English: Quarter 3: Week 1 Learning Activity Sheets

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6 Department of Education-Region III


Juan Luna St., Sto. Cristo, Tarlac City 2300
Email address: tarlac.city@deped.gov.ph/ Tel. No. (045) 470 - 8180

Quarter 3: Week 1
Learning Activity Sheets


Name of Learner: ___________________________________ Grade Level: 6-Q3 Week 1

Section: ___________________________________________ Date: _________________

Presenting a Coherent, Comprehensive Report on Differing Viewpoints on an Issue

Background Information:

Your viewpoint is a particular way you see the world or your distinct perspective on
things. It’s literally your point of view! And in order to present a coherent, comprehensive
report on differing or opposing viewpoints on an issue, you should take into consideration the
different viewpoints of different people.

It is important to look at topics from multiple perspectives so that you can see the
whole picture, which better enables you to find the root cause of the problem and discover a
solution that takes the needs and feelings of everyone involved into consideration.

In order to present a coherent, comprehensive report on differing or opposing viewpoints

on an issue, you might consider the following.

1. Acknowledge your own viewpoint.

Before you can be tolerant towards others, you need to first acknowledge your own
viewpoint. Acknowledging that you have your own personal viewpoint and perspective
on issues will ensure that you are being honest during the discussions and
conversations you have with others. You may acknowledge your viewpoint during a
conversation you have with someone else or with yourself daily as a way to check
yourself so you know where you stand.
Source: (Opposing Viewpoints. Retrieved from https://www.acui.org/Publications/The_Bulletin/2014/2014-
04/25208/. Accessed on January 4, 2021.)

2. Be an active listener. Once you have acknowledged your own viewpoint, you should
also focus on being an active listener when you are discussing an issue with someone
who has a different viewpoint from you. Listening to the person's perspective does not
mean you have to shift from your own viewpoint or change your mind. But it does show
that you are willing to tolerate different perspectives than your own.
Source: (Durham, Jeff. Accepting other People’s Differences. Retrieved from
http://www.lifecoachexpert.co.uk/acceptingotherpeopledifferences.html. Accessed on January 4, 2021).

• When the person is speaking, listen respectfully and do not interrupt them, though you
may not agree with what they are saying. Once they have finished speaking, you
should acknowledge that you appreciate their position and understand what they have
said. Only then should you respond to them by expressing your own viewpoint.
• Do not use conversations with others as a way to show you are right or to prove your
viewpoint is better. Rather than view the conversation as a competition, think of it as
a way to listen to others and have a healthy, respectful dialogue with others.

3. Respond with engagement and interest. Avoid shooting the person down or
disregarding what they have to say. Focus on how you can better understand the
person's viewpoint by asking interesting questions and responding with interest.
Tolerance does not mean you have to accept everyone's viewpoint or perspective on
an issue, but it does mean you should strive to be inclusive towards all viewpoints and
stay open to ideas that are different from your own.
Source: (Respond with Engagement and Interest. Retrieved from https://www.acui.org/Publications/ The Bulletin/
2014/2014 - 04/25208/. Accessed on January 4, 2021.
4. Accept you may not agree with the person's viewpoint. Rather than try to “win” the
discussion or convince the person your perspective is right, be prepared to accept that
you may not see eye to eye with the person. It's okay if you both agree to disagree, as
this means you have both listened to each other's perspectives and have realized that
you are not in agreement, but you can still both respect each other and support each
other's right to have a certain viewpoint
Source: (Kouklhttp, Greg. Intolerance of Tolerance. Retrieved from ://www.str.org/articles/the-intolerance-of-
tolerance#.V0t8bWQrIy4. Accessed on January 4, 2021.)

• Agreeing to disagree also means that you have both engaged with an issue and
expressed your thoughts honestly. Often tolerance is mistaken for neutrality or simply
accepting that every viewpoint is valid. In fact, tolerance is more about engaging with
someone else and being willing to entertain viewpoints that are different or contrary to
your own.

5. Respect people's differences. Recognizing that not everyone shares your beliefs
and values may help you to see things differently. Whenever you interact with
someone else, take a moment to remind yourself that they may not share your
worldview, and that is okay. This may make it easier for you to gain a new perspective
from your interactions with them. Source: (Campbell, Sherrie. Understanding the Other Person's
Perspective Will Radically Increase Your Success. Retrieved from https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/275543.
Accessed on January 4, 2021)

• For example, you might have a classmate whose family observes a different religion
than your family, so their holiday celebrations might be nothing like your family’s

Read the conversation between Rima and Winwin.

Rima: Ate, where are we going this coming Holiday seasons?

