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Question 1
(a) Using appropriate examples, explain the difference between discrete and continuous data.
(b) Define the terms ‘hard copy’ and ‘soft copy’.

(a) Discrete data represent data that permit only certain values (there are gaps between the
possible values)
Discrete data is countable.

With continuous data given any two different values in an interval it is possible to find a value that falls
between them. Continuous data is measurable.

Example: 5.5 pound or 35.5 degree Celsius.

(b) Hard copy – relatively permanent form of output that can be read immediately or stored for
later use, such
as output on paper.
Soft copy -transient (temporary) output, example, information displayed on a screen (monitor) or output
from a speaker.

Question 2
(a) List FOUR functions of an operating system.

(b) (i) Give ONE benefit to the user of custom-written software.

(ii) Give ONE benefit to the user of general-purpose software.

(c) What do the abbreviations ‘OMR’ and ‘MICR’ stands for? Describe a situation in which
EACH is used.

(a) An operating system does any of the following:
(i) Controls program execution (ii) Controls input and output (iii) Manages data and file storage
(iv) Assigns different tasks to the CPU (v) Provides security and control

(b) (i) Custom-written software meets the specific need(s) of the user
(ii) General-purpose software can be used by many different users

(C) MICR- Magnetic Ink Character Recognition

USE- reads data prerecorded on cheques and deposits slips with a special ferrite-impregnated ink that
can be magnetized.

OMR- Optical Mark Reader

USE- It is used in educational institutions for scoring examinations.

Question 3
Describe, using an appropriately labeled diagram, how a computer can be used to maintain the temperature of
liquid between 850 and 950C.

Heat to digital Computer
Heater Signal to turn heater up/down /off
Question 4
(a) Identify any TWO industries and, for EACH, state how the use of the computer has
resulted in either a
change of procedures for two jobs or made the jobs obsolete.

(b) Name FOUR jobs which have been created by the computer industry.

(a) (i) Car Manufacturing Industry

Cars are being assembled y computer controlled robots instead of manual labour producing better
quality output.

(ii) Chemical industry

Computers are used in the preparation of dangerous gases replacing the human factor.

(b) The computer industry has created:

(i) Programmers (ii) Software Engineers (iii) Computer Operators (iv) Data Entry Operators

Question 5
(a) Define EACH of the following terms as it applies to data transmission:
(i) Voice band
(ii) Simplex
(iii) Half duplex

(b) (i) what is meant by ‘data integrity’?

(ii) State TWO examples where a lack of data integrity can causes loss, inconvenience or embarrassment.

(a) (i) Voice band has a band-width of 3,000 and can transmit data at speeds in the range of 600
to 10,000-
bits per second.
(ii) Simplex are communication lines that permit data flow in only one direction.
(iii)Duplex are communication lines that permit data traffic in both directions but only in one direction at
a time.

(b) (i) Data integrity refers to techniques which protect a database against invalid alteration or

(ii) a. Altering a person's age, instead of an age value of 19 an age value of 39 is entered.
b. Input wrong information about a person in a medical history file, example, saying that the person
has cancer instead of saying he/she has a common cold.
Question 6
(a) What is a ‘videotext’ system?
(b) Describe TWO distinct uses of videotext systems.
(c) Name TWO distinct effects that videotext systems can have on the traditional Post Office

(a) Videotext is an information service in which data is transmitted over television cables or
telephone lines
and displayed on a television or computer screen in the home.

(b) Videotext systems are used for:

(i) Advertising a product
(ii) Sending warning messages to users about dangerous weather.

(c) Videotext systems:

(i) Reduce the number of persons using the postal system.
(ii) Reduce the paper flood caused by the traditional postal system.

Question 7
In ASCII C= code, the letters of the alphabet are stored using consecutive codes. If ‘B’ is
represented by
1000010, what is the representation of ‘G’?

(b) Give the binary value of 2310 + 11012

(a) G is five (5) spaces to the right of B
The binary value for 5 is 101.
The binary representation of G is:
1 0 0 0 0 1 0
+ 1 0 1
= 1 0 0 0 1 1 1

(b) The binary value for 23 is 10111

1 0 1 1 1
+ 1 1 0 1
1 0 0 1 0 0

Question 8
Write a pseudocode algorithm to read a set of positive integers (terminated by 0) and print their aversge as
well as the largest of the set.

Numcount = 0
Sum = 0
Largest = 0
Input Number

While Number not equal to 0 do

Sum = Sum + Number
Numcount = Numcount + 1
If Number > Largest
Largest = Number

Input number
Average = Sum divide by Numcount
Print Sum, Largest

Question 9
Write a pseudocode algorithm to print a conversion table from miles to kilometers. The table ranges from 5 to
100 miles in steps of 5 (1 mile = 1.61 kilometers).

Print “= = = = = = = = =”

Initials = 5

While initial <= 100 do

Print initial initial *1.61

Initial + 5

Question 10
Write a pseudocode algorithm to read a positive integer N followed by N integers. For these N integers, the
algorithm must count and print the number of zero and non-zero values.

input N

input NUMBER

if NUMBER = 0

if NUMBER not equal to 0

until COUNT = N


Question 1
Describe TWO functions of EACH of the following components of a computer:
(i) Control unit (ii) Arithmetic/Logic Unit (iii) Main memory

(i) The control Unit does any of the following:
. reads and interprets program instruction
. directs the operation of the internal processor component
. controls the flow of programs and data in and out of primary memory
. controls the flow of information to and from l/O devices.

(ii) The Arithmetic/Logic Unit:

. performs all arithmetic operations
. performs logical operations
. stores the data which can be immediately processed by the program instructions.

(iii) The Main Memory

. stores program instructions prior to execution
. stores the data which can be immediately processed by the program instruction
. stores information temporarily after processing is complete.

Question 2
State ONE advantage and ONE disadvantage of the first item over the second item in EACH of the following

(a) (i) Character printer (ii) Line Printer (b) (i) Microfilm output (ii) Printed output
(c) (i) Magnetic tape (ii) Magnetic hard disk (d) (i) Optical disk (ii) Magnetic hard disk

(a) Advantage - Character printer is cheaper than a line printer
Disadvantage - Character printed is slower than a line printer

(b) Advantage – Microfilm output can store much more information in a smaller space than printed
Disadvantage – Microfilm is more expensive than printed output/ Microfilm needs special equipment
to read the information, printed output does not.

(c) Advantage - Magnetic tape is cheaper than magnetic hard disk / Magnetic tape has a larger capacity
than magnetic hard disk.
Disadvantage – Slower access to date/records-Records cannot be updated in place

(d) Advantage- Optical disk has a larger capacity than magnetic hard disk
- Optical disk can retain data longer than magnetic hard disk
- Optical disk is READ ONLY therefore information cannot be tampered with

Disadvantage-Optical disk is slower, more expensive than magnetic hard disk

-Optical disk is READ ONLY

Question 3
(a) Explain briefly EACH of the following terms
(i) Bistable device (ii) Gigabyte (iii) Operating system (iv) Bar code

(b) (i) What is an ‘expert system’

(ii) Name ONE area in which expert systems are used
(iii) Give ONE advantage and one disadvantage of using an expert system in the area named at (ii)
(a) (i) Bistable devices are devices capable of assuming either one of two stable states, for example a
light switch is a bistable device, it can either be on or off.

(ii) Gigabyte is 1,000,000,000 bytes or 109 bytes.

(iii) Operating system is a set of programs used for controlling the operations of a computer system.
(iv) Bar Code is a series of parallel light and dark lines representing a code placed on a product for
identifying that product.

(b) (i) An ‘expert system’ is a program that reproduces the knowledge and thought processes of human
experts in certain well defined fields.
(ii) Areas of application – any ONE of the following:
- Medicine: diagnosis of infections blood diseases, prescription of medicine
- Geology: search for mineral deposits
- Chemistry: identifying molecular structure of compounds

(iii) advantages- does not display biased judgments

- does not jump to conclusions on the face of contrary evidence
- systematically considers all possible alternatives

disadvantages- not good at judgment requiring common sense

- cannot adapt easily to new rules and concepts
- cannot reason across disciplines
Question 4
Each regional office of Jamaican Food Crop Marketing Agency uses a system of hardware, software and
communication channels that connects hardware devices to provide its computing services. Information is
collected at the regional offices and at the end of the day it is transferred to a main-frame computer at the head
office in Kingston. At nights, this mainframe at head office collates the information and transfers it to the
regional offices using different rules established to govern the way data is transmitted in the particular
network. Apart from providing up –to-date information to users through its regional offices, the system allows
users access to the information at their own homes. However, to utilize this facility users must subscribe to its
special service which allows them to send and receive messages to/from other users. The cost of this facility is
affordable to the average home-user since the subscription fee is small and the only other capital cost is the
price of a device which convert digital signals into analog signals and vice versa.

State the proper technical terms for EACH of the FOUR underlined phrases in the above passage.

(i) Local Area Network
(ii) Protocol
(iii) Bulletin Board of Electronic Mail
(iv) Modem

Question 5
(a) Describe TWO jobs EACH of the following:
(i) System Analyst
(ii) Computer Operator
(iii) Database Administrator

(b) State TWO ways in which a computer can be used by a teacher in his/her job.

(c) State TWO ways in which the computer is beneficial to the banking industry.

a. (i) A system Analyst does any of the following:
. Performs feasibility studies
. derives information system, requirements/specifications
. designs information systems
. performs system reviews

(ii) A Computer Operator does any of the following:

. prepares equipment to run jobs
. mounts and removes tapes, disks and diskettes
. monitor operations during the running of each job

(iii) A Database Administrator does any of the following:

. designs a database
. creates a database
. maintains a database
. coordinates discussion between user groups

b. A teacher can use the computer to do any of the following:

. develop course work
. store students’ records
. use “Computer Aides Instruction” software
. teach students to use the computer
. mark scripts

c. The computer is beneficial to the banking industry, because it:

. provides management with useful information for running the bank
. keeps records of transactions by customers
. provides electronic funds transfer
. provides automated teller services

Question 6
(a) For EACH of OMR,OCR and MICR, give an application in which that technology is frequently used.

(b) Data security’ refers to the protection of data from destruction or corruption.
State THREE measures which can be employed to ensure data security.
(a) OMR- reading of solutions to multiple choice questions
OCR- converts a printed document to machine-readable form so that it could be edited on a
MICR- used by banks for reading information on cheques

(c) To ensure data security one may:

. use fire-proof cabinets for storing tapes and disks
. perform back up and recovery procedures properly
. implement a password system to prevent unauthorized access
. use anti virus software
. use software features to restrict access to certain records.

Question 7
(a) In a certain character coding system, each character occupies seven (7) bites and the letters
of the alphabet
Are assigned consecutive codes. If ‘M; is represented by 1010001, what is the representation of ‘H’?

