Word Processor

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Word Processor

 This is word processor that is adopted by millions of people in the world and it is also called word. It
allows processing of textual information that may include the typing, editing and formatting of information
by using various ways and printing if after processing according to the requirement.

 The formatting can change the appearance of your text, size of text etc. You can change style, font, font
size, Bold, Italic Underline, Highlight, Align left, Align right, Centre, Justify, Numbering, Bullets,
Decrease Indents, Increase Indents and Border Button.
 The main functions of standard tool bar are New, Open, Save, Print, Print preview,- Cut, Copy, Paste,
Format, printer, Undo, Redo, Auto format, Insert address, Insert table, Insert Microsoft, Excel Worksheet,
Columns, Drawing, Show/Hide, Zoom control, Tip wizard and Help.
 It allows to set border on the paragraphs, table bells, frames and graphics.
 You can create and edit a database with in your displayed document. Database includes Data form, manage
fields, add new records. Delete records, sort ascending, sort descending, Insert Database Update fields, find
record and mail, merge main document.
 It includes various editing features like insert character, delete character, overstrike by overtyping, insert
words, inserting new paragraph, inserting blank lines in the paragraph, splitting and paragraph, cutting,
copying and posting the text.
 The page setup allows to set the margins define the paper size and its orientation, find the pap.er source and
set page layout.
 MS-Word comes with a number of built in styles that can be applied to both the document heading and
normal text A style is a set of formatted characteristics which can quickly and easily paragraph and
character formatting to text You can define the style by giving it name
 MS-Word have four types of underline facility as single, double, dotted and words only
 MS-Word allows you to adjust the number of blank lines of text, which is known as line spacing This
makes the document more neat and clear
 MS-Word automatically, wraps text to the following page based on page margins, paragraph indents and
other criteria.
 MS-Word has facility of Header and Footers Header is a special text, which is often used for repeating and
title of document from a page to page and entering page number at the bottom of the document For this you
have to enter the text for header and footer once
 MS-Word includes the capability to check the spelling and grammar in a document It will start checking
the spelling of each word from top to bottom one by one If there is mistake of spelling or there is a word
that is not in the dictionary then it will display a spelling dialog box which has dictionary of U S English
Grammatical errors can also be checked and removed by using Grammar facility provided by the MS-Word
 MS-Word has provided a facility to create tables automatically You can create a table having any number
of rows and columns having different size of cells
 MS-Word has facility of Mail Merge It is used to describe the process of merging some form of address
database with a form of letter to create a group of individual letters Mail merge is used to print letters,
envelopes, mailing labels etc


Q 1. What is the use of spell checker?

Ans Features of Spell Check Spelling Checking and correction is very useful feature of MS-Word. It helps the user
to produce error-free document spelling checking is done with the help of internally Available Dictionaries. In
Addition to internally available dictionary, user can also create a personal dictionary there are two ways to check
spelling and grammar

(i) Word can automatically check spelling and Grammatical errors as you type the text

(ii) Aftei treating the Document, you can have the word to search the document for spelling and grammatical errors.

Q 2. What is MS Word?

Ans MS-Word is a software package that helps you to create, edit, format and print a document. It is quite flexible
and easy to use. It is one of the most popular word- processors for Windows. It has number of menus and commands
that are user friendy. It provide the facility to save the document automatically after pressing save commands. It has
options of spell and grammar checking and mail merge which is not available in other word processing softwares.

Q4. What is Mail Merge?

Ans. In our daily life many applications require documents, letters containing similar text and a common layout to
be sent to a number of persons The mail merge feature merges documents containing similar information with some
differences (like names, addresses) in a very quick and easy way.

Q 5. What is a text processing package?

Ans. Text processing package allows you various processes on the text.

These processes are as follows

1. Typing and Inserting Text

2. Selecting Text

3. Deleting Text

4. Formatting Text

Q 6. What is difference between the impact and non-impact printers?

Ans. Impact printer is a class of printers that work by banging a head or needle against an ink ribbon to make a mark
on the paper. This includes dot-matrix printers, daisy-wheel printers, and line printers.

