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In this unit students will listen to and able to use expressions of making
& receiving call, leaving & taking a message, and making appointment

Before Listening

❑ Telephone Etiquette in Business:

✓ Do not permit the phone to ring into the office more than three times.
✓ Speak clearly and identify yourself.
✓ Always use pleasant and friendly tone.
✓ It is better to return a call than to keep someone on hold too long.
✓ Do not forget to return the call as you promised.
✓ Never interrupt the person while she/he is talking to you.
✓ Do not make it a habit of receiving personal calls at work.
✓ Do not answer the phone if you are eating or chewing gum.
✓ Do not call a customer or client’s home before 8:00 AM or after 9:00
PM, unless the are given you permisson to do so.
✓ Always hang up the phone gently.
Adapted form

Preparation task [telephoning]
Read the dialogue below and practice it with your friend!
Receptionist : Good afternoon! Sari Husada, Tatik speaking. How can I help you?
Mrs. Jenny : Yes, I’d like to speak to Mr. Pujo Kusumo, please.
Receptionist : I’m sorry, Mr. Pujo is out of the office at the moment.
Mrs. Jenny : Do you know when to expect him?
Receptionist : He will be back about 5 o’clock this afternoon. Would you like to leave
a message?
Mrs. Jenny : Yes. My name is Jenny Saputri of Pangan Persada Corporation.
Receptionist : Is that J-E-N-N-I?
Mrs. Jenny : It’s with Y, not I.
Receptionist : Okay, Mrs. Jenny.
Mrs. Jenny : Please let him know that I’d like to get more information about the
promotion program she is offering to my company.
Receptionist : All right, Mrs. Jenny. How can he reach you?
Mrs. Jenny : At 543-5657.
Receptionist : 543-5657. Fine. I’ll give him the message as soon as he returns.
Mrs. Jenny : Thank you very much.
Receptionist : You are most welcome. Good bye.

Based on the dialogue above, try to identify the expressions used when;
✓ receiving a call : ...
✓ asking for somebody : ...
✓ identifying oneself : ...
✓ giving the message : ...
✓ asking for a contact number : ...
✓ promising action : ...
✓ ending the phone call : ...


❑ Taking a call:
✓ Good morning! Bento Advertising, Toni speaking. May I help you?
✓ Bento Advertising, Toni speaking.
✓ This is Toni speaking.

❑ Making a call:
✓ Hello, this is Sania Brown from Octo Travels.

❑ Asking for somebody:

✓ May I speak to Mr. Pratama?
✓ I’d like to speak to Mr. Pratama, please.

❑ Giving reasons for calling:

✓ I’m calling to ask about the promotion program you offer to my company.
✓ Could you give me more information about your company’s charity program?
✓ I just want to know about the further discussion on our company cooperation.

❑ Taking a message:
✓ I’m sorry. He’s not here today. Would you like to leave a message?
✓ I’m afraid he is in a meeting right now. Can I take message?

❑ Leaving a message:
✓ Could you take a message? Please tell him that Tari from Human Resources
Department called about Mr. Pratama’s employees reports.
✓ I’d like to leave him a message. Please let him know that the tomorrow’s
meeting is canceled.

❑ Promosing action:
✓ I’ll ask him to call you as soon as he gets back.
✓ I’ll send you the report as soon as possible.
✓ I’ll give him your message as soon as he gets back

❑ Ending the call:

✓ Thank you very much for calling.
✓ Thank you for your help.
✓Exercise Listen
Thank you1:for yourtotime.
a phone call and complete the dialogue below!
Jane : Hello, this is the sales department. Jane Solomon [1] ___________________.

Peter : Hello, is Maria Fernandez there, please?

Jane : No, I’m sorry. She’s [2] _______ ____ ____ ________________ at the moment. She’s on
her [3] _____________ ____________.

Peter : Oh. Could you take a [4] __________________, please? Could you tell her that Peter
Griffin [5] _________________?

Jane : Sure. [6] _____________ you [7] ____________ me your number?

Peter : It’s 0-7-4-6-0 [8] _____________ 9-0-1 [9] _______________ 8.

Jane : Thanks. That’s 0-7-4-6-0 2-9-0-1-2-8.

Peter : [10] ________________, no. It’s 0-7-4-6-0 9-9-0-1-8-8.

Jane : 9-9-0-1-8-8.

Exercise 2: Now, listen to the complete dialogue and complete the following


Caller : ...

Phone number : ...

Email Address : ...

