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1. Why does the woman call the man? 4. What is the purpose of the woman’s call?
A/ To ask his opinion about office furniture A/ She wants to upgrade her heating system.
B/ To complain about an assignment B/ She wants to find out a price
C/ To ask when a new employee will start C/ She wants to sell a product
D/ To discuss the company’s budget. D/ She wants to have a filter repaired.

2. What is the problem with the man’s desk? 5. What will be different for the next 90 days?
A/ It is heavy A/ The cost of repair jobs.
B/ It is old B/ The cost of some filters
C/ It is expensive C/ the time required for repairs
D/ It is small D/ The time required for delivering parts.

3. What does the man ask the woman to do? 6. What does the man say he will do?
A/ ask for a discount A/ Provide an estimate of cost
B/ Cancel an order B/ read some information about filters
C/ Check on the delivery date C/ Have another worker help the woman
D/ Ask Jane Wilson for her opinion. D/Speak with the maintenance staff

7. What is in the information packet? 10. What are the speakers discussing?
A/ Company descriptions A/ Drafting a contract
B/ Booth regulations B/ Working extra hours
C/ Conference schedules C/ Using a new time reporting system
D/ Product details D/ Revising a vacation policy.

8. What does the woman want to do? 11. What does the man imply when he says “ A
A/ Meet a writer lot of people have been asking about it”?
B/ Edit some information A/ Staff are confused about a procedure.
C/ send an email B/ People have heard that a workshop is
D/ Design a brochure interesting.
C/ Staff are waiting for a new assignment.
9. What is the woman impressed by? D/ A vacation calendar has not been posted yet.
A/ The size of a banner
B/ The texture of a product sample 12. What does the woman plan to do?
C/ The early completion of a project A/ Lead some training
D/ the light weight of a display. B/ Ask for assistance
C/ Take some time off
D/ Author a manual.

13. What problem does the man call about? 16. What is the man concerned about?
A/ The electrical outlets are not working. A/ Finding a parking place
B/ the overhead projector is broken. B/ Arriving on time
C/ the conference room was not reserved. C/ Paying an additional fee
D/ the maintenance work is expensive. D/ Having enough supplies

14. When is the meeting? 17. What did the woman forget to do?
A/ Today A/ Arrange a meeting.
B/Tomorrow B/ Make a reservation
C/ Next week C/ Notify some colleagues
D/ Next month D/ Bring some directions

15. What does the woman suggest? 18. What does the man suggest?
A/ Rescheduling the meeting. A/ Attending a workshop
B/ Calling back at another time B/ Buying a map
C/ Using a different room in the building C/ asking for assistance
D/ Retiring some different equipment D/ Calling a conference organizer.

19. Why is the woman calling?

A/ To upgrade an account
B/ to advertise a product
C/ To report a problem
D/ To provide an estimate
20. Look at the graphic, what quantity on the
original order form has to be changed?
A/ 10
21. What has the woman’s manager instructed
her to do?
A/ Provide free shipping
B/ Send samples of new products
C/ Personally deliver an order
D/ offer a discount on a future purchase.

Danh từ trong tiếng anh (Noun) là từ để chỉ một người, một vật, một sự việc, một tình trạng hay một
cảm xúc

Để nhận biết danh từ, chúng ta cần lưu ý các hậu tố sau :
Hậu tố Ví dụ Hậu tố Ví dụ
– ness friendliness – ism capitalism
– ence/-ance difference, importance – ship/- hood membership, childhood
– ion production, posession – er/- or/- ist/- ee/- eer
employee, volunteer
– ment agreement – th Depth
– ity security – dom freedom
I, Danh từ đếm được và danh từ không đêm được

1. Danh từ đếm được (Countable nouns)

Danh từ đếm được là những danh từ chỉ đối tượng có thể đếm được. Danh từ đếm được có dạng số ít
(Single) và danh từ số nhiều (Plural). Với hầu hết các danh từ đếm được, ta thêm –s hoặc -es để
chuyển từ dạng số ít sang số nhiều.
Examples: Card => cards Projector => projectors
Applicant => applicants Box => boxes
2. Danh từ không đếm được (Uncountable nouns)
Danh từ không đếm được (Uncountable nouns) là những danh từ chỉ đối tượng không đếm được. Vì
thế danh từ không đếm được chỉ có dạng số ít mà không có dạng số nhiều.
Examples: Money, equipment, furniture, information…
Danh từ đếm được và danh từ không đếm được hay bị nhầm lẫn:
Countable nouns Uncountable nouns

Agreement representative access information

Discount result advice luggage

Month standard baggage news

Price statement equipment staff

Refund workplace furniture stationery

 Một số danh từ không đếm được thường xuất hiện trong bài thi toeic:
Advertising Advice Employment cothing
Equipment Homework Furniture Knowledge
Information Machinery Merchandise Money
Pollution Scenery Stationery Recreation
Traffic Luggage/baggage
3. Chức năng và vị trí của danh từ

 Làm chủ ngữ

Ex: The exhibition of Roman paintings has attracted many art students

 Làm tân ngữ của động từ

Ex: All students must sign up to get permission to attend the workshop

 Đứng sau các từ hạn định: this, that, these, those, each, every, both, no, some, any, few, a
few, little, a little,...
Ex: It is important to do some research

 Đứng sau giới từ: on, at, in, under, with, of,...
Ex: I'm really interested in information technology.

