CSEC Information Technology June 2006 P02 (Practical)

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TEST CODE 01329021

FORM TP 2006098 MAY/JUNE2006

Paper 02 - Technical Proficiency
Word Processing
Database Management
2 hours
( 18 MAY 2006 (a.m.) )

No printing is to be done in the 2 hours allotted for the examination.

Time will be given for printing at the end of the examination.

1. There are THREE questions on this paper.
2. Answer ALL questions.
3. Read the instructions carefully before attempting EACH question.
4. Perform the instructions for EACH question in the order given.
5. Report any problems with the computer or software to the invigilator who will, if possible,
grant you extra time to make up for time lost.

6. If problems are experienced in printing your files, you may request aid from the invigilator
or teacher. Printing is not considered part of the examination.

7. After printing, it is your responsibility to ensure that:

(a) All side perforations (if any) are removed.
(b) Continuous paper (if used) is separated into single sheets which are then put together
in the correct order.
(c) Your candidate number appears in the upper right-hand corner of every page.
(d) Each page is correctly labelled with the name(s) of the files being printed.
(e) All pages being attached belong to you.
Failure to comply with these requests could be disadvantageous to you.

8. A diskette will be provided which must be submitted together with all print-outs at the end
of the examination. Note that the examination is marked from the printed output and NOT
from the diskette.

9. An adequate amount of stationery will be supplied.


Copyright © 2005 Caribbean Examination Council®.
All rights reserved.
01329021/F 2006
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Answer ALL questions.

Perform instructions in the order given.

Save your work at regular intervals as you proceed.

1. The National Emergency Authority (NEA) has conducted an assessment of the damages to
households due to the recent flooding in a section of the country. The draft findings of the
assessment are given in the spreadsheet named DAMAGES located on your diskette.

(a) Retrieve the spreadsheet named DAMAGES to begin in cell A4. In cell F3, enter a
function to insert the system date in the format rnm/dd/yy. ( 2 marks)

(b) In cells Al and A2 respectively, enter the title rows:



(c) Add a new column to the right with the heading"% of Tot". ( 1 mark )

(d) In the appropriate cells, insert formulae to compute the total damages for Acode =GOl
and the total building damages for all the areas. ( 2 marks)

(e) Copy the formula in cell H5 to the range H6:H25 and the formula in cell B25 to the
range C25:G25. Save the range A4:H25 as a spreadsheet named DAMAGES I.
( 2 marks)

(f) In cell IS, insert a formula to compute the percentage of total flood damages for
Acode = GOl. Use the formula: Percentage = (Total for GOl I Total Damages). Use
absolute addressing. Copy the formula in Cell IS to the range I6:I24. ( 3 marks)

(g) Format the following:

(i) Range I5 :I24 to percentages with 1 decimal place. ( 1 mark)

(ii) The headings for all numeric columns to the right of the cell. ( 1 mark)

(i ii) The title rows to be at the centre of the columns used by the spreadsheet. Use font
size 20 for the first title row and font size 16 for the second title row. Bold and
underline both title rows. ( 3 marks)

(iv) All numeric data in columns B to H to comma (,) format with 0 decimal place.
( 1 mark)


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(h) Using appropriate formulae, perform the following calculations, starting in row 30:

Task Calculation
No. of Acode
The average of the total damages for the Acode
The lowest of the total damages for the Acode
The highest of the total damages for the categories:
Building, . . . , Food)

( 4 m arks)

(i) Arrange the data in the spreadsheet so that the Acode are arranged in descending order
by total damages. ( 2 m arks)

G) Insert footer with your candidate number at the centre of the footer. ( 1 m ark )

(k) Filter the data for all Acode whose total damages is greater than 5% of the Total damages.
Set up the criteria range and the extraction range in a blank area of the spreadsheet.
( 2 m arks)

(I) In a blank area of the spreadsheet, create a Column chart to show the Acode and the
total damages incurred. Use only Acode with damages >5% of the total damages. The
chart should have the title, “HIGHLY DAMAGED AREAS” . The axes should be
properly labeled and each bar should indicate the Acode it represents. Save the
spreadsheet as DAMAGES2. ( 4 m arks)

N O TE: A worksheet with all formulae used must be printed and submitted with your
Total 30 m arks


01329021/F 2006

2. In order to assess the damages due to flooding in the affected areas, the National Emergency
Authority has created a database named FLOOD located on your diskette. This database
presently has one table named AREAS. The other table will be obtained from the spreadsheet
file named DAMAGES! created in question l (e).

(a) Retrieve the database named FLOOD located on your diskette.

