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Lipa City Colleges

Lipa City
Name: _______________________ Date:____________
Course/Year/Section: ___________
Permit no#:_______
NSTP 1 (Civic Welfare and Training Services)
FINAL Examination
First Semester Academic Year 2020-2021

General Direction: Choose the best answer for the following questions. Always use CAPITAL LETTERS and
BLACK BALLPEN. Avoid erasures, an erasure means an incorrect answer.

I. True or False: write NS if the statement is TRUE and TP if FALSE. Analyze the statements carefully.
______1. Change of Climate is said to be attributed to direct or indirect to Human activity altering the composition of
the atmosphere.
______2. Natural causes of climate change includes such as methane emission, volcanic eruption, and sunspot/solar
cycle while manmade causes includes meat consumption, overpopulation and fossil fuel.
______3. Rising sea level, melting Glaciers, hazardous diseases, intense drought and natural calamities are impacts of
Climate change.
______4. For Manmade Remedies and Precautions, brought about by Climate Change Deforestation is essential as of the
implementation of Green Business like rooftop gardening, law regulation like less use of paper, community forestry,
landfill planning, joint organization, educative campaigns, eco forestry, replanting.
______5. Environmental education is defined to encompass environmental concepts and principles, environmental laws,
the state of international and local environment, local environmental best practices, the threats of environmental
degradation and its impact on human well-being, the responsibility of the citizenry to the environment and the value of
conservation, protection and rehabilitation of natural resources and the environment in the context of sustainable
______6. In Section two of Republic Act 9512 states that, Environmental Education and Activities as a Part of National
Service Training Program, the CHED and the TESDA shall include environmental education and awareness programs and
activities in the National Service Training Program under Republic Act No. 9163, as part of the Civic Welfare Training
Service component required for all baccalaureate degree courses and vocational courses with a curriculum of at least
two (2) years.
______7. Youth Delinquency is an act or a misbehavior that is different from the normal procedure of rules and
regulations, customs and traditions as well as culture being committed by youth.
______8. The Juvenile Justice System in the Philippines is an Act which amends R.A. 9344 of the
R.A. 10630.
_______9.These is the Conditions When CPR is needed: The victim is unconscious; pulse is weak or no pulse, no
breathing or difficulty in breathing.
______10. In a lifesaving technique useful in many emergencies, including heart attack or near drowning, in which
someone's breathing or heartbeat has stopped. CPR is a combination of chest compressions and rescue breaths.
______11. If a youth who hates the authority specially those who have control of their behavior, and they always in
conflict with what is right and dose it with friends is a Social delinquent.
______12. A youth who has an identifiable in character but happens to be at the wrong place and time to commit
delinquency can we say that it is an Accidental Delinquency.
______13. Drugs are classify as any substance that prevents or cure diseases, or enhance physical and mental welfare.
______14. A strong desire to consume drugs, difficulty controlling its use, persistent use despite detrimental effects,
preference to use drugs than to other activities, increasing tolerance to the drug used, are a typical characteristic of drug
______15. The implementation of NSTP Act of 2001 as embodied in R.A.9163 and its implementation shall be jointly
supervised by the Department of National Defense (DND), Commission on Higher Education (CHED) and Technical
Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA).
______16. As provided for in the NSTP Law, all incoming freshmen students enrolled in any Baccalaureate degree or at
least two-year Technical Vocational course are mandated to enroll in NSRC.
______17. NSTP is designed to develop and enhance consciousness and defense preparedness among Filipino Youth by
developing the ethics of service, nationalism and patriotism undergoing training the main components of the program.
______18. In Bill of Rights, Section 1 talks on, No person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due
process of law, nor shall any person be denied the equal protection of the laws.
______19. Nationalism implies that only the people belonging to one’s own country shall be considered unequal.
______20. A Patriotic person tends always not tolerate criticism and maintains something aged from it.
II. Multiple Choices: From the Given choices choose the Best Answer that will describe the given
______21. A state or condition where our most cherished values and beliefs, our democratic way of life, our institutions
of governance and our unity, welfare and well-being as a nation and people are permanently protected and continuously
enhanced. A. National Treat B. Security Treats C. Internal Security D. National Security