(b) What is the value of X I the following equations?

5210 - X2 = 111112
(a) H = M-5{His consecutive spaces to the left of M}
M = 1010001 = 81{Decimal value}
H = 81-5 = 76 = 1001100 {Binary Value}

(b) 5210 –X2 = 111112= 31 {Decimal Value}

X2 = 52 -31 = 21 = 10101 {Binary Value}

Question 8
(a) What is the purpose of formatting or initializing a diskette?

(b) What is the major interfacing device for

(i) a command language interface?
(ii) a graphical user interface?

(b) Explain briefly ONE distinguishing feature of EACH interface mentioned in part(ii)

(a) One formats a diskette to place electronic marks on the surfsce of the diskette so that
data can be written to and read from their specific ‘addresses.’

(b) (i) The keyboard is the major interfacing device for a command language interface.
(ii) The mouse is the major interfacing device for a graphical user interface.

(C) Using a command language interface (CLI), the user ‘points’ to a picture (or icon) of a data file or
program or a selection from a menu and activates the program or selection by clicking the
pointing devices (usually mouse).

Question 9
(a) Write an algorithm to interchange the value in two (2) variables A&B.

(b) Write an algorithm to read the names and ages of ten (10) people and print the name of the
person. Assume that there are no persons of the same age. Data is supplied in the following form:
name, age, name, age etc.

(a) C=A

(b) OLDAGE = 0
For j = 1to 10
Print “The oldest person is” , OLDPERSON

Question 10
(a) Write an algorithm to read an integer value for SCORE and print the appropriate grade based
on the

80 or more A

Less than 80 but 65 or more B

Less than 65 but 50 or more C

Less than 50 F

(b) What is printed by the following algorithm when n = 5?

If (n = 1) or ( n = 2 ) then
f =1
for j = 1 to n-2 do
print h
else for
end if
print f, g

(a) read SCORE
If SCORE> = 80 then
Else if SCORE > = 65 then
print “B”
Else if Score > = 50 then

(c) The following is printed by the algorithm when n – 5:


Question 1

(a) List TWO benefits of Computer Aided Design and Draughting.

(b) Name THREE peripheral devices which are used in Computer Aided Manufacturing but
which are not
Commonly used in an office.

( C) State a measure which can be adopted a minimize data and/or program corruption or loss in the event of a
hard disk failure.

(c) What is software piracy?

(a) Computer Aided Design and Draughting provides:
i. improved accuracy and legibility of engineering drawing
ii. ease of making alterations to designs leading to increased productivity;
iii. decreased time for developing blue prints;
iv. increased detail;
v. simulation/cost estimation facilities

(b) i. Sensors ii. Robots (robotic arms) iii. Guided pallets

(c ) Copy files unto back-up devise on a regular basis and in the evet of a hard disk failure recovery is
accomplished by replacing the damaged and lost files on the hard disk by the last copy of the files
from the back-up device.

(d) Software piracy is the illegal copying of program(s).

Question 2
Draw a labeled diagram showing the main component of a computer system, indicating clearly the direction in
which data flow.





Question 3
(a) Convert the decimal number 55 to its binary equipment.
(b) Convert the binary number 1011010 to its decimal equipment.
(c) Add the binary numbers 11010 and 10011.
(d) The ASCII code for the letter H has a decimal equivalent 72. What is the ASCII code
for the letter P.

2 55 1
2 27 1
2 13 1
2 6 0
2 3 1
2 1 1
2 0
5510 = 1101112


1 0 1 1 0 1 0
26 25 24 23 22 21 20

10110102 =26 + 24 + 23+ 21{ignoring columns with 0}

= 9010

(c) 1 1 01 1 02
+ 1 0 0 1 12
1 0 1 1 0 12

(e) p= 72 +8 = 80 =1010000 {Binary equivalent}

Question 4

When a program makes a read request to the hard disk, the device which reads data from the disk is
moved along a radius to the particular concentric circle on with the data is stored. When the relevant
part of the concentric circle of the disk arrives under the device which reads the data, the data is read
and stored in a special area of memory from which it could be accessed.

State the proper technical terms for EACH of the FOUR underlined phrase in the passage above.


(i) read/write head (ii) track (iii) sector (iv) buffer

Question 5
(a) Identify FOUR measures to secure data.
(b) State TWO advantage and TWO disadvantages of normal mail over electronic mail.


(a) One can secure data by:

(i) encryption (ii) virus protection (iii) password (iv) physical access restriction

(b) advantages
(i) parcel can be sent
(ii) sent to more people (people without computer
(i) mail could be lost
(ii) mail takes a longer time

Question 6
(a) List FOUR ways in which medical personnel may use information technology in
their jobs.

(b) State TWO job functions of EACH of the following computer personnel:

(i) Network manager (ii) Database administrator

(a) Medical personnel may use information technology for:
(i) Storing patient records (ii) expert system
(iii) Health education (iv) monitoring patients

(b) (i) A network Manager does any of the following:

. Starts up and shuts down the network
. grants access privileges
. monitors use of the network and other shareable resurces
. liaise with other network re: connectivity

(ii) A database administrator:

. grants access to data
. makes modification to database structure

Question 7
(a) John receives computer hardware from a friend who lives in the United States of
America, but the software is missing. He, therefore, decided to purchase the
necessary software. In order for his system to run he realized that he would have
to purchase software to manage the resources of the computer as well as
software which could provide for his particular needs. For both types of
software he had a choice of two styles of interface; one which was command
driven or the other which provides screen listings with options from which the
user could select appropriate functions. Some software provides user interfaces
which display small graphic images that can be selected when the function they
represented is required. Since John intended to use the computer in his family
business, he had a choice of acquiring software written especially for his
business or general purpose software. He noted, however, that if he purchased
general purpose software, that he would have to do some modification to allow
it to meet his specific need.

State the proper technical terms for EACH of the SIX underlined passages.

(b) State TWO functions of an operating system.

(a) (i) system software (ii) application software (iii) Menus (iv) ICONS
(v) custom-written software (vi) customization

(b) Two functions of an Operating System are:

(i) input/output control (ii) file and disk management

Question 8
What is printed by the following algorithm?

SUM = 0
N = 20
N= N + 3


20, 20,23,43,26,69,29,98

Question 9
(a) Define the following:
(i) Source
(ii) Object
(iii) Compiler
(b) Draw a labeled diagram to illustrate the relationship between source code, object code and

(c) Write a pseudocode algorithm to read in THREE numbers and print the highest and lowest number.

(a) (i) Source code is program written in a programming language
(ii) Object code machine language, program produced by a computer
(iii) A compiler is a computer program which converts a program in a high level
programming language to machine code.


(b) read A,B,C

If ((A=B) and (A=C)) then

Print “Numbers are equal

if A>B then





Question 10
The following data represents some sample score obtained by students in a test:
5 , 4, 7, 10, 0, 6, 0, 1, 0, 9, 8, 999

999 is the dummy value which terminates the data. Write pseudocode algorithm to read
any data in the above format, and print the number of students scoring 0 and the number
scoring 10.



while NUMBER not equal 999 do

if NUMBER = 0 then

If NUMBER = 10 then


print “NUMBER of students scoring 0”, ZEROCOUNT

print “NUMBER of students scoring 10”, TENCOUNT


Question 1
State ONE difference between EACH of the following:

(a) Command-line interface and graphical user interface

(b) Impact printers and non-impact printers
(c) Character printers and line printers
(d) General purpose software package and specialized software package
(e) Simplex and duplex transmission


(a) (i) Interfacing device for command-line driven interface is the keyboard while that for graphical
user interface is the mouse.

(b) (i) Impact printers can produce multiple carbon copies of a document while non-impact cannot.
(ii) Impact printers are more expensive than character printers.

(c ) (i) Line printers are faster than character printers.

(ii) Line printers are more expensive than character printers.

(d) (i) General purpose software package can be used to perform a wide variety
of tasks while specialized software package cannot.

(e) (i) Duplex transmits data in both directions, while simplex transmits data in one direction only.

Question 2

(a) Convert the decimal number 5710 to a binary number.

(b) Convert the binary number 110111012 to decimal number

(c ) Explain the term ‘parity’ as it relates to the coding of characters.

(d) Add the binary numbers 1101012 and 1011102


2 57 1
2 28 0
2 14 0
2 7 1
2 3 1
2 1 1
5710 = 1110012


1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1
27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20

110111012 = 27 + 26 + 24 + 23 + 22 + 20 = 22110

( c) Parity is used as a checking system or dummy value within the coding of character.
It is used to detect whether the transmission or coding of data is complete or accurate.

(d) 1 1 0 1 0 12
+ 1 0 1 1 1 02
1 1 0 0 0 1 12

Question 3
Name the hardware component that performs EACH of the following functions:

(a) Stores programs and data that are currently being used by the CPU
(b) Performs the logical operations within the CPU
© Stores programs and data that are not currently being used by the CPU
(d) Modulates and demodulates signals
(e) Reads from disks
(f) Directs internal operations within the CPU
(g) Allows users to move the cursor


(a) RAM (Random Access Memory)

(b) ALU (Arithmetic / Logic Unit)

(c ) Secondary Storage (e.g. Diskettes, magnetics tapes, etc)

(e) Read/Write Head
(f) CU (control Unit)
(g) Input Device (Keyboard, Mouse etc.)

Question 4
The statistic Department holds confidential information on the citizens of a country since its databases
are online and are connected to the telephone company via a modem, any person with a computer and
a modem can potentially access from the databases. Outdated data are usually stored at other locations.

(a) State ONE method which can be used to prevent an unauthorized user from accessing data stored
in the databases.
(b) State TWO methods which can be used to prevent users from accessing data from files to which
they do not have access.
(c) State ONE potential danger that may exist when legitimate users within the Statistics Department
import data into the department’s computer.
(d) State TWO strategies to protect the archived data from physical damage.


(a) Password Protection

(b) (i) Password Protection
(ii) Data encryption
(c) Virus infection
(d) Store archive data away from the elements (wind, rain etc)

Question 5

(a) The increase in the level of computerization in offices, together with the decrease in cost and the
availability of data communication services have created new ways of conducting business. Some
employees now have an opportunity to perform their work from home by a process known as

(i) State TWO items of hardware that an employee must have if he/she is telecommuting.
(ii) State ONE advantage to the employee of telecommuting.
(iii) State ONE disadvantage to the employee of telecommuting.

(b) The owner of a larger department store in the city center is planning to offer telemarketing
services to the general public. Currently, his retaining business customers are encouraged to
browse in the store. They are normally offered assistance by the sales clerk. If a customer is
satisfied with a particular item, he/she takes the item to the cashier where the customer must pay in
cash. After the transaction is completed, the customer must take away the item(s) purchased.

