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Journal of Building Engineering 28 (2020) 101032

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Dynamic evaluations of heat pump and micro combined heat and power
systems using the hardware-in-the-loop approach
Philipp Mehrfeld a, *, Markus Nürenberg a, Martin Knorr b, Lars Schinke b, Maximilian Beyer b,
Manuel Grimm c, Moritz Lauster a, Dirk Müller a, Joachim Seifert b,
Konstantinos Stergiaropoulos c
RWTH Aachen University, E.ON Energy Research Center, Institute for Energy Efficient Buildings and Indoor Climate, Mathieustrasse 10, 52074, Aachen, Germany
Technische Universit€ at Dresden, Institute of Power Engineering, Helmholtzstrasse 14, 01069, Dresden, Germany
Institute for Building Energetics, Thermotechnology and Energy Storage, Pfaffenwaldring 10, 70569, Stuttgart, Germany


Keywords: The seasonal coefficient of performance (SCOP) of a heat pump is nowadays determined according to standards
heat pump on the basis of steady-state measurements in laboratories. Monitoring data from field tests show non-negligible
CHP deviations regarding SCOPs compared to values identified according to state-of-the-art standards. Observed
Combined heat and power
deviations are partly due to neglecting instationary effects during momentary efficiency measurements of
Evaluation energy conversion system
standards. To counter this problem, three institutes have collaborated on developing a novel dynamic testing
SCOP procedure making use of the hardware-in-the-loop (HiL) concept. Furthermore, the control volume for the energy
Performance factor balance is extended to the whole system including the energy conversion system’s controller. The energy con­
version system is coupled via adequate test benches to a real-time building performance simulation. In order to
evaluate the annual efficiency according to the HiL approach, the experiments demand a feasible time frame. For
this purpose, we apply the k-medoids algorithm to shrink down one year to four representative days. We call the
novel approach Dynamic System Evaluation (DSE) test. In this work, we compare the annual efficiency factors of
three energy conversion systems: a micro combined heat and power system (mCHP), a ground-source heat pump
(GSHP) and an air-source heat pump (ASHP). For this purpose, we use three different types of building per­
formance simulation software as well as three different test facilities. The systems were investigated on two test
benches each and result in annual efficiencies with relative deviations of Δηrel;mCHP;HiL ¼ 0:6%,
ΔSCOPrel;GSHP;HiL ¼ 0:9% and ΔSCOPrel;ASHP;HiL ¼ 11:3%.

Parts of this gap originate in neglecting the dynamics of heat gen­
1. Introduction eration systems within existing evaluation methods [15,16]. Further­
more, standards do not take the systems’ controller strategies into
In the building energy sector, a realistic and comparable criterion for account, which have impact on transient behavior and non-ideal oper­
characterizing energy conversion systems is important. In particular, ation of systems [17]. Usually, controller properties are not known and
annual performance factors are significantly relevant for economical as a conclusion difficult to be evaluated [4]. Additionally [18], posits
considerations of potential customers. For this purpose, standards and that due to HP controllers the “band of uncertainty found within this
other directives exist to preserve a certain comparability. However, study covers high deviations of þ80% to 24% from the label value.”
regarding a realistic energy efficiency characterization, field tests [1] of Furthermore, energy conversion systems in buildings become more
electrically driven heat pump (HP) systems indicate a gap between complex. This fact demands for a more comprehensive investigation, in
monitoring data and values predicted by standards (final report of which the control volume should be extended to cover the whole system
follow up project in Ref. [2]). Huchtemann evaluates this in Ref. [3]. and not only a part of the energy conversion system, e.g. a single HP unit
Equivalent statements can be found in Refs. [4–10]. In a similar way, [4,19]. The controllers’ operation strategies can never fully covered by
this is valid for micro combined heat and power (mCHP) systems in Refs.

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (P. Mehrfeld).
Received 2 August 2019; Received in revised form 24 October 2019; Accepted 26 October 2019
Available online 4 November 2019
2352-7102/© 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
P. Mehrfeld et al. Journal of Building Engineering 28 (2020) 101032

Nomenclature rel relative

SCSPT Short Cycle and System Performance Test
A Air SH space heating
amb ambient Sim simulation
ASHP air-source heat pump SQL structured query language
B balancing TES thermal energy storage
BMWi Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy th thermal
BS buffer storage tot total
calc calculated TRY test reference year
CCT Concise Cycle Test TUD Technische Universit€
at Dresden
CHP combined heat and power W water
COP coefficient of performance ( ) WST Whole System Testing
CTSS Component Testing – System Simulation
dCOP daily coefficient of performance ( ) Greek symbols
DD Mon datetime format e.g.: 01 Jan Δ delta/difference ([ ] or ½%� or ½kWh�)
DHW domestic hot water η efficiency ( )
DSE Dynamic System Evaluation dτ infinitesimal timestep (s)
DST Dynamic System Test τ time (½a� or ½d� or ½h� or ½s�)
EBC Institute for Energy Efficient Buildings and Indoor Climate ϑ temperature (� C )
el electric Roman symbols
end end or end-use energy m_ mass flow rate (kg/s)
ERC E.ON Energy Research Center
Q_ heat flow (W)
fl flow or supply
x average or arithmetic mean of any value x
GSHP ground-source heat pump
cp specific heat capacity at const. pressure (J=ðKgKÞ)
H heating
Hi lower (inferior) heating value (J=kg)
HC heating circuit
i index number
HiL hardware-in-the-loop
n number ( )
HP heat pump
P electric power (W)
IGTE Institute for Building Energetics, Thermotechnology and
Q thermal energy (kWh )
Energy Storage
U internal energy (J)
mCHP micro combined heat and power
V volume (l)
Meas measured
W electric energy (kWh )
N nominal
SCOP seasonal coefficient of performance ( )
PLPE Short Cycle and System Performance Test
re return

