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There are 14 general topics that come up reasons?

What are the effects on society and

more often than all of the rest put together. family life?
They are:
Children are facing more pressures
1. EDUCATION nowadays from academic, social and
2. TRANSPORT commercial perspectives. What are the
3. FAMILY & CHILDREN causes of these pressures and what measures
4. LANGUAGE should be taken to reduce these pressures?
5. WORK/ CAREER Certain parents give their children
6. ENVIRONMENT everything they ask for. Is it good for
7. GOVERNMENT SPENDING children? What are the consequences when
8. TRAVEL & TOURISM they grow up?
Nowadays a lot of parents believe that
children’s usage of tablets or computers
would be good for their future academic
13. FOOD
career. What are the advantages and
disadvantages? Give reasons for your answer
and include any relevant examples from
your knowledge or experience.

In recent years, the family structure has

Sport  changed, as well as family roles. What types
of changes are occurring? Do you think
2020 : these changes are positive and negative?
Today, TV channels provide man’s sports Studies have suggested that nowadays
show more than women’s sports show. children watch much more television than
Why? Should TV channel give equal time to they did in the past and spend less time on
women’s sport and men’s sport? active or creative things. What are the
reasons and what measures should be taken
Family & Children to encourage children to spend more time on
active or creative things?
2015 :
It is more important for school children to
Nowadays, a lot of families have working learn about local history than world history.
parents. Some working parents believe other To what extent do you agree or disagree?
family members like grandparents can take
care of their children, while others think Many people believe that schools should
childcare centers provide the best care. teach children to become good citizens and
Discuss both views and give your own workers rather than independent individuals.
opinion. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Give your own opinion and relevant
Nowadays, more and more people decide to examples.
have children later in their life. What are the
Some people say that computer games are
bad for children, by all means, others believe
that these games are contributing to their early ages (ranging from 5 to 10) can
children’s development. Discuss both views even learn faster and are better at
and give your own opinion. pronunciation.  For example, my second
daughter had started to learn English when
New parents should attend parenting classes
she was five years old and can speak English
to learn how to bring up their children well.
more fluently compared to her older sister,
To what extent do you agree or disagree
who just learnt English when she attended
with the statement? Give your opinion,
secondary school.
supported by examples from your own
experience. In my opinion, both arguments have their
merits. On balance, however, I tend to
Language believe that learning a second language at an
earlier age will have a more positive
2017 : impact on most of the children around the
Some schools start teaching a foreign
language in primary school years. Do the Scientists say that in the future all of
advantages of teaching languages to young humanity will speak the same language. Do
children outweigh the disadvantages? Give you think this is a positive or negative social
your own opinion and examples. development?

