FRED's TOWING Defaulf Judgment PDF

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m= Ss = e ® eos national republieeral government 9 ~ sat epee ea mnuibanes ~ > risoris ne anb national mobement fhe eet) ovat emer / south amexem / ene abeeet / erate a boing isan ‘he tue and be ace matual people bees Fo tetas moorish americans erga and indigenous natura peoples f the land of he america's he md ‘his aint woe of dea eden pace on wardwide able reo ovale ‘erm a akin e).FRED'S TOWING: elt Segment. affidavit of fact notice of default judgment emery 28,2021 Me. FRED WALKER, Onaer ‘RE: “aidan of t= writ in natu dinner” utes Osber 20, 2020 \ ou were aie to answer ada of fact ~ wrt in nature finan ery point by pot ney ing ove cri fl osumestatins reucstd to mate ays Insoston har FRED'S TOWING had or have he delegation of author) and prove of {radio o ted my property aut earn payment athe relens of propery my ‘tack was read from the roadway mht my came 2you were advised to provi he eqs infomation a order hat ay sal evidence ‘eauing hese hin tres (3) ay oe reso hs oie a Uncover, ‘documents re ml vere iret ouon Wednentay Otte. 21, 2020, 204 4 thas ben-mae than ancy (90 das and. dcumentton oc nove a deeston of authori noe urd ht vo hae he fl ight sted > oropert and demand ‘mens fx the lease afm oropert ‘5a the raqus ns nt been honoured thi dnt off - eof df judgment it ‘ig bated and all clans, and demands revo, ‘CORPORATION must be a create of the American Contain 47th Constaton forthe United Sats of America nde lj cers at Artie 6 ‘wherein dey, “Thi Const tl th La ofthe nfl Stes which hall mt ‘Stern fh nd nf hc Se i ee ‘euching a he onion ro an tae the Conta ot ithsten, "see Clouse 2" Page tof ».ull supreme court rulings, are applicable to all states. 28 the Constiaton for the United Stes, via Art I, Seton, sth granting abort, Jawful court 1.3 don wih pipe in ay PORELGN CORPORATE COURT. ty cou of ust be an arte 3 our in actordance with the la any futhg,this aidait of act - noice of deat agement a ote fem of pursuant to Tle 28 § 144 §1446 proper Artie 3 Court 9) PUBLIC LAW 112-43 DEC. 9011 Suen Court Cast Stuy: Lach f Fsderl Jurisistion cannot be need or cease aac cma aa ‘Sant Jurisdiction my athe cred caput of ste” 13, Supreme Court Case Studs Hagesv Lavine 45 U.S, $99, There 0 discreion to lgnere lac oLursdiction eycev US. 47420215, ‘Main Taboutot 1008 Ct 2801 (19908 2 ce Juin canbe calagsaany ime "and “actin ase stags. ant be sme and mt Be died” Base yah Power td Light Cx Osta 4. ig Tons non. Reeves, 05 Minn, 197, 674, 33 ERCA 50 ace Bowes Law Eelopdia Rawes eon Pa 182 15. The Cer ofthe court who ues dct rio one not ahorzed by the Court, ‘me turidcion Big torts 1 ee Boavers Law Encylopedia Rae 7 reson Pu 1 Suman Coat ae uN amp rive st of ‘meses aul,” Bamsy, Sop. Ct, SF, 140 Ca Page 2069 2 Sapreme Court Cant: ha state shal convert bert ine aie, eset and aac. fe i.” Marck y. Peony 319 US 1 "A-wrting "0d a ale inf ‘fannie Donal v. Massachusetts Bonding Is Co (194) SBCA 7.8 2. Samreme Court Cat Pole oe ae notimmanity fom viliion Neal Human Rights Owen Independente, 100 SCH. 198 468 0S a2, a Orders Exceeding Jurisdiction; 23 Supreme Court Cassi ident i one that bas een orca ans ot Me paris Rook ¥ Rook 38 SE-24736(Va 1987 24 Sure Court Case Aoi intent which isa udsmeat ore ba. cort hich ask urbstion ser the aa the sublet male, rats nerent pero nlc naa ads oan arderarocared by (aud an eallehed aay tne, ‘BME See Long v- Sorta Development Cop, Ra Fad S48 (CAT DH) 2S Suprume Curt Cast Anon tht eases the ridin ofthe court sand ‘amecaMiache in any proces inane curt wher the vali f tbe udamen comes [tai See oe vine (1808) 4 Cah 241, Led COR Pomme