Class Ex Ideal Gas Law

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In-Class Exercise: Applica

ation of the Ideal Gas Law

L to Natu
ural Gas Exttraction

umes of natuural gas in fo
ormation are measured in cubic feet or millions of
o cubic feet (Mcf). The volume of
gas extracted fro endent upon temperature
om the reserrvoir is depe e and pressu ure at depth, according to
t the Idea
Gas Law:

wherre P is the pressure

p of th
he gas, V is the volume of the gas, n is the amo
ount of substtance of gass (measured
in moles), R is th
he ideal, or universal,
u ga
as constant, and T is the
e temperaturre of the gass.

P = pressure
p in atm
a V = Volume in literss n = mass in moles
T = temperature
t in degree Kelvin
K R = 0.0 m/oK-mole
0821 liter-atm

Wheen natural gaas is extracteed from the reservoir

r at depths of thousands of feet, and deelivered to th
he surface off
the Earth,
E the temperature and
a pressure e changes will
w result in volume
v channge during thhe process. Volume-
tempperature-preessure are immportant as they
t will dicttate how much the naturral gas sells per cubic fo
oot on the
markket. Let’s exxplore the efffects of thesse relationshhips in a hyp
pothetical sce
enario descrribed below:

Our goal is to exxtract 10 moles of metha

ane (CH4) fro
om a gas we ell located in a reservoir at a depth of
o 7000 ft
w the surfacce. The follo
owing inform
mation is available related
d to the cond ditions:

Drill Hole Depth = 7000 ft e Temperatu

Surface ure = 25 oC
Masss = 10 moless of methane Bottom
m Hole Tempperature = 1225 oC
Surfaace Pressurre = 1 bar m Hole Presssure = 2700 psi
____ _____________________ __________
___________ __________ __________

Taskk 1. Using th
he periodic chart,
c determ
mine the masss of 10 mole
es of CH4 in grams.

Taskk 2. Calculatte the volume of methan

ne occupied by 10 moless at the bottoom of the ho
ole, vs. the vo
olume of
hane occupie ed by the sa
ame 10 mole
es at the top of the hole (surface).

Taskk 3. Determine the perce

ent change in volume fro
om subsurface to surface. SHOW ALL


Convversion facto
ors and cons
stants that may
m be helpfful:

R = 0.0821
0 liter-atm/oK-mole
e o
K = 273 + oC 1 atm = 1013 mb 1 bar = 1000 mb
1 bar = 100,000 Pa = 14.5 5 lb/in2

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