On one side of the argument, there are Traffic/ Transport

people who argue that the benefits of
practising a foreign language at primary 2015 :
school considerably outweigh its
disadvantages. The main reason for The best way for governments to solve the
believing this is that the children have problem of traffic congestion is by providing
the golden age period when they are at free public transport in 24 hours per day, and
elementary school. One good illustration of seven days a week. To what extent do you
this is some developed countries have agree or disagree?
been implementing the bilingual language
in the primary school’s curriculum for Traffic and accommodation problems are
decades, and most of the children can speak increasing and the government should
the second language as well as their native encourage some businesses to move from
language.  Another reason is that children cities to rural areas. Does advantage
are much more enthusiastic about exploring outweigh the disadvantages?
and learning new things at a young age. The
timetable for them should allow more In the past, factories were often built close to
frequent, shorter sessions for maintaining city areas as the lack of transportation
learner’s enthusiasm and progress. forbade people to do otherwise. However,
this is not exactly the case today, when
Opponents reckon that the students at industries and businesses are moving from
secondary school are better prepared than municipal and into countryside areas in
at primary school for acquiring a new flocks. This essay will elaborate on both
language. However, there is no actual positive and negative effects of this trend.
evidence to support this view and children at
On the positive side, firstly, this movement Meanwhile, others are firm in their belief
makes perfect environmental sense. Due to that building wider roads makes more sense.
industrial activities, residents of many cities Both of these methods will be analysed
around the world are still breathing in air below.
and consume water dirty enough to cause
On the one hand, building trains is an
numerous health diseases. Therefore,
effective method to improve traffic
moving businesses out of the cities will rid
condition. There is compelling evidence to
human and other species of pollution. A
support investment in public transportation.
further advantage of this trend is reducing
the gap between the rich and the poor in a In countries where subway systems are up to
country, as countryside dwellers can opt to standard, the number of private vehicles that
work in factories with higher pay, rather participate in traffic is small, and city
than agricultural work. This will eventually dwellers can save hours of delay and also
bring about peace and harmony to society. thousands of dollars on travel expenses. That
is not to mention a significant number of
On the negative side, doing business in the gallons of fuel saved, which means slowing
countryside also represents some notable down the exploitation of natural resources.
drawbacks. To begin with, skilled workers
are a rarity in rural areas. Most people living There are, however, others who express
in small towns and villages do not receive doubts on this approach. Their suggestion is
sufficient education to undertake intellectual that a better way to alleviate traffic jam is to
jobs. What is also disadvantageous is based make bigger road systems. The undeniable
in regional areas, companies risk distancing fact is that in many developing countries
themselves further from their customers, today, roads are narrow and in a desperate
their suppliers and other partners in their state of disrepair, which greatly obstructs the
business transactions, which can weaken travels to their destinations. Someone’s
their profitability. small accidents, a flat tyre, for example, can
bring traffic to a halt, which is a commonly-
In conclusion, moving business from cities seen problem in roads that have only two
to rural areas can be a smart decision. lanes.
However, there are disadvantages that
should be weighed carefully against the To conclude, both methods discussed above
advantages. provide sustained relief on our roadways;
however, it is my opinion that the method to
Some people believe the government should build trains and subway makes more sense in
spend money on building trains and subway terms of environmental protection.
lines to reduce traffic congestion. Others
think that building more and wider roads is a 2017 :
better way to reduce traffic congestion.
Discuss both views and give your opinion. Not so many people use a bicycle although it
has many benefits. Why? How do you
Traffic congestion has become the bane of encourage people to use bicycles more
citizens in many parts of the world. In order often?
to mitigate this problem, some suggest that
public transportation, such as trains and In some cities, people are choosing cars
subway lines should be constructed. instead of bicycles, while in other cities
riding bikes are replacing cars. Why is this In conclusion, there are some reasons why
the case? Which development do you think bicycles are becoming less common in
is better? today’s world, and solutions should be
produced early to promote this
Cycling is more environmentally friendly environmentally friendly means of transport.
than other forms of transport. Why is it not
popular in many places? And how to 2018 :
increase its popularity?
Some people think that strict punishments
Although riding a bicycle is clearly a better for driving offence are the key to reducing
way to protect the environment than using traffic accidents. Others, however, believe
other types of vehicles, not many people that other measures would be more effective
worldwide prefer this means of transport. in improving road safety. Discuss both these
There are several causes of this views and give your own opinion.
unpopularity, and some solutions could be
proposed to promote the usage of bicycles. The government should provide 27/4 free
public transportation to reduce traffic
To begin with, there are several reasons why congestion. Do you agree or disagree?
few people use bicycles to travel regularly.
Firstly, since modern life is getting much Education, Students & Young
busier than in the past, individuals nowadays
want to spend as little time on transport as
possible. Therefore, they prefer to use other
2013 :
vehicles, such as motorbikes or cars, which
would take less time. Secondly, cycling is Nowadays, not enough students choose
more physically demanding than riding a science subjects at university in many
motorbike or driving a car. This tends to countries. What are the reasons for this
discourage people from choosing this problem? What are the effects on society?
method, especially on a hot and sunny day or
when they have to travel a long distance. 2014 :

