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Liceo ingles del sur

Evaluación de mes

Grade Sixth.

1) Mark the two correct statements by marking on i, ii or iii.

to. Spontaneous generation defends that:
i. Elements of inert nature, such as mud, have a mysterious force capable of creating
ii. Every living being comes from another.
iii. Insects can be born from trash and sweat.
b. Great thinkers of other times and spontaneous generation:
i. Aristotle, despite defending that every living being comes from life, did not rule out that
human beings could come from excrement.
ii. Descartes and Newton supported this theory.
iii. Francisco Redi conducted an experiment that proved the veracity of this theory.
2) Drag the appropriate words to the corresponding place:
Liceo ingles del sur
Evaluación de mes

d) Piece of meat in uncovered jar

a) Time spent with the jar uncovered

f) Time spent with the jar covered

c) Meat without fly larvae or only on
the surface

b) Meat full of fly larvae

e) Piece of meat in covered jar
3) Check the two correct statements:

What did Redi demonstrate with his experiment?

i. The larvae that appeared in the meat came from eggs laid by flies.
ii. Larvae had appeared by spontaneous generation, that is, as a result of the rottenness of
the meat.
iii. The larvae had not been created by a magical force of nature, that is, by spontaneous

b. On the war between scientists in the mid-19th century:

i. Some argued that life could arise in closed sterile environments, without any hint of
previous life.
ii. Half of scientists already argued that air and objects contained
polluting elements (bacteria, spores ...).
iii. The entire scientific community agreed to refute spontaneous generation and it had
ended up completely ruled out.

4) Drag the appropriate words to the corresponding place:

a) The second flask had its neck broken, allowing b) The contents of this flask decomposed
microorganisms to enter.

c) Flasks filled with broth, which were boiled and allowed to stand
5) Check the two correct statements: Pasteur designed a new experiment:

i. He used gooseneck flasks, a new container that favoured the entry of


ii. He found that boiling the broth killed the microorganisms and therefore the broth
did not decompose.

iii. Later he learned that to eliminate all germs, temperatures above 120ºC must be

6) Select the correct answer for each question with an X

What structure is present only in the plant cell?

a) cell nucleus

b) cellular membrane

c) cellular wall

d) cytoplasm

7) Why the plant cell have chloroplasts?

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