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Cambridge Primary

Long-term planning template 2

Cambridge Primary Art & Design Stages 1 - 6

Ongoing (O)
Learning objective Term ref (T1,
T2, T3)
E.01 Encounter, sense, experiment with and respond to a wide range of sources, including a
range of art from different times and cultures.
E.02 Explore media, materials, tools, technologies and processes.

E.03 Gather and record experiences and visual information.


Learn to use a range of media, materials, tools, technologies and processes with
increasing skill, independence and confidence.
M.02 Select appropriate media, materials, tools, technologies and processes for a purpose.

R.01 Celebrate artistic experiences and learning.

R.02 Analyse, critique and connect own and others’ work as part of the artistic process.

Thinking and Working Artistically

TWA.01 Generate, develop, create, innovate and communicate ideas by using and connecting the
artistic processes of experiencing, making and reflecting.
TWA.02 Embrace challenges and opportunities, working with growing independence.

TWA.03 Review and refine own work.


 You should enter all the learning objectives for the stage here. The number of lines in the table should
match the total number of learning objectives for the stage.
 The final column should give a clear overview of coverage. Where an objective is addressed in more
than one unit, all of the relevant units should be listed – this will help you to achieve a balance, ensuring
that coverage is sufficient and/or not too frequent at the expense of others.

Cambridge International, 2019 1

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