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2020 IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium Workshops (IPDPSW)

The Role of Artificial Intelligence and Cyber Security

for Social Media
Bhavani Thuraisingham
Computer Science Dept.
The University of Texas at Dallas
Richardson, USA

Abstract— Social media systems such as Facebook and Twitter The organization of this paper is as follows. AI for social
are playing a major role in society connecting over a billion people media is discussed in Section II. In particular, the use of
worldwide and enabling them to communicate and share machine learning techniques to extract useful information and
information with each other as well as within a group of help humans as well as the use of AI for the challenging problem
individuals. These social media systems can vastly help humanity of determining fake news will be discussed. Security and
such as spread information about infectious diseases and discuss privacy for social media systems will be discussed in Section III.
solutions to problems faced by humanity including preventing For example, access control for social media systems as well as
child trafficking and violence against women. However, social the privacy violations that could occur due to analyzing the
media systems can also do harm, such as shared false information,
social media data will be discussed. Integrating AI and security
more popularly known as fake news, as well as violating the
for social media will be the subject of Section IV. For example,
privacy of individuals. With the proliferation of Artificial
Intelligence (AI) systems together with powerful machine learning the machine learning techniques applied to social media data
techniques as well as the cyber-attacks on information systems are could be attacked. Therefore, adversarial machine learning
changing the way the social media systems are being used by techniques for handling such attacks will be discussed. Finally,
humans. This paper discusses the role of both AI and Cyber the paper is summarized in Section V that will also include a
Security for social media systems including the benefits of AI as discussion of future directions.
well as protecting social media systems.
Keywords—social media, AI, artificial intelligence, cyber Machine learning techniques have been applied for
security, cyber attack, privacy, integrating numerous social media applications including for Twitter and
Facebook. For example, the machine learning techniques can
predict the location of the user, carry out sentiment analysis as
Social media systems such as Facebook and Twitter are well as make recommendations. Some of the applications are
being used for the good of humanity. For example, these systems discussed in the InXite system that provides multiple analytics
can inform the users of the spread of diseases, provide for the capabilities [2]. Machine learning techniques can also be used to
support for emergency preparedness as well as enable the determine the important people in a social media system as well
sharing of information so that the users are better informed about as make predictions about where the disease will spread next.
various topics such as politics and sports. Various analytics tools Numerous benefits have been reported to handle emergency
are being applied on these systems to extract information not activities during earthquakes, hurricanes, tornados, terrorism
only about the users but also about the contents of their posts. events and the spread of deadly diseases. These techniques have
While the nuggets that are extracted could help humanity, they also been used to locate the epicenter of disasters and send relief
can also compromise individual privacy. In addition, social in timely manner. A useful discussion about emergency
media systems have also been the vehicle for spreading false preparedness and social media is given in [3].
rumors that could be damaging to the individuals and cause great
harm. In addition, the social media systems as well as the Next, social media systems are subject to cyber-attacks. For
analysis techniques could be compromised due to cyber-attacks example, malicious software could change the contents of the
and as a result the information posted could be compromised. messages posted. Such software could also create fake profiles
This paper explores the use of the applications of AI techniques that would then post false information. The images and video
for social media as well as examines how social media systems contents posted on social media could also be subject to attacks.
could be protected from cyber-attacks. In addition, the privacy Finally, the machines and mobile phones used by the users of
violations that could occur are also addressed. A comprehensive the social media could be attacked and could in turn infect a
discussion on analyzing and securing social media is provided large part of the social media system. The question then is how
in [1]. This paper explores some of the emerging challenges we can machine learning techniques detect such malicious activity.
are faced with due to the fake news being posted and the novel Numerous efforts have been reported in applying machine
cyber-attacks on social media systems. learning for detecting malware (e.g., [4]). So, what we need to

