Design Strength of Stud Shear Connectors: L. Pham

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ABSTRACT qu - Failure stress of stud connector

There are wide discrepancies in the recommenda- in push-out test (MPa)
tions for the design strength of stud shear connectors qu mean Mean value of qu (MPa)
in bridge codes. The NAASRA Bridge Design - Characteristic (5 percentile)
qu 0.05
Specification requires studs of 410 MPa minimum value of (4,
tensile strength whilst the British Code requires studs
of 500 MPa minimum tensile strength, but uses design Vclu Coefficient of variation of q„
values much lower than NAASRA's. These recom- VK Coefficient of variation of K
mendations conflict with other work which shows that VI , Coefficient of variation of f',
the ultimate shear strength of the connector is pro-
V - Coefficient of variation of f
portional to the ultimate tensile strength of the stud fs
steel. This paper presents a probabilistic method of (T qu Standard deviation of qu (MPa)
deriving the design strengths of stud shear connec-
tors for use in the flexural design of composite steel
beam-concrete slab construction. This method takes
into account the variabilities of the factors that in- INTRODUCTION
fluence the strength of the stud connectors. The
derivation is based on existing American, British and There are wide discrepancies in the recommenda-
Australian push-out test data and properties of tions for the design strength of stud shear connectors
Australian-made studs. This study shows that the in bridge Codes. The NAASRA Bridge Design
NAASRA Bridge Design Specification overestimates Specification (1976) requires studs of 410 MPa
the strength of stud connectors for cases involving minimum tensile strength, with design values for ulti-
high strength concrete and/or large diameter studs. mate shear strength based on the equation proposed
The British values are much closer to the proposed by 011gaard, Slutter and Fisher (1971). The
values, although they require higher strength studs CP117:Part II (British Standards Institution (BSI)
than are assumed in the derivation in this paper. 1967) requires studs of 500 MPa minimum tensile
strength, but uses design values much lower than
NAASRA's. These recommendations are in conflict
with the findings by Hawkins (1973), who showed
that the ultimate shear strength of the connector is
proportional to the ultimate tensile strength of the
LIST OF SYMBOLS stud steel. The discrepancies between the codes
can be seen in Figs 1 and 2.
d Stud diameter (mm)
In this paper a probabilistic method of determin-
Actual concrete cylinder
ing the design values for stud shear connectors is
strength (MPa)
proposed. It will be shown that experimental data
F', Characteristic strength of from Slutter and Driscoll (1965), Chapman and
concrete as defined in AS 1480 Balakrishnan (1964), 011gaard et al. (1971) and
(Standards Association of Hawkins (1973), which are the sources of most
Australia (SAA) 1974) (MPa) Codes' recommendations, can be used to derive a
Ultimate tensile strength of stud common design value.
steel (MPa) The proposed approach will allow better reflec-
fs mean Mean value of fs (MPa) tion of experimentally observed behaviour in design
Characteristic (5 percentile) practice and will take into account the variabilities of
Is 0.05
value of fs the factors that influence the strength of the stud con-
nector. The difference between the actual com-
H Stud height (mm)
pressive strength of concrete quoted in test reports
K Arbitrary constant and the characteristic strength of concrete used in
N Number of studs on a beam design will also be noted. This difference has gone
between the sections of zero and largely unnoticed in most specifications on stud con-
maximum moment nector strength.

16 AUSTRALIAN ROAD RESEARCH, Vol 9, No. 4, December 1979


160 240 -


d 19mm 200

120 180

H=100mm--- 160 = 30 MPo

100 -N=100 -0-
z N
H =75m5 _y 140
U' 80
a_ a_
0 N=1 0
0 o 100



NAASRA (1976) 40
—•—•—• CP117: PART 2 (1967)
FROM EQ. (5) AND (6)
20 7 7' " 17 • -T '9

00 35 40
20 25 30
12 16 18 20
Fig. 1 —Comparison of design loads per stud for 19 mm diameter
stud as given in (a) NAASRA (1976), (b) CP1 17 Part II (BSI Fig. 2 —Comparison of design loads for studs of varying
1967), and (c) present study diameters with F'c = 30 MPa, as given in (a) NAASRA (1 976),
(b) CP1 17 Part II (BSI 1967), and (c) present study