Message : ...

Exercise 3: Listen to the audio once again and state whether the sentence is
TRUE or FALSE by giving a tick (√) in the provided box!
Are the sentences true or false?
1. Maria’s in a meeting. ❑ True ❑ False
2. Peter’s number is 07460 990128. ❑ True ❑ False
3. Peter needs to give Maria the new project figures. ❑ True ❑ False
4. Peter might be in a meeting later that afternoon. ❑ True ❑ False
5. Peter’s email address is ❑ True ❑ False

Preparation task [making appointment]
Read the dialogue below and practice it with your friend!
Dialogue 1
Secretary : Sari Husada, Tatik speaking.
Caller : Hello, may I speak to Mr. Pujo?
Secretary : I’m afraid he is in a meeting now. Can I take a message?
Caller : Yes. This is Pratama Putra from Maju Jaya Advertising. I would like to
arrange an appointment to see him.
Secretary : Would Friday suit you?
Caller : I could make it at 8. Is it fine?
Secretary : I’m sorry. He is very busy at that time. Would 10 o’clock be OK?
Caller : All right. I’ll see you next Friday at 10 then. Thank you. Good bye
Secretary : Good bye.
Dialogue 2
Caller : Good afternoon. I would like to speak to Mr. George Fernandez, please.
George : Yes. Speaking.
Caller : Hello, this is Dewi Kartikasari. I am calling from Star Company and would
like to set up a meeting with you.
George : Ah, Yes, Ms. Dewi. When would be convenient for you?
Caller : Anytime before 5 PM
George : How about Tuesday? Does it work for you?
Caller : I’m afraid I can’t. I’ve already had full agenda next Tuesday. How does
Wednesday sound to you?
George : OK. Wednesday is fine. Shall we meet at your office at 3 o’clock?
Caller : OK. See you then. Bye.
George : Good bye.


❑ Making an appointment:
✓ I would like to arrange an appointment to see Mr/Mrs ...
✓ I am calling from [name of company] and would like to set up a meeting with
Mr/Mrs ...
✓ When could we meet to discuss the project?
✓ Could I meet you to discuss the project?

❑ Suggesting time:
✓ Would Friday suit you?
✓ Would you be available on Saturday?
✓ Is Monday fine?
✓ What about Thursday at 10?

❑ Saying a time is not convenient:

✓ I’m afraid I have other agenda that day.
✓ Unfortunately, he will be out of town next week.
✓ I can’t make it on Saturday.
✓ I won’t be able to meet on Saturday.

❑ Confirming an appointment:
✓ Friday is perfect for me.
✓ Friday suits me.
✓ Yes, Saturday is fine.
✓ Monday morning would be OK.

Exercise 4: Listen to the telephone talk and complete the dialogue with suitable
Michele : Mr Hibberd’s office!
Peter : Hello, can I speak to [1] ________________ _________________, please?
Michele : I’m afraid he’s in a [2] _________________ until lunchtime. Can I take a [3]
Peter : Well, I’d like to [4] __________________ an [5] ________________________ to see him,
please. It’s Peter Jefferson here.
Michele : Could you [6] _________ ______ for a minute, Mr Jefferson. I’ll just look in the
diary. So when’s convenient for you?
Peter : Some time next week if [7] ___________________. I gather he’s away the
following week.
Michele : Yes, that’s right, he’s on [8] ___________________ for a fortnight.

Peter : Well, I need to see him before he [9] _________ away. So [10] _____________
_____________ Wednesday be okay?
Michele : Wednesday …let me see … he’s [11] _________ of [12] _______ _______________
all morning. But he’s [13] ____________ in the afternoon, [14] _____________
about [15] _________________.
Peter : Three o’clock is [16] ______________. But I could make it [17] ___________
Michele : So shall we say [18] ___________ next Wednesday, in [19] ____________________
Peter : Yes, that [20] _____________ ____________. Thanks very much.
Michele : Okay, then. Bye.

PAIR WORK: Create a dialogue, then practice it.

❑ Student A:
You make a phone call to a company and want to discuss about business
matter with the director of the company. He/She is out of the office, so
you leave a message.

❑ Student B:
You work for an international advertising company. Someone wants to
speak to your director but he/she is out of the office. Respond the call
properly and note the message left by the caller.

❑ Student A:
You make a phone call to a tour an travel company. You want to arrange a
meeting with the CEO

❑ Student B:
You are the CEO of a tour and travel company. Make an appointment with
the colleague for a meeting.


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