Winwin: I heard Mommy and Daddy are talking about that issue last night. Mommy
wants to go somewhere where there is a beach but Daddy prefers to stay at
our grandparents’ house and celebrate with them.
Rima: Oh! I love to go to the beach, too! I miss swimming for longer hours.
Winwin: I would like to stay at our grandparents’ house. I will ask Grandpa to teach
me how to play the guitar.
Rima: Well, either of the two would still be best as long as our family is together.
Winwin: That is right, Rima! Whatever our parents decide, we will surely enjoy it.
Source: Masangkay, Windima D. Detailed Lesson Plan on “Present a Coherent, Comprehensive Report on Differing
Viewpoints on An Issue”. Retrieved from https://lrmds.deped.gov.ph/learning-resources/ Accessed on January 4,

In the conversation, Rima and Winwin are talking about an issue. The issue is about
the place that they are going to spend the coming holidays. Their mom and dad had an
opposing/differing viewpoint on where to spend their holidays. The siblings also had a
different viewpoint.
After listening to each other’s viewpoint, Rima and Winwin agreed to follow whatever
their parents will decide about the issue.

Learning Competency with code:

Present a Coherent, Comprehensive Report on Differing Viewpoints on an Issue

Read carefully the directions indicated in the following activities then provide what is
needed or asked in each item.

A. Read the paragraph carefully. Express your viewpoint about the paragraph by
answering the questions below.

Recess time is what most of the pupils enjoyed during school hours. It is when they
have time to chat and laugh with their friends, go around and play a moment, and most
especially to eat. School canteens nowadays are only allowed to sell nutritious foods such
as arroz caldo, champorado, breads and kakanins like puto, kutchinta, suman, bibingka.
The only drinks are soya milk, calamansi juice, and bottled water. Due to this restriction,
some pupils bring their favorite chichiria/junk food which they say is a lot cheaper and more
satisfying to their taste, then some pupils would sneak out to buy the food they want outside
the school. Parents have been called for a meeting regarding this matter to help the school
promote the healthy eating habits of the children.
Source: Masangkay, Windima D. Detailed Lesson Plan on “Present a Coherent, Comprehensive Report on Differing
Viewpoints on An Issue”. Retrieved from https://lrmds.deped.gov.ph/learning-resources/ Accessed on January 4, 2021.

1. When do pupils have time to do what they want to do during school hours?

2. What do school canteens sell nowadays?


3. Why do you think school canteens are only allowed to sell nutritious foods?

4. How can parents help in promoting the healthy eating habits of children like you?

5. If you are to choose, which food do you want to buy bibingka or French Fries? Why?

B. Express your viewpoint regarding this issue, “When is the best time to do your
Module/Learning Activity Sheet?” Ask your mother or father, aunt or uncle, older
brother or sister, your cousins or someone available about their viewpoints on this
topic and prepare a comprehensive report expressing the differing/opposing
viewpoints you gather.

My Viewpoint My Mother/ My Aunt/ My Sister/ My Others

Father’s Uncle’s Brother’s Cousin’s
Viewpoint Viewpoint Viewpoint Viewpoint
When is the best
time to do your
Activity Sheet?



C. Read the essay about Cyber Bullying. Fill out the graphic organizer number 1
about the viewpoint of the author on the topic. Write your own viewpoint on the
graphic organizer number 2. Write a comprehensive report expressing the
differing/opposing viewpoints between you and the author.

Cyber Bullying is Dangerous

In today’s world which has been made smaller by technology, new age problems have
been born. No doubt technology has a lot of benefits; however, it also comes with a negative
side. It has given birth to cyberbullying. To put it simply, cyberbullying refers to the misuse of
information technology with the intention to harass others.
Cyberbullying comes in various forms. It doesn’t necessarily mean hacking someone’s
profiles or posing to be someone else. It also includes posting negative comments about
somebody or spreading rumors to insult someone. As everyone is caught up on the social
network, it makes it very easy for anyone to misuse this access.
In other words, cyberbullying has become very common nowadays. It includes actions
to manipulate, harass, and defame any person. These hostile actions are seriously damaging
and can affect anyone easily and gravely. They take place on social media, public forums,
and other online information websites. A cyberbully is not necessarily a stranger; it may also
be someone you know.
Cyberbullying is a multi-faced issue. However, the intention of this activity is the same.
To hurt people and bring them harm. Cyberbullying is not a light matter. It needs to be taken
seriously as it does have a lot of dangerous effects on the victim.