(i) State TWO additional services that the owner should offer so that he could introduce
telemarketing .

(ii) State ONE change that the owner must make in the operation of his business so that he
could introduce telemarketing.

(iii) State ONE reason why a customer might still choose to visit the store to make a purchase
even though the cusromer might have to travel a long distance to get to the store.


(a) i. Modem , Fax machine, Reduction in travel expenses/fuel consumption

working men and women would be able to spend more time with their families.

ii. The worker might miss out on promotion opportunities at central headquarters.

(b) i. Home delivery of items purchased Subscrption magazines advertising products to

ii. Use of electronic fund transfer instead of cash payment for goods bought.
iii. To examine products being bought.

Question 6

(a) State THREE functions that are likely to be computerized when the Board of Directors of
a private local bank with several branches has decided to computerize its operations.

(i) State TWO new job positions that would be created in the bank.
(ii) State ONE additional service that the bank would now be able to provide.


(a) (i) Record-keeping, payroll, billing and ordering of drugs and supplies
(ii) Automating the recording of patient histories
(iii) Monitoring critically ill patients in surgery and intensive care units
(iv) Recording and analyzing the result of health screening examination to help detect
diseases that might otherwise go unnoticed.
(v) Recording and interpreting the results of electrocardiograms (ECGs)

(b) (i) Programmers , Database admistrator

(ii) EFT (Electronic Fund Transfer) , ATM (Automated Teller Machines)

Question 7

(a) The customer Science teacher in a secondary school is attempting to convince the
Chemistry teacher to use Computer Aided Learning (CAL) software in the teaching of

(i) State TWO benefits that the Computer Science teacher could cite to convince the
chemistry teacher.

(ii) State TWO obstacles that would prevent the chemistry teacher from using the computer in teaching.

(a) (i) Computers could be used to stimulate experiments eliminating the use of dangerous
Slow students could learn at their own pace.

(ii) - Teacher not computer literate

- Large class size
- Cost of computer hardware and software.

Question 8
(a) Copy the following trace table in your solution booklet.
4 1
2 8
Complete the following trace table for the following algorithm, given that the number 4
is the input value.

Read X
For M = 1 to X do
Y= X–M
Z = 5*Y-M
Print Z

(b) What is printed by the algorithm?

4 1 3 14
4 2 2 8
4 3 1 2

4 4 0 -4

(b) -4

Question 9
(a) Write an algorithm which prompts the user to enter the price of an item and which
Calculates and prints the new price after a discount of 12%.

(b) Write an algorithm to read in TWO numbers into A and B. The algorithm should store
the smaller in A and the larger in B, and print A and B.

(a) Input PRICE

(b) Input A
Input B
If A = B then print “Numbers are equal” endif
If A > B
A= C
Print A, B

Question 9
Write an algorithm to read ELEVEN numbers, find their average and print it. The
algorithm should also print the number of times the number 6 occurs in the data.
For example, given the input data:

8 4 6 9 6 5 6 10 7 0 16

The algorithm should print 7 as the average and 3 as the number of times 6 occurs.

SUM = 0

For COUNT = 1 to 11 do


AVERAGE = SUM divide by 11


Question 1
(a) Name a type of device which produces a human readable copy.
(b) Name a type of device which produces a machine readable copy.
(c) Name a type of device that accepts data in human readable form.

(a) Printer , Plotter
(b) Disk Drive
(c) Keyboard

Question 2
The wide variety of input devices and media is a major factor which adds to the flexibility and
versatility of computer systems. The use of a (i) device which allows users to move around image
on the monitor by the shifting of a lever on the device has made computer games very popular. In
supermarkets, there are (ii) devices which allow a cashier to key in data on sales and this data is
automatically transmitted to a computer for processing. There also (iii) devices that are capable of
reading pencil marks on an examination script thereby allowing the test to be scored automatically.
The use of (iv) devices to read in images allow pictures and logos to be incorporated in a
State the technical names for EACH of the devices numbered (i) – (iv) in the passage above.
Please use the numbering indicated in the passage to identify your solutions.


(i) Joystick (ii) Point of Sale terminals (iii) Optical Mark Readers (iv) Scanner

Question 3
(a) Convert the decimal number 83 to its binary equivalent.
(b) Convert the binary number 11001101 to its decimal equivalent.
(c) Add the two binary numbers 1101 and 100101.
(d) Explain the difference between discrete and continuous data.

(a) 8310 = 10100112

1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1
27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20

110011012 = 27 + 26 + 23 +22 + 20
= 128 + 64 + 8 + 4 + 1
= 20510

(C) 1 1 0 12
+ 1 1 0 1 0 12
1 1 0 0 1 02

(d) See 1993 Question 1 (a).

Question 4
(A) State THREE ways in which a teacher would use a computer in his or her

(B) State TWO ways in which a journalist would use a computer in his or her job.

(C) A large company has decided to computerize the functions of its Human
Resource (Personnel) Department. The computer department has been given
the responsibility for completing the task.

Name FOUR categories of personnel from the Computer Department that the Computer
Department Manager must assign to the task, stating clearly ONE function of EACH category.


(A) (i) To store students records

(ii) To use ‘Computer Aided Instruction’ to aid in teaching
(iii) To mark scripts

(B) (i) To research a topic using the internet

(ii) To creates articles


(i) Programmers Writes programs that solves specific problems
(ii) Data Entry Clerks Use key-entry devices to enter raw data into machine-
readable format.
(iii) Database Administrator Creates and controls the use of an organization’s database.
(iv) Systems Analysts --------- The analyst interacts with various users of a computer systems
and with programmers to help analyze, design and implement
the new computer system.

Question 5
(A) Describe briefly an application in which a robot (or robotic arm) is used in
industry, Starting clearly ONE function that the robot performs.

(B) State TWO advantages of using the robot (or robotic arm) over using a manual method
in the application described in part (a) above.

(C) State ONE advantage to the customer of telemarketing.

(D) State ONE disadvantage to a customer of telemarketing.

(E) State ONE advantage and ONE disadvantage of teleconferencing.


(A) Robotic arms are used in the manufacturing of motor vehicles. One function that the robotic
arm serves is to spray the motor cars with a uniform coat of paint.

(B) i. The robot does not miss

ii. It wastes less than half as much paint as a human painter does.
iii. They are not affected by the dangerous fumes or heat, therefore they do not get sick.

(C) The customer does not have to travel long distances to acquire a product.

(D) The customer is unable to examine the product closely before purchase.

(E) Advantage: The customer can see their friends or relatives anywhere on the globe while
Speaking to them.

Disadvantage: The cost of the equipment and service are high.

Question 6
(A & B)
State TWO problems which would arise from the sharing of data in the company.
(C) What is ‘data encryption?’
(D) State TWO methods, other than data encryption, used to secure data.
(E) Explain the difference between the role of an applications programmer and that of a systems
programmer in an organization.

(A) Because it is taking away from the creator of the program the right to earn from his or her

(B) i. The integrity of the data is at risk seeing that anybody can modify it
ii. There is no privacy

(C) Data encryption is the scrambling of data to render it unintelligible to an unauthorized


(D) i. Password protection

ii. Lock away the disks and computers when they are not in use.

(E) An APPLICATION PROGRAMMER writes programs that solve specific problems for users.
A SYSTEM PROGRAMMER creates and maintains operating systems, monitors database
programs, and so forth.

Question 7
(A) What is meant by the term ‘protocol?’
(B) Explain the difference between the following terms:
(i) Up-load and down-load
(ii) Half-duplex and duplex
(iii) Local area network and wide area network
(iv) Electronic mail and bulletin board

(A) A “protocol” is a formal set of rules that govern how communication or exchange of data
takes place over a network.

(B) i. UP_LOAD is the process of reading data from a user’s computer storage and sending it
to another computer via communication channel. DOWN-LOAD is the process whereby
programs or data are transferred via communication channels, from a computer and
stored on a media located at the user site.

ii. HALF Duplex is transmission system that allows data to be transmitted in one direction
at a time. That is, the system can transmit and receive data but not at the same time.
DUPLEX is a transmission system that allows data to be transmitted in both direction at
the same time. This system is sometimes called FULLDUPLEX.

iii. A local area network is the linking of computers or terminals in the same building or
site so that they can communicate. This communication usually takes place along
cables. A WIDE AREA NETWORK is the linking of computer or terminals over a wide
geographical area in order to facilitate communication system using telephone lines,
satellites, microwave transmission or any other medium that facilitates long distance
iv. Electronic Mail is mail or messages transmitted electronically by computers
via communication channels. It is usual for such messages to be held in a central store
for retrieval at the user’s convenience. A Bulletin Board is an electronic equivalent of a
conventional bulletin board. It is used as part of a communication network where users
can post messages, read messages posted by other users, communicate with the system
operator and upload or download programs.

Question 8
What is printed by the following algorithm?


While COUNT < 25 DO

print COUNT, X


1 2 1, 4
6 4 6, 6
11 6 11, 8
16 8 16, 10
21 10 21,12
26 12

The following is printed:

1, 4, 6, 6, 11, 8, 16, 10, 21, 12

Question 9
(A) Explain the difference between a high level programming language and a machine
level language.

(C) Explain the difference between an interpreter and a compiler.

(D) Write a pseudocode algorithm to read two numbers and print the lower value.

(A) An HIGH LEVEL PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE is one that is more intelligible to
human beings and, before it can be understood by the machine it has to be converted to a
form that the machine can understand. MACHINE LANGUAGE consists of data and
instruction as coded binary digits, 0s and 1s. No translation is necessary for the computer
to understand this language.
(B) INTERPRETERS translate high-level language statements one at a time, executing each
step immediately after it has been translated. No permanent object program is generated;
each time a source program statement is encountered, it is re-interpreted. COMPILERS
translate the entire source code (all statements) to its object code before execution takes
place. A permanent object program is generated. Whenever changes are made to the source
code, the program has to be re-compiled for the changes to take effect.

(C) read A
read B


“Numbers are equal”

if A<B
print A
print B

The following data represents some sample data of the number of children in several

1 3 5 0 4 6 7 3 5 2 4 0 2 999

999 is the dummy value which terminates the data. Write the pseudocode algorithm read in
any data in the above format, and print

(A) The number of families with no children; and

(B) The largest number of children existing in any family

read NUMB
0COUNT = 0

while NUMB <> 999 DO

if NUMB = 0 THEN


read NUMB


print “number of families with no children =”, 0COUNT

print “ largest number children =”, HIGHEST


Question 1
(A) Define the term ‘protocol’ as it relates to data communication.
(B) Digital transmission can occur in three ways:
(i) Data can be transmitted in one direction only.
(ii) Data can be transmitted in both directions but only in one direction at a time.
(iii) Data can be transmitted in both directions simultaneously.