APHID SEUS ‘14,281 e365; Tompson. Whuian (143) 18 Wall 457,211 ED 97, intr» Meveigh (187) 93 US 294251 9 914, McDonald abe (1917) 24S US95,37$e343, 611 8 60, 26. Sem Coat Cs . ‘manny earn nde seat ta ae re Gitge $00 F.2d 701, 710 (6th Cir. 1974)" aces of its iurisdition,*(Labbenv. Seleave Service System Loe Ba Na 7, iSranesunee by) 27, Suyreme Court Ges Kab Fevers (1940) 308 US ‘$5,050 30,801 ed 30. Federal des ue rdrs eran baring 58 tom ling any papers in ea courts. Altres Rober mes | "Evard Jalen corpse and tated gate Sis mata Tones ‘sour an unconstaonal orderarsng Sich om ling any cbjetin ste were and Tiwi 28 Saneeme Cont Car id aumento ented ta he ent accorded aid ‘dint, but nay be entrly repre rca Inpro ny tba nh ‘fst capt ob geno sanded by nae te coneuenceso al ion Has a cil a are 308 anor dg, {tse dha doctrine af thas ary eat personal janet ‘mst eis ay in cour ann opory o bebed: Rend bo 6 Us277 291 Ege, 6st. 2. Samrme out Cas {widcton soid ademento ov anels Morgan 234 P2039 (Ca App 2D ST 38, Sumreme Court Cas: suid indent an nich cm ingen, and freer sons eB tlt tout el fcc neflestul o nd the garter tr MND ihe oo eal ferse and st baer ad icp of exten ‘Siew roa ge tnd Drs Dp Sy 00505057 aC Ne iy of Page2er9 st, the right ¢o travel freely on the roadway without ‘raibion in he a frbiding their sala rans persons ranted by the govern. ‘Theatr rights fia iter arc INALIENABLE. Bowlers Law Dictionary 186 ion 24, Summme Cont Cise Sas The State pried rom viaing substantive sete Oem Car te ecin Pan tha wich or exam esressy tay othe sch poe (Ten Eset Domain asamalir law, US and UY y Dani 22 p19, ‘robe piety, Fairbanks v. US 1, US 288,294,302 2S Supreme Court Case Stndns “The Due Process Clase protects te unalienable ey ‘esagizd inthe Dearaice of Independence rather thn he part tse pvoges ‘confer by specifi avs or regulon,” SANDIN y. CONNER US, (199) * igvermets ae netoned sag ett ‘lesiving the jst powers from he content ofthe governed’ The ner Bighes day a he un hei bounds a he eoumest of tse "analenabe ies" hich thee ‘clos hic Coat” Soertuny ehcp a aloe th be Sats 37, Samrome Court Case Sty “Constnonl gh’ wont ofl ae fy col be ‘naire deed" oman Lightfoot, 364 US. 155 (1966 ied alsin Smith Aborgh SITUS sata ‘3, Suumame Court Case Stun: The us of th hisheans forthe purpose of eave and ‘Mamertation nos mers ries DiC cotign and fundamental ght of hich the ‘Chieigp Mater Canchv- Chieagy 337 Mines 20,169 NEES. ALI Ligne v Chicage 19 TLL. sor 28 HE 934, Boone ¥, Clark 214 SW a, 28 AM jr (Is), Highway se. 163 238 Suncme Court Case Stud: The rig to Path. Teves part of the Liberty of which r der tb FA Amedien ofthe Une Sates Constitution Ken. Dalles 379 es =P 4, Suateme Cont Case Sindy: a chiar Duke 200,470 Le Are: wtih dig aad ‘pending ate no Calera Farley Cad p88, 20CASS 1632 (1971), ante omer gwd no her due the publi (. Siaeh ie /ohe and bie a asi sulci nn he und hich at horse and wast hse tt {inns iene cmt ni ns ak age ‘Chet 6 ot, 216113, 74 Me 1038, LRA NS 1905 ~ 1910 Calforniy- Farley 98 CED Rp 99,38 (CA34 1052 (971, Page sor 2, some main condictions that must contain a lawful binding contract 1. samen ari you must have atl authority te bind contrat. canna be ‘constrcted nfs #2 uta acentanst thy mus be the esting and ining of the mind consideration, the valu ofthe contac acceptable t eth partie. 