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Classical Mechanics

M.Sc. (First Semester)

Tutorial Problem Set - 2

1. Find the degree of freedom, identify the generalised coordinates, write the Lagrangian, and
obtain equations of motion for the following systems:

(a) A spherical pendulum attached to a bar pendulum.

(b) A beed sliding on a wire rotating under constant angular speed.

(c) A frictionless wedge of mass M moving freely on a horizontal plane and a point mass m
sliding down on its inclined surface.

(d) A string attached to a vertical spring at one end, passes through a hole and attached to
a mass m on a horizontal table at the other end.

Additional Exercises: Solve the equations of motion for Problem 1 whenever the solution
exists in a closed form.

2. A single bead can slide with negligible friction on a stiff wire that has been bent into a circular
loop of radius R, as shown in the figure below. The circle is always in a vertical plane and
rotates steadily about its vertical axis with angual frequency omega.

(a) What is the degree of freedom? What generalised coordinates will you choose to describe
the motion?

(b) Write the Lagrangian and find the equation of motion.

(c) Show that there exist a time dependent solution (for θ)? What is the constant value of
θ for the time-independent solution? Does this value depend on ω?

3. Consider the following Lagrangian

1 q~ ˙
L = m~r˙.~r˙ − qφ + A.~r (1)
2 c

describing a charged particle of charge q and mass m in an electromagnetic field with scaler
~ Here, ~r = xî + y ĵ + z k̂. Also, the potentials φ and A
potential φ and vector potential A. ~ are

functions of x, y and z. Find the equation of motion for the particle.

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