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Designa置jon: E2847 - 14

Standard ltst Method for

Caiib「ation and Accuracy Verification of Wideband lnfrared

TTds §tandard lS issued under the暁d designatlOn E2847; the nllmber immed】ately followlng the desjgnation lndlCa'es the year of
Or!gmal adop血01・言n the case of re‘,lSion` 'he year of las置revisIOn. A number in parentheses indicates the year of 】ast reapproval A

SuPersCrip[ epsi】on (g)一一}djcates an ed-tOrlal change since ‘he last rcvI§ion or reapprova】.

1. Scope
2. Referenced Documents
l・1 Thjs test methOd covers electronic instmments intended
2.1 ASTM SIandaI擁:2
for measureme-1' of teInPerature by detecting the intensity of
E344 Teminology Relating to Thermometry and Hydrom-
thel’mal 「adiation excha一一ged between the subject of measu.e_
men書aild lhe scnsor.
E1256 “fesI Methods for Radiation Themometers (Sing】e
1・2 The devices covered by [】lis test method are l.窮rred to Waveband Type)
as jnfrared the】・mOmeterS in thjs document. E2758Guide for Selection and Use of Wideband, Low
Tさmperature Infrared Themometers
l.3 The infrared thermometers covered in this test method
a「e instruments that are i-1tended to measul.e temPeratureS
bcIow 1000OC, meaSurC thcrmal radiation ovcr a widc band-
3.1 D帥nitioJ” Qf 7Z棚串やec擁c ro 7yzis fta履けd:
Widlh in lhe in血cd roglOn’and are dirccトrending ln ‘empera-
3.1・1 ca句, bottom, ′十十he pol.tion of the cavity radjatjon
SOurCe foming the end of the cavity.
l"4 This guidc covers best practice in ca看ibrating infrared
3工i・i Di踊S高n-The cavity bottom is the primary area
lhcrmome‘ers・ It addresses conccms that will help lhe user
Where∴an jn」血ed 'hemome'er bejng calibrated measures
PCrfom more accurate calibralions. It also llrOVides a struc加e 重adiation.
如Calculation of uncertaintics∴and rcpo血g of calibralion
3.l.2 ca↓砂radiation JO肌e, ”-a COnCaVe Shal)ed geonト
l●esu11s to include uncer'桝in'y.
etry approximating a perfect b庇kbody of contro-1ed tempera-
1.5 De(ai】s on the design a11d construction of infrared
ture and defined emissivity used for calibration of radiation
Ihemometers are not covered in this test method. thermometers.
1.6 This tes白ne‘hod does not cover infrared thermometry 3・l・2.1 Disc′`諒on-A cavity radiation sourcc is a subset of

above iOOOOC. It does not address the use o白1a叶OWband thermal radialion sources.
jn缶ared theI.mO】TleterS Or i一一什al.ed themoIneterS that do not 3.l-2.2 Disf咽ion」hノbc a∴CaVi‘y radiation source of

indicate temperature directly. Praclical va】ue for calibra‘ion, at leas1 90 % oJ the fic温-Of-View
Of a radiatio掘themome{er is expected lo be incidcnl on the
].7 The ‘′a】ues stated in SI units are to be regarded as the
CaVity bot10m. In addi‘ion, the ratio of lhe lenglh of thc cavity
Sta一一dard・ The values given in parentheses are for informa(ion
VCrSL'S thc cavily diamctcr is cxpectcd lo be grcater than or
e甲al to 5:1.
l.8 77,e Val〃C,‘唖a‘ed扉′初pomd 4‘ni,'川re ’c, be rega7加。
3工3 cat句′ Walls', "-the inside surfaces of the concave
a"’'胸nda肋77’e一′a/胸given jn pa′のt/都e.’GI“7∽〃樹naIica/
Shape forming a cavity radiation source.
COnVer高めn▲‖O S’l l‘n涼Jhat c”叩,1短deケ妙手j痢mation only
and a手e ILOt COnSideied JtandaI宏 3.1.4 c鵬tO′ne7; 7トthe individual or institution to whom the

Ca】ibration or accuracy verificatiol- is being provided.

3. 1 ’5 distance-姐ice ’.atio (D・・S), ′トSee feld-ゲview.

i一一`一一l`ren一‘‘i ¥STM sli-Iid・一l-l` `lSl' i一一{ ¥STM webs順1"1一¥l asmll'r[ ll!

`iiili・i i ¥STM uslO一一一〇一Ser‘i、t.1I `=一、一し⊂(一aslnll)ili看lli lII棚.I/上i.一.Ih i l】7肱

'li`棚I・′′ /` `一,i一一一!iくl一一l`i一一l-11一.一I- 1くl‘一一il iII` `lil一一一一i-1dis 。`il〇一一一i-。“丸田一一一Il一、 ii・一E!- ・il

the ASTM Websitc

Copy「ight ③ ASTM Internat10nal’100 Ba「r Ha「bor Dnve・ PO Box C700' West Con§hohocken, PA 1942B-2959 United §ta(es

二 言二.高 年′当寺 半 FY岬S.A.S.
在暮雪し′義 cop,A
士軸」鴎」錆】隠す鞘章董藷 cON丁RoLADA
4齢 且2847 - 14

3工6 q第ctive cII?短il,f所′ト1hc ralio o」’thc amount of 5. Significanee and Use

energy over a given spectral band exiting a lhcmal radiation 5.1 This guidc provides gujdc獲ines and basic test mclhods
sourcc Io that predicted by Planck’s Law at a given tempera-
for the accuracy verification of infrarcd themometers. I[
1ure. includes test seトup and calculation of uncertainlies. I白s

3.l.7 feId-(申,ie男f?-a uSually circular, flat surface of a intendcd to provide the user with a consistent mcthod, Whilc
measured ol事c=r。m Which the radiation lhermome(er re- rcmaining Hexib]e in thc choice of ca]ibrzltjon equipmenl・ I白s

ccivcs radiation. (l)3 understood lha=he uncerlainty ob庇Lined depends in la∫ge Parl

3. 1.7. 1 Di,ぐC〃S-rioIトMany handheld infrared themometers upon the apparatus and instrumentation used' Therefore, Since
manufacturers include distance-tO-Size ratio (D:S) in their this guide is not prescriptive in approach, it provides deしailed

SPeCificalions. Distance-tO-Size ratio relates to lhe following instruction in uncertainty evaluation to accommodaIe the
Physical situation: at a given distance (D), the infrared ther- Variety of apparatus and instrumen†alion that Inay be em-

mometer measures a size (S) or diameter, and a certain PIoyed.

Pel.Centage Of the themal radiation recejved by the infrared 5.2 This guide is血ended prima正ly for ca】ibra血g handhe]d
thermometer is wi皿n this size, Field-Of-View is a measure oJ
infrared thermometers, However, the techniques described jn
the property described by distance-tO-Size ratio. (賞)
this guide may also be apprOPriate for ca]ibrating other classes
3工8 fa印Iate ra(Iiation ,JO耽e, ′,-a P】al a∫ Surface of Of radiation the賞“Ⅲ10meterS. It may a】so be of he]p to those
contro]led temperature and de餌ed emissivity used for calibra- Ca塙brating therma= magers.
tions of radiation thermometers.
5,3 This gujde s】)eCifies the necessary elements ofthe rellOrt
3工8.1 Disc〃SSion-A flatplate radiation source is a subset
Of calibration 上br aLn inhared thermome書er, The requil‘ed
of thermal radiation sources.
elements are intended as a commullication tool to help the end
3工9 〃移a鋤ri′1g JemperatlI移J“aItge, It-temPerature range user of theSe instruments make accurate me租surements. The
for which the radiation thermometer is designed. (l) e賞ements also provide enough information. so tha=he resu]ts of

3.1.10 p研きe,肝-a PrOCeSS that uses adry gas to remove the the calibration can be reproduced in a se arate laboratory,

POSSibility of vapor on a surface.