Non-impact printers are much quieter than impact printers as their printing heads do not strike the paper. Most non-
impact printers produce dqç-matrix patterns. The distinction is important because impactprinters tend to be
considerably noisier than non-impact printers but are useful formultipart forms such as invoices.

Q 7. What is a mall merge facility?

Ans. Mail merge facility is used when you want to create a set of documents that are essentially the same but where
each document contains unique elements. For example, in a letter that announces a new product, your company logo
and the text about the product will appear in. each letter, and the address and greeting line will be different in each

Using mall merge, you can create:

-A set of labels or envelopes. The return address is the same on all the labels or envelopes, but the- destination
address is unique on each one.

Q8 How margins are set in MS-Word ?

Ans To set the margins in MS-Word ruler in used One can drag the norizontal and vertical ruler to left, right, up and
down to set the top, bottom, left and right marins of a document A line below the toolbar is called ruler bar or ruler
or rule line Margins can also be set by selecting <page setup> option in <file> menu.

Q 9 What is the alignment of text ?

Ans Text can be aligned to the left, center, or right side of the page or it can be justified across the page

Q 10 How spelling are checked in MS-Word?

Ans MS-Word has the capability to check the spelling and grammer in a document

It is done using following steps


(i) Open the document by clicking the open button from the standard tool bar

(ii) to do spell checking from the whole document, press F7 function key or click spell check button from the
standard toolbar or select the Spelling and Grammar command from the tools menu

2. A set of form letters, e-mail messages, or faxes. :The basic content is the same in all the letteis, messages, or
faxes, but each contact information that is specific to the individual recipient, such as name, address, or some other
piece of personal data.

3 A set of numbered coupons The coupons are identical except that each contains a unique number Creating each
letter, message, fax, label, envelope, or coupon individually would take hours That’s where mail merge comes in
Using mail merge, all you have to do is create one document that contains the information that is the same in each
version Then you just add some placeholders for the information that is unique to each version Word takes care of
the rest


Q 1. What is the mail merge feature of MS-Word? Explain the procedure with examples.

How does mail merge works? Explain.

Ans. The basic steps in mail-merge process are as follows

Step 1 : Choose a document type and main document

Step 2 : Connect to a data file and select records

Step 3 : Add flelds to the main document

Step 4 : Preview the merge and then complete it.

To start the mail merge process:

1. Start Word.
2. A blank document opens by default. Leave it open. If you dose it, the next step
3. won’t work.
4. 2. On the Tools menu, point to Letters and Mailings, and then cflck Mail Merge.
5. The Mail Merge task pane opens. By using hyperlinks in the taskpane, you navigate through the mail-
merge process.
6. Step 1: Choose a document type and main document:
7. Choose the type of document you want to merge information into.The Mail Merge task pane opens with a
question about what type of merged document you are creating. After you choose, click Next at the bottom
of the tak pane. If you have fax suppor et up on your’ computer and a fax modem installed, you will also
see Faxes in the list of document types. Choose the main document you want.to use. If your main document

is already open, or you are starting with a blank document,you can click. Use the current document.
Otherwise, click Start from a template or Start from e’xisting document, and then locate thelemplate or
document that you want to use.
8. Step 2 : Connect to a data file and select reccsrds:
9. Connect to the data file. In this step in the mail-merge process, you connect to the data file where the
unique informatIon that you want to merge into your documents is stored. If you keep complete up-to-date
information in your Microsoft Office Outlook® Contacts list, that is an excellent data file to use for
customer letters or e-mail messages, just click Select from Outlook contacts in the task pane, and then
choose your Contacts folder. If you have a Microsoft Office Excel worksheet or a Microsoft Office Access
database that contains your customer information, click Use an existing list, and•then click Browse to
locate the file. If you don’t have a data file yet, click Type a new list, and then use the form that opens to
create yours list. The list is saved as a mailing database file that you can reuse. Choose the records in the
data file that you want to use. After you connect to the data file that you want to use or create a new data
file, the Mail Merge Recipients dialog box opens. You can select a subset of record for your mail merge by
sorting or filtering the list.

Do any of the following:

(a) To sort the records in a column in ascending or descending order, click the column heading.