State the correct technical term for EACH of the transmission methods above.

(C) (i) Name type of network that would be suitable for linking all the computers in a building.

(ii) State ONE advantage of linking the computers in this way.

(A) Protocol is a set of rules that govern the communication of data between a terminal and a
computer or between computers.

(B) Digital transmission can occur in the following three ways:


(C) (i) Local Area Network (LAN) would be the most suitable for linking computers in a
(ii) Advantages of linking the computers in this way are:
- the computer equipment e.g. printers, can be shared by several users hence reduction
in cost.

- Instead of buying many software program for each PC, the software can be installed
onto the main computer and the users access this computer. Memos and other
teaching materials can also be done using this method.

Question 2
When a program makes a read request to the disk drive, the component which reads data from the
disk is moved along a radius to the particular concentric circle on which the data are stored. When
the relevant part of the concentric circle of the disk arrives under the component, which reads the
data, the data are read and stored in a special area of memory from which they could be accessed.

State the proper technical term for each of the FOUR underlined phrases in the passage above.
The proper technical terms for each of the four underlined phrases are:
i. Read/Write head
ii. Track
iii. Sector
iv. Buffer

Question 3
Match the following applications with the most appropriate input device.


Point-of-sale optical mark reader

Games keyboard
Architectural design magnetic ink character recognition
Multiple-choice examination microphone
Publishing pads and tablets
Cheque processing barcode reader
Language processing joystick
Preparing letters scanner



Point-of-sale barcode reader

Games joystick
Architectural design pads and tablets
Multiple-choice examination optical mark reader
Publishing scanner
Cheque processing magnetic ink character recognition
Language processing microphone
Preparing letters keyboard

Question 4
(A) Define the term ‘resolution’ as it applies to a graphic display.

(B) Give THREE examples of input devices that can read data directly from source

(C) Give TWO advantages of using devices that can read data directly from source

(A) Resolution refers to how clear an image is seen on the screen. In other words,
image clarity.

(B) Examples of input-devices that can be read directly from source documents are:
i. bar-code readers
ii. mark and character readers
iii. image scanners

(C) Two advantages for using devices that read data directly from source documents are:

i. Processing of data is faster and therefore saves time

ii. The method reduces the error produced when data is being entered.

Question 5
(A) What is a computer virus?

(B) State TWO measures that could be implemented in order to prevent a computer virus
from infecting a computer.

(C) Identify TWO ways in which a person could be affected by the misuse of personal
information, which has been stored in a data bank.

(D) Identify TWO ways by which personal information, stored in data bank, may become

(A) A computer virus is a program that attaches itself to other programs or files and then
replicates itself in such a way that it corrupts and destroys data.

(B) Measures that could be implemented are:

i. use of Anti-Virus programs e.g. NORTON Anti-Virus Program
ii. do not share diskettes
iii.avoid downloading information from Bulletin Board Services that do not check for
viruses regularly

(C) Ways in which a person could be affected by the misuse of personal information are:

Can result in discrimination if personal information is not kept confidential. For e.g. if
confidential medical records are seen by the wrong persons, such as prospective employers, then it
can lead to discrimination.

ii.If unauthorized persons can access the data bank, then they can change pertinent information about
the individual thereby creating a wrong identity.

(D) Ways in which personal information, stored in a data bank, may become inaccurate are:

i. When the data bank is not updated regularly. If there should be a change of address and the
database in not updated, then the information about that individual becomes inaccurate

ii. Corruption of data by virus

iii. If the data bank is not properly protected, then unauthorized persons can access and change
information in it.

Question 6
(A) Convert 8710 to its binary equivalent.

(B) Add the two binary numbers 1101012 and 111012, giving your solution in binary form.

(C) Give the BCD representation of 5910

(D) Give the BCD representation of -5910


2 87 1
2 43 1
2 21 1
2 10 0
2 5 1
2 2 0
2 1 1

8710 =10101112


1 1 0 1 0 12
+ 1 1 1 0 12
1 0 1 0 0 1 02


5 9
01012 10012

5910 = 0101 1001 in BCD representation

(D) Convert (-59) using the two’s complement method:

5910 = 0101 1001 in BCD

-5910 = 1011 0101 1001 IN BCD {the 1011 attached to the left represent the negative sign}

Question 7
(A) CD-ROMs are used extensively in the field of education. Tate THREE features of
educational software on CD-ROMs that make them useful for educational purposes.

(B) For EACH of the following, state TWO ways in which information Technology can assist
employees in the performance of their jobs:
i. Law enforcement
ii. Medicine
iii. Entertainment

(A) Three features of educational software on CD-ROMs are:

i. CDs have a large storage capacity (at least 5 gigabytes). Therefore they can hold a lot of

ii. Because it is Read Only, information cannot be altered or erased. As a result, mischievous
students are unable to change any information

iii. CDs can record sound along with information. The sounds and images are clearer and sharper
then if recorded on another medium e.g. a diskette.

(B) Two ways information Technology can assist the following employees in their jobs are:

Law enforcement
i. Store information about criminals. This information includes, fingerprints, photograph, offences
to date and all other relevant information. With the entrance of the person’s name or fingerprint,
all relevant information about the person are available.
ii. Track delinquent traffic offenders. With the input of license number all traffic offences
committed by a person are made available.

i. Diagnosis systems that collect data and analyze the data to diagnose the illnesses.

ii. Software that records and maintains patients record in databases

i. With the aid of computer technology a musician is now able to compose a song on the computer

ii. Musical notes and sounds of different instruments can be stored and combined to give a pleasant
sound to the ear.

Question 8
(A) Write a structured algorithm to read in TWO numbers and print the higher value.

(B) Write a structured algorithm to interchange the values in TWO variables A and B.


(A) read NUMB1

read NUMB2
if NUMB1 = NUM2 then
Print “numbers are equal”
if NUMB1>NUMB2 then
Print NUMB1
Print NUMB2

Read A
Read B
A= B

Question 9
(A) Copy and complete the trace table below for the following algorithm.

K = 10
SUM = 45
While Sum<75 do
Print K
K= K + X
Print SUM

5 10
20 55

(C) What is printed by the algorithm?

5 10 45 10
5 15 55 15
5 20 70 20
5 25 90

(B) The following values of K would be printed: 10, 15, and 20.

Question 10
Write a structured algorithm to read the names and scores of fifteen students in a class. The
algorithm must print name of the students and his/her grade which is determined according to the
grading scale below. The algorithm must also calculated and print the average score for the class.

80 or more A
65 or more but less than 80 B
50 or more but less than 65 C
Less than 50 F

For COUNT = 1 to 15 Do
If SCORE > = 80 then
Elsif SCORE > = 65 and SCORE < 80 then
Elsif SCORE > = 50 and SCORE < 65 then



Question 1
A computer consists of several hardware devices and software components. The keyboard, mouse
and printer are all peripheral devices connected to the systems unit. The systems unit comprises of a
Central Processing Unit (CPU) and a component, (A), that holds the data and programs that are
currently being used. The CPU in turn, consists of two components. One component, (B),directs the
internal operations within the CPU; and the other component, (C), is responsible for the
manipulation of data. In addition,, there is another storage component, (D),which stores data and
programs that are not currently being used by the CPU.

State the component that performs EACH of the functions named A to D and underlined above.

The components are:

A. Random Access Memory (RAM)

B. Control Unit (CU)
C. Arithmetic/Logic Unit (ALU)
D. Secondary Storage
Question 2
Match EACH characteristic, listed A to H below with the MOST approximate device. Write the letter
(A,B, etc) to represent the characteristic and next to EACH letter write the name of the device that
matches it.

A. Modulates and demodulates signals Plotter
B. Accepts voice inputs Keyboard
C. Allow users to input architectural plans Modem
D. Reads in graphics data Graphics tablet
E. Used for printing architectural plans Microphone
F. Used for entering text documents Barcode reader
G. Retrieves pricing data from grocery items Joystick
H. Used to move the cursor Scanner


A. Modulates and demodulates signals Modem
B. Accepts voice inputs Microphone
C. Allow users to input architectural plans Scanner
D. Reads in graphics data Graphics tablet
E. Used for printing architectural plans Plotter
F. Used for entering text documents Keyboard
G. Retrieves pricing data from grocery items Barcode reader
H. Used to move the cursor Joystick

Question 3
(A) State THREE functions of an operating system.

(B) Identify the type of processing mode that would be suited for the following applications:
i. Monthly payroll
ii. Transactions at an Automatic Teller Machine
iii. Processing electricity bills

(A) Three functions of an operating system are:
(i) It manages the sharing of internal memory among multiple applications
(ii) It handles input and output and from attached hardware devices, such as hard disks printers
and dial-up ports.
(iii) It provides security and control.

(B) (i) Batch processing

(ii) Real time processing
(iii) Transaction processing system

Question 4
(A) List THREE ways in which a teacher can use computers in the classrooms.
(B) Suggest TWO reasons why computers may NOT be used in classroom.

(C) State TWO advantages of using computers in the classroom.

(A)Three ways in which a teacher can use computers in classroom are:

i. to teach students to use the computer

ii. to mark scripts
iii. to use ‘Computer Aided Instruction’ software
iv. to store student’s records

(B) TWO reason computers may not be used in the classroom are:
i. not all students are computer literate
ii. the cost of computers and related software are still too expensive for some schools.
Iii. Not all teachers are computer literate

(C) TWO advantages of using the computer in the classroom are:

i. students can learn at their own pace using ‘Computer Aided Instruction’ software.
ii. teachers can spend more time with weaker students while the faster students work with the

Question 5
(a) Convert the decimal number 9010 to a binary number.
(b) Convert the binary number 110112 to a decimal
(c) Add the two binary numbers 11012 and 101012, giving your solution as a binary number.
(d) Determine the BCD representation of 8710

Solution (A)

2 90 0
2 45 1
2 22 0
2 11 1
2 5 1
2 2 0
2 1 1
0 9010 = 10110102

1 1 0 1 1
24 23 22 21 20

110112 = 24 + 23 + 21 + 20
= 16 + 8 + 2 + 1
= 2710

1 1 0 12
+ 1 0 1 0 12
1 0 0 0 1 02


7 = 0111
8 = 1000

8710 = 1011 0111 1000 { the 1011 attached to the left represents the positive sign}

Question 6
(a) (i) Identify ONE application of robots in industry.
(ii) State TWO advantages of using robots in industry.
(iii) State ONE disadvantage of using robots in industry.