Several actions can be taken to increase the Many students find it difficult to concentrate
popularity of bicycles. The first solution or pay attention at school. What are the
would be to make it more costly to own a reasons? What could be done?
motorbike or a car. This can be done by
increasing the price of petrol or raising the Children’s education is expensive. In some
tax on these vehicles. As a result, more countries, the government pays some or all
people would choose bicycles as their of the costs. Do the advantages outweigh its
primary means of transport. Additionally, disadvantages?
more lanes should be built to serve only
cyclists, which would make it much faster to Some people say that all young people
travel with bicycles. The final solution is to should have a full-time education until they
launch campaigns to raise citizens’ are 18 years old. To what extent do you
awareness of the harmful effects of agree or disagree with this opinion?
motorbikes and cars on the environment,
encouraging people to cycle more often.
Some people think the main purpose of people to enjoy their experiences in doing a
education is to make individuals useful to job or travelling to a new place but still
society; others say education helps them to arrange a certain amount of time for
achieve personal ambitions. Discuss both revision. As a result, gap-year takers may
views and give your opinion. have to face the challenge of becoming
familiar with the knowledge at school again,
Many young people who leave school hold a receiving more pressure of catching up with
negative attitude towards learning. Why their peers. Besides, the life outside the
does this happen? What are the solutions? university campus may prove to be mentally
and physically overwhelming for
Some countries achieve international sports inexperienced school leavers. They, for
by building specialized facilities to train top instance, may be at risk of being exploited in
athletes, instead of providing sports facilities an exhausting job or face potential dangers
that everyone can use. Do you think this is a on their trips to a new country. If not well
positive or negative development? prepared for such possible obstacles, young
high school graduates can suffer from
Government funding in university should unintended consequences. On the other
only be provided for a scholarship for the hand, I would argue that these disadvantages
best student. All other funding can be from are outweighed by the positive effects. A
student fees and private organizations. To gap year is an ideal opportunity for students
what extend do you agree or disagree? to learn about what is not taught at
university. Working with other people who
Some people think painting and drawing are are experts in a particular field can give
as important as other subjects, and that they these newcomers not only an understanding
should be compulsory in high school of the job but also valuable practical lessons
education. to help them become more mature. When it
comes to applying for a position in a
2015 : company, employers tend to favourably
consider applicants who possess extensive
Some students take one year off between
experience in life and the occupation.
finishing school and going to university, in
Furthermore, in terms of recreation, having a
order to travel or to work. Do you think the
year to relax can be advantageous as
advantages outweigh the disadvantages?
students can have a chance to relieve stress
in study. With a comfortable and willing
It is true these days that many high school
attitude, undergraduates can acquire
leavers choose to start their work or take a
knowledge more effectively in comparison
trip before going to university. While a gap
with those who go to university right away.
year can bring some immediate drawbacks, I
am convinced that it is more likely to have
In conclusion, despite some negative
long-term benefits for their lives. On the one
aspects, it seems to me that the benefits of a
hand, young students are very likely to
gap year are more significant for the reasons
encounter several difficulties when delaying
their university study. One of these problems
is the delay in academic progress caused by Many people argue that in order to improve
spending one year off school. It is educational quality, high school students
understandably almost impossible for young should be encouraged to make comments or
even criticism on their teachers. Others think Some people think that schools should
it will lead to loss of respect and discipline reward students who show the best academic
in the classroom. Discuss both views and results, while others believe that it is more
give your own opinion. Finding ways to important to reward students who show
improve educational quality is often one of improvements. Discuss both views and give
the top priorities in every education system. your own opinion.
In some cultures, high school students are
Many people go to university for academic
encouraged to give their opinions about
study. Do you think that more people should
teachers, but I believe that this can also give
rise to a lack of respect and discipline in the be encouraged to do vocational training as
classroom. On the one hand, it is true that there is a lack of qualified workers such as
feedback from learners may contribute to an electricians and plumbers?
improvement in educational quality. In many
cases, the level of comprehension of students ob/ Work
relies very much, not on the content of the
lesson but on the way teachers conduct it. If, 2014 :
for example, the class is slow, it will be
ineffective for teachers to teach too fast so Some people think success in life comes
that most students fail to retain the from hard work and determination. Others
information. Without the comments of think money and appearance are more
students, it would be difficult to know important. Discuss both sides and give your
whether the speed of the lesson is opinion
appropriate for the class, which may
eventually impair the quality of the lesson. An increasing number of people change their
However, there are several drawbacks of career and place of residence several times
allowing students to make comments and during their lifetime. Is this a positive or
criticism on their teachers. Firstly, teachers negative development?
can be vulnerable to the negative words of
Some people believe that job satisfaction is
students. Many will feel that their efforts in
important while other people believe that a
delivering the lesson deserve praise rather
stable job is more important. Discuss both
than criticism or any form of feedback. This
views and give your opinion.
idea is commonly shared by teachers in the
education systems of many Asian countries.
It is better for people to be unemployed than
Secondly, the classroom may be in chaos
people to be employed but they do not enjoy.
due to the massive numbers of comments.
Do you agree or disagree?
Opinions vary from students to students, and
it would be impractical for teachers to work
2015 :
out a way of teaching that can satisfy all
students. Leaders and directors in organizations are
often older people. Some people say that
In conclusion, it seems to me that
younger people could be leaders. Do you
encouraging high school students to
agree or disagree?
comment about their teachers does not
necessarily mean an improvement in
education quality.

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