4 salniaryaccentane; both parties must accept the spremen fel. the fe as fo be ‘lear and both parties are avare ther clgatins, Ht cnr be under nny condition ot ‘Sreumstance by ten, dren or erin, the contract must be within he aw the entra is invalid and unenforceable the ‘nition ar outside of he an ‘forthe recor do not have any awl binding contract with you or any ONTARIO ay pom ora ‘4.4m a jakim bey ving breathing sol jam an moors american natin by birth and ‘Moodie propria persona sl jars roe oo ann pop Hered Used Ses ‘CORPORATION COMPANY hve junstn over me ts mooish national oily of is ‘ah {am inigenos and erignal fo the lands of orth, oath, central andthe ain ‘and ofthe erin’ 4s taking and seizing someone property, then demand payment for the release of their property. is extortion! 4s, What is EXTORTION? Aux onorsson br colo or price ois, and parsley the exaction by an fcr of rato much de. or hen ‘manxshy color this fice citer when naar at al i dus. ‘ttsnotyet de. Preston v Baca, 4 Cass 480 Exaron consis in any publ ofc {nmo dt hi,orore than his due Code Ga. 12, Black's Law Diconary ad Ed «, What is EXACTION? ‘Thewronsfl act ofan officer rather sero in comping payment of eo reward for ‘isseries under ora hifi authrit. whereas puumeat Is de Between “extortion and “eatin theists iflerece: ttn he farmer ent fice xs mae thon his when someting is du to iin theater, he exacts wht is a is de, when this ating deo hi. Co Lit, 3, Black's Law Ditomary Pad a 48. What is ACCOMPLICE? Apart who agrees toa crime a the main criminal o In esesoy, ‘Blak’ Lave Ditonary 2nd Ed 4. This ees to a enon who tls anti person commit crime (he principal) As opposed ‘oan acceory who set wl ysl preset these ofthe meat he ie omit sn ecru feet ad my ly a ace lhe comminon of th diver oer ae bank robber) whenever ters th tk ay fe ‘gly a guy as those who do (3) cri. aw. Ths tern ncade ns meaning al persons san ee concer in the cmminin of rine al prc cna, oy ‘Me comidred in ric lel roe, as rincpals the Bs or Secad dare or mee) a8 teers eve or afer he fc. THELAW.COM LAW DICTIONARY & BLACK’S LAW DICTIONARY 2ND ED. Page sot », What is CONSPIRACY? {nriminaL le, combination or confsderacy tween two or mare persons formed for ‘the purpose of commiting br tec nin forts, same unlewl rcriminal ac orsome ‘the commiraors oc fo he purse of sng rial or ual mans 2 ‘she sommission ofan at oot inital Petibonev U.S, 148 US. 197, 19 Sup Cx. $40,371 B41, Sate, Sat, 16a 19, 30 Suh 298, Wrghv U.S, 108 Fed 805, 48 C.€.A.37,U. Sx Benton, 1d, 91, 17C.C. A. 205; Girdner. Walkar,1Heik Teen) 186, Boutwell ¥ Mat, 7 142A. 607,48 A. 03, 7 Am St. Rep 745, U.S. ‘Weber (€.C) 11d. 950; Comm, Han, Mee (ass 38 Am, Des. 340, Erma ‘Michel, 27,79, $6 All 327,63 LR. A S34, 99 Am. S. Rep 78; Standard OH Co ‘Do US Ky, 602,82. W271, 11 Amt Rep 33. Conspiracy. consuliation a urement beta woo mor persons ier fst ascasanoter of sce pumshable br amor wrongly fo injure or peje thin paramo any ody of me, in any mane; orto commit ay ofese punishable by lw, aria de any at with intent Smaroper means Haw PC. 72, Alok Lae Dinar Lee Dictionary 2d Ed st. ‘United States Coe: Vide 18> PART 1 > Chapter 41 § 76, ‘Malling Threatening Communications: (a) howe knowin depois ano efi or authored dos for malLmreB sen elie by the Pa Serie or novi cass ‘dei the Pal Sense accra othe dition ren 2. ‘commute, (tdrsedean fhe person and cont oy em rte Farsom red forte release of ey Hd pron shall be ‘hii ings not mars than en eyo bath. 5 United States Coe: Tite 18> PART 1> Chapter {Extortion by Otcers or Employes ofthe United States ade ler cre of fier empoen como gent an ato i oft nant etre or cade dona oad Se er hor mar a Ser, a 18 US, Code§241 Conspiracy azainst rights ama oc more persone consi (ints, mors three or nina an rnin ny Sere, Commanscih Posen Dict nee enero {Tae States or Because of is having 0 ened te sme or Acewo armors erin sn isnt om he ion, on she arena aanohe ith Inte reenter hie xtc or eouat of any hor pes sou pene ae a ee eee ee ‘dnnping oan atemp nap