Moreover, it disturbs the peace of mind of a person. Many people are known to
experience depression after they are cyberbullied. In addition, they indulge in self-harm. All
the derogatory comments made about them makes them feel inferior.
It also results in a lot of insecurities and complexes. The victim which suffers
cyberbullying in the form of harassment starts having self-doubt. When someone points at
your insecurities, they only tend to enhance. Similarly, the victims worry and lose their inner
Other than that, cyberbullying also tarnishes the image of a person. It hampers their
reputation with the false rumors spread about them. Everything on social media spreads like
wildfire. Moreover, people often question the credibility. Thus, one false rumor destroys
people’s lives.
Source: (Cyber Bullying is Dangerous retrieved from https://www.toppr.com/guides/essays/cyber-bullying-
essay/ accessed on January 4, 2021)

Author’s Viewpoint on cyberbullying.

What is Cyberbullying? Who are the


Cyber Bullying

How can cyberbullying cause What are the effects of cyberbullying

harm to a person? on a person?

My viewpoint on cyberbullying.

What is Who are the

Cyberbullying? cyberbullies?
Cyber Bullying

How can cyberbullying cause What are the effects of cyberbullying

harm to a person? on a person?

Rubric for the presentation of a coherent, comprehensive report on differing
viewpoints on an issue

Criteria Poor (1) Average (2) Good (3) Excellent (4)

Organization and Clarity Unclear in most Clear in some Clear and orderly Completely clear
Viewpoints and responses parts parts but not in most parts and orderly
are outlined clearly and in overall outlined
Examples and Facts Use Few or no Some relevant Examples/facts On point/Precise
of Examples and Facts to relevant examples/facts given are mostly examples/facts
support viewpoints examples/facts given relevant are given
Presentation Style Voice is not Voice is clear, Voice is clear, Voice is clear,
Presented in a clear, and clear; Viewpoints viewpoints are viewpoints are organize, and
complete manner (oral) are not well presented but presented and well presented.
organized and complete presented incomplete facts gave relevant viewpoints
manner (written)
Incomplete and and examples facts and
unorganized examples
Source: Debate Rubrics (revised). Retrieved from https://www.slideshare.net/krishkamlesh/debate-rubric. Accessed on
January 4, 2021.
Draw a heart in the box which corresponds to how well you learned the lesson.
Objectives Yes A little No
I learned how to gather the viewpoints of different
people in a proper way.
I learned how to organize my gathered viewpoints.
I learned how to present a coherent, comprehensive
report on differing viewpoints on an issue

Angeles, Evelyn B., Galapon, Agnes P., Relente, Carmelita A., Joy in Reading 6, Learner’s Material, Unit III,
Miracles of Science and Technology, 214-216, Department of Education, Vibal Group Inc. 2016.
Cyberbullying Is Dangerous. Retrieved from https://www.toppr.com/guides/essays/cyber-bullying-essay/
Accessed on January 4, 2021.
Durham, Jeff. Accepting other People’s Differences. Retrieved from
http://www.lifecoachexpert.co.uk/acceptingotherpeopledifferences.html. Accessed on January 4, 2021
Griffin, Trudi LPC, MS., “How to Be Tolerant on Other Viewpoints”. Retrieved from
https://www.wikihow.com/Be-Tolerant-of-Other-Viewpoints. Accessed on January 4, 2021.
Kouklhttp, Greg. Intolerance of Tolerance. Retrieved from ://www.str.org/articles/the-intolerance-of-
tolerance#.V0t8bWQrIy4. Accessed on January 4, 2021.)
Masangkay, Windima D. Detailed Lesson Plan on “Present a Coherent, Comprehensive Report on Differing
Viewpoints on An Issue”. Retrieved from https://lrmds.deped.gov.ph/learning-resources/ Accessed on
January 4, 2021.
Opposing Viewpoints. Retrieved from https://www.acui.org/Publications/The_Bulletin/2014/2014-04/25208/.
Accessed on January 4, 2021.
Respond with Engagement and Interest. Retrieved from https://www.acui.org/Publications/ The Bulletin/
2014/2014 - 04/25208/. Accessed on January 4, 2021.

Answers Key Prepared by: MIRIAM C. SANTIAGO

C. Answers may vary. Master Teacher-I
B. Answers may vary.
because it is made from rice and flour. Evaluators: STEPHEN TRACY E. TABAMO
5. Bibingka. It is nutritious and can give me energy JOCEL B. CAYANAN
and avoid eating fast foods. MANUELITO C. MONTOYA II
4. Parents should prepare nutritious foods at home
energy and nutrition for studying. Reviewed: CARMELA T. PEREZ EdD
3. Because they cater school children who need EPSvr- English
sell nutritious foods
2. School canteens nowadays are only allowed to LILY BETH B. MALLARI
1. During recess time EPSvr-LRMS

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