______22. The second of the seven elements defining national security that, we must ensure the permanent inviolability
of our national territory and its effective control by the Government and the State, this includes the preservation of our
country’s Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) and its protection from illegal incursions and resource exploitation.
A. Internal Peace B. Political Stability C. Territorial Integrity D. National Zone
______23. This continues to pose a serious threat to national security, although presently weakened in comparison with
their peak strength in the 1985-87 periods.
______24. With this as a growing global threat, as experienced with computer viruses such as Melissa and Chernobyl,
which have attacked isolated or networked information systems through the internet or through software carriers and
A. Cybernetic crime  B. Cyber crime C. Internet crime D. Wire-topping crime
______25. In 1978 former president, Marcos made formal claims on this island by declaring that fifty-seven of the
islands were part of Palawan Province by virtue of their presence on the continental margin of the archipelago___.
A. Pawikan Island B. Likha Island C. Kalayaan Island D. Maharlika Island
______26. This is a threat to global security, wherein nuclear materials and technologies are more accessible now than
at any other time in history. The relative ease of production of both chemical and biological weapons has made these
attractive to terrorists.
A. The existence of cyber crime C. International Terrorist Attack
B. International Economic Invasion D. proliferation of weapons of mass destruction
______27. The growing uncertainties that lie in the regional and global milieu make up the
second dimension of our national security environment, even as threat of external aggression
against our country remains in the remote horizon.
A. Internal Aggression B. Economic Sabotage C. External Aggression D. Economic Intervention
______28 It is an efforts to create a world at Peace, which is an old fashioned term.
A. Pedalogic B. Pedaloygic C. Pedagogic D. Pidegogic
______29. A condition that results from the establishment and maintenance of protective measures that ensures a state
of inviolability from hostile acts or influences.
A. Defense Security B. National Sovereignty C. Sovereign Security D. National security
______30. The measurable state of the capability of a nation to overcome the multi-dimensional threats to the apparent
well-being of its people and its survival as a nation-state at any given time, by balancing all instruments of state policy
through governance, that can be indexed by computation, empirically or otherwise, and is extendable to global security
by variables external to it.
A. International security B. Universal security C. National Security D. Sovereign Security

III. Choose the Best Answer, by applying the right intervention from the given choices=, write only the Capital
Letter Answer.
1. National Security Interest Choices: A. Public Safety, Law and Order and Justice B. Territorial Integrity
C. Economic Solidarity and Sustainable Development D. Cultural Cohesiveness E. Ecological Balance
F. Socio-Political Stability G. Cultural Cohesiveness H. Moral and Spiritual Consensus
I. International Peace and Cooperation
______31.The most fundamental duties of the State are to ensure public safety, maintain law and order, and dispense
social justice within the purview of the constitutionally enshrined principles of democracy, rule of law and respect for
human rights by strengthening the five pillars of the criminal justice system.
______32.The territory of the country is intact and inviolable, and under the effective control and jurisdiction of the
Philippine Government.
______33.The environment is able to support sustainable development strategies for the benefit of the nation and the
people who depend on it for existence.
______34. The people share the values and beliefs handed down by their forebears and possess a strong sense of
attachment to national community despite their religious, ethnic and linguistic differences.
_____35.The economy is strong, capable of supporting national endeavors, and derives its strength from the solidarity of
our people who have an organic stake in it through participation and ownership.
2. Elements of National Security Choices: A. Military security B. Political security C. Economic security
D. Environmental security E. Cyber-security F. Empowerment of Women
______36. This Element of National Security deals with environmental issues which threaten the national security of a
nation in any manner, the scope and nature of environmental threats to national security and strategies to engage them
are a subject of debate. 
______37. This Element began to be viewed as a pressing national security issue.
Electronic information systems are vital for maintaining a national security of any state. Possible unauthorized access to
the critical governmental infrastructures by state and non-state entities can create a serious threat and have a negative
impact on political, economic and military security of a given nation.
______38. This is traditionally, the earliest recognized form of national security. This Element implies the capability of a
nation to defend itself, and/or deter military aggression. Alternatively, it implies the capability of a nation to enforce its
policy choices by use of military force, it is considered synonymous with security in much of its usage.

______39. An important component of national security, this pertains about the stability of the social order.
______40. This element historically, is the conquest of nations that has made conquerors rich through plunder, access to
new resources and enlarged trade by controlling a conquered nations' economy. This is in today's complex system of
international trade, characterized by multi-national agreements, mutual inter-dependence and availability of natural
resources etc.

IV. Analyze the Following Statements: Write A if you do Agree in favoring with the right quotation given in
the statement or D Disagree if otherwise.
______41. Youth is the Fair Hope of our Fatherland.
______42. Unwanted and teenage pregnancy is a major cause of an unfulfilled future and reduced career
ambition especially among the Youth and student.
______43. We are in conflict with our World, with our Environment because of pollution.
______44. We are living in a time of conflicts have been dangerously raised to a sophisticated and terrifying
New level because of Guns and inter Marine War ship weapons.
______45. We must not only prepare our children, the Youth, for the World but, We must prepare the World for our
children our Youth.
______46. Humanity has been address and has been addressing these conflicts, but to our disappointment, these
challenges have been remaining unsolved and are getting worst during the passage of time.
______47.The Youth our children are strategic to Peace initiative for our county’s growth the key words are getting rid of
Guns and induce Prosperity.
______48. We never get rid of an enemy by meeting hate with hate; we get rid of an enemy by getting rid of enmity.
______49. Peace is a material and physical state of affair
______50. To attain Peace one factor is to eliminate Hunger and Poverty; this is a conflict of whose control over the
world’s limited resources.

III. Complete the following Table:

AFP Identifies threats to Philippine national security coming from various defense and the
security policy directives. (give at least three each)
Potential External Threats Internal Security Threats

Seven fundamental elements that lie at the core, and further amplify our definition of
national security.

Good Luck…GOD Bless…

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