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Manipal docs relive the day K Sunil Prasad

Villagers left high & dry near BIA
Jayashree Nandi | TNN
Md Asad

cost to all patients admitted to Dandeganahalli: Just a
Horrific Tragedy Manipal Hospital. The helpline
set up by the hospital was the
stone’s throw away from the
Bengaluru International
To address the fluoride
problem, M V Sastri, a
professor of Nelamangala
Brought Out The best service rendered, which rel-
atives of the survivors remem-
Airport (BIAL) is Dande-
ganahalli village in North
Engineering College, has
embarked on a pilot
ber even today. Bangalore.
Best In Staff It is one of those many
project with the help of
solar thermal energy. The
ANGELS IN DISGUISE villages surrounding Ban- water is first put through
TIMES NEWS NETWORK Dr Ashwini PR, manager - cus- galore, where groundwater a Magnetic Variable
tomer relations, Manipal Hos- levels have plummeted about System water purification
Bangalore: Ninety minutes. 69 pital, was the single contact 1,000 feet. People are seeking and then under sunlight
patients. Nine brought in dead. point for the survivors after they relief in borewells, which are magnification and vapour
A group of 60 doctors and 140 para were discharged. The hospital yielding very little water. system water
medical staff of Manipal Health followed up some of the critical Dandeganahalli and sur- purification. Through this,
Enterprise threw themselves into cases till April. rounding villages that fluoride, sodium,
the immediacy of the job, treat- Post-disaster distress syn- thrive on grape, tomato, chloride, lead,
ing the victims of fire and smoke drome affected many patients, mulberry, carrot and pota- magnesium are removed.
as Carlton Towers burned away. who were brought back for coun- to cultivation is now faced PARCHED THROATS: Members of the People’s Campaign for This has come as a boon
It was February 23, 2010. selling. Dr Sham Bhat, consult- with withering crops, re- Right to Water — Karnataka, stage a demonstration in front to these villagers.
Within no time, the confer- ant psychiatrist who had just re- sulting in low yield. of Town Hall, opposing the US Water Trade Mission to India
ence room was turned into an IRREPARABLE LOSS: The family of Fayaz Pasha who lost his life in the turned from UK after higher Worse, the fluoride con- and water privatization in Karnataka on Wednesday DRY ZONE
emergency ward. “It was our Carlton fire tragedy at the memorial service organized by Manipal studies, was in charge of the tent in the water from some
Dandeganahalli is spread
Hospital in Bangalore on Wednesday counselling and dealt with of the borewells has risen aquifers due to lack of rain- ewells. “There are more than
across 1,500 acres and is
shocked patients, whose only way beyond the normal lev- fall. And, since groundwa- a hundred borewells in this
home to 100-odd families.
at the right time. It was just a crowd was interfering with the thought was: “Why me?” el of 1.5 mg/l to 4.5 mg/l. ter is being pumped from village alone, but farmers
The surrounding villages
humanitarian response to the treatment. But luckily, we could Shiv Raj, 25, a lecturer, was But that is not the biggest such depth, the amount of still don’t find water,” he said.
like Harahalli have also
cause,” says Dr Nagendra save all the patients who were passing by Carlton and heard the concern for these villagers minerals and other ele- Poor farmers like P Mu-
been hit by severe water
Swamy, director of the hospital. brought here alive. Nine patients screams. Raj entered and got stu- who just don’t get enough ments like fluoride in the niraj, who does sericulture,
crisis. Devanahalli is one
were brought dead and another ck there. “Though he was discha- water to sustain their daily water is bound to be high- get water once every three
of the driest zones in the
own staff who was passing by ‘HAVE SENSE AND SENSITIVITY’ 60 patients were treated,” said rged after two days, he had to un- activities. er,” said P Rajanna, who days. “We have power just
state. There is more
who informed us about the “The curiosity of the public Dr Sudarshan H Ballal, medical dergo treatment for breathing pro- “The area under culti- owns a two acre grape or- for four to six hours a day.
stress on water in the
tragedy. We did not know the se- might lead to a loss of life in such director, Manipal Hospital, for blems, due to the excessive smoke vation in most farms has chard in the region. So, pumping water also be-
area, as many
riousness of the issue then. The emergency cases. Though the whom the entire experience was he had inhaled. They were many gone down by almost 75%. President of Koramang- comes difficult,” he said.
apartments and
first patient came in an au- hospital was just 100 yards away, an eye-opener. like him, who needed emotional Some borewells are dug as ala Gram Panchayat, Muni Most villagers think its
industries have come up
torickshaw at 4.45 pm. Then 68 ambulances took time to reach It is one of the rare cases support. He even referred to me low as 1,150 feet. There is no Byrappa, says that no permi- high time the area got a
all along that zone.
persons were brought in. We it. The traffic jam on Old Airport where the government has not as his ‘mother’ after his treatment recharge of underground ssion is required to dig bor- steady water source.
could deliver the best treatment Road that day was scary, and the delayed in paying the treatment got over,” said Dr Ashwini.

