions: Estar + Past Participle

Estar + past participle is used to describe the state of things, or how things seem right at the moment (but not
necessarily permanently). The past participles follow the patterns below, and change with the gender/number of
the noun they refer to. For example, la puerta está cerrada = the door is closed. Los perros estánperdidos = the
dogs are lost (do you spot the patterns?)
Another way to explain the past participle is
to say that is describes the state of
something after it’s been involved in an

Action: I closed the door. - Yo cerré la puerta.

Current state after the action: The door is closed. - La puerta está cerrada

Action: I closed the door. - Yo abrí la puerta.

Current state after the action: The door is closed. - La puerta está abierta.
It's easy to form the past participle in Spanish. All you have to do is
drop the ending (-ar, -er or -ir) from the infinitive verb and add –ado or
–ido, depending on the verb. –Ar verbs take –ado. –Ir and –er verbs
take –ido.

Note that many of the past participles end in the english ed- or irregulars
in en-.

Remember they must agree in gender and number with estar!!

Ej: Las casas están pintadas. (are painted)

Ej: el pollo está frito. (is fried)
Ej: Las ventanas están mojadas. (are soaked)
Ej: Los coches están quebrados. (are broken)
El participio pasado (regulares)
-ar = ado -er/-ir = ido
hablar = hablado vivir = vivido
(spoken) (lived)
bailar = bailado comer = comido
(danced) (eaten)
investigar = investigado ser = sido
(investigated) (been)
lanzar = lanzado ir = ido
(launched) (gone)
El participio pasado (irregulares)
-to y –cho
abrir -abierto(opened) decir -dicho (said/told)
cubrir –cubierto(covered) hacer -hecho(made/done)
escribir –escrito(written)
morir –muerto (died)
poner –puesto(put/placed)
romper –roto(broken)
ver –visto (seen)
volver –vuelto(returned) deshacer –deshecho (undone)
describir –descrito(described) predecir –predicho(predicted)
descubrir- descubierto (discovered)
devolver –devuelto (returned –objeto)
imponer –impuesto (imposed)
posponer –pospuesto (postponed)
prever –previsto (forseen)
revolver –revuelto (tossed)
resolver –resuelto (resolved)
Verbos de dobles vocales o cuyo radica termina en vocal

leer (le-) leído read

caer (ca-) caído fallen
oír (o-) oído heard
traer (tra-) traído brought

PERO: destruir/huir/construir -No hace falta el accento ortográfico.

huir (hu-) huido fled
construir (constru-) construido built

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