978-1-7281-7445-7/20/$31.00 ©2020 IEEE 1116

DOI 10.1109/IPDPSW50202.2020.00184

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investigate is how can we apply such techniques to the new types violations in such systems. Is there a privacy measure? A closely
of attacks that pertain to social media systems? related problem is the inference problem where collections of
information could be highly classified while individual pieces
A closely related question is how to handle fake news. For may be unclassified. We have developed solutions to this
example, fake news can result due to malicious software. problem by implementing inference controllers [12]. Should a
However, most often the fake news can result due to the humans social media system include an inference engine that can reason
viciously posting false rumors such as a prominent person being about the information posted and then alert the individuals that
a pedophile, or another prominent person embezzling millions by posting additional information security may be violated?
of dollars. Detecting such fake news is a huge challenge. There
is some work in this area [5]. What must be done is train the IV. INTEGRATING AI AND SECURITY FOR SOCIAL MEDIA
machine models with numerous articles about an event or a
person. These articles will clearly show that the person is not a Section II discussed how machine learning techniques may
pedophile and is indeed a respected individual. Once the model be used to detect sentiments as well as fake news. It also
is trained then the new articles have to be tested and based on discussed how they could be applied to detect malicious
the training, it can make a determination as to whether the person software. Section III discussed security and privacy
is a pedophile or not. The problem is that the news stories are considerations for social media and some potential solutions. So
evolving and also arriving continuously. Therefore, some of the now the question is, what are the security and privacy problems
techniques that have been developed for analyzing evolving data for using machine learning techniques for social media systems?
streams could be used to detect fake news [6], [7]. Another First of all, the Machine learning techniques could be
solution to the problem is identifying the source of the fake attacked. That is, the attacker could figure out the learning model
news. Therefore, some of the solutions proposed for the data and try and thwart the model. The defender would then adapt the
provenance should be investigated further for fake news model. The attacker would learn about the new model and try
applications [8]. and thwart it. This then becomes a game played between the
attacker and the defender. This has come to be known
III. SECURITY AND PRIVACY FOR SOCIAL MEDIA adversarial machine learning [13]. There is now extensive
As stated in Section II, the social media systems could be research on this topic. However, we need to investigate the
attacked via malicious software. For example, the posting of the impact of the solutions proposed on social media systems. That
users could be maliciously altered. The malicious software could is, how can we adapt the machine learning techniques being
also emanate from the infected machines of the users or from the applied to social media systems so that they can overcome the
content they post such as images and video already cyber-attacks? The privacy problems that result due to machine
compromised. Machine learning techniques are being explored learning has been studied for nearly two decades [14]. It is now
to detect such malicious software. In addition, access control possible to use machine learning and extract nuggets that could
models for social media systems have also been developed [9]. be highly private (or sensitive). Various privacy-preserving
These access control models provide fine-grained access to the machine learning techniques are being developed. The challenge
social media data. In addition, the appropriate identification and is how do we adapt these techniques for social media systems?
authentication techniques are needed to ensure the identity of the There is some discussion in [15] and the issues and challenges
users. One of the challenges of the social media systems is need to be explored further. More recently there are some
detecting fake users. These fake users do have legitimate email initiatives by organizations such as the United Nations on “AI
addresses. However, they provide false information about them for Good”. So, the challenge we are faced with is, how can AI
and post nasty gossip that is often false information. The be for good in the midst of cyber-attacks and privacy violations?
question is how can the fable rumors be detected and blocked [16] Also, what is the impact of social media on AI for Good?
[10]. Machine learning techniques are being examined to detect
such fake profiles. But a big problem is that the fake profiles V. SUMMARY AND DIRECTIONS
may be created by malicious software and bots and may make This paper has discussed the benefits of social media and the
very little change to the content but one that could result in a application of machine learning techniques for social media. For
huge impact. The challenge the cyber security researchers have example, machine learning techniques are being used to detect
is to detect such malicious software. the sentiment of the users and to provide information on the
Another problem with social media systems is protecting the spread of deadly diseases as well as prevent child trafficking. It
privacy of individuals. Now, one can say that it is up to the also discussed the use of machine learning for detecting fake
individual to determine what information to post about him or news and malicious software. Next, the paper discussed security
her. However, sometimes the individuals can get carried away and privacy issues for social media systems including access
and post disparate information about themselves which control models and privacy aware social media systems. Finally,
collectively could result in their privacy being violated. The the paper discussed the integration of AI ad cyber security for
individual could post photos of spending vacations say in the social media systems such as adversarial machine learning and
Bahamas which can alert thieves to rob the individual’s home. the inference and privacy problems.
So, should it be up to the social media system to ask the The role of AI and security for social media systems is just
individual the question “do you really want to post this beginning. With the advent of the AI for Good initiative as well
information?” and then explain the potential privacy violations? as the emergence of Fair AI and Bias in AI, we can expect more
There is work on privacy aspects of social media systems [11], investigation on the applications of such AI areas in social
but we also need to understand what is meant by privacy media. Cyber security attacks and privacy violations add


Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Technology Jamaica. Downloaded on January 16,2021 at 01:13:52 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
complexities to the problem of using AI. For example, how can [6] M. M. Masud, J. Gao, L. Khan, J. Han, and B. M. Thuraisingham:
AI be for good in social media with cyber-attacks and privacy Classification and Novel Class Detection in Concept-Drifting Data
Streams under Time Constraints. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 23(6):
violations? How can we extend adversarial machine learning for 859-874 (2011)
social media? How can we measure privacy in social media? [7] B. Thuraisingham, P Pallabi, M. Masud, and L. Khan, Big Data Analytics
How can false rumors be detected and blocked? While some with Applications in Insider Threat Detection, CRC Press, 2017.
progress has been made there is still much to be done. [8] Tyrone Cadenhead, Murat Kantarcioglu, and Bhavani M. Thuraisingham:
A Framework for Policies over Provenance. TaPP 2011
ACKNOWLEDGMENT [9] B. Carminati, E. Ferrari, R. Heatherly, M. Kantarcioglu, and B. M.
I would like to thank Dr. Latifur Khan and Dr. Murat Thuraisingham: Semantic web-based social network access control.
Kantarcioglu for their technical discussions. I also would like to Computers & Security 30(2-3): 108-115 (2011)
thank Rhonda Walls and Brian Ricks for their comments. [10] L. Fan, Z. Lu, W. Wu, B. M. Thuraisingham, H. Ma, and Y. Bi: Least
Cost Rumor Blocking in Social Networks. ICDCS 2013.
REFERENCES [11] R. Heatherly, M. Kantarcioglu, and B. M. Thuraisingham: Preventing
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