6. Sources of Uncertainty
3工1 l I・a(7iaIにe JeI7岬era飯It,, I!-temPeraturC Of an ideal (Or
6. 1 Uncertainties are present in a11 ca量ibrations. Uncertain-
Perfect) blackbody radiator having thc same radiance over a
ties are underestimated whe】l their effects aLre underestimated
givcn spectral band as thaI of the surface being mcasured. (2)
Or Omitted. The predominanl sou】●ceS Of uncertainty are de-
3工1 2 tIlennal radiation J鋤“e, "-a geOmetrically shaped
scribed i11 Section lO and are listed in Thble l and Tal)le X上賀
Object of controlled lcmperalurc and defincd cmissivity uscd
Of A叩end諒Ⅹ漢・
for ca]ibra,tion t)f radialion lhermomcters.
6.2 Typical】y, the most preva】ent sources of mcertainties in
3工13 L/.?age Ie′型era研e ,.a′lge, ′t-temPCrature range for
this method of calibratio!l are: (]) emissivity estimatiol1 0f the
which a radiatio重l thermometer is designed to be utilized by the
Calibration source, (2) size-Of-SOurCe Of the infrared
end user.
thermometer, (3) temperature grndients on the radiation source,

4. Summary of Practice (4) improper alignme11t Of the infrared thermometer with

respect to the radiation soul’Ce, (5) caljbration temperature of
4. 1 The practice consists of comparing the readout tempera-
the radiation source, (6) ambient temperature and O reflected
ture of an infrared thermometer to the radiance temperature of
temperature. The order of p!●eValence of these uncertalnties
a radiation sollrCC. Thc radiancc tcmpcrature shall correspond
may vary, depending on use of p「oper procedure and the type
to the spcctrz11 range o=he in虹arcd thermometer under tcst・
OJ themal radiation sourcc used. Dcpendjng on lhe tcmpera-
4.2 The radiation source may be of two types. Idea11y, the ture oI the radiation source, the calibratio皿method of thc

SOurCC Will be∴a CaVity source having an emissivily close Lo radiation source. the oplical charactcristics of [he infrared
unity (1.00). Howcver, becausc the field-Ofnyiew of somc thcrmomcter and the detcctor and filter characteristics of the
infrared thermometers is larger lhan typical blackbody cavily
aperturcs, a 】argc-arCa flatp】atc sourcc may bc used重br lhcsc
TAB」E I Components of uncertajn重y
calibrations. In either case, the traceab獲e measuremenl o白he

radiance temperature of the source sha11 be known, along with

calculated uncertainties.
10.2、3. X2.4 (exam印e)
4.3 The radiance temperature of the §OurCe Shall be trace-
「0。急2, X2.5 (exampゆ
able lo a national metrology institute such as the National 10。7.1

Inslitute of Standards and Ttchnoiogy (NIST) in Gaithersburg, 「0.8.1

Mary喜and or the National Research Cou重ICil (NRC) in Ottawa,
 ̄「est Methods E1256
0】lt紬io, Canada.
一The ho購ace mⅢTlbel‘S in pa「entheses 「efe「 to a l st of 「efe「ences a=he end of
this standa「d.

丁 年言∴∴ノ 主〔′
軽高車丁子も 書Y岬S.A.s.
∵年報雷門粛電 cO軸丁韓○○▲議
句齢 且2847 - 14

jn丑arcd山crmomcler, lhc∴COnlribulion o=hcsc uncertaintics will resu虹n a smaller unccrtainty. A smaller conical angle @

may changc significanlly in the overall uncertainty budgel. Wi】1 also resu旧n a sma=er uncertainty. The l。Cation of a reference or a controI probe, Or

7. Apparatus
both, and the thermal co重lductivity o白he cavity wa11s∴are
7.1 7%emal RadiatioIきSol/ne.・ important considerations in cavity source construction. In
7工1 There are two different classes of therma】 l・adiation generaLl同reference or controI probe should be as close as
sources which can be used for infrared thermo】neter Caljbra-
I-raCtical to the cente「 of the area where the infrared thermom-
tions: a CaVity source and a flatplate source. Some so11rCeS may eter wi11 typically measure, tyPically the cavity bottom. If tl-ere
be considel.ed a hybrid of both categories. Each of these is a scparation bctwecn thc Iocation of the reference probc and
SOしIrCeS has advzlntageS and disadvanlilgeS. The cavjty source the cavity surface, CaVity walls with a higher the賞mal c(允duc-

provides∴a∴SOu一・Ce Of radiation血at has∴a mOre Predictable 1ivity will resul白n a sma11er uncerlainly due to leInPerature
en-issivity. However, the flatp】ate source can usually be made
gradients in this region.
less expensive]y, and ca一一be made with aL diameter large The walls of the cavity source can be treated in
enough tO Calibrate infrared the∫mOmeterS With ]ow dis[ance to
severa] differcnt ways. A painted or ceramic surface wiIl
size ratios (D:S).
genera11y result in higher emissivity than an oxidized metal
7.1.2 Idcally, Ihe sizc oJ lhe Ihermal radialion sourcc should
surface. By ‘he same measure an OXidized metこ一I sしIrface wi】l
bc∴SPeCificd by the infrored thcrmometer manufacturer" In
generally result in higher ehissivity than a non-OXidizcd metal
many cases, this infomation may not be available・ In lhese
surface. In some cases亘may be imposstble to paln=he cavity
cases a field-Of-View Iest should be completed as discusscd in
source surface. This is especially true at high temperatures.
E1256. The porlion of signal incidcnt on lhe in血ared themom-
7.1,3.4 The e価ective cmissivity ol thc cavity source shall be
etcr that does not comc from lhe source shou】d he accountcd
calculated to detel・mine the radiance teml〕eratbre of the cavity.
for in thc unccrtainty budgct.
Calculation of e鉦新ive emissivity is beyond the scope of this
7.1.3 Caviり, So初でe:
slan a∫d. Detcrminalion of eifeclive emissivity can bc math-
7工3.1 A cavity source can be constructed in several shapes
ematically calculated or mOdeled.
as shown in Fig・ 1. In general, a high length-tO-diameter ratio

(L:D) or radius-tO-diameter ralio (R:D) in the spherical case 7.1.4 Fla印Iate Sou′t;e・●



観v時面t吊れ副職豊d p霊抑留 亡細れd 「〇・的鵬

同園 Sph e「e

FIG, 1 Cavity Shapes

手打‡騨宣告 3
星章で嘗㌍ ’∴
‥ 1最善を     ` j / ̄
綱か 宣2847 _ 14

7.1"4.1 A皿atplate source is∴a dcvicc that consisIs of a 7.3.1 The thermal radi加ion sourcc sh租ll be calibrzltCd wilh a

Painlcd circular or rcctangular plate. ’rhe cmissivity is like工y to transfer sねndard lraceable lo a na'ional metroIogical institutc
be lcss well dcfincd than with a cavity source. This can be SuCh as lhe Nalional Ins血Ic of Standards and耽chnoIogy

Partially overcomc by performing a radiometric tran垂r (SCe (NIST) or Nalional Research Council (NRC). If a refercnce
Scheme II in 7・3.7) to the flatplate sourcc. However, the 血crmometor (radiomctric or contact) is uscd during thc cali-
radiometric transfer sh。uld bc carried o山Wjth an jnst「ument bration o白he unit-under-1est, thjs serves as thc calibrali。n O「
OPCrating over a similar spcctral band as thc in血arcd thermom- thc radiation sourcc. In this casc. thc rcfercncc thcrmomcIcr
eter under test. Shall have a calibration traceable ↓o a mtional me‘rological
7工4.2 A cavity source is the preferred radiometric source institute.
for infrared themometer calibrations. Tlle CaVi†y source has
7.3.2 This calibration of the thermal radiation source may
two main advantages over a flatplate source. First’the cavity
take place in the calibration laboratory, Or it may be done by a
SOurCe has better defined emis§ivity and an emissivity much
third party calibralion 】aboratory. The ill↑erval o白hese checks
CIoser to unity due to i†s geometric shape. Second, along wi'h
is dete重・mined by the calib‘.a書ion labOratO賞・y. The d輔related to
the emissvity being c萱oser to unily, the eifects or re伸ected
the calibration interva=s paft of the calib】・ation mlCe11ainties
temperature are lessened. Tempe裏・ature unifomity on the flat-
for the infrared tilermOmete]. Caljbration.
P】ate source may be more of a concem as wel]. However, a
7.3.3 Regardless of whether a cavity soし一rCe O「 a鯛atplate
flatplate source has a main advantage ove賞・ a CaVity source. The
SOurCe is used, there are two approaches to calibrating the
temperature cont「O]led flatplate surface can be muc=arger
SOurCe: COntaCt Calibration (Hg. 3, Scheme J) and l.adiometric
than a tyl,ical cavity source opening, allowillg for much
CalibraLtion (Fig, 3, Scheme H). (3)
Sma]]el’D:S ratios (greater frold-Of-View).
7.3.4 In軸g. 3 the arrows show the path oftraceability t。 the
7.2 ApeI●他控:
International System of Units (SI) thr。ugh a national metro-
7.2.1 An additiona] ape11ure may nOt be needed for a】】
logica] institute (NMl). The reference radiation source is the
Ca]ibrations. An ape血re js typical】y used to contro] scatter. If
Cavity source or bIackb。dy s。urCe uSed to ca皿rate the infrared
used, the aperture shou】d be temperature-COntrO】led or reflec-
thcrmomctcr. In Schcmc I, it is shown that the △T mcasurc-
tive. An aperture shouId be used if recommended by the mcnt md the emissivity correction shz111 be addcd inlo thc
infrared thermometer mamlfacturcr. If an aperture is uscd for
lemperature calculation. The △T mcasuremen白s bascd on the
Calibrafron・ this information should bc staled in [he rcporしof
di餓3renCe in temperalurc betwecn thc refercnce thcmomcter
Calibration. The inIormation lhal shall be included is the
and lhc cavity walls. Thc emissivity corrcction is based on thc
aperlure dis離しnCe, lhc aperture size, and thc measuring dis-
radiation sourcc nol having 'he same cmissivily as the infrarcd
1ance. A possib看e configuration for apcr‘ure use is shown in ng.
thcmomctcr’s cmissivity sctting. Thc symboI加rcfers to thc
2. WaVeleng瓜and bandwid山o† the lrans」tr radiation them0m_
7.2.2 In蹄基・ 2, dap∫ is thc apcrlure distancc. Thc mcasuring
eter and t重le in紐ared thermometer,
distance is shOWn by
7.3,5 In either scheme, the transI料slandard sha看l be trace-
7.3 7tⅥ明雄?r StandaId.・ able to a national metrologica】 institute.