(b) To filter the list, click the arrow beside the column heading that contains the value on which you want to filter.
Then, click the value that you want. Or, if your list is long, click Advanced to open a dialog box where you can set
the value. Click Blanks to display only records that contain no information or Non blanks to display only records
that contain information.

Step 3 : Add fields to the main document:

Add fieId: If your main document is still blank, type the information that will appear in each copy. Then, add fields
by clicking the hyperlinks in the task pane. Fields are placeholders that you insert into the main document at
locations where you want unique information to appear. For example, you can click the Address block or Greeting
line links in the task pane to add fields near the top of a new product letter, so that each recipient’s letter contains a
personalized address and greeting. Fields appear in your document within chevrons If you click more items in the
task pane, you can add that match any of the columns in your data file. For example, your data file might include a
column called Personal Note By putting a Personal Note field at the bottom of a form letter, you can further
personalize each copy You can even customize envelops by adding a postal bar code—if you are using the English
(U S ) language version of Word or & electronic postage

Match fields If you insert an address block field or a greeting line field into your document, you are prompted to
choose the format that you prefer The Greeting Line dialog box that opens when you click Greeting line in the task
pane You use the lists under Greeting line format to make your choices If Word can’t match each greeting or
address element with a column from your data file, the addresses and greeting lines will not be merged correctly To
help avoid problems, click Match Fields The Match Fields dialog box opens The elements of an address and
greeting are listed on the left Column headings from your data file are listed on the right Word searches for the
column that matches each element By using the lists on the right, you can select the column from your data file that

matches the element on the left When you finish adding and matching the fields in your main document, you are
ready for the next step

Step 4 Preview the merge and then complete it Preview the merge. You can preview your merged documents and
make changes before you actually complete the merge.

To preview, do any of the following

(a) Page through each merged document by using the next and previous buttons in the task pane

(b) Preview a specific document by clicking Find a recipient

(c) Click Exclude this recipient if you realize you don’t want to include the record that you are looking

(d) Click Edit recipient list to open the Mail Merge Recipients dialog box, where you can filter the list if you see
records that you don t want to include

(e) Click Previous at the bottom of the task pane to go back a step or two if you need to make other changes .When
you are satisfied with the merge reSults, click Next at the bottom of the task pane.

Complete the merge What you do now depends on what type of document you’re creating If you are merging letters,
you can print the letters or modify them individually If you choose to modify the letters, Word saves them all to a
single file, with one letter per page

Q 2 Explain in detail different features of MS WORD’ Explain the working of mail merge with the help of
suitable example

Ans Following are the features of MS-WORD

1 MS-Word is very easy to use Using MS-Word you can create the document

and edit them later as and when required

2 It includes Mail Merge facility to create letters and labels

3. It has a power ful spell checking and thesaurus facilities. Spelling can be checked and correction can be made
automatically in the entire document.

4. It supports a wide range of paper sizes. Page margins including left, right and top and bottom can be set for the
whole document or a part of it.

5. It supports formatting commands like Bold, Italics, Underlining, Alignments, different font types and sizes and

6. It offers commands to apply Paragraph formatting.

7. It has facilities like Bookmark, Find and Replace, Headers and Footers for effective word processing.

8. It has support for Graphics and Drawing objects. Users.can mix the graphical pictures with the text.

9. It supports facilities like object linking and Embedding to embed live objects like spreadsheets etc. from other

10. It offers support to import files from other applicationsas well as to export its files to their applications.

Mall Merge : To produce multiple printed copies of a document such as a form letter; envelope or mailing labels.

Creating Mail Merge : Following are the steps:

1. From the tools menu, select mail merge click on create button and select the type of main document e.g. letter and
then name the main document

2. After that we need to set up the data source. Click on Get Data and then select create Date Source. The Data
Source dialog box appear. You can then customize this list of field names to meet your needs for the data source.
e.g. Add First name and address field and choose OK button.

3. Then choose Edit data source to begin entering information that you wish to merge. When you finish adding,
deleting or renaming fields or information, choose the OK button.

4. Now you can complete the main document by inserting merge fields and by typing or adding information that you
want to be the same in each merged document.