standards which test the single energy conversion units under � The actual one-year evaluation period must be reduced to a smaller
quasi-stationary conditions. set of representative days.
An additional topic, which cannot be covered by a generic evaluation
methodology, are non-ideal installations of energy conversion systems After examining the energy system for the period of these test or
in buildings. This leads to further deviations between predicted and in typical days, the period’s performance is extrapolated to an annual ef­
real world measured values of annual performances. Especially, HP ficiency factor. Since no whole year of experimental evaluation is
systems are sensitive to this issue [2,20]. As a consequence, for instance possible, we identify with a mathematical optimization method four
the Association of German Engineers introduced a guideline for in­ days that are representative for the whole year in terms of weather
stallers to design and commission heat pump systems in residential conditions, which are the main driver of a building’s heat load.
buildings adequately [21]. However, an approach with which installers All three project partners
could train assembling and configuring latest energy conversion systems
would be beneficial. � Technische Universita €t Dresden (TUD), Institute of Power
There is need for a new methodology that considers system dynamics Engineering,
and encompasses a comprehensive system investigation. The hardware- � RWTH Aachen University (RWTH Aachen), E.ON Energy Research
in-the-loop (HiL) concept fulfills these requirements. One advantage of Center (ERC), Institute for Energy Efficient Buildings and Indoor
this approach is that energy conversion systems operate under realistic Climate (EBC),
and dynamic boundary conditions rather than only under quasi- � University of Stuttgart, Institute for Building Energetics, Thermo­
stationary ones. We denote the novel approach we demonstrate in this technology and Energy Storage (IGTE)
paper as “Dynamic System Evaluation” (DSE). The three key challenges
of this methodology are the following: use differently designed test rigs and different simulation software
tools but apply the same concept. In order to validate the test benches
� Test rigs have to emulate realistic and dynamic boundary conditions. and simulations, we conduct a round robin test. Explicitly, the investi­
The real hardware, in terms of an energy conversion system, is gated energy conversion systems are an mCHP system, a water-to-water
coupled to this test facility. HP system (GSHP for ground source HP) and an air-to-water HP system
� A simulation model of an adequate building represents the real house (ASHP for air source HP). At the current state of the DSE method we
with its construction parts as well as heat distribution and transfer neglect covering the cooling load of the virtual building, since an mCHP
system. is only able to supply heat.

P. Mehrfeld et al. Journal of Building Engineering 28 (2020) 101032

The paper is structured as follows. In section 2, we summarize the

state of the art of evaluation standards for HPs and mCHP units. Sub­
sequently, section 3 explains the applied concept of HiL with an exem­
plary HP heating system. In the next section, we outline the building
model and implemented user profiles. As a further part of the presented
method, a whole year must be reduced to a small set of representative
days. We identify four test days under the constraint of acceptable de­
viations. How this is achieved and the problems it brings along with this
simplification are explained in the related subsections. Section 6 illus­
trates the whole testing sequence from installing the hardware to fin­
ishing all four test days. Additionally, the accuracy for reproducibility is
quantified by three repeated experiment series. The final results are
displayed in section 7 in terms of the annual efficiency factors of both
the mCHP and the two HP systems.

2. State of the art: evaluation methods

Fig. 1. Field test data [1,2] compared in Ref. [3] to predicted SCOPs via VDI
2.1. Micro-CHP units 4650 [26].

For cogeneration systems, the overall efficiency is calculated on the

basis of the thermal and electrical efficiency according to Eq. (1). In Q_ H
COP ¼ (4)
particular, a motor CHP with a Stirling engine was considered. Since two Pel
forms of energy are combined in the overall efficiency, the electrical The annual efficiency of a HP (balancing time period τB ¼ 1 a) is the
partial efficiency can also be weighted with primary energy factors. integration of each power, denoted in Eq. (5) and called seasonal COP
However, these factors are influenced by political constraints and are (SCOP).
therefore only conditionally suitable for a neutral technical description. R τB
Q_ H dτ QH
QH Wel SCOP ¼ R 0τB ¼ (5)
ηtot ¼ þ (1) Pel dτ Wel
Qend Qend 0

The heat output QH results from measuring the flow and return For instance, EN 14825 EN 14825 [24] tries to predict the SCOP by
temperature as well as mass flow at the device with the help of the using measured COPs in chosen operating points specified in EN 14511
calorific balance according to Eq. (2). The electrical energy output Wel [27]. [28] gives an overview about characterization and labeling
can be measured directly. For gas powered CHP units the site or end-use methods for HPs in Europe.
energy Qend is determined by the energy stored in the fuel with reference In terms of electrically driven HPs field test data from Ref. [1] show
to the lower heating value Hi (see Eq. (3)). monitored annual performance factors of ASHPs and GSHPs. These
Z τB measured values are compared in Ref. [3] to via VDI 4650 [26] pre­
QH ¼
m_ W ⋅ cp;W ⋅ ϑfl ϑre dτ (2) dicted efficiencies. An overview of monitored HPs displays Fig. 1. If all
0 SCOPs were predicted correctly, all markers would lie on the angle
Z τB
bisector. However, all markers, with two exceptions, are lower. This

