Characteristics of Nursing Paper

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Characteristics of Nursing Paper

An Assignment in Introduction to the Nursing Profession

King Faisal University

College of Applied Medical Sciences

Department of Nursing

Presented by:

Noor Albilady … 219029857

Muneera Alfarhan…219026783

Shahad bokhader…219032561

Mariam Almubarak…219018906

Section: B

Course Faculty: Ms. Jennifer Ocampo, MN, RN


Characteristic of Nursing Paper

Characteristic of Nursing Paper
2. Describe the various levels of entry into the nursing profession today and if the

interviewee has seen in practice any differences among these levels, if so, describe the

varying behaviors.

3. What does this nurse see as the roles of the baccalaureate nurse? Which role is

most important? What advice does this nurse give you to attain success in the various

nursing roles?

Characteristic of Nursing Paper
4. Discuss a memorable clinical experience for this nurse and its effect both personally

and professionally.

5. Select a journal article pertaining to an issue discussed with your RN, attach this

article to the completed paper. Discuss why you feel it is important.

6. How does this information from an experienced nurse affect your idea of the roles of

the nurse? Has it changed? Where do you see yourself as a professional nurse in 20

years? What might be some obstacles to overcome?

Characteristic of Nursing Paper
7. Summarize what you think is important in nursing--include roles, professional

behaviors, and educational levels of nursing.

Attach the article here

References: (APA format)

Characteristic of Nursing Paper

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