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Proposal for the Coca cola advert campaign.

Coca cola is a gigantic brand that has been around since May 8th, 1886. The brand has
changed a lot during this time, but their product has mainly stayed the same, but they
always have a similar advertising structure, this structure creates an advert that targets one
specific target audience and makes the product appeal to them. Our plan for advertising
Coca cola was to create an advert that would embrace multiple target audiences at once.

The purpose for this Campaign was to create an advert that would include and appeal to
multiple target audiences. Our original idea was to have the advert actually feature the
target audiences that we would be aiming towards, but unfortunately, we had to change
our idea because of covid forcing us into another national lockdown.

In our original idea we had a Tagline and a slogan that was: A little fun for everyone. Now
this allowed us to fit with our theme of Inclusivity, then we decided to change the slogan to
Stay safe, have a coke and keep A little fun for everyone as our tagline. This allowed our
social media campaign to be a lot smoother because now we had more hashtag to use in the
post we made.

We wanted to make this advert so that we could show a possible change to the general
scheme of advertising which is to target one specific target audience and make whatever
product or service that you are advertising appeal to them. So, we chose three different
target audiences to convey our advert too, they were: Young Families, Teenagers, and
Young Adults. We definitely went for a younger range because it doesn’t stray too far from
who Coca cola normally targets.

Target audience
Our target audience was originally Young Couples Teenagers and Elderly People,
unfortunately due to covid we thought that it would be too risky to feature multiple
different age groups of society because we would be putting their and our own health and
safety at risk, so we decided to remove Elderly people and replace them with Young Families
for our target audience. This also meant that our idea to use the multiple target audiences
to open new doors for the company in future for a wider customer following, so we decided
to create another advert plan that would still show the theme of inclusivity even in the

The equipment that we would need to make the TV advert would consist from
1 Sony X70 camera
2 32gb cards to store footage
1 tripod
8 actors
1 sound recorder
8 cars
12 Lunch's
The total cost of these product for one day would be about
We would have planned to film for 3 days just in case some footage corrupts and we would
be filming from 11am to 2pm one different section of the advert would be filmed on each
day. So, in total the cost for filming would be £8220.
Then for the editing we would need to get
1 editor
1 edit suit
This in total would cost £550 for 1 day
We would have 3 days of editing so in total it would cost £1650

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