Qend ¼ m_ fuel ⋅ Hi dτ (3) means that the calculated values are predicted incorrectly with a devi­
ation of approximately ΔSCOP ¼ SCOPMeas SCOPVDI � 0:81.
A measurement method for determining the overall efficiency is
described in the standard DIN 4709 DIN 4709 (German Institute for 2.2.2. Simulation aided evaluation in standards
Standardization) (2011).1 The test program contains a load profile Besides the bin methods,2 which are applied in the above mentioned
which maps different partial load conditions over a period of τ ¼ 24 h. EN 145825 [24] and VDI 4650 [26], two other test approaches exist.
However, in comparison to the above mentioned tests, these two ap­
2.2. Heat pumps proaches make use of computer simulations.
One is the “Dynamic System Test” (DST) method, which ISO 9459–5
2.2.1. Standards and guidelines [29] and EN 12976–2 [30] apply. Hereby monitoring data of short
In order to characterize the annual efficiency of HPs, directives like outdoor tests of a solar domestic hot water (DHW) system is gathered to
EN 14825 [24], EN 15316 [25] or the German guideline VDI 4650 VDI parameterize a mathematical model, which is then used for a dynamic
4650 [26] predict the particular value based on measurement data simulation [31,32].
under quasi-stationary conditions. In terms of electrically driven HPs, on The other method is the so called “Component Testing – System
which we focus within the project, these steady state values are deter­ Simulation” (CTSS). ISO 9459–4 [33] and EN 12977–2 [34] describe
mined on the basis of EN 14511 EN 14511 [27]. This momentary effi­ and apply this testing methodology. Additionally, further work
ciency factor is called coefficient of performance (COP) and declared as regarding extending the CTSS method is still ongoing by the Institute for
Building Energetics, Thermotechnology and Energy Storage (IGTE,
the division of instantaneous heat flow Q_ H delivered through the HP’s
Stuttgart, Germany, former: Thermodynamics and Thermal Engineering
condenser and the electrical power Pel consumed by the device (see Eq.
(ITW)) [35]. Both test methods find the origin in the experimental
(4)). The electrical consumption composes from the compressor, which
evaluation of solar thermal system [31]. explains that a CTSS procedure
represents the major expense, auxiliary drives and control.
carried out on a solar DHW system showed good agreement in thermal
performance in comparison to a DST applied to the same system.
DIN 4709 [22] has been withdrawn and the use of the standard EN 50465
[23] is recommended. However, since EN 50465 [23] does not include a new
dynamic test method for determining the efficiency, the procedure according to Temperatures are clustered into 1 K groups and weighted with its
DIN 4709 [22] is used for comparative considerations. percentage-wise occurrences.

P. Mehrfeld et al. Journal of Building Engineering 28 (2020) 101032

Table 1
Overview of state of the art HiL methods.
Acronym CCT Combitest SCSPT PLPE DSE

Description Concise Cycle Test Combitest [37] Short Cycle and System Prescribed Load – Performance Dynamic System evaluation
[37] Performance Test [37] Extrapolation [38]
Institutions (country) SPF (Swiss) SERC (Sweden) CEA INES (France) EURAC (Italy) TU Dresden, RWTH Aachen,
University of Stuttgart (Germany)
Selected researcher/ Robert Haberl, Chris Bales, Tomas Philippe Papillon, David Diego Menegon, Roberto Authors of this paper
authors Michel Y. Haller Persson Ch�eze Fedrizzi
Load profile/ Simulation Load profile Simulation Load profile Simulation
DHW yes yes yes yes yes
Number of test days 12 [37], later 6 [39, 6 [37] 12 [37] 6-24 [38] 4
p. 113]
Dataexchange time 1/32 h [37] 0.005 h [37] 1 min [37] Inputs: 1 min Data acquisition: 1s
span 5 s [39, p. 147]

Nonetheless, these three procedures (bin method, DST, CTSS) do not The Project MacSheep [19,40] demonstrates the harmonization of
make usage of the HiL concept and, thus, do not take a real time response CCT, Combitest and SCSPT, which are summerized in the term “Whole
into account. System Testing” (WST) [37]. Menegon et al. explains in Refs. [38,39] the
PLPE procedure and the comparison to the other three methodologies.
2.2.3. Hardware-in-the-loop methods Furthermore, like DST and CTSS, the method CCT does a model
With focus on HP systems also diverse other institutions focus on HiL fitting on the basis of experimental results in order to perform a whole
approaches in order to characterize the performance of a system under year simulation to gather yearly integral performance indicators like the
test. By names we would like to highlight the Institute for Solar Tech­ SCOP, instead of extrapolating the measurement results directly [37]. In
nology (SPF) of the University of Applied Sciences Rapperswil in this context one should note that “[t]he effort for parameter fitting and
Switzerland, the Solar Energy Research Center of H€ ogskolan Dalarna simulation is certainly substantially higher than for direct extrapolation”
University in Sweden, the CEA at the French National Institute for Solar [37, p. 676].
Energy (CEA INES) in France and EURAC Research Institute for Additionally, while we simulate a building with 13 individual but
Renewable Energy in Italy. Equivalent to our motivation, the main thermally connected rooms (cp. section 4), the other methodologies
research of the above mentioned institutions point out that current with a building model in the loop simulate a one family house with one
standard evaluation methods neglect system as well as thermal inertia zone [19, p. 41].
effects [36,37], since the applied procedures test mostly only single Unfortunately, neither [19] nor [37] demonstrate a direct compari­
components in steady-state operation. Such effects are for instance son, e.g. a round robin test, of the 3 methodologies with the same energy
start-up and shut-down phases of HP, charging and discharging of conversion system. Although, both publications present essential test
thermal energy storages (TESs) as well as buoyancy effects. results in terms of time series as well as integral values, for instance for a
In comparison to all evaluation approaches mentioned in the sections solar assisted GSHP system.
prior, the methodologies from SPF, SERC, CEA INES, EURAC as well as
our DSE test are HiL tests. Table 1 gives an overview. 3. Hardware-in-the-loop methodology
Mainly, the HiL evaluation concepts differ in the following topics:
On the one hand, a HP or an mCHP unit itself as well as all corre­
� Simulation or load profile as virtual part sponding auxiliary components exist as real hardware and are mounted
� Number of test days in a suitable testing environment. Fig. 2 illustrates the hardware part
� Dataexchange frequency schematically in the dashed area.
� Level of detail of building model, on which the simulation or load On the other hand, a simulation model of a building is incorporated,
profile bases representing: construction, heat transfer system, heat distribution

