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Interpretation Workflow for MRIL-P

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NMR Interpretation Workflow for MRIL-P
Techlog can do the interpretation analysis for MRIL instrument from Halliburton, for example MRIL_Prime. To
do the interpretation for MRIL, you need the Total porosity and T2 distribution at least, such as MSIGTA and
TASPEC from DPP software.

The following is the workflow how you can prepare the data to analyze the MRIL_P processing results.

First import the data including the Total porosity and T2 distribution curve, in this paper, MSIGTA is the Total
Porosity and the TASPEC is the T2 distribution. Assign MSIGTA the NMR Porosity family and “%” Unit from
Long List or Compatible List, as shown in Fig1.


Similarly, assign the TASPEC NMR T2 Distribution Family and “%” unit. In addition, you should fill the Column
first and Column last to corresponding values. For this example, these two values are general 0.3ms and
3000ms, as shown in Fig2.

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When the procedure above is done, you can show these two curves in Logview using Techog, shown in Fig3.


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In the Project Browser dock window, right click the TASPEC to select Duplicate and then rename the
duplicated curve to TASPEC_N which is a specific name with the same property with original TASPEC, as
shown in Fig4.


Import the script to Project in the attachment, and open this script from Utility-Python-Python
AWI. The family type can be set as below in Fig5.


Drag and Put the MRIL Dataset into workflow and run it in Save and Display mode. TASEC_N will be updated
using this script which is used to normalize the TASPEC distribution with Total porosity. TASPEC is not the
original T2 distribution but the smooth result with 200 points, which should be normalized using the Total
porosity to change the TASPEC to porosity of each component. Now, the TASPEC_N will be used for
interpretation, as shown in Fig6.

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In Petrophysics-NMR-NMR answers-Bound fluid, free fluid and permeability, choose NMR T2 Distribution
Family and choose the TASPEC_N distribution, as shown below.(Fig7)


Next run Petrophysics-NMR-NMR answers-Bin porosity, and also use the TASPEC_N curve, the result is shown

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