BASIC RELATION reduced (using eqn (1) ) to an arbitrarily chosen com-

mon base of d = 19 mm, f',= 30 MPa and fs = 410
Due to the difficulty and expense involved in testing MPa for comparison. British data on concrete
full size composite beams, the push-out test (such as strength have been modified by a factor of 0.85 to
given in CP1 1 7:Part I (BSI 1965) ) has become an ac- allow for the change from cube to cylinder strength.
cepted means for determining connector strength. The results of all the tests considered in this
Slutter and Driscoll (1965) have shown that the paper are listed in Table I. A summary of the analysis
ultimate loads from push-out test specimens provide is given in Table II. from which the following com-
a lower bound to the strength of connectors in beams. ments are made.
Based on a relatively small number of tests, Hawkins (a) Older tests appear to have a higher mean than
(1973) proposed a load-slip relationship for stud more recent tests.
connectors, from which the following equation is pro-
(b) Hawkins' tests (mainly 19 x 100 mm studs in one
posed for studying the strength of stud connectors:
row) and 011gaard et al.'s tests (mainly 19 x 75
mm in two rows) have the same mean value.
qu = "nrcT fs/N[d— (1) (c) 19 x 100 mm studs appear to be slightly stronger
for studs with H/d 4 than 19 x 75 mm studs by about 8 per cent, but
this increase is not as large as that allowed in
in which CP117:Part II (BSI 1967) (about 16 per cent).
failure shear stress of stud con-
nectors (ultimate load/stud
rr cl 2
The other terms are defined in the List of Symbols.
Push-out test data from Slutter and Driscoll EQUATION FOR COEFFICIENTS OF VARIATION
(1965), Chapman and Balakrishnan (1964), 011gaard From eqn (1)
et a/. (1971) and Hawkins (1973) are used in the
study described herein. Since most tests were per-
formed on 19 mm diameter studs, the data are q u = K .11 . f /Nrcr
c s

AUSTRALIAN ROAD RESEARCH, Vol. 9, No. 4, December 1979 17




Specimen Reference Diameter Concrete Stud Steel Shear Stress Reduced Failure
(mm) Cylinder Ultimate At Failure Stress To
Strength Tensile Strength qu (MPa) Common Base
(MPa) (MPa) (MPa)
2 Slutter & 12 34.5 - 509.2 -
4A Driscoll 12 26.5 484.0 505.7 372.1
4B (1965) 12 30.3 488.2 488.1 333.0
3 12 34.5 - 453.0 -
P5 12 24.8 460.6 424.9 339.6
P6 12 25.4 460.6 424.9 335.5
P8 12 21.1 466.8 424.9 363.3
P1 12 24.8 460.6 386.3 308.7
P4 12 24.8 460.6 365.2 291.8
5A 16 26.1 468.9 534.9 457.7
5B 16 29.3 436.4 505.7 458.0
6F 19 33.7 494.4 542.9 424.8
6B 19 29.2 485.4 507.0 434.1
6A 19 26.7 482.0 499.2 383.9
6G 19 31.6 504.7 491.4 388.9
7H 22 23.7 566.8 516.0 453.6

PA1 Chapman & 19 30.2 522.0 437.1 342.2

PA2 Balakrishnan 19 33.4 522.0 429.4 319.6
PA3 (1964) 19 32.2 522.0 443.3 336.1
PA4 19 21.4 522.0 395.4 367.7
PA5 19 30.5 522.0 415.5 323.7
PB1 19 29.3 512.8 359.9 291.1
PD1 12 29.3 574.5 471.1 277.8
PE1 12 35.8 565.3 511.2 277.1

TABLE I (Cont)

Specimen Reference Diameter Concrete Stud Steel Shear Stress Reduced Failure
(mm) Cylinder Ultimate At Failure Stress To
Strength Tensile Strength qu (MPa) Common Base
(MPa) (MPa) (MPa)
A 011gaard 19 35.0 488.8 480.4 372.9
LA Slutter & 19 25.1 (average) 393.6 394.4
B Fisher 19 32.9 406.6 325.5
LB (1971) 19 18.4 279.2 298.9
C 19 29.5 339.5 289.5
D 19 33.9 360.3 267.3
E 19 29.6 349.4 296.9
LE 19 22.0 301.1 341.1
2B 19 32.9 308.3 319.0
2E 19 30.3 348.4 290.8
SA 16 27.6 484.0 451.0 363.8
SB 16 27.8 (average) 403.8 324.5
SE 16 27.6 362.6 292.5

