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Somatoemotional Release here:
-- Tao Semko

Pls write more about Baglamukhi Sadhana which I have been practising since last one year Have felt so many
changes around me...
Can you guide me to know much more about this sdhana..


Deepak Kumaar.

Hi Deepak!

For those unfamiliar with Hindu tantra, a sadhana (sanskrit, "accomplishing") is any specific
practice of yoga or of worship. Baglamukhi is one of the ten Mahavidyas ("Great Wisdoms"),
which are the ten great feminine mantras that express the manifestation and oneness of the

Baglamukhi means "she whose face has the power to rein in." There are two views in tantra -
dualistic and non-dualistic. In the lower, dualistic view, you consider yourself separate from
the universe or divinity. In the higher, non-dual view, you are a microcosm of the universe,
and there is no separation between you and divinity.

So for followers of tha dualistic view, Bagalamukhi mantra can be used to rein in and control
enemies in the external world, silencing and hypnotizing them through the power of
stambhana ("stopping").

But for followers of the non-dual view, it is the constructed ego that is the enemy reined in by
Baglamukhi Sadhana, allowing the realization of your own primordial nature. In particular,
dedicated (and devoted) use of the mantra will result in a stilling of the subtle breath in the
center channel at the soft palate, resulting in self-realization while in the sleeping dream state.

Deepak, since you didn't tell me whether you were doing only mantra sadhana (practice with
the mantra, either vocalized or internal), or also using Bagalamukhi's yantra (geometric
diagram used for focusing the mind, to achieve a specific brainwave pattern), or doing
internal or external worship of the anthropomorphized principle (the visualization of the
mantra as a human goddess, with particular attributes and gestures that symbolize the nature
of the mantra's wisdom), I can't know what specifically you want to ask. If you write back, I'll
be happy to answer.

The most important things for success at any sadhana, however, are the mental and emotional
attitude of the practitioner during practice, alternating between one-pointed focus and
relaxed, present awareness, and regular, even obsessive, joyful practice of the sadhana,
without being attached to an immediate outcome...

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