症精魂融胸高 う

Å畔血鵬 囲圏
FIG, 2 Use of an Aperture fo「 a Caiib「ation

4       鵬的鵬†0則o唯調印鴫o! ● ●
霊書A重患鵬Y二番 FYH S.A.S.
無蓋鱈子言霊 COPIA
魚群A鴫竣義. ∴書直、謹・` ○○N丁慮oしみ
也齢 巨2847 - 14

7.7 CalibratioIL’Below /I夢e Del牛Point oγ FIDSt-Poi所:

7.7.1 For calibralions where Ihe set-POint of lhe radiation

SOurCe is below the dew or frost pomt, it may be nccessary lo
Pllrge thre紬ea arOund lhc source wilh a dry gas such as dried
nitrogen or dried air to prevent ice buildup. It may be desirab宣e

to use a vacuum ft)r this purpo§C. It is beyond the sc()Pe O「this

Sしandard to rccommcnd a spccific dcsign or mcthod for such a


8. Preparation o書ApparatuS          .

8. 1 ”坊働t'd 772er7nOmeter.・

8.1.1 The infrared tllermOmeter Shou賞d be al】owed to reach

ambient temperature before any 】TleaSurementS are made. The

amount oftime may be specified by the manufacturer. If this is

not the case, eXPeI’imentatioll may need to be done to deter-

mi-1e the proper lime for血e device 10 1hermally stabilize. This

unce11ainty shOuld be accounted for in the ambient temperature

SeCtion of the uncertainty budget.
8.l.2 If a ]ens cleaning is required, it shall be performed
…鵜h魯動き重 §亀観e鵬e重重
fo】lowing the mamfacture「’s guide】ines.
刷G, 3 Caiib「ation Schemes I and =
8.2 Radlation So〃JCe.・

8.2.1 “rhe radiation sollrCC∴Should bc set lo the dcsircd

Calibra(ion tcmpera冊C and allowed to stabili2/e∴a=hc sct

7.3.6 In Scheme I, a COl11act lhermometer is used as the
Ca量ibralion temperaturc. Any e鯖ecIs due to se肌ing time should
transfer standard. The emissivity uncerlainties become of
be accoしmted for in lhc uncerlain(y budget.
greater concem. Tllis is especia11y the case when using a 8.2.2 If a purge device i§ uSCd wilh the radiation source for
flatI)1ate source.
the calibra面on, it should he in place befo「e thc radiali。n SOurCe
7.3.7 In Scheme II, a radiatioll ther】T]Ometer is used as the
is slabiIi乙ed.
transfe]‘ Staildard. ln this scheme, the emissivity and heat

exchangeしInCertainties are greatly reduced. This is especial漢y 9. Proccdurc

Slgni克can白n the czISe Or uSing il Hatpiate souI.Ce. the radiation
9. 1 Ca/ibmtion P41in/,r..
ther】mmeter Should operate over a similar speCtral range as the
9.1.1 The number of calibration po】ntS uSed during a ca喜i-
infrared thermometer to be calibrated. Any diferences in
bration should be determined by the customer. I川le CuStOmer
SPeCt】●al range will resu]t in additiona看 uncertaintes, For
does not know what l-Oints to use for a calibration, a reCOm-
instance, ifthe radiation source is calib!・ated with an 8 to 」4 Hm
mendatio旧Tlay he made. For an infrared thermometer used
radiation lhermometer, and an il血ared thermometel・ With a 7 to
OVer a n劃TOW range Of temperature, One POi】lt may be enough.
14 Hm SPCCtral rcsponsc is bcing calibrzltCd, CVCn this differ-
Fo置・ an infrared th賓mometer used over a wide range of
CnCe in bandwidlh shall bc zICCOunled for in thc uncerlaLinty
temperature, a minimum of血ree calibration poiIltS Should be
budgct, Sincc thc radiancc tcmperz血re (dりC mOStly lo the
Chosen. These points should represent at least the millimum,
e節eclive emissivily) will bc di佃erent.
maximum and midpoint temperature of the infrared thermom-
7.4 An初e所7bmpera肋e 77!eI77鋤neter: eter usage teml)era冊e range. The llSage range may nOt be the
7"4.l ′rhe anbien1 1cmperature should be moni(OrCd dしIring Same flS thc mcasurillg temPeraturC rangC Of thc infrarcd
thc ca]ibration to cnsurc thal it is within thc laboratory’s limits. lhermometer.
This should be done using zI CZllibrated lhermomeler. At a 9工2 Thc order of calibration points may bc∴arbilrary.
minimum, the labora†ory’s ambien=emperature limits should However, it is imporlant lo note thal hcating of the infrared
be recorded on the report of ca]ibration. thermomeler by the calibralion source may cause a condilion

7.5 Mo肋ting Devi(、e:

Similar to thermal shock. This is especially true when going
from a ca!ibration sourcc at a higher tcmperature lo a caljbr紅
7.5.1 The in什ared the「mometer may be moullted on a巾pod
Or Similar 】TIOunting fixture. Moullting may not be required in
tion source al a lower lemperature. Thus, it is besI practice lo

書he case or a mひnual】y he】d ca】ibralioIl. In this case the hand is

Calibrate at lower lemperature points before higher temPerature

the 】nOunting device. pO宣n書S・

9.2 S†eps 9.3 to 9.6 should be repeated for each calibration

7.6 Dis/a′!Ce Me(聞r高og Device:

7.6.】 The distance between the radiation source∴and the point.

infrared thermometer is a critical factor in calibration. This 9.3 R坊ecte(1 7わやeraれ〃℃:
distance should be eithel’meaSul’ed dul’jng the in打ared ther- 9.3.1 If required, Se=he infrared themometeris reJ]ecled
momele}● calibration or sel by fixturing. This measurmg dis- temperature setting to the radiation source’s reflected tempera-

tance along with the target size sha】l be recorded on the report ture. This setting should represen=he temperature of t】le
of calibra章ion. ambient surroundings facing the themal radiation source. The

吉雄高言、一弱上∵‡ i 山的請けo則o D調印的しoG(

章も.エ.凄く占了、 FYH S.A.S.
あく言三㌦ cONTROしADA
定職 且2847 - 14

rcflacしed lempcra血C SClting may bc called background tem-

9.5.3 `X’- a融`Y,-Axe・, Alig刷剛t.・
PCraturC Or ambien=emperature on some deviccs. Many 9.5.3・1 A】ignment in the `Ⅹ, and ・Y’djrections may be done
in血ed thermometcrs do not have a manual rcflcctod lempera- using lasers provided with the皿ared thermometel・ or it may
1ure sc血g. On these devices・ renected temperature is com-
be done by maximizing the signa量・ Use of `aser polnterS is a
Pen§ated for interna量ly.
quicker method・ bu=ile量aser r'O血er may not represent the
9.4 E涼s∫ivih† Se,fing." OPtical centcr of thc皿arcd thcmomctcr. A givcn infrarcd

9.4・1 Thc cmissivity sctting o」“ thc inharcd lhemOmCtCr thcrmometcr may have some othcr op‘ical alignmenl device

Should match the eInissivity or emissivity setting of the SuCh as lighトen血ing diodes tha' may be used as we11.
radiation source. M狐inlizing血e slgnal is the preferred mclhod.
9.4"2 Some inhared thermometers have a fixed emissivity 9・5・3.2 If using 】aser a】ignmel-t、 Cente「 †he 】aLSer On the