M46.43 Hawkins 19 29.8 446.8 376.5 346.6

S46.47 (1973) 19 32.9 449.5 379.2 330.3
J46.44 19 30.6 525.4 419.9 324.4
K46.47 19 33.0 591.6 439.2 290.2
M46.89 19 62.0 448.2 521.9 332.1
M46.26 19 18.5 502.0 296.5 308.4
J46.19 19 13.6 512.3 291.6 346.6
MR46.32 19 22.5 488.8 382.0 369.9
MT46.51 19 35.4 538.5 360.6 252.7
JT46.56 19 38.9 506.8 299.9 213.1
M36.42 19 29.2 426.1 384.1 374.6
J36.58 19 39.9 521.9 389.6 265.4
M57.48 22 33.1 473.0 369.6 329.4
J57.39 22 26.6 441.3 314.4 335.0

Mean - 337.7
Standard Deviation - 53.3
Coeff. of Variation - 0.157

18 AUSTRALIAN ROAD RESEARCH, Vol 9, No. 4, December 1979


Number Mean Failure Standard Coefficient
of Stress Deviation of Variation
Tests (MPa) (MPa)

(i) Grouping according

to references
Slutter & Driscoll 14 381.2 56.5 0.148
Chapman & Balakrishnan 8 358.9 59.2 0.165
011gaard et a/ 13 321.3 37.7 0.117
Hawkins 15 321.7 50.0 0.156 •

(ii) 19 mm studs 33 333.4 50.2 0.151

others 17 347.8 58.0 0.169

(iii) 19 x 100 mm studs 20 342.1 53.7 0.157

19 x 75 mm studs 13 317.5 41 9 0.132

(iv) All tests 50 337.7 53.3 0.157

To a first approximation, Vqu , the coefficient of varia- Board (CRB) of Victoria record of stud testing
tion of q,,, can be calculated from (1966-1977), the following values are obtained from
18 tests.
V2 =V2 + 1/4 V 2f ' + V 2 (2)
qu K f Mean ultimate tensile strength fs mean = 460 MPa
Standard deviation (T 1 = 28 MPa
if the variability in the stud diameter is ignored, where Coefficient of Variation Vfs = 0.060
VK is the coefficient of variation arising from the use
of eqn (1). If a normal distribution is assumed, then the
characteristic (5 percentile) value is
The following sections discuss quantitatively the
components of Vqu . fs 0.05 = 414 MPa
VARIABILITY IN K For such a small coefficient of variation, similar
results are obtained from any other assumed distribu-
Data presented in Table I give the following estimate tion. More recent tests from other sources (Fletcher
on the basis of 19 mm diameter connector with f',= 1979) indicate a slightly higher mean value and a
30 MPa and f s = 410 MPa. smaller coefficient of variation. However, the CRB
Mean failure stress qu = 338 MPa data are considered more representative due to the
Standard deviation (r qu = 53 MPa long time span involved.
Coefficient of variation Vqu = 0.157
As these results are based on the measured DETERMINATION OF DESIGN
values of f', and f s ,V q,= VK = 0.157. K mean = 0.656.

Australian practice requires that concrete be Assuming a normal distribution about the mean
specified by its characteristic strength, i.e. the value strength, then the characteristic strength (5 percen-
which is exceeded by the strength of at least 95 per tile value) of the connector is given by
cent of the concrete. The assumed variability, as
clu 0.05 = qumean 1 • 65(r qu (3)
given in AS 1480 Table 4.6.3 (SAA 1974), is used in
this paper and is quoted in Table Ill. with `r qu = Vqu • qu mean (4)
VARIABILITY IN STUD STEEL STRENGTH Vqu is calculated from eqn (2) with VK = 0.157, Vf c =
0.119 to 0.164 (depending on F's ) and Vfs = 0.060.
There is no published data on the variability of stud
steel strength. In Australia, most studs are made to For 19 mm diameter studs, the stud charac-
the American Specification AWS D1.1 (American teristic strengths for various concrete characteristic
Welding Society 1975), which implies a minimum ten- strengths are tabulated in Table IV for stud steel with
sile strength of 415 MPa. From the Country Roads a characteristic (5 percentile) strength of 410 MPa.