Fig. 2. Schema of HiL: real hardware components in dashed line (transparent background); simulation system indicated in dash-dotted line (blue background);
couplers/emulators represented by test benches indicated in dotted lines (red background). (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the
reader is referred to the Web version of this article).

P. Mehrfeld et al. Journal of Building Engineering 28 (2020) 101032

system, user model for DHW, air change rate, internal gains and room set Table 2
temperatures. Furthermore, a HiL concept needs a coupler in terms of Information of representative one family house.
test benches. A hydraulic test bench emulates the simulated space Attribute Value/Description
heating (SH) demand and handles DHW draw-offs. And in cases of
Number of rooms (heated) 13 incl. attic (10)
GSHPs it also represents the source, which can be e.g. ground water. Floor area (heated) 245 m2 (172 m2 )
Additionally, in cases of ASHPs, a climate chamber realizes desired Volume (heated) 548 m3 (439:40 m3 )
ambient temperatures and humidity as outdoor air conditions. For gas
Window area 24 m2
driven mCHPs a gas supply line and monitoring equipment is necessary
Design heat load 8363 W (at ϑamb ¼ 14 � C)
in order to determine the lower heating value Hi of the supplied gas
Insulation standard German Thermal Insulation Ordinance 82/84
volume correctly.
The hardware performs a certain action on which the simulation
calculates the appropriate reaction. In terms of investigating energy flow and return temperatures (55∘ C and 40∘ C) are a compromise for the
supply systems, measured variables are the flow temperatures and flow two technologies CHP and HP. All used models are validated. Exem­
rates of the SH and DHW circuit as well as in some cases the pressure plarily, we mention the AixLib high order building model, which is
difference at the control volume’s boundary. The values are sent digi­ validated by the ASHRAE Standard 140 [53,54].
tally to the simulation software. The simulation sends back the return In addition to the raw building construction and the chosen heat
temperatures and flow rates for the space heating circuit (HC) and the transfer system, a hydronically balanced heat distribution system is
DHW draw-offs, represented by cold city inlet water. modeled in terms of pipes, junctions, arcs, and valves. Thus, we realize a
Thus, we achieve a tightly connected dynamic system that operates realistic behavior regarding pressure drops and thermal dynamics
with action and reaction, whereby a real-time simulation speed is within the hydronic network.
ensured. All HiL parts influence each other and therefore a sufficient Furthermore, another important factor on the simulation side is the
control of the emulating test facility is a challenging task to always meet implemented user. Therefore, we use varying profiles referring to a
the required set values within a tolerance interval. reliable presences schedule [55] for room set temperature, air change
A test bench with the capability of house and earth probe emulation rate (combination of infiltration plus user induced ventilation [56]) and
is presented in Ref. [41]. However, the focus lies in that work on internal gains [57,58]. Appendix A shows all mentioned boundary
comparing different control concepts for HP heating systems instead of conditions as time series for each room. Additionally, the DHW draw-off
determining a realistic annual performance factor. In a similar way [42], profile L of EN 16147 [59] with a daily energy of QDHW;target ¼ 11:7 kWh
demonstrates a platform to test and improve the control of heating and approximately VDHW ¼ 200 l is used.
systems. However [43], propose and analyze a 12-day-long experi­ Within the prototype phase of this new HiL evaluation method for
mental HiL procedure to characterize a GSHP regarding its annual per­ energy conversion systems, only one residential building was used and
formance. Hereby, four different approaches for the 12 experimentally investigated in detail. With a view to future and even more generic so­
investigated test days are focus of the research work. Remaining days of lutions, a data base will be made available to select a suitable building
the year are substituted by pure simulations. for the energy system to be investigated. Sticking to such a convention
Directives use a narrow control volume as boundaries for the energy ensures a fair evaluation of the system’s long term efficiency and a good
balance and consequently to determine the efficiency. We decide to comparability.
choose a control volume for the whole system (see dashed line in Fig. 2),
including TES, like buffer storage (BS) and DHW storage, pumps, valves, 5. Representative days
controllers, and further auxiliary components. Since the efficiency of the
whole system is applicable in the building owner’s economical calcu­ In order to apply this approach of HiL for evaluating energy con­
lations, it is advantageous to evaluate the comprehensive energy system. version systems in terms of their annual or in general long term effi­
Moreover, the controller is responsible for the highly dynamic behavior ciency, it is not possible to run experiments for a whole year. As a
of the energy conversion system throughout a day. Especially [44,45] consequence, the number of test days must be limited. The idea is to find
show the not negligible influence of controllers and its parametrization a reasonable number of meteorologically representative days that
on HP’s system performance. combines the two necessary aspects: represent the long time period
On the basis of the flow and return temperatures as well as the adequately and make experiments economically feasible. The chosen
measurement values of the volume flow rate sensors, the instantaneous days are representative in a meteorological manner because the outdoor
thermal power is calculated. Furthermore, all electrical consumers like air conditions are the main drivers for a building’s heat consumption
the HP unit itself, a potential electrical backup heater, and all auxiliary behavior and for most heat generation systems’ controllers.
components like pumps or the system controller are connected to elec­ From a nomenclature point of view, we denote the chosen days as
tricity monitoring devices. Thus, we meter all necessary powers in order typical, representative or test days.
to integrate these to daily energy values. To gain a suitable set of representative days [60], compared diverse
possible concepts within a simulative study for different HP heating
4. Simulation models systems (e.g. Ref. [43]). The mathematical optimization method
k-medoids clustering leads to the least deviations in terms of the annual
In order to verify the methodology aside from performing experi­ efficiency factor SCOP. Thus, in combination with weighting factors for
ments on different test benches, we use three different programming e.g. outdoor air temperature or solar irradiation we apply the k-medoids
languages/simulation softwares for building performance simulations: clustering according to Ref. [61] on a weather time series with hourly
values. The k-medoids clustering forms groups on the basis of these
� TRNSYS TUD [46] at TU Dresden hourly values with days in each group that are the most similar. The
� Modelica/Dymola [47,48] at RWTH Aachen, using mainly the li­ center, the so-called medoid, is a representative day for the whole
brary AixLib [49,50]) cluster, which normally includes a different number of days compared to
� TRNSYS [51] at University of Stuttgart another cluster. Applied on a test reference year (TRY) in Germany
(2004, region 4 [62]), four days and clusters according to Table 3 can be
To be suitable for each of the three heat generators, we use a one identified. The corresponding days of one cluster do not represent a
family house that is representative for the current German building stock chronological sequence but are picked throughout the whole year. In the
[52]. The key information is listed in Table 2. The radiators’ nominal