Victims of tragedy towers thank firemen

TIMES NEWS NETWORK jor role in saving lives during the tragedy.
Quite aptly, it was the survivors who
Bangalore: It was a unique get-together honoured the firefighters, paying respect
on Thursday at Manipal Hospital, where to their courage. “I was one among the
friends and relatives of the Carlton tragedy many who were stuck inside the building.
victims recalled that deadly Tuesday, ex- It was a firefighter who dragged me out
actly a year ago, which took away their and saved me. I am alive because of the ef-
loved ones. forts of that courageous man, who I have
For Brijesh D, a close friend of Akhil not seen, and so I am honouring the best
Uday, childhood memories came flooding of them,” said Nitin Dubey.
in as he recalled the unforgettable moments The association had organised a free
he had spent with him. “Akhil was fond of health check-up camp for fire personnel
computers. He loved basketball. Racing was and their family members on Wednesday.
his favourite hobby,” Brijesh said. NO WORDS TO EXPLAIN: Husband and
“Benzie’s death made me walk around children of Benzie Kumar who lost her life GREEN MEMORIAL
aimlessly for some days. She lives in heav- in the fire tragedy in 2010 The nine victims of Carlton Towers will
en...,” said Desmond Snell, Benzie Kumar’s take rebirth as evergreen plants. Beyond
brother. Benzie had jumped to death on not save my only son. But I don’t agree. I Carlton has approached BBMP to build a
that fateful day, when fire engulfed the tow- have lost my son, yes. But firefighters have memorial inside a park located next to Carl-
ers. It was also a thanksgiving meet, with been saving many families with their brave ton Towers on Old Airport Road. “The me-
survivors meeting doctors of Manipal work. They are the real heroes. We must morial will have nine saplings planted in
Hospital, who had healed them. salute them,” said Uday Vijayan, who lost the name of each of the victims. It will also
his son, Akhil. have a memorial stone. The place must re-
SALUTE TO FIREMEN Beyond Carlton facilitated three fire- mind everyone about the tragedy and cre-
“Many of my relatives asked why fire per- fighters — K T Prakash, Mudaseer Hus- ate awareness at the same time,” said Nitin
sonnel should be awarded when they did sain and Venkatesh G, who played a ma- Dubey, a member of Beyond Carlton.

