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Wakatobi is the name of an archipelago and regency in Sulawesi Tenggara, Indonesia. The name of
Wakatobi is derived from the names of the main islands in the archipelago: Wangiwangi, Kaledupa,
Tomea, and Binangko. Do you know what? It is the best diving sites ever.


There are many reasons why I call Wakatobi as the best diving sites ever. First, the reefs in Wakatobi
diving are unlike others in the region because of the dry climate and uplifted limestone. This means
Wakatobi is an exceptionally clean environment due to the lack of soil erosion. Second, being a national
park, fishing is strictly limited and the reefs of Wakatobi are protected. These superb reefs are
supported and protected by the local fishing communities who obtain a fair share of the income
generated by Wakatobi dive tourism in exchange for adopting more sustainable practices, such as
leaving large stretches of reef completely untouched. Third, Wakatobi is located at the world’s coral reef
triangle center with its 942 fish species and 750 coral reef species from a total of 850 world’s collection
comparing to the two world’s famous diving center of the Caribbean Sea that owes only 50 species and
other 300 species in the red sea.

1. Social function

To describe a tourism place

2. Generic structure

# paragraph 1: identification

(Wakatobi is an island)

# paragraph 2: description

Wakatobi is the best diving sites

It has dry climate

It has clean environment

It has superb reefs

3. Language features

Present verbs: is, are, call, means, obtain, owes

Adjectives: best, dry, clean, superb, fair,large, famous,red

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