(SAA 1974)
Characteristic Assumed Mean Strength Coefficient
Strength (MPa) Standard (MPa) of Variation
F' Deviation (MPa)
20 4.5 27.4 0.164
25 4.8 32.9 0.146
30 5.2 38.5 0.135
40 5.9 49.7 0.119

AUSTRALIAN ROAD RESEARCH, Vol. 9, No. 4, December 1979 19


Concrete Characteristic
Characteristic Strength
Strength F'c V qu qu mean quo 05
(MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (MPa)
20 0.187 358 67 247
25 0.183 393 72 274
30 0.181 425 77 298
40 0.178 483 86 341

I s 0 05— 410 and

s mean = 455 MPa
%mean = 0.656 177 455/ ji§-


Beam tests by Slutter and Driscoll (1965), and Chap-
man and Balakrishnan (1964) have shown that load
NAASRA (1976)
redistribution among the shear connectors is com-
plete before failure. The ultimate shear strength of a For 19 mm studs, the design values from CP117 : Part
group of N connectors is therefore the sum of the ulti- II (BSI 1967) and NAASRA (1976) and the proposed
mate shear strength of N individual connectors. If the method are plotted in Fig. 1. To do this, the concrete
strengths of the individual connectors are normally characteristic strengths from the British code have
distributed with a coefficient of variation Vq, then the been modified by a factor of 0.85 to allow for the
strength of a group of N connectors has a coefficient differences between cube and cylinder strength.
of variation Vq, /,/f7 Hence, the load sharing factor CP117 values are also given for 500 MPa minimum
(LSF), i.e. the ratio of 5 percentile values, for this tensile strength studs. Correction has not been made
case is given by to different requirements on tensile strength.
Similarly, for a concrete of 30 MPa characteristic
1 — 1.65 Vqu l\TAT strength, the design values are plotted in Fig. 2 for
LSF - (5) various stud diameters. CP117 in this case gives two
1 — 1.65 V values for 19 mm diameter studs for 75 mm and 100
mm heights. The value plotted in Fig. 2 is for a 100 mm
where N is the number of studs on a beam between stud height.
the sections of zero and maximum moment.
From these two Figures, it is concluded that
The design load per stud is therefore NAASRA (1976) overestimates the strength of stud
connectors for cases involving high strength con-
Trd 2 crete (about 18 per cent for 30 MPa concrete) or
Load per stud = (LSF) (6) large diameter studs (about 30 per cent for 25 mm
' . • u 0.05 • 4 diameter studs), or both, compared with the pro-
posed method of analysis. CP117 values, although
given for studs of higher tensile strength, are much
The design values of shear connectors for
various concrete strengths computed from eqn (6) nearer to those given by the probabilistic derivation.
are tabulated in Table V for N = 1, 10, 100.


It is proposed that the design value for stud connec-
The analysis is based on the assumption that the tors should be based on the concept of characteristic
failure stresses of stud connectors are normally dis- strength as outlined in this paper. The reasons are as
tributed. Table VI shows the effects of different dis- follows.
tributions on the characteristic values and the load (a) This approach is consistent with current practice
sharing factors for 19 mm diameter studs with =
in concrete design.
30 MPa. It is seen that the assumption of a log-normal
distribution increases the characteristic value for 5 (b) Variabilities in concrete, steel and push-out test
per cent and decreases the load sharing factor by techniques are included in the derivation of the
five per cent from those given by a normal distribu- design values;
tion. The use of a Weibull distribution results in a (c) The variation of design strength with the number
decrease in the characteristic value of 3 per cent and of studs also reflects observed experimental
an increase in the load sharing factor from 2-3 per behaviour. As Hawkins (1973) has observed, for
cent. As the net effects of different distributions on the same size of steel beam and slab, tests using
the design value are negligible, the use of a normal smaller studs gave a higher shear strength than
distribution is recommended for computation those with larger studs, even though the connec-
because it gives a simple formula for the load sharing tor strength, based on a summation of individual
effects. connector strengths, was the same.

