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Noname Reads Book Club

#ForTheHomies Social Media Campaign


#ForTheHomies is an eight-week, purpose-driven social media campaign designed to drive

conversation and form communities around the issue of prison reform through Noname’s Book
Club. Though the book club is online, it also has free in-person meet-ups at local chapters
where people gather to discuss the monthly readings across multiple cities. Noname’s Book
Club aims to uplift POC by highlighting literature by writers of color and discussing social issues
that affect these marginalized communities. It is currently raising funds to send books to prisons
in various cities.

This campaign will engage millennial and Gen Z audiences, who are likely to resonate with
social change, and mobilize them around Noname’s Book Club’s prison reform initiatives. The
campaign’s strategy will be to work the #FuckPrisons hoodie available on the club’s online store
into pop culture conversations by partnering with influencers and community-building on social

Goals and Objectives

Goal 1: To drive progressives ages 18 to 34 who are interested in activism to tackle prison
reform through Noname’s Book Club’s initiatives.
- Objective 1: To increase the number of subscriptions to Noname’s Book Club by 8% in
two months through social media conversion.
- Objective 2: To sell at least $10,000 worth of Noname’s Book Club’s #FuckPrisons
hoodies in two months.
Goal 2: To form active, change-driven communities around Noname’s Book Club.
- Objective 1: To increase the number of mentions of @NonameBooks on Twitter by 4%
in six weeks.
- Total mentions: 145.9K*
- Objective 2: To increase the number of followers on Instagram and Twitter by 5% in two
- Instagram: 56.5k followers*
- Twitter: 88.1k followers*
- Objective 3: To increase attendance at Noname’s Book Club meetings in all nine
chapters by 12% in eight weeks.

*as of March 2020

Channel & Content Strategy

Channel Role of Content Types Content Posting

Channel Topics/Themes Cadence

Twitter To inform and - Original Prison reform, Alternating days

entertain the tweets promoting every other
audience - Retweets merch, week, before 12
regarding the - Photos expanding book p.m.
Book Club’s - Polls club to prisons,
events and - Twitter chats writers of color,
purpose social justice

Instagram To entertain and -Photos Prison Reform, Alternating days

encourage the -Short-form promoting every other
audience to videos merch, book week, before 12
contribute to the -Stories club updates, p.m.
Book Club’s -Curated/ re- community
purpose and posted members, social
highlight the content change
nal items


Noname’s Book Club’s Twitter is one of the platforms that receives the highest engagement,
averaging about 588 likes and nine comments per post. Moreover, our millennial and Gen Z
target audiences happen to be the age demographics that use Twitter the most, with 38% of
adults aged between 18 and 29 being active on the platform.1

Twitter is designed to foster dialogue through functions like reply-branching, quote tweeting and
@ing. With so many opportunities to spark conversations, Noname’s Book Club can humanize
its brand further by engaging with its followers.

The Twitter content for this campaign will be tailored for the top of the funnel. It will be freely
available and shareable to drive awareness about Noname’s Book Club’s mission to send
books to prisons and start book club chapters in those prisons. On Twitter, people who are
interested in Noname’s Book Club can inform themselves on what the club is advocating for and
participate in social activist dialogues.

1 “Percentage of U.S. adults who use Twitter as of February 2019, by age group.” Statista.
Noname’s Book Club describes itself as a digital community but on Twitter, its audiences can
come together and uplift each other’s voices. By organizing local chapter meet-ups, the book
club can take the conversation offline and strengthen community ties.

Content Types and Topics

● Original Tweets/Photos
○ Rather than just retweeting, posting original tweets gives Noname’s Book Club
the chance to express its opinions in its own voice and adds humanity to its
identity. Posting photos can further engage followers and increase shareability.
● Polls
○ By posing relevant questions in the form of a Twitter poll, the book club can let
followers interact with it in a quick and easy way. Noname’s Book Club can learn
about its followers while engaging their interests.
● Twitter Chats
○ Twitter Chats are an opportunity to personally connect with key audiences, reach
new people and increase brand exposure. By consistently setting up Twitter
Chats, Noname’s Book Club allows people to voice their thoughts and in doing
so, begins to build up brand loyalty.

Our content will address the same topics and issues across platforms to maintain a cohesive
and consistent brand identity. However, discussion-based subjects like social and political
issues will be reserved more for Twitter than other social platforms. Though Noname’s Book
Club often uses social media to take a stance on different kinds of activist causes affecting POC
communities, throughout this campaign, it will post mainly about prison reform. It will also post
about updates on its local chapters, its merch and its monthly book suggestions.

Posting Cadence
Content will be posted on Twitter Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday, then the following
week on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday, alternating between these two weekly
schedules. Four posts will be posted each week. All content will be posted before noon, as it is
the best time to post, according to Hootsuite.2


Noname’s Book Club has the highest engagement rate on Instagram, averaging 2,229 likes and
27 comments per post. According to a survey by Piper Jaffrey, Gen Z prefers brands to engage
with them on Instagram.3 While Gen Z is Instagram’s largest user base, the millennial

2 “The Best Time to Post on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn.” Hootsuite.
3 “Gen Z prefers Instagram when hearing from brands, Piper Jaffray says.”
demographics comes at a close second.4 By focusing on Twitter and Instagram for this
campaign, Noname’s Book Club could reach its audiences where they already are.

Instagram is a platform driven by visual storytelling. With features like stories, highlights and
IGTV, it encourages experimenting with visual branding and aesthetics as a new way to connect
to key audiences.

This campaign will use Instagram to drive brand awareness at the top of the funnel. It aims to
increase its Instagram followers through creative, relevant content that is informing, entertaining
and inspiring people. The platform could be used as well to transition audiences to the middle of
the funnel by driving loyalty with video series and IGTV.

Content Types and Topics

● Original Photos/Graphics
○ Visuals like photos and graphics can communicate Noname’s Book Club’s brand
personality in memorable ways. By using creative direction that resonates with
millennials and Gen Z, the book club’s Instagram grid content can generate more
user interactions and introduce more people to its brand.
● Curated Photos
○ Posting user-generated content would build community across Noname’s Book
Club’s social media as well as lend the brand credibility.
● Original Video
○ Short-form videos can offer more immediate and stimulating storytelling. This
kind of meaningful content can capture users’ attention, engage them and build a
relationship with them.
● Instagram Stories
○ Instagram Stories can improve visibility for Noname’s Book Club especially if
made discoverable. It can help the brand stay top of mind for its audiences and
communicate with them in real-time.

Throughout this campaign, Noname’s Book Club’s Instagram will engage topics that can be
visually represented. Much of its content will feature people, whether it is empowering its
members by posting photos of them from meet-ups or posting photos of incarcerated book
enthusiasts. With its content, the book club will put faces to the issues it is fighting.

Posting Cadence
The posting schedule for Instagram will mirror the schedule for Twitter.

PART 2: Content Calendar -

Link to the Content Calendar

4 Instagram Demographics.

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