(c) For EACH of the following devices, state ONE application in which the use of the
device is

(i) Scanner
(ii) Plotter
(iii) Modem
(iv) Magnetic ink-character reader

(a) i. Robots are used to perform high electrode welding and working with machinery that are
dangerous, for e.g. presses and winders.

ii. Two advantages of using robots in industry are:

 reduction in the loss of human life
 reduced wastage of material due to human error caused by fatigue or interruptions
 reduced production time
 reduction in cost of production

iii. Two disadvantages of using robots in industry are:

 workers are displaced or unemployed
 less investment in human labour leading to increased poverty among unskilled

(b) Device Application

Scanner Desktop Publishing
Plotter Prints maps and architectural drawings
Modem Internet use and electronic mail
Magnetic Ink-character reader Banking, to read cheque numbers
encoded at the bottom of the cheques
Question 7
(a) In order to secure its data, a company uses the following method for encrypting text:

A letter is replaced by, five letters later in alphabetical order. For example, the letter “A” is replaced
by “F”, “B” is replaced by “G” and so on. Note that the letter “A” is considered to follow the letter

(i) What would the word “ESSAY” be stored as ?

(ii) What is the meaning of the following text? NLTYNY

(B) (i) What is the purpose of a password?

(ii) What is meant by the term ‘archiving’?
(iii) Within many organizations, data on personnel are stored in a central location from
various departments can access relevant information. STATE THREE problems that may
arise because of the sharing of this type of data.

(a) i. ESSAY would be stored as JXXFD

(b) i. A password is a special code, word or symbol that is required to access a computer
ii. Archiving is the storage of data no longer in use on tape or other durable mass storage
media for long term storage or backup.
iii. Three problems that can occur are:
 data can become incorrect or erased by deliberate tampering or human error
 unauthorized persons could access the data for personal gain
 violation of individual’s privacy

Question 8
Programs are written with the general purpose of solving problems. However, it is unlikely that a
program will run completely error-free on the first attempt. The process whereby a program is
checked to ensure that it does what it was designed for is important in the development of the
program. There are two main types of errors that can occur: one type of error occurs when the
programmer fails to properly think through the solution to the problem and the other occurs when the
programmer does not adequately know the rules of the programming language. It is good practice to
perform a manual trace on the program, using approximately selected input values, which checks
each segment of the program.

State the proper technical term of EACH of the underlined phrases labeled A to E

A. Desk checking or dry running
B. Logical error
C. Structured walkthrough
D. Test data

Question 9
Input A, B
If A<=B then

what is printed by the algorithm above if the input values are the following?

(i) 20 30
(ii) 100 100
(iii) 50 10
(b) Write a structured algorithm to prompt the user to input two values which are then stored in A
and B. The algorithm must divide A by B and print the result. The algorithm must keep
prompting for the second number as long as the user enters 0 (Zero) for the second number.

(a) (i) -10
(ii) 0
(iii) -40

(b) Print “Enter two values”

Input A,B
While B = 0 do
Input B
Result = A/B
Print Result

Question 10
(i) Write a structured algorithm which prompts a user to enter an integer value which is then stored
in a variable N. The algorithm must then print each integer from 1 to N and its corresponding
square. Each output line must show the integer and its square. You may assume that the user
would enter an integer value .
(ii) Modify the algorithm in (i) to determine the sum of all the squares. Print this sum if it is less than
or equal to 1000. Otherwise, print the following message:


Print “Enter Value”
Input N
For Counter = 1 to N do
Print Counter,Counter*Counter
Sum = 0
Printer “Enter Value”
Input N
For Counter = 1 to N do
Printer Counter, Counter*Counter
Sum = Sum + Counter*Counter
If Sum < = 1000
Print Sum


Question 1
Give ONE similarity and ONE difference between EACH of the following pairs:
(a) ROM and RA
(b) ROM and EPROM
(c) Hard Disk and Floppy Disk
(d) Primary Storage and Secondary Storage
(e) System software and Application software

(a) Similarity: ROM and RAM are both memory chips
Difference: RAM is volatile and ROM is not

(b) Similarity: Information on the ROM and EPROM chips is only for the computer to use
Difference: Information on the ROM chip is permanently stored, information on EPROM can be
erased and new instructions written to it.
(c) Similarity: Data stored on Floppy Disk and Hard Disk can be accessed without reading any other
data item first(DASD).
Difference: Floppy Disks are removable, Hard Disks cannot be easily moved from place to place.

(d) Similarity: They store data for processing.

Difference: Primary storage is volatile, and secondary storage is not.

(e) Similarity: Both are instructions carried out by the computer

Difference: Application software is used by end user to solve specific user problems while
System software is used by the computer to manage its activities.
Question 2
(a) Give brief explanations for EACH of the following terms:
(i) Wordsize (ii) Buffer
(iii) Microfilm (iv) Bandwith
(v) Wide area network

(i) What is electronic eavesdropping?
(ii) What is software piracy?
(iv) State TWO ways in which software piracy may be controlled.
(a) (i) The number of bits that is handed by the computer as a unit.The unit could represent an
instruction or data element.

(ii) Temporary storage area for data. The purpose of the buffer is to act as holding area for
data that has been processed by the CPU and waiting to be transmitted to a device, thus
freeing the CPU to continue its processing function.

(iii) A high resolution film on which photographic records are kept of documents or other
material, in greatly reduced size. To read the information a special optical viewer must
be used to enlarge the information on the microfilm for viewing.

(iv) The amount of data that can be sent through a network connection, measured in bits
per second (bps)

(v) A network in which computers are connected to each other over a long distance, using
telephone lines and satellite communications.

(b) (i) Linking into telecommunication channels to access information.

(ii) Software piracy is the illegal copying of software.
(iii) Software piracy can be controlled by the following methods:
 the use of passwords that allow only authorized persons to access and use software.
 Setting up laws which punish persons who engage in software piracy.

Question 3
Writing a program to solve a problem.

Before writing a program in high level language, it is advisable to write an algorithm that solves the
problem. This algorithm can be written in pseudocode and tested thoroughly for logic errors.
Perform a dry-run of the algorithm using a wide variety of test data to ensure that your algorithm
works for all possible cases. Next, convert your algorithm to the high level language. Compile your
program and correct any syntax errors which you may have. Run your program an use the same set
of test data you used for the dry-run, if you get the same results, your program is working correctly.

Explain the meanings of EACH of the underlined terms.

 High level language is one that is more intelligible to human beings and, before it
can be understood by the machine it has to be converted to a form that the C machine
can understand.
 Pseudocode is a form of representation used to provide an outline description of the
specification for a software module.
 Logic errors are errors that occur when the programmer fails to properly think
through the solution to a program. A dry-run is the execution of a program for
purposes of checking that the program behaves correctly rather than for producing
useful results.
 To compile a program is to translate the entire source code (all statements) to its
object code before execution takes place.
 Syntax errors occur when the programmer does not adequately know the rules of
the programming language.
Question 4
The Insure Now Insurance Company has its head office in Bridgetown, Barbados, The company has
one computer, on which it stores all company data. The company handles a lot of confidential client
data. Each client is assigned to a particular agent. You do not want agents to see confidential
information about other agent’s clients.

(a) How can you prevent agents from viewing one another confidential files?

(b) State TWO precautionary measures which can be taken to ensure that in the case of a fire, all
client data is preserved.
(a) Agents can be prevented from viewing each other’s files by giving each agent a
password that
can be used to view their file only, preventing others from doing so.

(b) TWO precautionary measures are:

 the use of fire proof cabinets to store data
 copy all documents and store them in a building away from yhe present location of
the business.

Question 5
(a) What is “teleconferencing”
(b) State TWO advantages of teleconferencing.
(c) State FOUR hardware requirements for teleconferencing.

(a) Teleconferencing is the means by which participants are able to conduct
interactive electronic
meetings between one or more distant locations.

(b) TWO advantages of teleconferencing are:

 The cost for traveling is reduced as participants can remain where they are, not
traveling long distances.
 The time for traveling is reduced.

(c) Four hardware requirements for teleconferencing are:

 Telephone
 Modem
 Speakers
 Microphone
Question 6
(a) (i) State ONE advantage of machine language over a high level language.
(ii) State TWO advantages of a high level language over machine language.

(b) State THREE advantages of computer networks.

(a) (i) No translation is necessary for computer to execute the instruction.
(ii) – High level language is more intelligible to human beings than machine language.
- Programs written in high level language are portable, that is they can be used on other
machines with little or no modification.
(b) (i) Information can be shared between computer terminals .
(ii) Costs can be reduced as scanners, printers etc., can be shared.
(iii) Reduction in paper cost and telephone cost because electronic mail can be used as a
communication tool.

Question 7
(a) Convert 9910 to its binary equivalent.

(b) Add the two binary numbers 1101012 and 110112 , giving the solution in decimal form.

(c) Explain how an integer could be represented using BCD.

(d) Give the BCD representation of -6510

2 99 1
2 49 1
2 24 0
2 12 0
2 6 0
2 3 1
2 1 1
9910 = 11000112


1 1 0 1 0 12
+ 1 1 0 1 12

1 0 1 0 0 0 02

Converting 1010000 to decimal form

1 0 1 0 0 0 0
26 25 24 23 22 21 20
= 2 6 + 24
= 64 + 16
= 8010
(c) We convert an integer in its BCD representation by:

1. Converting each digit in the integer to its binary value using a four bit coding scheme.
2. Joining the four bit representation of each bit in the same order as the integer
3. if the integer is negative attach 1011 to the left of the bit string to indicate that the number
is negative or 1010 to the left of the bit string to indicate that the number is positive.


6 5
1011 0110 0101

The BCD value of -65 is 101101100101

Question 8
(a) Write an algorithm which reads three values, a,b and c and prints the largest of all
(b) This part is based on the algorithm given below.

set A to 3
set B to 5
set SUM to 1
while A<=50 do
A= A+B
B= B+A
Print SUM

Using the algorithm above

(i) copy and complete the trace table which follows:

3 5 1
(ii) State what is printed by the algorithm


If a = b and a = c then
Print “Numbers are equal”

If a > = b then
Largest = a
Largest = b

If c >= largest then

Largest = c

Print largest.

(b) i.
3 5 1
8 13 14
21 34 48
55 89 137

ii. 137

Question 9
Write an algorithm to read a positive integer N and find the average of all even numbers between 1
and N inclusive. Perform any necessary validates.

Read N
if N < = 0 then
print “Invalid Entry”
SUM = 0
NUM = 0
while SUM < = (N-1) do
SUM = SUM + 2

Question 10
Write an algorithm to read the names of 10 items and their price and print the name of the item with
the highest price. Assume that no items have the same price. Data is supplied in the form: Item 1,
price 1, price 2, etc

read item
read price
hprice = price
hitem = item
for COUNTER = 1 to 9 do
read item
read price
if price > hprice then
hprice = price
hitem = item
print “Highest item with highest price”, hitem


Question 1
(a) Fortrans was the first third generation language. What are the features distinguishing the third
generation from the first & second generation?