Setting alld some radiation sources have a fixed emi§Sivity. In Center Of thc radiation sourcc.
a ca§e Where both settings are fixed and are not equai, a 9.5.3"3 1f maximizing the signa], for calibration pojnts
mathematical a勘ustment sha11 be made. An examp賞e of such an above ambient・ the posjtion of the infrared themo】neter Sha】I
adiustme賞1t Can be found in X2.3. be a軸sted vertica]ly and ho「izontally to produce 】maXimum
9.4.3 The Preferred method is to adjust the infrared ther_ temperature whj】e aiso maintainjng t重一e ]jne of sight perpen-

momete】・ emissivity setting to the radiatio一一SOurCe・s emissivjty. dicular to the∴SOurCe. Thjs is皿stratcd in鴫. 5. In th。
Jf the radiation source receives a contact ca-ibration (Fjg. 3, CXanPle in Fig. 5・ the maximum tempcrature obscrved on lhe
Scheme I), thi§ emissivity wou]d be the emissivity of the infrared thermomeler.s readou白s 300.3OC. For ca]ibration
Surface. 1f the radjation source receives a radiometric caHbra_ POints below ambient‘ the ‘emPera山rc shall be minimizcd.
ti{)n (吋3’Scheme II)' t]一e emjssivi書y wouId be the emjssivity ln cases whe「e the sjze o白he radiation source is
Setting of the transfer standard. If t】le emissivjty settjng of the much largcr than [hc ficld-Of-Vicw of thc radiation
i血ared thermomete】・ camot be set exactly to the e餌ective thcmometer, the ‘emperature may plalcau instead of rcach王ng
emissivity of the themal 】・adiation source言hen a correction a simple maximum or minimum. In such cases, fl dcflncd
may be made as is shown jn X2.3. Change in lempe「ature should bc obscrved whi宣c moving皿c
infrared themometer a】ong an axis. Then lhc inhared ther-
9・5 AligI硯ent.・
9.5.1 P均)aI・a子i個.・
mometer should be cenlered midway betwecn thcse 'wo points.
This shaI量be done for both axes. This is ilIustra‘cd in I帝6. In
9"5.1"1 If an addi-iona】 apertwre is used for the calibration,
this case, the in血ed lherlnOmeter is move即rom Side lo side.
ensure that the aperture is properly cmplaccd at血o specified
distance a§ Shown in rig. 2. I白he aperture is tempera[ure-
A plateau in the temperature readout of 300.3OC is observed. In
this case the user shal! observe a drop-O航=he temperature
COn(rolled’enSure tha=he apcrture is wilhin its specified

(emr)eratUrC !imi(S. readout of 3"OOC. This means the user should be Iooking for a
reading of 297.3OC. Points ・A’and ・B, indicate where this In Fig. 4, thc mcasuring distancc is dcsignated by
`dJ The `Ⅹ, axis refers to the horizonta萱direction; the ・Y‘ axis drop-Off occurs. Poin' `C・ represents the midi)O血of ・A, and
refers to the vertical direction; and the ・Z・ axis refers to the

direction coming out of the cavity or触pIate. In the case of The defined change shou-d be at least l % of the
infrared thermometer p】ateau reading in OC or l OC, WhiclleVer
the flatp看ate・ the `Z, axis i§ a]ways norma量to the flatplate
is greater. For exampIe,机he infrared [hermometer readou白s
120.OOC‘ †he de血ed change shou】d be a=eas=.2OC. If the If a fixture is being used to hold the i血ared
in丑ared lhermomeler readou=s 50.OOC’the delined chalge
thermometer for calibration, mOun=he i重出ared themOmeter.

9.5工4 If thc inhared thermomcter calibralion mounting is

Should be a=eas=.OOC.
manuaらhoid 1he in什ared lhemometer jn front o川e radialjon 9.6 Mea踊Im1eI証
SOurCC at thc spccificd distancc. 9.6.1 Perform measurements accordjng to the 】nallufact叶
9.5工5 Ensure lhat thc in血red thcrmomcter is roughly er’s procedures・ The measuren「en=ime shou]d be a period
level and norma=o the target sur∫acc" Ideal量y, 1he ang]e Sjgnifcantly longer than the infrared thermometer,s response
bctween the normal ‘o a触plate source and 'hc line o∫ sigh書of tjme. It may be necessary to take more than one measurement
thc inhared thermomcter sh。u]d be ]ess than 5O. When using a to dctcrminc rcpeatabi航y and rcdl!Ce unCCrtainty duc to noisc.
CaVity source・ thc anglc of incidence should bc small cnongh to Rccord the measured ‘cmperalure.
allow fo=he in缶ared ‘hermometer,s field-Of-View to see lhe
9・7 A4i踊雁男t:
unifom part of the cavity bottom.
9.7.1 In some cases the adjuslment may be done by labora-
9.5工6 If thc inharcd thermometer is cquipped with a lens
tory personne】・ This shall only be done w皿the perndssion of
CaP・ rCmOVC the 」ens cap before measuring"
the customer. Any measurement before the calibration shouId
9・5-2 `Z’Axi・7 Alignn花nt:
be jnc]uded jn the TePOrt Of calibration. Consu臣he infrared Set tl「e distance from the sou】・Ce uSing the measuring
thermomete自nanufacturer for the adiustmeI叫rocedure.
device. The distance may be measured from the ape11ure. from
9.7.2 After any aヰiustmcn巾e inhared thcrmomctcr a旬usト
the cavity source 。Penjng, Or from the radiation soui・Ce Surface.
ment should be verified a[ all calibration I)Oinls.
No丁T} 」】n most cases・ it may no' be good practiee to touch the 9.7・3 In cases where an adjustment camot be done, a tabI。
radjation∴SOurCC肌rface. Jn such cases` an a]ternate point of known
Of correclions at each ca!ibration point should be provided` to
djstallCe from the surface may be used for thc djstance meas調rement.
the customer.

壷 主 , 、
看鵬的軸げo則O o書籍惟鵬Oし0e鵬
書脅章魚農遺物守 を FYH S.A.S.
代書1聾喋墓 Cop霊A
一兎狐疑‡箪‡羊蹄悠揚 ○○N丁韓○○A議
左紗 岳2847 _ 14

閣上諒 d ⊥-諒

Cavfty Me謡uring Dis鳴nce

闇臆臆臆 d --÷融
軸t Pねte Measu「ing Distance
FiG・ 4 Caiibration Setup Showing Measuring Devices

10. Measurement Uncertainty

ー ・ I i ・ ⋮ ⋮ ⋮ I ・ - - ・ ⋮ 舶

lO,1 Overvie†t’:

10工1 While il is beyond the scope ol“ this documen=o

PrOVide tests and metllOds to determine each elelnent Of the

uncer[ain置y budget, the fomat shown here should provide a

basic hamework for uncertainty budget calculations. Any

Calcu]ations of measurement unce巾ainty shouid ft刑ow Iocal

uncertainty budget calcし看lation guidelines such as the “U.S.

Guide to the Expression of Uncertalnty in Measurement’’or t】le

``Eva血餌ion of Measurement Data - Guide,tO the Expressjon of

Uncertainty in Measurement.”

10」.2 The uncertainties as presented in this guide are listed

調調煩e部轡X涌u購晦叩e融U唯r闇d鳴 in rI「乙刷c重.
FiG. 5 X.Y Alignment in the Maximizing Case 10.2 Mea鋤reme所Eq〃ation:

いBO聞け0削○ ○さき惟鵬0し06j鼻
言争∴予言点上∴ l言 ′ 手・号 声Y岬S.A,S.
無毒てこ「二㍍ cO議了韓oしADA
氏壇船 担中華、了毘評善言
4齢 E2847 _ 14

10.2.1 The measuremen' equation is shown in Eq ]. Uncer-

ta血y in lhe calibratjoI1 1emperature is accounted for by

evaluating Ts. The uncertainty in reflecled ambient radiation is U・侶二葉u(⊂)9)二島妬) (

accounlcd for by evalualing by S(Tw). The e皿ects oI uncer-
tainty jn source cInissivily arc accoun‘cd for by cvaluating Es.
l O.3 So冊でe Related UncertaiI証e一,.・

10・3.1 The uncertainties lisled i宣=O.4 - 10.9 relate to t】

暗,・α') = S(訂吉事(T"′) - S(T。)]十㌔串s(Tぐ) thermal radiation source.
-S(Tw)]             (!)
10.4 Calib′一a’ion 7初野eratl催:

whel・e: 10.4.1 The calibrati。n temPerature OI` the∴SOurCe is t】

S(7J = jmp】emeiltation of the Sakuma-Hattori Eql-ation

temperature of the sol]rCe aS indicated by the source,s readoI

曾▲S  = emissivily o白he measured surface In Scheme I・ this is the一一nCertainty of the temperature reado

as determined by contact traceability. In Scheme II, this is t!