5. Then click on Insert Merge Field button to a place where you want to insert information from the data source.
And select merge fie’d that you want to insert. After editing main document choose File — Save.

6. Then click on View Merged Data button on the mail merge toolbar to view the merged documents before printing.
Word displays information from the first data record in place of the merge fields in the main document text.

Q 3. Describe the various Editing tools of MS-Word.

Ans. Editing refers to making changes to an Existing Document. MS-Word provides various features for modifying
and changing the Existing Documents. Various Editing Tools of MS-Word are

(i) Using Insert key: Sometimes we need to insert new word or character in a document without using the previous
information. We can do this by making the insert mode on. This can be checked by the suppressed OUR in the status
bar of word. Nowl place the cursor at the desired position and type whatever text you want to add.

If you want to overtype some word, then turn insert mode off by pressing the Ins or Insert key on the keyboard. The
word shows it by showing OUR highlighted in the status bar.

(ii) these Cut, Copy and Paste These features of MS-Word are Access thle from standard toolbar at the top of the
Word Document or from the edit option from the main menu.

To copy text in word, follow these steps

(a) Select the desired text.

(b) Now click the copy option either from standard Toolbar or from Main Menu

(c) Now place the cursor at the desired position and choose paste options

Your selected text will get copied at the desired position.

Q4 Describe the various options of Page setup

Ans Various options available on Page setup are Margins, Paper size, Paper source and layout

The margins option allows you to set and select margines for printing.. A default margin is availabie in settings if
you don’t want to specify your own. Various options available in margines are gutter margins, top, bottom, left,
right, header, footer, mirror margins etc

The paper size option allows you to enter the size of paper you are using The various paper sizes are:

Custom size etc

Other options availaDle under paper size are width, height, orientation, apply to etc Two options available under
orientation are:

1 Portrait

2 Landscape

Q 5 Explain the following terms

(a) Mail Merge

(ii) Shortcut keys (give example of any five)

Ans (a) Mail Merge Mail merge lets you quickly create correspondence and other documents by combining
information from two different files For instance, you could merge a test of names and addresses from one file with
a form letter in another file to produce a number of personalized form letters, Or you could create You insert data
instructions in the main document wherever you want data from the data source to appear in the merged documents.
For instance, for a letter; use fields to create suitable aiutations for each one. Instead of writing plain “Dear” to each
recipient, ou could have. Solution field in addition to the name field.

Once the main document and the data source are prepared, you are ready to merge them. The mail merge her lets
you send merged documents directly to your pr’’.er or save th t a 1i r c’ting and later printing.

(ii) The shortcut keys are the keys that care he used to select the and comma e.g.catalogs, forms with variable fields
or labels

06. What are the features of Mail Merge, spell check reference to MS-Word?

Ans. feature of Mail Merge: Many day-to-day Applications may require simile. Do counts containing similar .text to
be sent to number of persons. For example, Invitation is to be sent to guests differ from one another in minor aspects
such as names arid addresses of recipients.

One way to generate such letters is to type all of them individually. Another solution could be. to copy the same
block of text again and again and to enter name and addresses separately in letters. But. this method does not
Automate the generation of letters. By using the Mail Merge feature of MS-Word we can Automate this task.

Mail Merge is implemented through two files -- Master Document and Data file.

Master Document is the main file that contains the complete text of the letter except name an addresses. Data file
contains the names and Address of the persons to whom these l€ts are to be sent. -

Features of Spell Check: Spelling Checking an or.colon is very useful feature of MS-Word. It the user to produce
error-free document spelling checking is done with the help of internally available Dictionaries. In addition to
internally available dictionary, user can also creat a personal dictionary. There are two ways to check spelling and
grammer :

(i) Word can Automatically check the spell and gramatical errors as u type the text.

(ii) After creating the document, you can have the word to search the document for spelling and gramatical errors.

Q 7 How tables are created in MS WORD? What are the possible operations on table?

Ans. In word tables are created using two methods :

1. To create a four-column, five-row table

(i) Choose 1&e > Insert > Table from the menu The Insert Table dialog box

(ii) Type 4 in the Number of Columns field.