(b) In the AREAS table, add a new field called Sex to store the gender of the heads of the
areas. Use M for male and F for female. ( 2 marks)

(c) Create a basic data entry form from the AREAS table. The title of the form should be
"Areas Data Entry Form". The data entry form should include all six fields in the
AREAS table. ( 2 marks)

(d) Complete the data in the Sex field such that the heads of Acode = G02, ECl, EB3
and WB4 are Females. The remaining heads are all Males. ( 2 marks)
(e) Acode = EB4 has recently been given township status. Make the necessary changes
to reflect this. Note that the head of a town is the Mayor. ( 1 mark )
(f) Arrange the AREAS table so that the records are in ascending order by the Acode field.
Save the table as AREAS 1. ( 2 marks)

(g) Import the spreadsheet DAMAGES! and save it as a table named DAMTAB. Delete the
record that has the totals for the various categories of damages. Save the table as
DAMTABl. ( 2 marks)
(h) Using the table DAMTABl , create a calculated field named MISC. The values in
MISC are 5% of the values in the Total field. Save the query as MISCQRY.
( 2 marks)
(i) In Acode =WB5, it is estimated that the damages to Building were overstated. Perform
a query to decrease the damages to Building by 10%. Save the query as BQRY.
( 2 marks)
G) Use query to fi nd the total damages in each Town areas. Your query should display
the Area, Division, Status and Total fields. It should be sorted on the Total field in
descending order. Named the query TOWNQRY. ( 4 marks)

(k) Use queries to do the following:

(i) Calculate the number of areas with flood damages. Save the query as CQRY.
( 1 mark)
(ii) Calculate the total damages for the Town areas. Save as TOTQRY.
( 2 marks)
(iii) Calculate the average amount of damage incurred by the areas. Save AVQRY.
( 1 mark)
(iv) Calculate the maximum amount of damage incurred by an area. Save as
MXQRY. (1 mark)


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(1) Make a report to show the Area, Division, Status and TotaL Group the report by
Division and sort on the Area field. The report title should be " FLOOD DAMAGES
ESTIMATES". Insert your candidate number as the footer of the report. Save the
report as DAMRPT. ( 6 marks)

Total 30 marks

3. As part of the activities of Information Technology Week, you have been asked to talk
about power protection for computers. The contents of your speech are included in two files
namely, PROBLEMS and SOLUTIONS located on your diskette.

(a) Retrieve the file named PROBLEM located on your diskette.

(b) Insert the file named SOLUTION located on your diskette to start as a new paragraph
of your document. Save the combined documents as POWER. ( 1 mark)

(c) Insert a table as the last paragraph of the file named POWER to contain the following

Equipment Cost(US$)
Surge Protector 20
Voltage Stabilizer 60
UPS 100

Place the column headings in bold and italics. Centre the table horizontally. Save the
file as POWERl. ( 4 marks)

(d) Set the left and right margins to be 0.5'' and the top and bottom margins to be 0.75".
( 2 marks)

(e) Set the paper size to be 8.5" x 11" with landscape orientation. ( 2 marks)

(f) Insert the title "POWER PROTECTION FOR COMPUTERS" two lines above the
content of the document. Format the title such that it is at the centre and has Aria!
font of size 20. ( 3 marks)

(g) Place the text in the document in two newspaper columns such that the contents of the
file named PROBLEM are in column 1 and the remaining text is in column 2. The
title of the document should not be affected. ( 3 marks)

(h) Fully justify the text in the first column. ( 1 mark)

(i) Insert an automatic page number at the top left of the page. ( 1 mark)

G) Insert footer with your candidate number. The footer should be at the centre.
( 1 mark)


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(k) Change the line spacing of the paragraph with the various power problems to be 1.5".
( 1 mark)

(I) Indent the text containing information about UPS. ( 1 mark)

(m) Replace all occurrences of the word "power" with "POWER". ( 1 mark)

(n) Move the paragraph containing information about UPS and place it before the paragraph
containing information about surge protector. ( 1 mark )

(o) Use the spell check to change the spelling of all underlined words. ( 1 mark)

(p) Change the case of the names of all power problems to upper case. Save the file as
POWER2. ( 1 mark )

(q) Retrieve the file name HEADS located on your diskette.

(r) Insert the spreadsheet named DAMAGES 1 in the position indicated in the file
named HEADS. Insert footer at the centre with your candidate number. ( 2 marks)

(s) Using the database table AREAS as the data source, insert the merge fields as indicated
in HEADS. Save the file as HEADS!. ( 2 marks)

(t) Merge the primary document, HEADS! with the data source, AREAS. Save the results
as HEADLET. Print only the first, tenth and last letters. ( 2 marks)

Total 30 marks

Grand Total 90 marks

Note: Print the following files at the end of the examination:


HEADLET (first, tenth and last letters).


01329021/F 2006

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