争楯T = instrument emissivity setting
7L硯S = infrared thermOmeter readou"empera†ure uncertainty of the radiance temperature readout as determing
rs  = eXPeCted radiation temperature of the therma] ra- by radjomet「jc traceabiIity.

diation sollrCe
]0.5 So初でe E′n短il句′:
Tw  = re鯖ected radiation temperature (walls)
10.;.1 Ca/ibration Scheme / - Fla印Iate S鋤’re-In lh
事I  二dclecIor lcmperature
CaSe, the e血ssivity of the surface is detemi11ed by some 。thl
」 O.2.2 Uncertainty due to Reflected Tbmperature" method such as Fourier-tranSform infrared or radiometr Tb evaluate for reflec'ed tcmperature uncertainty, COmParison’Tbst methods to de↑ermine eInissivity are ou[linc

Eq =s di節erentiated to get Eq 2, This number is then used in in Guide E2758. Since the emissivi‘y for a specific surfa(

Eq 3 to ge=he temPerature meaSurement uncertainty due to COating may vary widely, thjs can cause a -arge amo…一=
Variance in the emissivity va】ue and ‘he res山ing ul-Certainl
reflected tempe農・ature. An example of this ca】cu]ation is shown

in X2,5. ]0.5.2 CaIibmtio′裏Sche〃2C l 「 Cavitl・ S個性e-ln a Ca重jbr(

tion Schcmc I wjth a cavity sourcc, thc cmissivity should t

鵠幸吉 (2)
detem上ned by either modcling・ Ol・ by ‘he cmjssivity uncc

tainly pro¥′idcd by lhe source,s mamIacturcr,

10.5・3 CflIibratir,n Scheme /l「Fo】・ Calibration Scheme I

U証言吉葉(7・w)二鵠語り(Tw) (3) the emissivity may still vary over time or be dependent o
SPeCt!・aI bandwidth. However, these uncel.tainties are reduce

Significantly compared to those in Scheme I.

10.2.3 Uncertainty due to Emissivity. 10.6 R甥ected AInbient RadiatioI!:

10.2.3"l Tb evaluate for source emissivjty uncertainty, Eq l 10.6.1 Reflected radiation is sometimes referred to as back
js di餌ercntiatcd 10 ge一】 q 4. This mmber is thcn uscd in t沌5 g賞・Ound radiation. The cause of its e飾ect js sometimes referre
to as background temperature. Tl-is ul-Certalnty is muc】l mOr
to get the uncertainty due to一・eflected temPerature. An example
Of a concem when ca]ibrating instmments with a flat可at
Of this calculation is shown in X2.4.
SOurCe than jt js with a cavjty source' It is especia一]y a concer

When measu血g obiects zl=emperatures below ambjent. T

聖二士s(臣S剛 (4) Calculate this ullCertai】1ty, utiIize Eq 2 a融3.

8    山田O紬的則o眺眺†肌o融

外書緯既着 FY岬S.A.S葛
‥、∵章∵y- ..言 cOplA
綱か 且2847 - 14

10.7 Sの初Ce /1eat E抑/硯ge: for. Thc calcしIlations outlined in this stilndard ilrC bascd on zI

10.7.1 Sourcc hcal cxchange is ‘he uncertain‘y of the B初t?a〃 i,寝e〃裏ational des poid9 Ct meSl聴g (BIPM) document.
di鮒erence belween the∴SOurCe’s controI sensor or readout (4)
lcmpcra川re and thc source’s aclual surface lempera'ure. This 10.13.2 For measuring dislances grealer than l m, a mOdc]
unccr融nly is due to hcat flow betwcen the scnsor localion and Of slandard atmosphcre∴Shall be consulted. For meas皿ng
the sou「cc’s surface. I白hc flatplatc s(冊CC is calihrated wjth a djslances of l m (一l. less, lhe expanded皿ccr(alnty (k = 2) is
radiometrically, this uncerLainty is minimi∠ed. However, there norma11y O.0006.
Stil=s some uncerlainty since the heat flow may be di節erent 10"13.3 ’塙blじX2.] in X2.6 giYeS C租lculaled values 」t)r lhe
from time to lime. atmospheric abso町tion uncertainties at various temperatures.

This table is specific to the 8 to 14甲n SPeCtral band. For

10.8 AInbient Cひn(l諦。n品
Calculations for other spectral bands, COnSult X2.6.
1 0.8.1 This uncertainty Iargely accounts fo「 variances due to

COI重VeCtうon, although olher Jinors may Play a role. For a

1 0車上N。i∫e.・
]0.14.1 Noise is unwanted signal experienced by the in缶o-
flatplate source, the effects of convection are minimal. For a
red thermomeleris measuremenl system. The o重・igin o」’the
CaVity source, the e鮒ects of convection should be even less.

However言f a soしIrCe Of fo「ced air is cIose to t】le SOul・Ce, this

noise can be froln both electrical and physical sources. This
uncertainty call be taken什om the infrared thermoⅡleter’s
uncertainty may be more of an issue. Essentia11y, When a forced
air source is placed cIose to the surface, the unifo「mjty pattem
SPeCifications or detemined by experimentation.
Of the肌rface may be changed. This may be a very d摘cult 10. 15 Di岬Ial, Re砂l蹄ion:
uncertainty to determjl-e. The conditions of air fl‘)W may have 10.15.1 This is the contribl葛tion due to quantization error of

to be exaggerated to get a true idea of this effect. the infrared thermometer readout.
10.15.2 Tt) Calculate display resoIution un6e】・tainty, take the
10.9 So蹄でe UI所)7γ扉か:           、
dispIay resolution and divide by two. This result has∴Zl
10.9. 1 Source皿iformity lS unCertall-ty due to temperature
rectangular distribution. Use standard practice to determine the
non-homogcncily on thc calibr租lor su可elCe. Sincc an in血ared
expanded uncertaiilty Of a rectallgula〇・ distribution. For
lhermOmelcr avcragc=he lcmperalures wi皿n its field-Of-
example, if an infrared thermometer has a display reso皿ion 。f
Vicw, this uneerlainly lS Calculatcd by considcring how much
O.1OC, then lhc rectangular dislribl】tion is ±0.05OC and the
lhc皿iIormity will czluSe fl differencc in measurcment between
expanded uncerlainty is O.058OC.
a mcasuremcnt of a small spol at the ccnler of lhe source and
a largcr spot c。rreSPOnding lo the in什arcd lhemometcr under 10-16 Sample Uncer/ain砂B職dget.・

tcst. 10.16.1 A sanple uncertalnly budgct for an infrared thcr-

mometer calibration is shown in 1tlble X」工This struc加re in
10. 10 h坊vaIt?d T7IemOI"eter Relaled軌ceJ.taindes:
no mamcr reprcsents an unccllain(y budgct for a speci範c
10.10.1 Thc linCCrtaintics listcd in 10.1l - 10.15 re重こしte tO model ol’inhared山emOmeler or tl SPeCi」ic calibration source.
the in正ared山emomeler under lesl. Note that all uncertainties listed in this tab】e are expaI〕ded

uncertainties (k = 2).
10.1 1 Size-〆二Sou7℃e匂解でt:

10"11.1 Size-O短く)urCe emect unccrlainty is caused by z111y

重l. Report p
l.adjation meaS↓lred from lhe source or its surroundings not

acco州ted for by Ihe source uniformi[y uncertainty in lO.9.

=.1 Repor=he calibration resullS in any convcnient form.
This may be z=able of values of nominal tempcrature with the
Most of the e鯖ects of the size-Ofrsource effect unce-1ainty are
temperature rcadout of the in柾a∫ed lhermomcter at each of the
CauSed by optical scatter. This uncertainty will be large if the
Calibration poinls.
SOu「Ce diameter is smal]er lhan the fieId-Of-View of the infra「ed

th crm omctcl.. 11.2 Thc report should includc at a minimum a titlc, a

皿ique idenlification oJ the item calibrated, a reCOrd oI the
10"12 Ambie所7Z,l甲,erat"re:
PerSOn Who performed the calibration, the date of calibration.
10.12.1 Ambiellt temPel●ature is∴an unCertainty related to
the source temperature (Or the corrected source tempera加re)
how well lhe delecIor temper餌ure∴aCCOunls for changes in
VerSuS infrared thermometer readoul temperature, the measur-
reflected ilmbien=emI)eratしIre. Detector temperature can be
ing distance, the emissivity setting of the in紅ored thermometer,
Calculated by a method shown in Ap])endix X3. The infrared
the diameter of the source, †he ambient tempera†ure, a descrip-
thermometer under test should be auowed enough time to reach
tion o」● the aperlure inc】uding aperture dislance (許しISed), and
a steady-State houslng temPe「ature. This is especially critical
the measurement unCertainties. The infrared thermOmeter read-
after the infrared thermometer is introdllCed into a new
1ng VerSしlS COITeCted source temperature is best represented in
environmcnl・ The clltcIs ‘)f anbien=cmpcr机しIrC and chilngeS
a table. Supp】ementary jnformation, illCludi!1g a COnCise de-
in detector tcmpcralure on radiomclric meastIrementS Should
SCription of the ca】ibration method, a list of the reference
bc dctemined for cach spccifro modcI oI infrarcd thermometer instruments used, a Statement regarding the tl“aceahility o=he
under lesし
CaIibration, a reference to or a description of theしInCertainty

1 0. 13 AtIm華heric Ab.?OJption: budget, and fl∴Citation of this guide, 】nay be requested by

10.」3.1 The unce】1ainties ]’e]ated to atmospheric abso].Ption

are typiealiy ve「y low. Neverthe】ess, they should be accounted 1l.3 A料nlPle report is inc】uded in Appendix X4.