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Survey released by the state
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Email: admissians@manipal.odu
state domestic product (GSDP)
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The Survey points out Ghaziabad
with concern that the crop-
ping intensity in Karnataka PGDM (Execu tiv e) PROGRAMME
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year. Ana- I
industry I. dissertation).
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lysts say ELIGIBILITY ;
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dia, raising
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tensity is
3 years Bachelor’s Degree in any discipline with at least IMPORTANT DATES
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graduation is required. Company-sponsored Thursday, March 31,2011
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Protection Oriented Fund Series II can thus capture the best of both worlds, i.e. Equity and Debt, while
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incomes. The survey seems
APPLICATION PROCEDURE Sunday, May 8, 2011 Quality Debt Portfolio: Investment only in G secs and AANP1-I- or equivalent rated securities.
I Form can be obtained from IMT Admissions IMT Aptitude
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however, disappointing. The surc harge & cess) with indexation benefit or 10% (pIus surcharge and cess) without indexation benefit.
growth this year is down to Rated mfAAA (SO) by ICRA : The rating indicates highest degree of certainty regarding payment of face value of
6.9%, from 8.5% last year. ISO 9QOl4O O CER11FIEOcOMF 4Y investment to unit holders on maturity.
Maybe Yeddyurappa recog-
nizes the problem in the sec-
tor, which is probably why the
Global Investors’ Meet (GIM)
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Name of Scheme: SBI Capital Protection Oriented Fund — —Series II. Type of Scheme: A Afive year year close ended capital protection oriented fund. Investment
was organized last year, and •1IU U MARK
SILK VA l Objective: The primaryobjective ofthescheme isto protectthe capital invested (facevalueof Rs. lOperunit) on maturityoftheschemethroughfocused investments
why he wants one again next YCtJR SSURMICEOFPURE SO( in equity debt and money market instruments at the same time also seeking to provide investors with opportunities for long-term growth in capital.Asset Allocation:
year. If the government is able Debt and debt related instruments & money market instruments: 74-100%, Equity and equity related instruments including derivatives: 0-26%. The cumulative gross
to move forward quickly on exposure through equity, debt and derivative positions will not exceed 100% of the net assets of the scheme. The scheme shall not invest in securitzed debt.
the manufacturing invest- Minimum Investment size : Rs. 5,000/-and in multiples ofRe . if- . Load Structure: Entry Load: NA. Exit Load: Nil. Terms of Issue: The units issued underthe
ments promised at the GIM, scheme shall not be repurchased before the end of the maturity period. Risk Factors: Mutual Funds and Securities Investments are subject to marketrisks and
Yeddyurappa may be able to
there is no assurance or guarantee that the objective of scheme will be achieved. As with any other investment in securities, the NAV of the Units issued
under the scheme can go up or down depending on the factors and forces affecting the securities market. Past performance of the Sponsor/AMC/Mutual
end his term with a robust in- Fund/Scheme(s) andtheiraffiliates does notindicatethe future performance of the schemeofthe Mutual Fund. SBI Capital Protection Oriented Fund —Series II is
dustrial sector. As of now, the Only the name of the scheme and does not,in any manner, indicate eitherthe quality of the scheme or its future prospects and returns. The scheme offered
feeling is that states like Gu- is oriented towards protection of capital’ and “not with guaranteed returns”. The orientation towards protecfion of the capital originates from the portfolio
jarat are able to do a much bet- structure of the schemeand not from any bank guarantee, insurance cover etc. The ability of the portfolio to meet capital protection on maturity to the investors can be
ter job of attracting invest- impacted by changes in government policies, interest rate movements in the market , credit defaults by bonds, expenses , reinvestment risk and risk associated with
ments in manufacturing. trading vo lumes, liquidity and settlement systems in equity and debt markets. The rafing provided by the ICRA only assesses the degree of certaintyfor achieving the
It must also be noted that objective of the scheme i.e . capital protection, and does not denote any opinion on the stability of the NAV of the scheme . The rating would be reviewed on a quarterly
while this year was better 23.02.2011 tc basis. ICRA reserves the right to suspend, withdraw or revise the ratings assigned to the portfolio structure of this scheme at anytime , on the basis of any new
information or unavailability of information or any other circumstances,which ICRA believes may have impact on the above ratings. The Scheme (at Portfolio level) to
than last year, GSDP growth Happy Mali have >/=20 investors and no investor to account for>25 % of the corpus of the Scheme. In case of non-fulfillment with eitherof the above Iwo condibens immediately
rates remain much lower after the close of New Fund Offer, the AMC shall comply with the specified SEBI Guidelines in this regard. The Mutual Fund is not assuring any returns. BSE
than what they were in the Disclaimer: “It is to be distinctly understood that the permission given by Bombay Stock Exchange Ltd. should not in anyway be deemed or construed that the SID
years preceding recession. SPECIAL OFFER Showrooms
Show are kept open on all holidays also. 10.00 am, to 8.00 p.m.
Pant piece and Shirt piece has been cleared or approved by Bombay Stock Exchange Ltd. nor does it certify the correctness or completeness of any of the contents of the Scheme Information
Many say poor infrastructure, Document. The investors are advised to referto the Scheme Information Documentforthe full text of ‘Disclaimer Clause of Bombay Stock Exchange Ltd.”. Statutory
shortage of power and its
high cost, is Karnataka’s
biggest issue. There is little
per set. 100!-
available @ Bangalore
Pri yadarshini
f The ori g inal home handlooms
Details: SBI Mutual Fund has been set up as a trust under the Indian Trusts Act , 1882. State Bank of India ( SBI’), the sponsor is not responsible or liable for any loss
resulting from the operation of the schemes beyond the initial contribution made by it of an amount of Rs. 5 lakhs towards setting up of the mutual fund. Asset
Management Company: SBI Funds Management Private Limited (A joint venture between State Bank of India & Sociôté Générale Asset Management). Trustee
Subhash Nagar,Malleshwaram,
in the survey about any new K.G. Road,Rajajinagar, Indiranagar
gar KARNATAKAHANDLOOM DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION LTD Company: SBI Mutual Fund Trustee Company Private Limited. Acopy of the Offer Documentand Key Information Memorandum along with the application form application
thinking about the problem. and selected showrooms (A Government of Karnataka Undertaking) be obtained from our SC’s, SD’s, SBI Mutua l Fund Co rporate Office, SBI MF agents or can be downloaded from the website - Please read the
Scheme Information Document of the scheme carefully before investinci. P o o p i/ il ie oi

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