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Vanessa Lee

Tech 63 – 1

Prof. Mortezaie

18 February 2021

Homework 3

1. A. 1386, 6 is the last digit, the weight of 6 is 10^0 = 1.

B. 54692, the weight of 6 is 10^2 = 100.

C. 671920, the weight of 6 is 10^5 = 100000

2. A. 10 = 10^1

B. 100 = 10^2

C. 10000 = 10^4

D. 1000000 = 10^6

3. A. 471, 4 has a value of 4*10^2 = 400, 7 has a value of 7*10^1 = 70, 1 has a value of 1*10^0 = 1

B. 9356, 9 has a value of 9*10^3 = 9000, 3 has a value of 3*10^2 = 300, 5 has a value of 5*10^1=

50, and 6*10^0 = 6

C. 125000, 1 has a value of 1*10^5=100000, 2 has a value of 2*10^4=20000, and 5 has a value

of 5*10^3=5000

4. With 4 decimal digits, the highest you can count is up to 9999, but if it is distinct, then the

highest number is 9876.

5. A. 11, decimal value = (1*2+1*2^0) = 3

B. 100, decimal value = (1*2^2+0+0) = 4

C. 111, decimal value = (1*2^2+1*2+1*2^0) = 7

D. 1000, decimal value = (1*2^3+0+0+0) = 8

E. 1001, decimal value = (1*2^3+0+0+1*2^0) = 9

F. 1100, decimal value = (1*2^3+1*2^2+0+0) = 12

G. 1011, decimal value = (1*2^3+0+1*2^1+1*2^0) = 11

H. 1111, decimal value = (1*2^3+1*2^2+1*2+1*2^0) = 15

6. A. 1110, decimal value = (1*2^3+1*2^2+1*2+0) = 14

B. 1010, decimal value = (1*2^3+0+1*2+0) = 10

C. 11100, decimal value = (1*2^4+1*2^3+1*2^2+0+0) = 28

D. 10000, decimal value = (1*2^4+0+0+0+0) = 16

E. 10101, decimal value = (1*2^4+0+1*2^2+0+1*2^0) = 21

F. 11101, decimal value = (1*2^4+1*2^3+1*2^2+0+1*2^0) = 29

G. 10111, decimal value = (1*2^4+0+1*2^2+1*2+1*2^0) = 23

H. 11111, decimal value = (1*2^4+1*2^3+1*2^2+1*2+1*2^0) = 31

7. A. 110011.11 = (2^5+2^4+0+0+2^1+2^0+2^-1+2^-2) = 51.75

B. 101010.01 = (2^5+0+2^3+0+2^1+0+0+2^-2) = 42.25

C. 1000001.111 = (2^6+0+0+0+0+0+2^0+2^-1+2^-2+2^-3) = 65.875

D. 1111000.101 = (2^6+2^5+2^4+2^3+0+0+0+2^-1+0+2^-3) = 120.625

E. 1011100.10101 = (2^6+0+2^4+2^3+2^2+0+0+2^-1+0+2^-3+0+2^-5) = 92.65625

F. 1110001.0001 = (2^6+2^5+2^4+0+0+0+2^0+0+0+0+2^-4) = 113.0625

G. 1011010.1010 = (2^6+0+2^4+2^3+0+2^1+0+2^-1+0+2^-3+0) = 90.625

H. 1111111.11111=(2^6+2^5+2^4+2^3+2^2+2^1+2^0+2^-1+2^-2+2^-3+2^-4+2^-5) = 127.96875

8. A. two, (2^2)-1=3

B. three, (2^3)-1 = 7

C. four, (2^4)-1 = 15
D. five, (2^5)-1 = 31

E. six, (2^6)-1 = 63

F. seven, (2^7)-1 = 127

G. eight, (2^8)-1 = 255

H. nine, (2^9)-1 = 511

I. ten, (2^10)-1 = 1023

J. eleven, (2^11)-1 = 2047

9. A. 17 < 2^5= 32, 5 bits

B. 35 < 2^6= 64, 6 bits

C. 49<2^6= 64, 6 bits

D. 68<2^7=128, 7 bits

E. 81<2^7=128, 7 bits

F. 114<2^7=128, 7 bits

G. 132<2^8=256, 8 bits

H. 205<2^8=256, 8 bits

10. A. 0 through 7, needs three bits

0 000
1 001
2 010
3 011
4 100
5 101
6 110
7 111

B. 8 through 15, needs four bits

8 1000
9 1001
10 1010
11 1011
12 1100
13 1101
14 1110
15 1111

C. 16 through 31, needs five bits

16 10000
17 10001
18 10010
19 10011
20 10100
21 10101
22 10110
23 10111
24 11000
25 11001
26 11010
27 11011
28 11100
29 11101
30 11110
31 11111

D. 32 through 63, needs six bits

32 100000 40 101000 48 110000 56 111000

33 100001 41 101001 49 110001 57 111001
34 100010 42 101010 50 110010 58 111010
35 100011 43 101011 51 110011 59 111011
36 100100 44 101100 52 110100 60 111100
37 100101 45 101101 53 110101 61 111101
38 100110 46 101110 54 110110 62 111110
39 100111 47 101111 55 110111 63 111111

E. 64 through 75, needs seven bits

64 1000000 71 1000111
65 1000001 72 1001000
66 1000010 73 1001001
67 1000011 74 1001010
68 1000100 75 1001011
69 1000101
70 1000110

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