・主蒔浩二。 いさo請けO則0唯職場鵬0しo6i4
.電着鼻.霊 草玉子、 革Y物S.A.S.
操車や子羊㌻∴ 、 coplA
読(へ 自信、〔音手短言霊 C○○葛T教OLADA
の 良2847 - 14

12. Recordkeeping Requirements Olherwisc known as an unccrlainly budgct言s uscd. This

12.1 A rccord system of all calibrations sha11 be kept. This uncertainty evaluation shaH follow the method shown in thc

SyStem Shall conlain su鮎cient inIormation to permit rcgcnera-

Measurement Uncertainty scc(ion.
tion o白he certificate, however naned, and sha11 includc thc
14. Keywords
idcntity of personnel invoIved in prcparalion and calibralion.
]4・] accuracy vcrincations; background radia'ions; biack-
12.2 Calibratjon records shal】 bc relalncd for thc pcriod of
bodics; Calibralions: CaVily radiatjon sourccs; distancc to sizc
time de血ned by lhe labora10ry’s qualily syslem.
ratios; emissivities;允elds-Or-View; lIatplate radiation sources;

handheld themometers: infrared; infrared thermometers; ra-

13. Precision and Bias
diation therInOmeterS; reflected radiations; Size-OfBource ef-
13.1 Due to the varying nature ofthe equipmellt uSed in this fects; SPOt Sizes; temPerature meaSurementS; ↑hermal imagers;
lest me山od, nO Statemen† can be made about the precisioll and thermal radiation sources; thermometries; tranSfer standards;
bias or thjs test method. Instead‘ al裏eSlimate of uncertall-ty, uncertai ntjes


(Nomlandatory Information)



Unce鵬in母 ∪(OOC)   ∪( 1 00OC)  ∪(420OC〉   ∪(80OOC)

叫巧い山里豊 明呪い帰⋮

B B A B B A一 B A B A A

CaIibralion Temperature
Soll「Ce Emissivity
Reflected Ambienl Radiation
Sou「Ce Heat Exchange
Source Unito「mity
Inf「a「ed Thermometer
Size-OトSource E償∈rot
Ambien( Tempera血re
Atmospherie Absorptton
D胆0∩ ∴∴∴∴∴∴∴∴∴
Comb]ned Expanded Uncertalnty (k=2)


Ⅹ2.1 Ceneral
2        2
2         ︹う

X2.1.1 Videband il誼ared t】lermOmeterS meaSure radjation

in a spec講c e]ectromzlgnelic spectral band. UsiI】g Planck,s

Law to mode] the eifects of wideband rad王atiol- is compiicated.

布 ̄五

A 】Tlethod to perfom this calculation is presented here. (5) 塁[s(T)]Z詰叩(嘉)

X2.2 Sakuma"Hattori IIquation (Planckian Form) X2.2.2 In Eq X2工E‘l X2.2, and Eq X2.3, C2 is a physicaI
COnStant. A, B, and C are consta獲ltS derived from the infrared
Ⅹ2'2.1 The Sakuma-Hattori Equation is shown in Eq X2工
thermometer’s relationship between signa圧eceived and tem-
The i-1VerSe Sakuma-Hattori is shown in Eq X2.2. The Iうrst

derivative of the Sakuma輸Hattori is shown in Eq X2.3. W】len PeraturC. A and B a重C dcrivcd from thc in血arcd thcrmomctcl.,s

doing the mathematics using t】leSe equatふons, Kelvins shaI! be SPeCtral rcsponsc. C is a scalar bascd on infrarc(=hemomeler
used for temperature rather than OC. gain and can bc considered as unity Ior this analysjs. Calcula-
tion for these constants is shown in Eq X2.4, Eq X2"6, Ijq X2ふ

(Ⅹ2.1) and Eq X2.7. Thc vzllue for △九is lhe inhared themomcter,s

bandwid(h. Thc valuc for ^《言s lhe inharcd lhermomeler,s

置1しき京 獲O     いさ0議†0則○ ○と鵬職0しOe弧

吏啓 や FYH S.▲.S.
十、証二義 COp書A
上江 拒雪’重雄予、 cO軸丁慮oしADA
4齢 岳2847 _ 14

CCntCr WaVCIcnglh buscd on zI SimpIc avcr!lgC Ol’thc in正arcd X2.4 Emissivity Uncertainty
lhcrmometcr’s high and low bandwidth limits.
X2.4.1 For this calculalion, Eq 4 and liq 5 are used.

A二年一誌) (X2・4) X2.4.2 For this example, an 8 1o 14 Hm infrared thcrmom-

eler is bcing calibraled. The true temperature of thc source (Ts)
B=詳  (X2・5) is 200.00OC. The cmissivi[y se=ing of the infrared thermometer
(g皿) is O.95. Thc nominal emissivity o白hc surfacc (6sし」RT.) is
C二〇.0          (X2.6) O.95 wilh an expanded uncenainly or U(Es) = 0.02. The
C2二14387.752I」n諸      (X2,7)
reflected lemperature (TREFI_) is 23OC.

X2.2.3 Fo「 example, the 8 to 14四一SPeCtral band is X2.4.3 Using Tat}1c X2‘l, S(Ts) = 0.0461160 and S打w) =

COnSidered. For血e 8 to 14甲m spectral band,品=】 l Hm and 0.0076966. These values are used in Eq 4 to give the value in
△九二6 tJm. Using X2.4 and X2.5, A=9’364 Hm and Bこ]78.4

し皿lK. ム

X2.2"4 1宅間e X2.] shows computed values for the 8 to 14 豊=尋(Tb・) - S(Tw)巨万封04剛- ・)・。07中
二0・0404415               (Ⅹ2.量0)

X2.4.4 This value is used in Eq 5 with the value for

TA日LE X2・1 Sakuma-Hattori CaicuIations fo「 the 8 to 14いm
∂S(Tm。as)l卵= 0.000305968 K-1 obtained舟om Tbblc X2.l.
Specl「ai Band
This calculates the expanded uncertainty ln temlS Of temPera-
ture as shown in Eq X2.11.
∂ S(T仰個)

∂⊂s 事丁′ 、  0・0404415
U。 ( T,剛)
布U周= 0.脚30う968

X2.4.5 A graphical representation of a similar examp]e is
Shown in Fig, X2.=n with TS ranging froln -500C to lOOOOC.
In †his example, U(gs) = 0.0工

X2.5 Re鮒ected TchI)erature Uncertainty

X2.5.1 Tb calculate the皿certainty due to reflected tem-

Perature uSe Eq 2 and Eq 3.

Hm SPeCtral ba-1d for S(T) and ∂S/飢“∴I「hc computcd values are
bascd on the paramelers discusse〔l in X2.2.3. X2.5・2 In this example, the emissivity setting (畿1NS・rR) ofthe

8 to 14 Hm infrared thermometer is correctly set to O.95. The

X2・3 Infrared Therm。n-eter With a Fixed Emissivity Set_ true temperatしIre OLthe soしlrCe (Ts) is OOC, T】le infrared
ting thermometer calculates the reflected temperature (TD) at 23OC.
X2.3.1 Il● an 8 lo 14 Hm inrrared lhermomeler with a fixed The reflected temperature unc帥ainty is U(Tw) = 3 K.

emissivity setling is used with a source at a different emissivity, X2.5.3 Use Eq 2 to calcu】ate ∂S(T,。一。fiS) I ∂S(Tw) as is shown
Eq l can be rewrilten as Eq X2.8. This assumesTD =Tw as the in Eq X2.12.
ambient temperature uncertain†y accoしmtS for lhis.
f)S(T鵬)_1-〔、 ]-0・95
○ ○こ「手痛-二0・052632 (X2・重2)
s(T,,吉S陣笠[S(T出Tw)] (X2.8) ∂S(T,-,)  ̄ ⊂.柄

Ⅹ2.5.4 Use the result obtaiIled in Eq X2.12 with Eq 3. From

X2.3.2 As an example, an inf「a「ed thel・mOmeter With a fixed

emissivily se叫ng (t:冊,,) of O,95 is calibraIed. The 】・adialion

SOurCe’s emissiviIy (t;s) is O.97. The source’s true temperature
皿certalnty as is showh Eq X2.1 3.
(Ts) is lOO.00OC. The reflecled temperature (Tw) is 23.00C.
X2.3.3 Using T拙e X2.1 S(Ts) = 0.0202920 aLnd S(Tw) =
0.0076966. TheSe Values are used in Eq X2.8 resulting in Eq u誰正鵠蒜u(T,y)

O.00019945 K ̄ 1
s(7「剛)こ0・。202920十豊[0・0202920 - 0 0076966]

二0・0205572                (X2.9)

X2.3.4 Tb detel’mille What the measured tempel・ature Should X2.5.5 A graphicaI representation of a s血i]ar examP】e is
be, uSe Eq X2.2. This resu】ts in a temperature of 374.43 K or Shown in rig, X2.2 wilh TS ranging from -50OC to 10000C. In
lO重.280C. this ex紺nple, U(Tw) = 1.O K.