sarvated steal bono aston to commt Page 609 aggravated sex 5m atempt til hey hal be ned wade this ie or Simpriaaed for any trm of yers ofr fl obo, ay be vented eth S418 US. Code §242 Deprivation of rights under color of law ‘Whoever, under cla fan aw sate, ordinance, reruation,o usm wlll sdocnaion ofan rihts rive onli scared or avteied by he oF to diferen punishments, pals o ena, ‘on account of such person beng anally reason of hs clr or rce, than are ‘reeribed for the punishment of cizens, sale itd nder this tile a inprsod not ‘Maton ois section or such ae nla the we tempted we or threatened me ‘angerous weapon explosives oir, shal be ined wader thi tle or mprivoned mot ‘more than en year or bth a death rel fom the acts commited in vilation of ‘his eton or isch acts ince kidnapping oan attempt o Knap paravated ex iabse or an tempt to commit egravated sexual use, o ate fined der this ite, oF imprisoned for any crm of ear or for fe ath ma be seoteeed i death, 55.18 US. Code § 1091. Genocide (0) Basic messes ies nent odes nse rasa pra atom sn ‘eeclenssrmmasach— hits mbar ft {2)caser seus oly yt memento. o il (Cabs the wept conon of He tended cate py dean Ibe gropin won inp (5 imps ene neal a prev its wine ro {G tants tye clstsn of he repo ane peur Sib pied proves in cio (@) Past ror Base Orrese—The punishment fran ese nde subsection () ‘(inthe cae ofan tense under subsection aH) where death rer, by death or Imprisonment for if anda ine of nt more tha S,006000 bth and ‘ath nanv athe caste (©) bers Orrenst.— Whoever directly and publicly ncas another to vite subset (3) ‘ars ora (@) Arr avo Cover Aas gn the alleptaconminao comma lene ander this section shall punished nth ae manner tbe Who completes ‘heofeme *. judgment and remedies £7. property held by Me. FRED WALKER, FRED'S TOWING shoe release nd ‘etur tome immediatly oF mo later than Tuesday Febraty 2302, Proper) beg ty 200 Ford Lt rch ot ny demand. eh have ew herr ie (9 $8 fcr involved ithe unlawfsearch and sean nd as particoate ie sum nar, ene threaten or finda shold be terminated immedi. ‘all oropertvand commer hone tall who have touch and have ben involved with ‘inca il bese. 9.0m Thanday emay 042829 Mr. FRED WALKER, FRED'S TOWING have been ‘ommnded co appear moorish american contr court sae Your name and ‘ation for he record, othe people who are the vers nation yepeblic eral sreerament oth the ‘Arica nd Canacan Proves Mars Wl be note shal sre ha you pet a irae Page 709 ofeach natin Tot where rental the ight the parts igang Court the treaty much ‘ind hae rights an 2s much regarded bythe Supreme Court a act of Congres ‘United Sate. The Sehonwer Pry Crane, 13:1 Cond. Rep 256 1, the pubic states at arg ofthe anited sates of america, volume 8 pages 2. all treaties and th “The Constitution for the Unie Stats of Ameria binds alicia fcers at Artic 6 wherein ees a. z i ‘the Constitutes of ane othe Conta ot ithsandng,” see Clase 2” ‘Between Morcto andthe United States ‘64, The Treaty of Peace and Friend Conttton for North Amerie. Treaty of Peace nd rienship as elise under te uatorty of Motamed Ton Abo, te Suan of “Moroso, an ely his Royal Sea" in the cout a Moreen fhe yx 1199 corespoding 0 1786 AD, The Trey asad by Presi Auto t Clair of United States Rep. the year 1787 AD, which corresponds to 1200 The Treaty ince of Amity and Commerce teteon Moroeco andthe United States of North Amen, sd ieee ts, The Trey sf Peace and Feendship. isthe world's longest ning ren bythe Moors The Tea smcof Amitvand Comers been Moreceand the United Stats of North America, 6% Article 29 "Af any ofthe Cian ofthe Unite Sts or any Peon unde tProeton, sal ave ay

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