Assignment - 2 Submission Date: 24.3.2020

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Assignment - 2

Submission date: 24.3.2020

Question 1: Write down the full form:

• VSWR: Voltage Standing Wave Ratio

• D-AMPS: Digital-Advanced Mobile Phone Service
• GSM: The Global System for Mobile Communications
• CDMA: Code Division multiple access
• BIOS: Basic input/output system
• USB: Universal Serial Bus
• CAD: Computer-aided design
• EDA: Electronic Design Automation
• HDL: Hardware description language
• PLD: Programmable logic device
• FPGA: Field-programmable gate array
• DSP: Digital signal processing
Question 2: Explain D-AMPS for 3 users with diagram.

AMPS - Advanced Mobile Phone System

• In all mobile phone systems, a geographic region is divided up into cells.

• The cellular design increases the system capacity by at least an order of magnitude, more
as the cells get smaller.
Question 3: Explain POST operation.

POST (Power On Self Test)

• The BIOS determines whether the video card is operational.

• The BIOS checks to see if this is a cold boot or a reboot.
• If it is a cold boot, the BIOS verifies RAM by performing a read/write test of each
memory address.
• The BIOS looks at the sequence of storage devices identified as boot devices in the
CMOS Setup.

Question 4: Draw the block diagram of ADC & DAC.

Question 5: What are the types of HDL available in electronics? What are uses of HDL?


• Verilog HDL



In electronics, a hardware description language (HDL) is a specialized computer

language used to describe the structure and behavior of electronic circuits and most
commonly, digital logic circuits.

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