. ∵γ∴)完 ・、 櫨0議†O則0唯物帥.
. ‡.了を.ゼ 門口 FY岬S,A.:
ふき埠耀こ争 Cop置▲
点膏喚 星畠までえ 申告書jィ葦 ●●こO議了ROし一
軸か 宣2847 _ 14


鼻         五         〇         0
虫き     つ玉     王     8
ハU     代り            請)

慨         0         〇 .

偶     的0     細0     000     餌場    的0 0

FIG" X2・1 Emissivity uncertain置y Contribu置ion Io lbtal Uncertairty

X2.6 Atmospheric Absorption Uncertainty x2・6.3 App】y山ese血a 'o Eq Xユ14. The solution is shown

X2.6.1 Tb determine the unce巾ainty due to atmosphe賞・jc in Eq X2・15.

absorption, B′確聞;ntema証明al 〔短po硫ct ,1榔u仰(lnteト
national Bureau o量● Weights and Measures or B]PM) provides
Va】ues in uncertajnty in terms of signa量strength. The nor】mal
畔古等 (X2.14)

Va]ue fo】. this uncertainty in tems of exl)anded uncerta血y (k

二2) is O.0006.
160=0・09K (Ⅹ2.15)

X2・6・2 For example’COnSide「 ca賞culating tile unCertainty

duc to atmosphc「ic absorption. An 8 to ]4いm i11fra「cd X2.6.4 Tbble X2・2 shows∴Caiculated unccrtainty due to

thermomelcr is calibraled using a 200OC (473,15 K) sollrCC. atmospheric ahsorp'ion k-r the 8 to 14 um spectral band.
Using Eq X2工S = 0.0461160, and Ijq 3"1.13∂SI∂T =
0.000305968 K-1.

、言寄 電場 ㌔′雪′ヽき主
∴措置密議Y′ゞ FYH S.A.S.
.高車国事〇 cop書A
・〇・をや薄手∴ 串や
鍋か 巨2847 - 14


傭D     与
4つ     つJ     つふ

0       糊0      午的      馬的      8鋤      錐的

FiG. X2,2 Reflected Temper露tu「e Unce「書ainty Cont「ibution to “lblaI Uncertainty

TABLE X2.2 Uncertainties for Atmosphe「ic Absorption for the 8

to 14 Hm Spectrai Band

鵬o議了o則○ ○調印的し0融
A主宰恵む」} cO軸でR○○A田A
4齢 宣2847 - 14


Ⅹ3.1 A poinl of di組cu宣ty血Oughout in delermining tem- ambien=emperalure do not need to be known。 A11 1hat is

Peratllre unCertai】1ty is tha=he value o」’Td is not k】10Wn tO the rcquired is tha=hese values a.rc constant during thc ‘wo

user. It is measured intemally by the instrument, but is not measurements. The deteclo「 1empcrature, Td, Can be calculatcd

displayed on lhe readout. The bcst assumption is that T,l Will bc 血on1 1hc Eq Xう」
the Same aS, Or C】ose to, ambient temperatl-re, and this may
・碑。β置S(11M榔,) 〇 ・1村部2S(1「鵬1音,2)
require some conditioning of the instrument before use. S(乃)二
〔値湘1  ̄ 〔]Nし卵職2   ●
Howcver・ there aLrC SOme Situations whcrc ensuring that Td =

T。nlb is not practicable. One is where the infrared themometer whe「e:

is used for an extended period in front of a hot source (for Z完劇Sl - 7L,劇S2  = the two jl南ared themo】11eter 】・ead-
ex.anlp]e, during calibration at high temperatures), Where the ]ngS COrreSPOnding to 8INSTRl and
radiation fro重n the source may hea=he detector above ambie11t CINS丁R2, l“e叩eCtive】y, and
temperature. The sccond is wherc血e infrared lhemometcr is f高汀Rl and cINS7R2 = the emissivily seltings used

used inside zI Walk-in froezer, Wherc the ambicn置temperaturc is

X3.4 The accu「acy of calcuiations made with Eq X3.=s
Well be】ow the specified operati】教g temPerature for the ther-
bcsI whcn glNSIRi and EINS「R2 arC Widcly spaccd. VIllucs oJ O.5
mometer. In these cases, the themlO】Tleter Can S硝】 be used
and l are usua宣ly adequale.
SuCCeSS餌]y, bu=he detector sha11 be maintai11ed above a

defined temperature, uSually above OOC. X3.5 F。r eXan叩Ie, tWO readings nf a b】ackb。dy using an 8
to 14 Hm thcmomctcr might be Tmふl = 14l.80C when thc
X3.2 Dependence on the detector temperature is remOVed if
inslrumenlal emissivily is <e=0 E-n、… = 1・ al-d Tmca,2 =
しhc instrumenlal emissivity is se=o l (1his js precludcd in fixed
219.4OC when cうnQtr2 = 0.5. Substiluling these values into Eq
Cmjssivity instruments). On thc othcr ha-重d, reiative]y hrge
X3.1 gives Td = 2l.50C.
errors in the estimate (guess) of the detector temperatlJre Can
usua】1y be toIerated without signjficant error in the reading. X3・6 Calculatio】lS Ol’1his sort a「e useful for delemining 'he

expected variation of detector lempera(u購as the conditio]lS

X3.3 For a吐justab】e emissivity instruments, the detector inside the laboratory change. While i白s no- pr)SSible to do唖s
temPerature Can be inferred from tWO meaSurementS Of the for fixed e】nissivity instruments言I may be possible to infer
SamC targCt uSing two di餌orcnt instrumcntal cmissivity sct- their behavjor from measuremen書s on simiiar a旬ustabIe emis-
1ings. Thc tcmpcraLure and cmissivity of the target and the Sivity instruments.


See賞了ig. X4.1

議薄鵡鵠青 鵬o鵬動議10唯州打的し06山
魚.筈持せま 下Y岬S.A.S.
雷電軍務奉 CDpiA
暗∴∵叩擬で柵馳種 cO競丁RO」A寄▲
句齢 各2847 - 14

竜!儀phc鵬; (霜雪)与与5-曇ら与写輪職こく粥5)与野づ縮丘


鞠欝鴨N山部b散・: 187勘之宣裏

Mく珊el: 86う 軸的e;尋のoぐめ駒0 。C S郎a席脚的認




臨調鵬l    郭博豊   胸創れ9ofUげ「 鵬a那加鶏 A燐制限  釦母鵬再説亀nd  劇胸囲靴
剛的緋鵬 鴫明細鵬 丁轟き「醐鵬r 静脚臓 脚   d軸触「  鄭鳩調e

(。C) (eC) (均   何問)

0      鵬1     柵0青ヱ     紗5    討o   軸トp麻惚A搬m調  覚煽請負轍

O 一エ1∴一つふ
鮒    9諦8    100.轟    きア軍   駒  的叫劃禽技霊芝O同調 紺鍋肌魯車重
4糊     4i9.9写     俄0,8     27章    的   珊珂a胎8章糊爪的 鏡鵬湘低】重
線的     的虹エ     ア的、5     6脚   鳴き   き綱母A駒糊朋  剥き紬蛮