(b) Give the meaning of the following;

i. Logic
ii. Test data
iii. Source code
iv. Variable

(c) What are the responsibilities of the Chief Programmer?

(a) The features distinguishing the third –generation languages from the first and second
generations are:

 Third generation language uses words, sentences and mathematical formulas, while
first generation uses ones and zeros. second generation language uses assembly
 Third generation language has a special way of organization program instructions
known as a syntax.
 Third generation language in comparison to first and second generation languages is
easier for human to understand.

 Logic error- An error caused by a mistake in programming instructions. A logic
error causes a program to operate wrongly or produce incorrect results but does not
stop the program from working.
 Test data – Approximately selected input data for testing computer systems to ensure
that it fulfills the purpose for which it was created.
 Source code- Source code is a program written in a high level programming
 Variable – A named storage location in memory where data is stored temporarily
during program execution and whose content constantly changes.

(c) The responsibilities of the Chief Programmer are:

1. co-ordinates programming tasks among programmers
2. leads and guides programming projects
3. writes computer programs
Question 2
Write down what EACH of the following abbreviations stand for, and what is the purpose of EACH
of the components listed?

(a) PROM
(b) CPU
(c) ALU
(d) RAM

(a) PROM- programmable Read Only Memory – has no data on it when first manufactured.
Computer manufactures then place the information on the chip, and when this is
done the chip becomes read only.
(b) CPU - Central Processing Unit-this is where all processing takes place. It interprets and
executes program instructions as well as, communicates with input, output and
storage devices.
(c) ALU- Arithmetic and Logic Unit –performs
. all arithmetic operations
. all logical operations
. stores the data which can be immediately processed by the program
(d) RAM- Random Access Memory:
. stores program instructions prior to execution
. stores the data which can be immediately processed by the program
. stores information temporarily after processing is complete.

Question 3
(a) Explain the difference between data and information.

(b) Explain the following terms

(ii) WAN

(b) Which of the following are of serial-access type?

(i) Microfilm
(ii) Microfiche
(iii) Reel-to-reel tape
(iv) Cartridge tape
(a) The difference between data and information is:
Data is raw, unprocessed fact. Information is processed or interpreted data that can be used.

(b) (i) UPLOAD- The transfer of files from one computer to a mainframe or a server via a
network such as the internet.
(ii) WAN- Wide Area Network, group of networks connected over a large geographic
area such as city, country or continent.
(c) The following storage media are serial access:

(iii) Reel-to-reel tape (iv) Cartridge tape

Question 4

Outline the THREE main functions of a computer’s operating system
How does a ‘pull-down menu’ help you in completing your task more easily?
Give the MOST important advantage of primary storage over secondary storage.
Give the MOST important advantage of disk storage over tape storage.
In using diskettes, one precaution is “keep diskettes away from magnetic
Give THREE further precautions in the use of diskettes to store files.
(a) THREE main functions of the computer’s operating system are:
(i) Controls program execution
(ii) Handles input and output to and from attached hardware devices
(iii) Manages data and file storage
(iv) Assigns different tasks to the CPU

(b) A pull down menu helps in completing tasks more easily by providing the user with a list of user
friendly commands, that can be executed by simply clicking the command.

(b) The access time for primary storage is faster than that of secondary storage

(c) Disk storage allows quicker retrieval of data because it is direct access media.

(e) THREE further precautions in handling diskettes are:

(i) Do not bend the diskette
(ii) Never touch the recording surface of the diskette
(iii) Keep the diskette away from heat surfaces
(iv) Do not remove or insert diskette if the drive light is on
(v) Do not write on diskette except with soft tip pen

Question 5
(a) Which print output devices is best suited for printing an architectural drawing of the front
view of a new building, and why?

(b) A dot matrix printer is producing very faded output. Give ONE likely reason for this
problem, and explain what must be done to remedy it.

(c) Explain the operation of the light pen.

(d) Give ONE similarity and ONE difference between OCR and MICR.

(a) The printer output device that is best suited for printing an architectural drawing of
the front
view of new building is a plotter. A plotter produces large sized documents by using special
mechanism to draw lines that constitute a document.

(b) If a dot matrix printer is producing very faded output it could be that the ink on the
ribbon is finishing and the ribbon needs to be re-inked or replaced.
(c) A light pen detects the presence and absence of light on a surface. This information sent to the
computer that interprets it.

(c) ONE similarity and ONE difference between OCR and MICR operation is that

Similarity – both read and convert text into electrical signals that are converted to character by
the computer.

Difference—The MICR reads only magnetizes or magnetic characters.

Question 6
(a) A certain computer uses an unsigned binary floating point representation for positive real numbers.
The mantissa is an 8-bit normalized fraction and the exponent is an 8-bit, two’s complement integer
In a particular case, the mantissa is 10010011 and the exponent is 00110011. what is the number
being represented?

(b) Convert the binary number 01010101 to decimal number

(c) Convert the decimal number 7 (seven) to a binary number.


(a) The number being represented is

1.10010011* 200110011
=1.10010011* 251
=(1*20 + 1* 2-1 + 1* 2-4 + 1* 2-7 + 1* 2-8)*251
=(1*28 + 1*27 + 1* 24 + 1* 21 + 1* 20)*243 = (256+128+16+2+1)*243
= 403 * 243

(b) The decimal value of 01010101 is:

0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1
128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1
64 + 16 + 4 + 1 = 86

(c) The binary value of the decimal number 7 is:

2 7 1
2 3 1
2 1 1


Question 7
(a) The use of information for strategic purposes can sometimes involve a violation of ethics. Give
TWO ways in which this statement is true.

(b) In dealing with computer security, explain ONE advantage of software restrictions compared with
physical restrictions.

(c)What is ‘telecommuting’? what major development has contributed to making telecommuting a

Feasible option?

(a) TWO ways in which the statement is true is:

i. Customer information is distributed or sold without their knowledge to individual/company who use
the information for strategic purposes.

ii. Invasion of privacy by the monitoring of electronic mails of millions of customer whose data are
stored in private and public databases. Then using the information gathered to assist in strategic
planning of product output.

(b) Software restriction prevents access of information in any location. Physical restriction just
prevents physical contact with the software. If the barrier is broken, the information may be

(c) Telecommuting is working at home by sending information (via phone, fax and computer) from
home to the office. The major developments that have contributed to making telecommuting
a feasible option are:

(i) Telephone (ii) Modem (iii) The Internet (iv) Fax Machine

Question 8
The following terms relate to memory and data storage. Give the meaning and purpose of EACH

(a) Backing up
(b) Read/Write head
(c) Address
(d) Access time
Relation to memory and storage:
(a) Backing up- The routine activity of duplicating computer files or database on
secondary storage media. This is done to preserve information in the case of data destruction
because of equipment failure or other catastrophe.

(b) Read/Write head- A read/write head is the device that reads data from and writes
data ontoa
storage medium in magnetic pattern.

(c) Address- A unique number that references a location in computer memory.

(c) Access time- the time for the read/write head to move to the correct track plus the
time for
half a complete rotation of the disk platter.

Question 9
Consider the following:

Z = X-Y-Z
Z= X+Y+Z

What is printed by the algorithm if the input is:

(a) 1,1,1?
(b) 1,2,3?
1 1 1
-1 2 1
the following is printed: -1,1,1


1 2 3
-2 3 2
The following is printed: -2,1,2

Question 10
A certain account at a bank earns compound interest on a yearly basis, and has no deposits or
withdrawals. The balance after a year is given by the formula:

This year’s Balance= Last Year’s Balance *( 1 + Interest Rate), where Interest Rate is given as a
decimal fraction.( for example, 25% must be entered as 0.25)

Write a structured algorithm to do the following:

(a) Request the user to provide the interest rate as a decimal, the number of years to
compute interest
for and the starting balance.
(b) Read in the interest rate R, and the value N which is the number of years to
compute interest for.
(c) Read in the starting balance.

(d) Compute and display the balance, including the interest, after N years have


Print “Enter the interest rate”

Read (R)
Print “Enter the number of years to computer interest for”
Read (N)
Print “Enter the starting balance”
Read (Last_Year_Balance)

For counter = 1 to N do

This_Year_Balance = Last_Year_Balance *(1 + R)

Last_Year_ Balance = This_year_Balance


Print “The balance after :”,N, “years is : “,This_Year_Balance

Print “The interest rate: “,R


(a) Name the TWO main component of the central Processing Unit.
(b) For the two component named in part (a),discuss their MAIN functions.
(c) Give ONE difference between PROM and EPROM
(d) What is ‘half-duplex transmission’
(a) The TWO main component of the Central Processing Unit are:
I. The Control Unit
II. The Arithmetic /Logic Unit (ALU)

(b) Their MAIN functions are:

The Control Unit
 Reads and interprets program instruction
 Directs the operation of the internal processor component
 Controls the flow of programs and data in and out of primary memory
 Controls the flow of information to and from I/O devices
The Arithmetic/Logical Unit (ALU)
 Performs all arithmetic operations
 Performs logical operations
 Stores the data which can be immediately processed by the program instructions

(c) ONE difference between PROM and EPROM is that once an instruction is
written on a PROM chip it cannot be erased. EPROM, on the other hand , can
be programmed electronically at any time and can be erased with ultra violet

(d) Half-duplex transmission is the transmission of data on only one direction at

any given time.

Question 2
(a) you have saved a file on diskette. You later find that although you see the file
listed, you cannot
open the file from the diskette. Give ONE possible cause for this problem

(b) One of the things done in high level format is the creation of a File Allocation
Table. What is the
purpose of the File Allocation Table?

(c) Explain how a fixed-head system on a hard disk unit can reduce the access time
for the device.

(d) With reference to a hard disk arrangement, give the difference between a track and a cylinder.

(d) A hard disk system has six disk surfaces, with one moving head for each
surface. A certain track
has ten sectors forming a ring, each sector carrying ½ K-byte. How many

i) bytes are there in each ½ K-byte sector?

ii) K-bytes are there in the entire cylinder?

(a) The Diskette may have damaged sectors.

(b) The file allocation table (FAT):

 Lists all of the clusters available on a disk
 Keeps track of which clusters belong to which file as files may be scattered all over a
 Locates each cluster and determines whether it is damaged in use or available for use

(C) Access time is equal to the time for the read/write head to move to the correct track plus the time
for half a complete rotation of the disk platter. With a fixed head system the time to locate the
track is eliminated because each track has it own read/write head.

(e) The difference between a track and a cylinder is that a track is a circular ring on
one side of the
disk, while a cylinder is a set of corresponding tracks running vertically through the disk pack.


I. ½ K-byte =1024/2 bytes = 512 bytes

II. 10* .5*6 =30K-bytes per cylinder

Question 3
(a) An old 30- pin memory module (SIMM) was capable of providing one byte at a time
to the CPU. A 32- bit machine would require four of these to work together in a
single bank. Explain why is this so.

