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TEST CODE 01329020

FORM TP 2010012 JANUARY 2010


Paper 02 – Technical Proficiency
Word Processing
Database Management
2 hours

13 JANUARY 2010 (a.m.)

No printing is to be done in the 2 hours allotted for the examination.

Time will be given for printing at the end of the examination.

1. Answer ALL questions in the order given.
2. Read the instructions carefully before attempting EACH question.
3. Perform the instructions for EACH question in the order given.

4. Report any problems with the computer or software to the invigilator who will, if possible,
grant you extra time to make up for time lost.

5. If problems are experienced in printing your files, you may request aid from the invigilator
or teacher. Printing is not considered part of the examination.
6. After printing, it is your responsibility to ensure that:
(a) All side perforations (if any) are removed.

(b) Continuous paper (if used) is separated into single sheets which are then put
together in the correct order.
(c) Your candidate number appears in the upper right-hand corner of every page.
(d) Each page is correctly labelled with the name(s) of the files being printed.
(e) All pages being attached belong to you.
Failure to comply with these requests could be disadvantageous to you.

7. A diskette will be provided which must be submitted together with all printouts at the end
of the examination. Note that the examination will be marked from the printed output
and NOT from the diskette.
8. An adequate amount of stationery will be supplied.


Copyright © 2009 Caribbean Examinations Council ®.

All rights reserved.
01329020/JANUARY/F 2010

Answer ALL questions.

Perform instructions in the order given.

Save your work at regular intervals as you proceed.

1. The Technology Club of your school has asked you to prepare a talk on new television services.
The content of your talk is placed in a document called TELEVISION located on your diskette.

(a) Open a new document in your word processing program. (1 mark )

(b) Change the page orientation to Landscape. (1 mark )

(c) Set the left and right margins to 0.5”. (1 mark )

(d) Insert a title line with the text, “DIGITAL TELEVISION SERVICE”. Centre the title
and use Arial font of size 20. (3 marks)

(e) Three lines below the title line, divide the page into two newspaper columns.
(2 marks)

(f) Retrieve the document named TELEVISION located on your diskette and place the
paragraph on Digital Television in Column 1 and the paragraph on Internet Protocol
Television in Column 2. The heading of EACH paragraph should be included with the
paragraph. (4 marks)

(g) Change the case of the heading of EACH paragraph to upper case and bold and italicize
them. (3 marks)

(h) Replace ALL occurrences of “Digital” with “DIGITAL”. (1 mark )

(i) Insert a footer with your candidate number at the centre. (1 mark )

(j) FULLY justify the text in Column 1. (1 mark )

(k) Use line spacing of 1.5 for the text in Column 2. (1 mark )

(l) The word “telavision” is spelt incorrectly. Use the spell check feature to correct the
spelling of all misspelt words. (1 mark )

(m) Insert the following data using a table:

Provider IPTV Internet Phone

BB Sales 25 30 n/a
E-net 35 50 25
G-force n/a 40 30

The table should NOT be in any column but at the centre of the document. All gridlines
must be shown. Save the document as TELEVISION1. (4 marks)
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(n) Create a data source file named STAFF. The file STAFF will contain the data to be used
as the data source for a mail merge. The data in STAFF are as follows:

Name Type Duration

Mohan Singh Annual 3 weeks
Greg Jones Vacation 3 months
Ram Narine Annual 2 weeks

(2 marks)

(o) Retrieve the document named LEAVE located on your diskette. Insert the merge fields
as indicated in the document named LEAVE, using the data source created in part (n).
Save the document as LEAVE1. (2 marks)

(p) Merge the main document LEAVE1 with the data source STAFF. Save the results as
STAFFLEAVE. (2 marks)

Total 30 marks

2. The Ministry of Human Services has estimated the population of elderly people for 2010 and
2011 as indicated in the spreadsheet named ELDERLY located on your diskette.