P. Mehrfeld et al. Journal of Building Engineering 28 (2020) 101032

Table 3
Dates and number of days ndays;i in one cluster.
i Date (dayi ) ndays;i ϑamb ½� C�

1 11th Jan. 97 6.2

2 27th Feb. 103 0.6
3 1st Jun. 73 18.3
4 30th Aug. 92 13.8

Fig. 4. Energy shifting in TESs: state of charge before and after a

day changeover.

and Fig. 4).

The first problem has its origin in the charging strategy of a BS for
SH. Usually, the tank is thermally charged on the basis of a heating
curve, which uses the outdoor temperature as input and controls with
this information the supply temperature: the colder it is outside, the
higher is the tank’s temperature.
Fig. 3. Energy shifting in TES: state of charge based on the buffer storage’s (BS) As Fig. 3 indicates the state of charge is relatively high during the
heating curve. first test day, which is exemplary a winter day. On the following warmer
test day, in the beginning the system still uses the thermal energy from
current state-of-the-art insulation directive for buildings in Germany the highly charged storage.
[63] the reference location is TRY region 4 (Potsdam, close to Berlin). Thus, in general we expect the system to behave differently, when
Thus, it represents the most representative weather conditions and is the representative test days are arranged in different orders. The main
suitable for the DSE. driver hereby is the ambient air temperature.
A set of four typical days results in less than 4% deviation to the The second sub-issue regarding energy shifting in TESs is more about
reference SCOPSim; 1 a of a whole year [60]. coincidence. Fig. 4 illustrates this problem. In the end of a typical day,
According to Eq. (6) and Eq. (7), the SCOPHiL and ηHiL , respectively, the TES can have any state of charge between the tank’s thermal mini­
can be extrapolated based on the daily energies. mal and maximal level. Only due to slightly different boundary condi­
tions the system e.g. charges the TESs still in the end of a test day (blue
P i¼4 R τday;i;end
i¼1 ndays;i ⋅ τday;i;start Qth ðτÞ dτ case) or in the beginning of the following day (green case). In both cases
SCOPHiL ¼ P i¼4 R τday;i;end (6) the result is a decoupling of providing and consuming thermal energy.
i¼1 ndays;i ⋅ τday;i;start Pel ðτÞ dτ
As a consequence, the expended electrical or chemical energy would
P i¼4 R τday;i;end � account for the wrong day. In particular, in the case of an ASHP this
Q_ th ðτÞ þ Pel;prod ðτÞ dτ
i¼1 ndays;i ⋅ τday;i;start influences the HP’s COP during the charging process since the ambient
ηHiL ¼ P i¼4 R τday;i;end � (7)
i¼1 ndays;i ⋅ τday;i;start m _ fuel ðτÞ⋅Hi dτ air temperatures are significantly different.
In order to investigate these two issues of energy shifting in TESs, we
The transition from one test day to the following one represents a conduct two investigations – one experimental [64] and one simulative
discontinuity and thus, a non-realistic behavior. This leads to two issues [65]. The experimental HiL analysis focuses on a combined hot water
of energy shifting. Therefore, the next subsection explains energy tank for SH and DHW, whereas the pure simulation investigation in­
shifting that occurs in the building’s thermal mass, whereas subsection cludes a HP system with two physically separated tanks: one buffer and
5.2 clarifies energy shifting in TESs. one DHW storage. However, the simulation study is treated like the
project’s HiL problem, i.e. the actual hardware parts are replaced by
5.1. Energy shifting in buildings simulation models that are not specifically initialized at each represen­
tative day. In both research works we arrange the four typical days in
If a cold day follows a moderate warm day, the building’s storage different orders depending on the daily mean outdoor temperatures, e.g.
capacity will partially cover the dwelling’s heat demand during the cold from warm to cold. Additionally, the simulations are combined with a
day with reserves that are saved in the thermal capacity of the building’s parameter variation so that the second sub-issue, which is more about
mass. We can avoid this issue by simulating the model a certain number coincidence, can partially be avoided.
of virtual days prior to the actual test day. Therefore, we decouple the Usually, a combined hot water tank should lead to more or less un­
model from the HiL connection and provide the simulation system with mixed zones for space heating and DHW in the tank. As a matter of fact,
an ideal supply temperature according to a typical heating curve. Due to during this specific experimental study we could not observe an un­
these pre-simulations, the virtual building is initialized in equilibrium mixed behavior at the investigated tank. Against expectations, the tank
state appropriate for the beginning of the according test day. Alterna­ got always fully charged driven by the DHW set temperature, which is
tively, resulting in an analogous initialization state, we can simulate the independent from day and outdoor air temperature [64].
period between two representative days. However, the latter method However, the simulative study reveals that the order from warm to
requires a calendrical order of the test days. Which approach can be cold and back to warm leads to the least deviation of shifted internal
used, depends on the simulation software. energy in the TESs over the four day test period. Consequently, we
However, due to this concept, the building’s thermal mass does not follow this recommendation within our dynamic evaluation methodol­
shift significant amounts of energy in time during the HiL experiments. ogy [65].