(b) Integers are good for representing discrete data. Real numbers and floating point
values are good for representing continuous data. Explain these statements.

(a) 1 Byte = 8 Bits

32 Bits is therefore equal to 32/8 = 4 Bytes.
Four of the old 30-pin memory module ( SIMM) would be needed because each represents
one byte of data.

(b) Integers are whole numbers and do not have a decimal part , discrete data vary in
steps and is therefore suitably represented by integers. Real numbers and floating point
value do not vary in distinct steps but change smoothly and continuously over a range.
They are therefore used to represent continuous data, that is, data that is related to a scale
of measurements where there is always an additional data point between any two adjacent

Question 4

(a) Explain why magnetic tape is a serial access medium.

(b) Explain why a floppy disk is considered a direct access medium.
(c)What is Microfilm?


(a) A magnetic tape is a serial access medium because all data between the persent
position of the read/write head and the required data has to be passed over the data can
be accessed.

(b) A floppy disk is considered a direct access medium because it allows required data to be
accessed directly without reading any other data item first

(c) A high resolution film on which photographic records are kept of documents or other
material, in greatly reduced size. To read the information a special optical viewer must be
used to enlarge the information on the microfilm for viewing.

Question 5

(a) Give two applications for the use of Optical Mark Reader (OMR).
(b) Give two meanings of the abbreviation OCR.
(c) Explain why a monitor screen specified as “ 1024* 768” is expected to give a clearer
picture than one specified as “ 640*480”
(d) Give one advantage and one disadvantage of a touch as compared to the use of the mouse.
(e) Give the difference between “ custom software” and “ customize software.”


(a) Application for OMR includes the following:

I. The marking of multiple choice papers
II. To read information collected on market research questionnaires
III. In supermarket for reordering stock.

(b) Two meanings for the abbreviation OCR are Optical Character Recognition and
Optical Character Reader.

(c)The monitor screen of “ 1024* 768” has more dots or pixels per inch and is therefore
able to produce more detailed images and thus gives a clearer picture than the “640*
480” screen.

(d) Advantages: - requires less eye and hand coordination

- does not require the fine movements of using a mouse
- requires less desk space

Disadvantages: - fingers are bigger than cursors and therefore each option requires
more screen space.

- may become tiring if a lot of options have to be selected.

(e) Custom software is software specially created to serve the needs of a specific
Individual or company. Customized software is general software that can be modified by the
customer to better serve his personal needs

Question 6

(a) Using an 8- bit binary representation, give the

 binary representation for the decimal number 10
 one’s complement representation for the decimal number negative 10
 two’s complement representation for the decimal number negative 10
 sign and magnitude representation for the decimal number negative 10
(b) Using even parity with an 8- bit data byte, where the leftmost bit is to be used as the
parity bit,which of the following are valid bit patterns?
 00000000
 00000011
 00000010
 10000001


2 10 0
2 5 1
2 2 0
2 1 1

1010 = 000010102

(ii) The one’s complement representation for the decimal number negative 10 is:
11110101{ we change all the ones to zeroes and all the zeroes to ones

(iii) The two’s complement representation fot the decimal number negative 10 is:

(iv) Sign and magnitude representation for the decimal number negative 10 is:

(b) I Valid
Ii Valid
Iii Invalid
Iv Valid

Question 7

(a) Mr. J’s basic computer system has a monitor, keyboard, system unit, mouse and
modem. Give two additional devices that would enhance each of the following:
i. Game Playing
ii. Teleconferencing
iii. Presenting a report
(b)Explain the difference in operation between a line printer and a character printer.


(a) i. Game Playing- Joystick, Game pads

ii.Teleconferencing- Webcam, Microphone
iii.Presenting a Report- Multimedia projector, Speakers

(b) The difference in operation between a line printer and a character is, line printer
prints much faster than a character printer. Character printer prints one character
at a time using an impact technology and are therefore noisy. The line printer
prints a line at a time using either a laser or inkjet technology and are therefore
very quiet and much faster than a character printer.

Question 8

(a) Give two reasons why someone might join the newsgroup
(b) Explain the major difference between internet relay chat and electronic mail
(c) Give the meaning of the following abbreviations, and for each case, explain the


(a) 1. To participate in discussion of a particular interest or distance learning.

2. To publish personal literary or artist work so as to solicit feed back from a wide cross-
section of individual.

(b)The major difference between internet relay chat and electronic mail is that the IRC allows
two or more persons to participate in interactive real time discussion on a specific topic via
the internet while email does not allow for real time interaction and you can send messages
on any topic imaginable to an individual or group.

(c) i. HTML- Hyper Text Markup Language- a programming language used to create
web pages.
ii. FTP- File Transfer Protocol- FTP is a set of rules for communication over the
internet that enables you to locate a file stored on a computer or server elsewhere
and retrieve the file and either view it or save it to your computer. It Also enables
an individual to transfer files from their computer to a computer somewhere else

iii, CADD- Computer Assisted Design and Drafting- facilities the use of
computer to produce drawings(2D and 3D) that would normally be prepared

Question 9

(a) A large company offers free transportation or a transport allowance to its employees.
For this purpose it has prepared a list of the names and addresses of employees. In those
areas with many persons needing a transport, the company provides transportation.
i. Besides name and addresses, One of the other item of information that might
be desirable in this case .
ii. Explain one way in which the information here might be misused.

(c) A foreign university keeps records of past students performance on a computer database.
The entired building is destroyed by fire, along with the records. Give two methods that
might have been used to allow the record- keeping to continue.


(a) i. Besides name and addresses, one other item of information that might be desirable in
this case is the person telephone number or email address.
ii. One way in which the information collected here may be misused is if the individual’s
personal information is use for other purpose than that which it was intended without the
person’s permission.

(b) 1. use of a fire proof cabinet

2. use of a USB Flash Drive/ CD Burner/ Tape Drive to create copies the data that is
stored in a safe off site place.

Question 10

(a) Explain the term ‘electronic eavesdropping.’

(b) In the case of an encrypt file, what is the purpose of a password?
(c) Give two typical responsibilities of a network manager.


(a) Electronic eavesdropping is the intentional surveillance of data- voice, data, fax, email,
mobile telephones etc, often for dishonest purposes.
(b) In the case of an encrypted file, the purpose of a password is to grant access to decrypted
the file to authorized persons.
(c) 1. Monitor the network’s performance
2. Trouble- shooting of problems encountered by the users of the network
3. To grant access rights to employees.
Question 11

Write an algorithm or program to read in two numbers and find the average of the


Read Numb 1
Read Numb 2
Average= ( Numb1 + Numb 2)/2

Question 12

Write an algorithm to read the names and prices of 100 items, and print the names of
those items with price being lee than fifty dollars.


For counter = 1 to 100 do begin

Read item- Name
Read Price
If Price < 50.00 then
Print Item- Name
End If
End For

Question 13

A concert organizer wants to charge different entrance prices as follows:

Males over the age of fifteen pay $50. Females over fifteen years old pay $40. Females
fifteen years old or younger must pay $20, males firteen and under pay $30. No person
under two is allowed. Write a program or algorithm to read the name, age and sex of each
patron, and for each person, to print out the names and entrance fee. The program must
stop when it encounters a person named “END.”


Read name
Read age
Read sex

While name<> “END” Do Begin

If age>15 and sex = “ Male” then
Print name

End If
If Age > 15 and sex = “Females” then
Print name
Print “$40.00”

End If
If age<= 15 and age >=2 and sex = “ Males” then
Print name
Print “$30.00”
End IF
If age <= 15 and age >=2 and sex =”Females” then
Print name
Print” $20.00”
End If
IF age <2
Print “ Persons under two years of age not allowed”

End If
Read name
Read age
Read sex

Question 14

(a) Copy and complete the following trace table, for the algorithm.

1 2 3

The algorithm:
X= 1
Y =2
Z =3
Z = Z+ X
X = Z-X
Y = Z+Y
Z = Y-Z
Y = Y-X-Z

Print X, Y,Z

What is finally printed by the algorithm?


X Y Z Printed
1 2 3 3,1,2
3 6 4
1 2

(c) The following is printed by the algorithm:



Question 1

(a) List TWO advantages of secondary storage for long term storage of data, as compare to using
the computer’s main memory.

(b). i. Identify TWO input devices that are regularly used at point-of-Sale Terminals, and briefly
describe how they function.

ii. List TWO locations at which point-of-Sale Terminals are helpful.

(c) Explain the difference between ‘data’ and ‘information’

(d) State one similarity in the operation of Optical Mark Readers and barcodes.


(a) i. Secondary storage is non-volatile and therefore more permanent

ii. Larger amounts of data maybe stored using secondary storage than the main memory.
iii. Secondary storage is less likely to be lost by virus attacks and therefore more secure.

(b) i. Barcode Reader- The barcode reader contains a scanning device that scans the
information contained on the barcode of a product and sends it to the computer. The
barcode reader contains a decoder that analyzes this information before it is sent to the

-Keyboard- Information is sent to the CPU by pressing the keys on the keyboard the
pressing of the key generates a code that represents the character associated with the key.
The code is sent to the CPU for processing.
-Credit/debit card reader- The reader picks up the information contained on the
magnetic strip on the back of the card and sends it to the computer.

ii.Locations at which point-of-sale terminals are helpful are:

-Restaurants -Gas Station -Supermarkets -Clothes Store

(c) Data is raw facts and figures collected by an individual or organization. Information is
defined as data that have been processed and analyzed in a formal, intelligent way.

(d) Both detect the presence or absence of a mark.

Question 2
(a) A computer user suspects that the laser printers toner cartridge is about to run out.
Suggest ONE way in which the user can tell whether or not the toner is about to finish.
(b) In handling diskettes, one precaution is “keep diskettes away from liquids”. Give
THREE further precautions to be taken in the handling of diskettes.
(c) Tapes storage involves “Serial Access”. Briefly, explain the meaning of the term ‘Serial
access’, highlighting and disadvantage that this kind of access may have.

(a) 1. One way in which the user can tell whether or not the toner is about to finish is to
note the print quality of the printer. Laser printers have high print quality therefore, if
the prints is faded one can conclude that the toner is about to finish.
2. The status of the toner cartridge will be displayed on the computer screen or for some
printers on the printer’s display screen.

(b) i. Keep diskettes away from magnetic fields such as telephones or electric motors.
ii.Do not expose diskettes to direct sunlight for prolonged periods.
iii.Don’t insert or remove a diskette from a disk drive if the “drive actives” light is on.

(c) Serial Access involves writing to or reading information from a storage device in
sequential order. The disadvantage of this kind of access is the high access time as all
data occurs before the required data has to be read.