 Đứng sau tính từ sở hữu: my, your, his, her, its, our, their, dạng sở hữu cách
Ex: The train's departure was delayed because of the rain
Ngoài ra, bên cạnh các danh từ đơn chúng ta có thể gặp trường hợp danh từ ghép (ghép 2 danh từ
lại thành 1 cụm có nghĩa)
Ex: Assembly line/ Dress-code regulation/ Information desk/ Staff productivity/ application fee/
customer satisfaction/ expiration date/ Company policy…
Một số lượng từ thường gặp:


much many all
a little/little/very little a few/few/very few enough
a bit (of) a number (of) more/most
a great deal of several less/least
a large amount of a large number of no/none
a large quantity of a great number of not any
a majority of some
a lot of
lots of
plenty of

1. Retail sales in apparel declined in August after a significant ___________ in July.
(A) increase (B) increases

2. The library will accept donations of used textbooks and ___________ by March 31.
(A) computer (B) equipment
3. A packet of new product ___________ was included with every catalog sent out in

(A) informative (B) information

4. Discount ___________ for Thursday evening’s jazz concert are available in Ms. Klein’s
(A) ticket (B) tickets

5. Markon Airway passengers can claim lost __________ at the airline counter.
(A) baggage (B) suitcase
(C) document (D) itinerary
6. There are five clerical support __________ in the field office.
(A) work (B) works
(C) workers (D) worked
7. The best salespeople first establish a _________ of trust with their potential buyers.
(A) sensing (B) sense
(C) sensitive (D) senses
8. Han Airport Authority is seeking an experienced air-traffic controller for longterm
__________ .
(A) employer (B) employed
(C) employs (D) employment
9. __________ informational packet will include the conference schedule.
(A) Every (B) Many
10. The new car will consume less fuel while emitting fewer __________ .
(A) pollutant (B) pollutants

11. __________ employees should attend the safety training meeting this afternoon.
(A) All (B) Every

12. Each __________ must have dependable transportation and a valid driver’s license.
(A) applicant (B) applicants

13. Several recent __________ provide proof that the XK1 Ultra motorcycle is quieter than its
leading competitors.
(A) test (B) tests

(C) testing (D) tested

14. Following __________ deliberation by the designers, the bright orange dress was
abandoned in favor of one in a more subdued color.
(A) many (B) a lot

(C) few (D) much

15. Despite some earlier __________ regarding the opening date of the new factory, we will
be ready by October 1.
(A) confused (B) confusing

(C) confusion (D) confuse

16. The office-supply store’s catalog offers many helpful __________ on how to furnish an
entire meeting room economically.
(A) suggests (B) suggesting
(C) suggestions (D) suggested
17. It was a short __________ , and the delegates arrived in Jakarta in less than an hour.
(A) fly (B) flight

18. Regional sales of compact cars have surpassed industry analysts’ __________ .
(A) predicted (B) predictions
19. The company’s new drug will win __________ by government regulators.
(A) approval (B) approve
20. This is a __________ that all employees should submit telephone service work orders.
(A) remind (B) reminder

21. The Museum of Natural History will be closed for six months for a complete __________.
(A) renovation (B) renovate
(C) renovated (D) renovates
22. A thorough __________ of paragraph 6 should be made before the letter is signed.
(A) revision (B) revised
(C) revising (D) revise
23. All Geoffrey’s Supermarket cashiers should be at their __________ by the time
the store opens at eight o’clock.
(A) stations (B) stationed
(C) stationary (D) stationing
24. Experts remain optimistic about the __________ of Eastside Technology’s stock.
(A) stabilize (B) stabilizer
(C) stable (D) stability
25. The ability to gain the __________ of your clients is essential in a sales job.
(A) confidence (B) liability

26. The cafeteria in the Roger Rowles Building serves a __________ of sandwiches.
(A) variety (B) type
27. Drivers must take a __________ around the construction site until the
building is completed.

(A) detour (B) gap

28. The __________ should turn off mobile phones for the duration of the concert.
(A) residence (B) audience
29. Toynik Stores’ profits have decreased recently, so the chain is coming under ______
to cut costs.
(A) pressure (B) burden
(C) weight (D) load

30. Your resume shows excellent __________ ,and we would like to arrange a time
for an interview.
(A) requirements (B) qualifications

(C) scheduling (D) invitation

31. The Regional Development Council invites all area residents to attend its weekly
guest __________ in the community auditorium.
(A) lectures (B) books
(C) speakers (D) house

32. Some __________ suggest that increasing the amount of walking done in a
day can improve overall health.
(A) studies (B) questions
(C) applications (D) assignments

33. The new restaurant on Park Avenue has generated _______ excitement because ofthe
international reputation of its executive chef.
A. Many B. few C. much D. little

34. The Punchan Hotel requires that guests present a major credit card to complete the

_________ process.
A. Register B. registered C. registers D. registration

35. This award is designed to recognize employees who provide exceptional _______
to our clients.

A. Serve B. server C. service D. serving

36. The date of _________ for the manufacturer’s warranty is 180 days after purchase.

Expired B. expiration C. to expire D. expire

37. The supervisors decided to delay __________ until they could fill the entire order.

A. Ship B. shipped C. shipper D. shipment

38. Some employers offer attractive benefits to graduates as an __________ to join their

A. Impulse B. advertisement C. incentive D. accessory

39. The plant’s __________ has doubled since the introduction of automated assembly.

A. Upturn B. overpass C. drawback D. output

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