丁極細離れ鵬の曲Y合飴鵬のf細さ職印轟き脚y 〇両Yめく鵬鵬州$揮瞬G副中細渦的聞合的印面


面si調9節剛ゆA鵬朗a章馨鵬咋地軸鵬で0n書′0爛ap軸物嶋面章寄る細朋蝕汀が紬同調魯寝間弾雨「e d軸賄e郎200朋部的珊櫨滑

豊嶋鱒浦疎め購総圃n義時予鵬鵬剃肥m鍋p聞醗両統葉蘭訓臆測柵削W織雑う一両e釣棚軸聡d e棚融曲聞紺削噂


し脚部e南山a露d純的直〇千a co聞p購面e彊s睦pro轡輪同船手e醐車的雌湘軍i胴ed a削職印弧d調餓臨u「帥融抽蛾bi噂博細れ鵬
艇唯) o同m豊胸吋噂鴻鵬的両誌ぬb競艇能動単軸e Iab舶捌y漉掴踊脱ぐ鵬青鵬曲加的亀恐く睦u噂Ue記聞膿調的調捷「 to臆鵬曲
両地8 i8 「adio鵬e鵬(鱈丁袖W櫓7烏6写敦刑場鵬II)鵬鳴らn 81掴聞同繭敦細欺ぬrd" me鑓るC鎚bi時O手簡時A結∞舶破
F漢G. X4.1 SampIe Report for an lnf「ared Thermometer

申子=‥.当主∴一 LABO鵬TO則O唯物印南OLO611
.◆ “● 〇〇 〇●●

.六十・:閏Y弓 管Y岬S.A.S.
子∵・こ待つ COpIA
玉髄宣言で・接す嬉きつ篇 cON丁京oしAロム
句齢 巨2847 - 14

S坤p霊e調的聯真如も聞穏髄o耽丁轟き㊥耶慈V防禦的鴫oft高台囲it u同色「態章糾明●)鵬§ 0・9うめ「ぐ訓b輪脂O筒関両誌鵬鴫鵬t4匪経典a融

p畦湖d食ら職色緑藻龍ve朗教is§iv時宙i ・0請暗面職9削W欠き76銘・

勘関鴨鴫p青書o調αf通魂雪丁h轡的舶指倍鵬「請o請鏡敏南的鮒のn割u如9膝丸青筋at伽e d強怠蛇髄執o聞職的軌合肥的鷹Of c訓も圏的時

鵬a瓢腿部象れ聴a「e同軸e融S端部n寄s.丁手嶋鯖m電場鏡g隔絶閣競陣ゆ鎗軸店請tI絶「e§関れ鍵鯖調合sp曲胞鵬請萌章輔S叩く出合I o伸f脚甜

D鰐融i囲O調o剛n徹o鳩微them$請匂龍蒔ubml撒劇節富c割的慣tiom The i面a「ed th抑脚鏡e欄幾組e画P駒r to ca胸r綱o乱T暁

in舶瞭寂的熔け鵜宙爪鏡e塞0坪庭鵬re融⊂l銃照合朗鵬時的新                          書


たく叩きp調e競紬d §掛れ鳴雨読
憎韓機軸風儀機能「同職寄劇   尊徳を諦咽の機 鴨紬的間隔o調勘鴫e
軸C S癒合随瓶  8線OA   鞄を閥浪隠朗at脚Sou「馳(軸年Pl轡te A) 宣ま1171之0拙
館C S離隔餅陀  8主禎A   抽意Pla章色鼠壷d治縄0れSour龍(酷くPlate B) 句26!2鎚書
薄手寄れ     鵜的   噛綱や鴎的軸S的場(亡av時Å) 的A
鞠舶     親之00   V呼陣軸色「爪o鈎岬は 裏01ま0I20棚
すね色事珊a‡X∴∴∴∴騨丁D 800  剛勘 卸221之鎚O


の穏健腿統帥や聞1曾調創機能聡的白州y l.和宣0

D遍くe o青職場榔競登録印種陶をion豆u吋3,郭10



勤馳融毎肌p餅ね踊eき寄yこJ宙洞A, S調駒,心S軸隔鴫鵜幽c黒自陣藩閥留節


田G, X4,1 Sample Report fo「 an lnfrared Thermomete「 /虞mfroり


( l) 】EC/TS 62492工看ndustrial p「ocess control devices -Radiation瓜er- M., Bioembergen. P∴U調m:血中h〃電CIs ror calibration of radialion
mometers -Pa「t ] : Ttch11ical data for radiation t置漢ermOmetel’S, IEC, themometers bek’W the sil'Cr町im∴ OC’トWG5 working document
GeileVa. Switzerland, 2008. Aval】ab1e什om Inlernatjona】 Electrotech- CC丁WG508」13. BiPM. SC巾眼L I+劃軸i May 2In8. Availablc rrom
11ica獲Comn〕ission (IEC), 3, ruC de Varemb6, P.O. Box 131, CH-12】1 the B!PM webche. h叫訓を胃管-鵬Im-org.
GcllCVa 20. Switzer】and,
15) Saunders, P, MSL ’I轟hnical G面責七22 -Calibratjon of Low耽mpera-
(2) DcWitt, D. P, and Nutter, G. D.. eds.. “Theory and Practice of ture Jnfra∫ed ll噛mDiI_ MeaLSure重nenl Standards Laboratory of
Radiatioll Thermometry,’’Johll Wi!ey and Sons. New Yol’k, NY, 1988.
New Zea!and. 2(東部. hnpJ/msi.iri.c「i.nzltraining-and-reSOurCCS/
(到VDI 3511 Blatt 4.4 / Part 4・4, Tt:Chnische恥mpcraturemcssung
Strahlungsthermometric Kalibrie則ng VOn StrahlungsthermOmCtem,
′]tml)erature meaSuremCnt in indしIStry Radiation thermometl’y Cali- (6) E‘;al〃a存on (Z/ Wc瓜録がIC"I DaIa臆G話de柄所c E準rc."ioIt∴0/
[朽ceIでく肌1申n ”ea∫llmれC爪JCGM 1 00, BIPM, S色vres, France, May
b「atioil Of radia亡ion thc「moine書e「S.
2008. Avajlable from the BIPM websjte, http’〃www.bipm.Org.
(4) Fischer,工Saundel’S, P, Sadli, M.. Battue11o. M., Park, C. W.. Yuan.
(7) U. S. Guide lo thc Expres§ion of Uncertainty in Measurement,
Z., Yoon, H., Li, W., Van der Ham, E., Sakuma, F., Yamnda, Y.,
Nationa重Conference of S書andards Laboratories. Boulder, CO, 1997.
Ba皿co. M.. Machin, G,, Fox, N.. HollandしJ., Ugur. S,, Matveyev.

貰彊帥鵬†舶i苑鋤 Å的附0刷0耽陸†帥しOe山
鼓甲即鵡嚢 C①P書Å
も」読離郷丁場蹄∴ co能で駐韓」A観▲
鴫野 巨2847 - 14

AS7勅Wemat/Onal lakes r]O POS柄bn伯apec面g the va胸Iy of any patent /匂hts asse万ed frうcomeCめn面伽any /tem menfわned
ln肋is sfandかd│ Users o柵is slanda′d are創press/y advised肋al dele仰ha的n o欄e va佃的y oI any such patenr /ゆts, and lhe高ek
Of /nhJngemenI oI such /ゆh吟a伯en折el画heir own伯sponsめ偽りt

77)is sねn佃rd is su切ecl lo rewsわn創any I緬e by Ihe伯印onsib/e lech面oaI comm鮎ee and musI be胎viewed ever画ve yea/S a∩d
存noI revISeα e肋er reappmved or w鮪drawr). ¥匂ur commen!s are /nV/led e肋er b「 rews/On Of肌js sIan〔ぬrd or foradt%na/ SIandaIds
and shouId be addressed lo AS7M /nIemafronaI Hea的uaners. Ybur commenls w,〃 rece’Ve careん/ COnS′dera面on at a meeI’ng O予めe
re印ons/ble technica/ COmm/撮ee. wh/Ch yOL/ may細end /i you /eeI m匂りのur COmmen(S have not IeOe/Ved a fair heanng J,Ou Shou/d
make your vIeWS known /O勅e ASTM Comm祐ee on SlanくねIds, a=he address show" be/OW

77)IS SねndaId /S OOpy[ゆhted by AS7勅/nIemalionaI JOO Ba〃 H自めor Dhve, PO Box O700, l侮S書Conshohocken, /24 J9428-2959,
Un/ted S削es. /ndIV/dua/伯p面ts作yng/e or muIlp/e copie?) oI mis sねndard may be obl観ined by conぬo面g AS7M a川he above
address or a1 610-832-9585 (bhone), 610-832-9555伯母Or ser而e@aslm.oIg (e-m負肌Or伽ough肋e AS7M websife
(WW肌aS面O働L Pe〃面ssbn 〃ghts to photocapy蛤e sぬnd加d m8y a/SO be secu′ed舟()m the Capy"ghI CIea個nce CenIe' 222
仔osewood D万ve, DanveIS. MA O 1923′ T軌@7切G46-2600:団p伽w脇copy〃

○○軸丁Re.. ∴● .へ

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