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Name: Allivia Jaazielle P.

Caina Date: Feb 12, 2021

Course: Computer Engineering Score: _____________

Module 1.2 Activity

Fibonacci sequence and Golden Ratio

44 cm 24 1.83 98.1 68 1.442 50.1 48 1.043

cm cm cm cm
9.8 cm 7 cm 1.4 8.5 cm 4.2cm 2.02 18.8 15.3 1.23
cm cm
1. What do you notice?

I noticed that in my Set 1 data, which is the head to neck measurement is almost half
of my neck to navel measurement this leads to a higher value of ratio and even higher
than the golden ratio which is the 1.618.
While in my Set 2 data, my B2 is far from the half of A2, this resulted to a much closer
measurement to the golden ratio which is the 1.618 than the first set of data (Set 1).
While for my Set 3 data, the measurement of A3 is almost close to the measu rement
of B3, this resulted to a value that is below the golden ratio (1.6128).
I also noticed that some of my measurements are not that accurate. This may be due
to the human errors where while I am measuring my body using a tape measure, I tend
to overlooked or just estimate values.

2. Does any of this measurement corresponds to the golden ratio? Explain.

I don't have a measurement that is exactly 1.618 or the golden ratio measurement.
My closes to that is the 1.83 which is the ratio of my neck to navel and my head to
neck measurements. The absolute error of this is 0.182. My second to closes
measurement is the ratio of the measurement of my hairline to corner of the nose and
the measurement of the corner of my nose to the bottom of my chin. This ratio is 1.4
which has an absolute error of 0.218.

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