20 AUSTRALIAN ROAD RESEARCH, Vol 9, No. 4, December 1979


Design Values of Connectors for Concrete
of Characteristic Strength (MPa)

25 30 40
Stud Connector Details 20

Diameter Minimum Number

(mm) Height of Studs Load/Stud (kN)*
(mm) N
1 109 119 131 150
25 100 10 142 154 169 194
100 152 167 182 208

1 87 97 107 122
22 88 10 113 125 137 157
100 123 135 148 169

1 70 78 85 97
19 76 10 91 101 110 126
100 99 109 118 135

1 53 59 64 73
16 64 10 69 76 82 94
100 75 82 89 102

1 38 42 45 52
12 48 10 49 55 58 67
100 53 59 63 72

Load/Stud calculated from eqn (6) with:

fs 0.05 — 410 MPa
fs mean = 455 MPa
qu mean = 0.656 ,A7. 455,/d


Load Sharing Factor Design Load/Stud

Type Characteristic (kN)
of Value o 05
Assumed (MPa)
Distribution For For For For
N= 10 N = 100 N= 10 N= 100
Normal 298 1.319 1.421 110 118
Log-Normal 313 1.259 1.351 110 118
Weibull 289 1.348 1.464 109 117

F., = 30 MPa, fs 0.05 = 410 MPa

CONCLUSION variabilities in concrete strengths, steel strengths

and push-out testing techniques. For Australian prac-
This paper has proposed a probabilistic method of tice, the result shows that the NAASRA Bridge Design
determining the design strength of stud connectors Specification (1976) overestimates the strength of
from push-out test data. Based on Hawkins' empirial stud connectors for cases involving large diameter
formula, American, British and Australian test data, studs and/or high concrete strength. CP 117 (BSI
together with collected data on properties of 1967) design values are much closer to the proposed
Australian-made studs, were analysed in this study. values, although CP 117 requires higher strength
The proposed method takes into account the studs than are assumed in the derivation.

REFERENCES AMERICAN WELDING SOCIETY (1975). Structural Welding Code. AWSDI. 1-75.
BRITISH STANDARDS INSTITUTION (1965). Composite Construction in Structural Steel and
Concrete: Simply-supported Beams in Building. CP1 17: Part 1.
— (1967). Composite Construction in Structural Steel and Concrete: Beams for Bridges.
CP117: Part 2.
CHAPMAN, J.C. and BALAKRISHNAN, S. (1964). Experiments on composite beams. Struc-
tural Eng. , 42(11), Nov. pp. 369-83.

AUSTRALIAN ROAD RESEARCH, Vol. 9, No. 4, December 1979 21


FLETCHER, L. (1979). Steel mains test data — Private Communication.

HAWKINS, N.M. (1973). Strength of stud shear connectors. Civil Eng. Trans. Inst. Eng. Aust.
15(1 & 2), PP. 46-52.
Design Specification. (NAASRA: Sydney.)
OLLGAARD, J.G., SLUTTER, R.G. and FISHER, J.W. (1971). Shear strength of stud connec-
tors in lightweight and normal-weight concrete. A1SC Eng. J. , April, pp. 55-64.
SLUTTER, R.G. and DRISCOLL, G.C. (1965). Flexural strengths of steel — concrete com-
posite beams. Proc. ASCE. J. Structural Div. 91 (ST2), April, pp. 71-100.
STANDARDS ASSOCIATION OF AUSTRALIA (1974). Concrete Structures Code.

After graduating in Mechanical

Engineering from the University of
Tasmania in 1969, Lam Pham worked
for Gutteridge. Haskins and Davey on
the design and construction of build-
ings, water treatment systems and
waste water treatment systems He
obtained a M.Eng Sc. in 1971 and a
Ph D in 1975. both from the Civil
Engineering Department, University of
L. PHAM Tasmania He joined Maunsell and
B.E., M.Eng.Sc., Partners in 1975 and worked on the
Ph.D., M.I.E.Aust. design of rail and road bridges Since
1977 he has been a research scientist
at CSIRO Division of Building
Research. His current research in-
terests incli•je timber structures,
steel sta. ,rures. welding, reliability
based design and load combination
problems He is currently a member of
SAA Committee TM102/1 — Timber
Engineering and SAA Committee
BD/32 — Composite Construction

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The author wishes to thank Mr F.D. Beresford and Dr R.H. Leicester for their many helpful
suggestions made during the reviewing of the manuscript.

22 AUSTRALIAN ROAD RESEARCH, Vol 9, No. 4, December 1979

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