5.2. Energy shifting in thermal energy storages 6. Process of a HiL experiment

The second issue regarding shifting energy from one test day to Fig. 5 illustrates the procedure of a complete test series for
another is related to TESs and can be divided in two sub-issues (see Fig. 3

P. Mehrfeld et al. Journal of Building Engineering 28 (2020) 101032

Fig. 5. Procedure of one test series of HiL evaluation method.

Fig. 6. Accuracy of reproducibility shown in three 4-day experiments.

investigating a heat conversion system at a HiL test bench. The process

starts with an initialization phase of τ ¼ 2 h. During this period test
bench and heat generation system are enabled and initialized. This
especially includes heating up all hot water tanks to an adequate level.
Therefore, it is necessary to exclude this time from the evaluation period
itself. This time span of 2 h might need to be extended in case of larger
TES. Furthermore, the simulation models are prepared with the corre­
sponding pre-simulations. After τ ¼ 2 h the first test day starts. During
the following four days the middleware exchanges frequently the
necessary data between emulator and simulator.
The boundary conditions in terms of rooms’ set temperatures, air
change rates as well as internal gains are illustrated as time series for Fig. 7. Round Robin test: Exchange of energy conversion systems.
each room in Appendix A. Within a day these time series vary
immensely, whereas they stay the same profile for each day. 7. Results
Since these system testings are dynamic and non-trivial experiments,
we present in Fig. 6 their reproducibility in terms of daily thermal and 7.1. Round robin test
electrical energies. Regarding absolute values the results deviate in less
than ΔQth ¼ 1:61 kWh and ΔWel ¼ 1:84 kWh. In terms of relative dif­ As explained in the introduction, we performed a round robin test
ferences the three test series deviate between 1:04% and 3:43% related within the project’s scope. After a first reference experiment at each
to their arithmetic mean of thermal and electrical energies, respectively. institute, we sent the energy conversion systems to the next institute,
This meets our requested accuracy sufficiently. like Fig. 7 displays in detail. By applying the round robin test, we ensure
a quality and reproducibility check at three different test facilities and
using three different simulation softwares.
Table 4 gives an overview of the investigated energy conversion

P. Mehrfeld et al. Journal of Building Engineering 28 (2020) 101032

Table 4 constant boundary conditions. On the other hand, the two test benches
Nominal data of investigated energy conversion systems. supply DHW cold water that flows into the TES differently such that at
System Nominal data Storage the beginning of each DHW draw-off different temperatures occur.
mCHP Stirling: Combi tank:
Q_ th;N ¼ 6:0 kWPel;N ¼ 1:0 kW V ¼ 500 l
7.2. New dynamic evaluation methodology
Additional burner:
Q_ th;N ¼ 20 kW
GSHP Combi tank:
On the basis of Fig. 8 the entire testing procedure of the DSE is
Q_ th;N ¼ 13:3kW (W10W55)
V ¼ 300l described. Generally, the methodology encompasses the test facility
Pel;N ¼ 4:0kW (W10W55)
(blue, upper part) and the building performance simulation (green,
ASHP Q_ th;N ¼ 9:2kW (A7W55) BS tank:
V ¼ 46 l lower part) [66]).
Pel;N ¼ 3:5kW (A7W55)
DHW tank:
Initially, a trained technician installs the energy conversion system
V ¼ 170 l by coupling it to the hydraulic test bench. In the case of an ASHP, the
outdoor air unit is mounted in the climate chamber. If an mCHP system
is focus of the investigation, the trained technician connects the unit to a
Table 5
gas pipeline that is equipped with appropriate meters. Necessary pa­
Results of the round robin test in terms of.SCOPHiL .
rameters at the system controller have to be adjusted such that the
SCOPHiL [ ] or configuration fits to the virtual building. As state-of-the-art, most heat
ηHiL [ ] TU Dresden RWTH Aachen University of Stuttgart generation systems are controlled by outdoor temperature related
mCHP 0.879 – 0.869 heating curves. Therefore, the sensor has to be continuously manipu­
GSHP 3.31 3.34 – lated during the experiment. We achieve this by controlling the sensor
ASHP – 1.93 2.16 digitally, by applying a certain voltage (0::10V), by diving the sensor in a
thermostatically controlled water reservoir or by using the climate
When performing these six experiments – two times with the same chamber.
heat conversion system – we determine reliable values for the systems’ On the simulation side we choose a suitable building model depending
SCOPHiL and ηHiL . The results are listed in Table 5. Additionally, on the nominal capacity of the heat conversion system. Ideally, the
comprehensive test results of all 6 experiments are displayed in detail in building model is stored in a data base and mainly chosen on the basis of
Appendix B. its nominal heat load. The DHW draw-off profile follows EN 13203–4 [67]
Whilst the mCHP and GSHP system show satisfying relative de­ whilst the specific profile size depends on the building class.
viations related to their mean values of Δηrel;HiL ¼ 0:6% and As explained in section 6, after a preconditioning phase, the moni­
ΔSCOPrel;GSHP;HiL ¼ 0:9%, respectively, the ASHP analysis results in a tored evaluation phase starts with the 1st typical day. Each test day starts
relative difference of ΔSCOPrel;ASHP;HiL ¼ 11:3%. On the one hand, the with a building model initialized in thermally appropriate conditions for
two climate chambers have constructive distinctions. The transient the emulated calendar day. The 4-day long testing phase is checked for
ambient conditions during the experiments influence the ASHP’s sen­ validity in terms of the provided and required heating energy and
sitive efficiency more compared to a GSHP, which is exposed to almost whether the draw-offs met the standard’s requirements. As a last step, the