Question 3
Complete the following paragraphs, using the terms supplied in the listing below. LIST OF
TERMS (some orall may be used): arithmetic and logic unit, backing store, control unit,
cylinders, heads, internal memory, program, sectors, tracks.

(a) In order to execute a (A) which is stored on the computer, the computer must read
the instructions from its (B) into its (C) the (D) then pick each
instruction in turn, passing any mathematical or logic operations over the (E) until the
entire sequence is completed.

(b) The data stored on a high density 3 ½ inch diskette is arranged in 80 circular (F) forming
rings on the surface of the disk each ring is divided into 18 (G) having ½ k-bytes each a
hard disk has multiple surfaces. The corresponding rings on those surfaces are directly above and
below each other, On a hard disks, these rings, one above the other, are said to form (H) .
(a) In order to execute a (A)Program which is stored on the computer, the computer must read
the instructions from its (B)backing store into its (C)Internal Memory. The *(D)control unit
then picks each instruction in turn, passing any mathematical or logic operations over to the
(E)arithmetic and logic unit until the entire sequence is completed.

(b) The data stored on a high density 3 ½ inch diskette is arranged in 80 circular (F)tracks
forming rings on the surface of the disk each ring is divided into 18 (G)sectors having ½ k-byte
each. A hard disk has multiple surfaces. The corresponding rings those surfaces are directly
above and below each other. On a hard disk, these rings, one above the other, are said to form

Question 4

(a) With regard to data storage, what is the difference between a byte and a word?

(b) Explain the difference between odd parity and even parity.

(c) With respect to information being read from a hard disk, what is the purpose of a BUFFER?

(d) Suggest ONE use for which a DVD is more suitable than CD.

(e) The information contained in ROM (Read Only Memory) cannot be changed. What is the
purpose of the ROM?


(a) With regard to data storage, a byte for micro computer represents eight bits used to store or
represent a single character. A word is usually a multiple of bytes. For example 2 bytes (16bits),
4 bytes (32bits) or 8 bytes (4bits).

(b) Even Parity- If a character or number is stored as a pattern of bits that contains an odd
number of ones, a 1 *the parity bit) is added to make the number of ones an even number. When
the bit not even, an error is reported and the bit pattern declared corrupt.
Odd Parity- Similar to Even Parity in that if a bit pattern contains an even number of ones
the parity bit makes it odd with the same results at the receiving end.

(c) A Buffer is an internal memory area used for temporary storage of data read from a hard disk
during data retrieved operation.

(d) One use for which a DVD is more suitable than a CD is for storing movies.

(e) The information contained in ROM (Read Only Memory) cannot be changed. The purpose of
the ROM is to store instructions and data permanently. ROM is typically used to store things that
will never change for the life of the computer, such as low level portions of an operating system.

Question 5

(a) Explain briefly what is meant by “the resolution of visual display unit”.
(b) What is
i. Point-to-point transmission
ii. A voice response unit
iii. A bulletin Board.


(a) The resolution of a visual display unit is the number of pixels or dots horizontally and
vertically on a monitor screen and corresponds to the clarity and sharpness of the image that the
unit is able to display. The denser the array of dots the better the resolution.

(b) i. Point-to-Point transmission- is communication between two designed stations only.

ii. A Voice response unit- a type of voice synthesis that forms sentences by linking pre-
recorded words from a database.

iii.A Bulletin Board- is a central on-line community similar to a wall mounted bulletin board
that, allow uses in computer network to exchange information via a centralized message

Question 6
The eight-bit representation of the decimal number 25 is 00011001.
(a) What is the two’s complement representation of NEGATIVE 25?

(b) What are the sign and magnitude representations of NEGATIVE 25?

(c) What is the decimal equivalent of 00110111?

(d) The ASCII representation of ‘H’ is 01001000.

What is the ASCII representation of ‘D’?

(a) The one complement of 00011001 is
The two’s complement of 00011001 is
+ 1

(b) The sign and magnitude representation of NEGATIVE 25? is:

(c) The decimal equivalent of 00110111 is

0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1
128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1

32 + 16 + 4 + 2 + 1 = 55
(d) D= H-4 { D is $ consecutive spaces to the lift of H}
H= 010010002 =72
D= 72-4 = 68
68= 010001002
D= 010001002

Question 7

The list below contains hardware and software aspects of interface. These are hardware aspects:
List the hardware.

(a) Command line (b) Touch Screen (c) Icons (d) Pull-down menus (e) Start button (f)Status bar

Touch Screen

Question 8
(a) How can an “expert system” be of value to a doctor?

(b) List TWO obstacles to be overcome before natural-language programming could become part
of everyday life.

(c) “ Robots replace humans”. Give TWO advantages and TWO disadvantages of using robots.

(d) Suggest TWO ways in which a high school student could benefit from using a newsgroup.

(a) An “Expert system “ can be of value to a doctor by assisting the doctor in obtaining a
second opinion on a diagnosis or providing the doctor with additional ideas relating to the

(b) i. Developing of natural language to understand the many dialects of the English
Language is needed.
ii. Getting the computer to “understand” the semantic meaning of a phrase or a sentence
and to link the concepts in a meaningful way.

(c) Advantages.1. Reduced production time

2. Reduced wastage of material due to human error caused by fatigue or

Disadvantages 1. Human labour is placed causing unemployment.

2. Less investment in human labour leading to increased poverty among
unskilled workers.

(d) i. To get information needed for research

ii. broader perspective on a subject can be gained.
iii. Sharing of knowledge with others.

Question 9
Explain what is
(a) Internet Relay Chat
(b) A synthesizer
(c) Videotext
(d) A web browser
(e) Archiving

(a) Internet Relay Chat (IRC) is a multi-Channel Chat system that is run on a computer
network. It gives people all over the world the ability to talk (type) to each one othe in
real time each user has a nickname and converses with other users either in private or
on a channel (chat room)
(b) Synthesizer is an electronic musical instrument designed to produce artificially
generated sound, using techniques such as additive, subtractive, FM, Physical
modeling synthesis, or phrase distortion.
(c) Videotext communication service that is linked to an adopted television receiver or a
personal computer by telephone lines, cable television facilities, or the like. It allows
a user to retrieve and display alphanumeric and pictorial information at home.
(d) Web browser software programs that help one navigate the web and access. Text,
graphics, hyperlinks, audio, video, and other multimedia. Browser work by
“translating” or “interpreting” hypertext markup language (HTML) the code
embedded in web pages that tells them how to look. Browsers read this code and
display the web page accordingly
(e) Archiving is a system that allows all email messages passing through a server to be
securely archived or stored, either on the same machine or to a secure off site
location. Archiving provides the ability to store all message passing through a GMS
server to a specific archive (or store). This archive can either be local to the mail
server, or more normally at a secure off site location
Question 10
(a) What is the difference between a web page and a website?
(b) List THREE responsibilities of a systems analyst.
(c) i. Briefly explain the difference between data integrity and data security
ii. Outline ONE method of ensuring the integrity of the data.

(a)The difference between a web page and a website is basically about quantity. A single web
document (an HTML file) is considered a web page. Groups of web pages constitute a website.

(b) i. designing information systems.

ii. performing feasibility studies
iii. performing system reviews.

(c) i. data integrity is the property that data meets a prior expectation of quality and accuracy
from capture the use. Data security, however, is the protection of data from unauthorized
( accidental or intentional) modification, destruction, or disclosure. ii. One method of ensuring
the integrity of the data is to employ parity checking in the encoding and transmission of data.

Even Parity- If a frame contains an odd number of ones, a 1 (the parity bit) is added to make the
number of ones an even number. When the frame is received, if the number of
ones is not even, an error is reported and the frame declared corrupt.
Odd Parity- similar to even parity in that if a frame contains an even number of ones the parity
bit makes it odd with the same results at the receiving end.

Question 11
Write an algorithm using pseudocode to do the following sequence at tsks:
(a) Read in the values of two numbers
(b) Find the product of the two numbers
(c) Find the sum of the two numbers
(d) Check whether the product is bigger than the sum.
If the product is bigger, it must print a message to say so, and if the product is not bigger it must
print a message saying that the product is not bigger.

(a) READ Numb1
READ Numb2

(b) Prod = Numb 1* Numb2

(c) Sum = Numb + Numb2

(d) If Prod>Sum then begin

Print “The Product is Bigger”
If Sum = Prod the begin
Print “ Product is not bigger”
If Sum = Prod the begin
Print “ Product and sum is equal”

Question 12
Write an algorithm to find the sum of M numbers where the user supplies the value of M and
types in the numbers, in response to the prompts generated by the program.

Sum = 0
Read = M
For counter = 1 to M do
Print “Enter Number”
Read Numb
Sum = Sum + Numb

Question 13
Consider the following routine:
Z =X*X+Y*Y
PRINT “ The sum of square is; “Z
For EACH of the first two lines of code, write a comment to indicate what the code does.
Line 1- Read or accepts value that are stored in the variables X and Y
Line 2- Square the value in X and square the value in Y and odd the two squares and store the
result in Z
Line 3- Output the phrase “ the sum of square is “, followed by the value in Z

Question 14
(a) How is object code obtained from source code?
(b) Briefly explain the difference between source code and object code.

(a) The Object Code is obtained from the source code by compilation or interpretation of
source code.

(b) The Source Code is the program written (coded) in an high level language by the

The object code is the machine language version of the source coded that is created by the
compiler or the interpreter.


Question 15
Consider the following code
A=A+ B

Using a trace table, or other wise, determine the values printed in the final statement, when the
input value of A and B are (a) 1, 2 (b) 3, 4

1 2 4,0
3 1
4 0

4, 0 is printed.
3 4 13 , 0
7 3
10 2
12 1
13 0
13, 0 is printed

Question 16
Write a program in basic, PASCAL or another specified language (NOT pseudocode) to do the
i. Announce (with a printed statement) that it will find the volumes of sets of
ii. Ask how many boxes there are
iii. For each box, ask for the length, width, and height.
iv. Compute the volume of EACH box. If the values of length, width and height
are all greater than zero, then print the volume.
v. When finished with all the boxes, print the message: “olumes have been

Program volume (Input, Output);
Vol, length, Width, Height: Real;
N_of_Boxes, counter: Integer;
WriteIn (“This program will calculate the volume of a set of boxes”).
WriteIn (“Enter the number of boxes in the set”);
Read (N_of_Boxes);
For counter: = 1 to N_of_Boxes do begin
Write (“Enter the length of the box:);ReadIn (width);
Write (“Enter the height of the box:);ReadIn (Height);
Vol: = Length * Width * Height;
If Vol>0 then
WriteIn (“Volume of boxes:, “Vol: 5:2);
WriteIn (“Volumes have been found”);

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