(a) Retrieve the spreadsheet named ELDERLY to begin in CELL A1. (1 mark )

(b) Add a column to the right with the heading “YRTOT”. (1 mark )

(c) Using appropriate formulae/functions, compute the TOTAL elderly people for EACH
year in EACH region. (2 marks)

(d) Align the headings for ALL numeric columns to the right of the cell. (1 mark )

(e) Format all numeric data to comma (,) format with 0 decimal place. (1 mark )

(f) Insert borders on ALL rows and all columns of the spreadsheet. (1 mark )

(g) Insert a footer with your candidate number at the left. (1 mark )

(h) Move the spreadsheet to begin in CELL A4. (1 mark )

(i) Enter the title “ELDERLY POPULATION: 2010 - 2011” in CELL A1. (1 mark )

(j) Format the title row to be at the centre of the columns used by the spreadsheet. Use font
size of 17 and bold and italicize the title row. (4 marks)

(k) Sort the data in Region 4 such that it is in ASCENDING order by the yearly total
(YRTOT). (2 marks)


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(l) Using the appropriate formulae/functions, perform the following calculations and place
your answers starting in a blank area of the spreadsheet:

(i) The TOTAL population for the year 2010 for ALL the regions (1 mark )

(ii) The difference between the TOTAL population for 2010 and 2011
(2 marks)

The HIGHEST total yearly population (YRTOT) (1 mark )

(m) Filter the data for ALL regions and years with 5000 or more people in EACH age group.
Set up the criteria range and the extraction range in a blank area of the spreadsheet.
(4 marks)

(n) In a blank area of the spreadsheet, create a column chart to show for EACH region
the total population for 2010 and 2011 respectively. EACH column should indicate
which year it represents or a legend should be provided. The title of the chart should be
“ELDERLY POPULATION”. The X-axis label should be “REGION” while the Y-axis
label should be “YEARLY TOTAL”. Save the spreadsheet as ELDERLY1.
(6 marks)

NOTE: A formula sheet showing the formulae used must be printed and submitted.

Total 30 marks

3. The Criminal Department of the Police Force has prepared the crime statistics for the year
2009. The crime statistics are given in a database named CRIMES located on your diskette.
The database CRIMES has two tables named TYPE and DIVISION.

(a) Retrieve the database named CRIMES located on your diskette. (1 mark )

(b) Open the table TYPE and add a field named “Status” to indicate whether the type of
crime has increased when compared with 2008 figures. (2 marks)

(c) Given that Fraud and Burglary figures for 2009 are higher than that of 2008, insert the
appropriate data in the Status field. (2 marks)

(d) The reported cases of Murder in Division B are 12 and not 9. Make the necessary
changes. (1 mark )

(e) Use the TYPE table and sort the records in DESCENDING order by the Status field.
(2 marks)

Use the DIVISION table and find the TOTAL convictions for 2009. Save this query
as TOTCONQRY. Create a calculated field named “C%” to store the percentage of
reported cases that resulted in a conviction. Name the query PCTQRY.
(5 marks)


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Join the TWO tables and find ALL type of crimes with more than 75 per cent conviction.
Display only the Type, Division and C% fields. Save the query as CQRY.
(5 marks)

(h) Copy the results of ALL queries in parts (f) and (g) and paste it into a word processing
file named DBQUERIES. (2 marks)

(i) Make a basic report on the TYPE table. Your report must include ALL the fields of the
TYPE table and be sorted on the Type field in ASCENDING order. Use your candidate
number as the title of the report. Save the report as TYPERPT. (4 marks)

(j) Make a report to show the Type, Division, Reported Cases and Conviction fields. Group
the report on the Type field and sort on the Reported Cases field. Your report should
include the TOTAL reported cases and total convictions for EACH type of crime. The
title for the report should be “CRIME STATS 2009”. Insert your candidate number as
the footer of the report. Save the report as CRIMERPT. (6 marks)

Total 30 marks


The following files are to be printed at the end of the examination:


Spreadsheet: ELDERLY1; Formula sheet
Database: Updated TYPE and updated DIVISION Tables; TYPERPT; CRIMERPT


01329020/JANUARY/F 2010

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