Fig. 8. Overview of newly developed Dynamic System Evaluation (DSE) test for energy conversion systems using the HiL approach.

P. Mehrfeld et al. Journal of Building Engineering 28 (2020) 101032

yearly energy performance factor SCOPHiL or ηHiL is extrapolated based and power system’s annual total energy efficiency ηHiL .
on the daily energies (see Eq. (6) or Eq. (7), respectively). Besides not neglecting dynamic effects, a further aspect differs from
the presented procedure compared to standards. In this method we
8. Conclusions choose a larger control volume for the energy balance which includes
auxiliary components, mainly thermal energy storages and its’ losses.
As a new methodology, this paper presents a dynamic testing pro­ Hereby, the resulting performance indicator has a higher relevance for
cedure to gain the long-term efficiency of energy conversion systems. the owner of such energy conversion systems.
Therefore, we follow the approach of the hardware-in-the-loop concept. Generally, the results of the evaluation show a good compliance
Within the project’s scope three institutes, which specialize on building between several test rigs with deviations of Δηrel;HiL ¼ 0:6%,
energy system investigations, performed a round robin test in order to ΔSCOPrel;GSHP;HiL ¼ 0:9% and ΔSCOPrel;ASHP;HiL ¼ 11:3% for the micro
verify the experimental process and its results for three energy conver­ combined heat and power, ground-source heat pump as well as air-
sion systems: air-source heat pump, ground-source heat pump, micro source heat pump system, respectively.
combined heat and power system. The methodology accomplished in this 3-year long project represents
In contrast to existing normative directives that follow steady-state a promising new evaluation approach for the identification of annual
testing approaches, the hardware-in-the-loop concept provides real­ performance factors for thermal and electrical energy conversion
istic dynamic boundary conditions to a real energy conversion system. systems.
We achieve this by coupling detailed dynamic simulation models of a
building as well as its hydronic heating circuit, representing the heat Acknowledgments
sink, to the test facility and performing real-time experiments.
On the basis of a mathematical optimization method – in particular We gratefully acknowledge the financial support by the Federal
the k-medoids clustering – we identify typical days that are represen­ Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi), Germany, promo­
tative for a desired period, which is in general one year. The day related tional reference 03ET1211 A/B/C.
experimentally determined energies are extrapolated to the heat pump
system’s annual performance factor SCOPHiL or the micro combined heat

Appendix A. Supplementary data

Supplementary data to this article can be found online at

A. Boundary conditions of simulation

Fig. 9. Boundary conditions for rooms’ set temperatures

9 during HiL test from simulation point of view
P. Mehrfeld et al. Journal of Building Engineering 28 (2020) 101032

Fig. 10. Boundary conditions for air change rates during HiL test from simulation point of view

P. Mehrfeld et al. Journal of Building Engineering 28 (2020) 101032

Fig. 11. Boundary conditions for internal gains during HiL test from simulation point of view

B. Detailed results all six experiments

In the context of the results, dCOP is the daily COP, which we calculate according to Eq. (5) with τB ¼ 1d. Furthermore, Qth;tot is the sum of the
thermal energy QHC supplied for space heating/supplied to the heating circuit and the thermal energy QDHW for DHW. With regard to the mCHP,
electric energy Wel must be treated as energy-related gain, whereas in relation to the HP experiments Wel represents energy-related expense.

Table 6
Results of mCHP from TU Dresden for single days.

Date QHC QDHW Qth;tot Wel Qend η1d

[kWh] [kWh] [kWh] [kWh] [kWh] [ ]

30 Aug. 2.2 13.1 15.3 2.6 26.1 0.686

11 Jan. 69.6 12.8 82.4 13.3 107.6 0.889
27 Feb. 111.0 13.1 124.1 18.0 153.8 0.924
01 Jun. 2.1 13.1 15.2 2.5 25.4 0.697

Table 7
Results of mCHP from TU Dresden for whole clusters (1 year: ηHiL ¼ 0:879).

Date ndays;i QHC QDHW Qth;tot Wel Qend useful energy

[ ] [kWh] [kWh] [kWh] [kWh] [kWh] output [kWh]

30 Aug. 92 202.4 1205.2 1407.6 239.2 2401.2 1646.8

11 Jan. 97 6751.2 1241.6 7992.8 1290.1 10437.2 9282.9
27 Feb. 103 11433.0 1349.3 12782.3 1854.0 15841.4 14636.3
01 Jun. 73 153.3 956.3 1109.6 182.5 1854.2 1292.1
1 year: 18539.9 4752.4 23292.3 3565.8 30534.0 26858.1

P. Mehrfeld et al. Journal of Building Engineering 28 (2020) 101032

Table 8
Results of mCHP from university of Stuttgart for single days.

