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Evidence 5

As it is resize it looks more blurry than it would otherwise, the color of the text much uo with
the background colors, thought it could be a lot darker.

Evidence 6

Evidence 7
<!DOCTYPE html>


<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="BBlocks.css">

<title>Bobby’s blocks</title>



<a id="top"></a>

<table style="margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto;">

<tr style="height:300px">

<td style="width:900px" colspan="2"><img src="BlockLogo.jpg"

alt="Image of Bobby's Blocks Logo">



<tr style="height:200px">

<td style="width:300px"><h1>Bricks</h1>


<td rowspan=4 style="width:600px"><img src="BlockImage.jpg" alt="Image

of block paving with text" style="width:600px; height:810px">



<tr style="height:200px">

<td style="width:300px"><h1>Blocks</h1>


<tr style="height:200px">

<td style="width:300px"><h1>Bobby’s Bricks Homepage</h1>



<tr style="height:210px">

<td style="width:300px"><h1>Web page edited by Juan Pablo Nieto Parra 1023 1021

9999</h1><br><h1><a href="#top">Return to the top</a></h1>






Evidence 8
body { background-color: #cc8266}

h1 { font-family: "Arial",sans-serif; text-align: center;

color: #ff0000;}

table,td { border-collapse: collapse; border-style:none;}

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