(iii) Type 5 in the Number of Rows field

(iv)Select Auto in the Column Width field. Selecting Auto allows Microsoft Word to determine the size of your
column widths Alternatively, you can enter the column width you desire

(v) Click OK Your table should look like the one shown here, with four columns and five rows.

2 Alternate method — creating a table by using the insert table icon

(I) Clickthe Insert Table icon.

(ii) Highlight the number of rows and columns you need The maximum table size you can create by this method is a
four-row by five-column table

(iii) Press Enter to create the table

Various operations on the table are

(a) Moving around a table Each block in a table is called a cell Use the Tab key to move from cell to cell from left to
right Use Shift-Tab to move from cell to cell from right to left.

The following exercise demonstrates

(i) Click in the first cell in the first column

(ii) Press the Tab key nine times The cursor moves forward nine cells

(iii) Press Shift-Tab six times The cursor moves backward six cells

(b) Entering text rnto a table To enter text into a table, simply type as you normally would Press Tab to move to the
next cell Enter the text shown below into your table, V V

(i) Type Salesperson in the first cell in the first column Press the Tab key

(ii) Type Dolls in the first cell in the second column Press the Tab key

(iii) Continue until you have entered all of the text.

(c) Selecting a row and bolding thétext:

(i) Click anywhere on the first row of your table.

(ii) Choose Table >, Select> Row from the menu. (iii) Press Ctri-b to bold the row.

(d) Right-Aligning text: -

(i) You need to highlight “Dolls”, “Trucks” and “Puzzles”. Place the cursor before the “D’ in “Dolls”. Press the F8
key to anchor the cursor. Then press the right arrow key until you have highlighted “Dolls”, “Trucks” and “Puzzles”.

(ii) Choose Table > Select> Column from the menu.

(iii) Press Ctrl-r to right-align the cells.

(e) Adding new row to the find of the table You can add additona rows to your table.

(i) Move to the last column of the last row of your table.

(ii) Press the Tab key.

(iii) Type the text shown here.

(f) Adding a Row within the Table : You can add a new row anywhere in the

table. The exercise that follows demonstrates.

To add a row just above York, George

(i) Place the cursor anywhere in the fourth row (the row with York, George as the


(ii) Choose Table > Insert> Rows Above from. the.menu.

(iii) Add the information shown here to the new row.

Q8 How doesspell checker works in ‘WORD’? Explain with example.

Ans. Word will automatically check for spelling and grammar errors as you type unless you turn this feature off.
Spelling errors are noted in the document with a red underline. Grammar errors are indicated by a green underline.

To disable this feature, select Tools/Options from the menu bar and click the Spelling and Grammar tab on the
dialog box. Uncheck “Check spelling as you type” and “Check grammar as you type”, and click OK.

To use the spelling and grammar checker, follow these steps

1. Select Tool-Spelling and Grammar from the menu bar.

2. The Spelling andGrammar dialog box will notify youof the first mistake in the document and misspelled words
will be highlighted in red.

3. If the word is spelled correctly, click the Ignore button or click the Ignore All button if the word appears more
than once in the document.

4. If the word is spelled incorrectly, choose one of the suggested spellings in the Suggestions box and click the
Change button or Change All button to correct 5.

i occurrences of the’ word in the document. If the correct spelling is not suqested, enter the correct spellinq in the
Not In Dictionary box and dick the Change button.

If the wurd is spelled correctly nd will appear in many documents you, dick the Add button to ad the word to the
dictionary so. it will no longer appear as a mis spelled word.

As long as the Grammar box is checked in the Spelling and Grammar dialog box, Word will check the grammar of
the document in addition to the spelling. If you do not want the grammar checked. remove the chcekmark from this
box. Otherwise, follow these steps for correcting grammar

1. If Word finds a gramma mistake, it will be shown in the box as the spelling errr. The mistake is highlighted in
green text.

Several suggestions may be giver Ifl the: UQ’UOflS box. Select the correction

that best anplies and click Change.

If nc correction rieed, click the Ignore button.

Q 9. What are the different, text formatting features .available n word? Explain with example.

Ans. The formatting toolbar is used to change many attributes of text: Various text formatting techniques are
available in word are as follows:

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