Date QHC QDHW Qth;tot Wel Qend η1d

[kWh] [kWh] [kWh] [kWh] [kWh] [ ]

30 Aug. 1.2 11.7 12.9 2.0 23.1 0.646

11 Jan. 60.5 11.7 72.3 11.0 94.0 0.886
27 Feb. 99.6 11.7 111.3 17.9 141.0 0.916
01 Jun. 1.8 11.7 13.5 2.1 23.7 0.656

Table 9
Results of mCHP from university of Stuttgart for whole clusters (1 year: ηHiL ¼ 0:869).

Date ndays;i QHC QDHW Qth;tot Wel Qend useful energy

[ ] [kWh] [kWh] [kWh] [kWh] [kWh] output [kWh]

30 Aug. 92 111.3 1078.2 1188.6 185.8 2127.7 1374.5

11 Jan. 97 5871.4 1136.8 7008.3 1068.0 9115.4 8076.2
27 Feb. 103 10256.7 1205.1 11461.8 1842.7 14524.6 13304.5
01 Jun. 73 127.8 854.8 982.6 150.4 1727.1 1133.0
1 year: 16367.2 4275.0 20641.3 3246.9 27494.7 23888.2

Table 10
Results of GSHP from RWTH Aachen for single days.

Date QHC QDHW Qth;tot Wel dCOP

[kWh] [kWh] [kWh] [kWh] [ ]

30 Aug. 2.6 13.5 16.0 7.3 2.21

11 Jan. 72.0 11.9 83.9 24.7 3.40
27 Feb. 118.6 11.9 130.5 35.1 3.72
01 Jun. 1.5 11.9 13.4 7.1 1.89

Table 11
Results of GSHP from RWTH Aachen for whole clusters (1 year: SCOPHiL ¼ 3:34).

Date ndays;i QHC QDHW Qth;tot Wel

[ ] [kWh] [kWh] [kWh] [kWh]

30 Aug. 92 238.3 1237.4 1475.7 667.9

11 Jan. 97 6985.0 1151.4 8136.4 2394.0
27 Feb. 103 12216.8 1223.6 13440.5 3610.2
01 Jun. 73 108.0 869.4 977.5 517.6
1 year: 19548.1 4481.9 24030.0 7189.6

Table 12
Results of GSHP from TU Dresden for single days.

Date QHC QDHW Qth;tot Wel dCOP

[kWh] [kWh] [kWh] [kWh] [ ]

30 Aug. 1.3 12.8 14.1 6.6 2.15

11 Jan. 64.9 12.8 77.7 22.7 3.43
27 Feb. 111.3 12.8 124.0 34.0 3.64
01 Jun. 0.5 12.8 13.2 6.9 1.92

Table 13
Results of GSHP from TU Dresden for whole clusters (1 year: SCOPHiL ¼ 3:31).

Date ndays;i QHC QDHW Qth;tot Wel

[ ] [kWh] [kWh] [kWh] [kWh]

30 Aug. 92 120.5 1178.5 1299.0 605.4

11 Jan. 97 6296.3 1236.8 7533.0 2197.1
27 Feb. 103 11459.8 1314.3 12774.1 3506.1
01 Jun. 73 32.9 932.2 965.1 502.2
1 year: 17909.4 4661.8 22571.2 6810.8

P. Mehrfeld et al. Journal of Building Engineering 28 (2020) 101032

Table 14
Results of ASHP from university of Stuttgart for single days.

Date QHC QDHW Qth;tot Wel dCOP

[kWh] [kWh] [kWh] [kWh] [ ]

30 Aug. 2.2 11.8 14.0 9.9 1.41

11 Jan. 55.8 11.8 67.6 27.4 2.47
27 Feb. 95.2 11.8 107.0 49.2 2.18
01 Jun. 3.0 11.8 14.8 8.2 1.81

Table 15
Results of ASHP from university of Stuttgart for whole clusters (1 year: SCOPHiL ¼ 2:16).

Date ndays;i QHC QDHW Qth;tot Wel

[ ] [kWh] [kWh] [kWh] [kWh]

30 Aug. 92 198.7 1087.3 1286.0 909.6

11 Jan. 97 5416.4 1142.8 6559.2 2659.7
27 Feb. 103 9807.1 1216.3 11023.4 5064.2
01 Jun. 73 217.3 862.6 1080.0 595.7
1 year: 15639.7 4309.0 19948.7 9229.2

Table 16
Results of ASHP from RWTH Aachen for single days.

Date QHC QDHW Qth;tot Wel dCOP

[kWh] [kWh] [kWh] [kWh] [ ]

30 Aug. 2.9 12.0 14.8 16.3 0.91

11 Jan. 72.2 12.1 84.3 41.1 2.05
27 Feb. 115.4 12.1 127.4 59.0 2.16
01 Jun. 3.0 12.0 15.0 10.0 1.49

Table 17
Results of ASHP from RWTH Aachen for whole clusters (1 year: SCOPHiL ¼ 1:93).

Date ndays;i QHC QDHW Qth;tot Wel

[ ] [kWh] [kWh] [kWh] [kWh]

30 Aug. 92 263.4 1101.8 1365.2 1499.9

11 Jan. 97 7001.7 1176.0 8177.6 3982.7
27 Feb. 103 11882.7 1243.6 13126.2 6072.8
01 Jun. 73 216.1 878.1 1094.2 732.2
1 year: 19363.9 4399.4 23763.2 12287.6

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