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I don’t where should I start, so maybe, I should present myself: Hello, I am Hera, I am

wife of Zeus who is also is my brother (I don’t know why I said this first) and the
goddess of women, marriage and family among other things. Cronus and Rhea are my
parents, and an important fact is that Cronus literally ate my brothers and me for only
one reason: not losing his power, (fucking selfish.) However, my mother managed to
trick my father and the only one who survived from that slaughter was Zeus. I don’t
really know why she decided to save him and not me, I would have done things better.
He lasted TEN years in defeating the Titans.
After this, I married with Zeus, yes, my own brother. This might sound horrible and it is
horrible. Many people said that he and me were in love much time before than when
he married with Metis and after Tetis, but this is a lie. I didn’t bear him. He was always
using girls as objects and he had a son in every corner of the world. Nevertheless, I
accepted marrying with him because I knew in what position this would let me. I mean,
I would be the highest-ranking goddess on Olympus!
Nowadays, I am still married with Zeus. I have been through many infidelities on his
part. I have ignored some of them, because I really don’t care about Zeus and what he
does but I have to avenge others because I don’t want people to think that I am the
typical passive woman that ignores what the husband does and looks like a fool. I am
more than that. In addition, I consider myself a woman of great temperament and I am
okay with that.
The last thing he done to me was having sex with Alcmene. She was one of my best
friends and I warned her how manipulative was Zeus. She didn’t listen to me though
and ended having sex with him because Zeus pretended he was her husband. How
couldn’t she realize that he was an impostor? I couldn’t believe that…. Nevertheless,
the important thing was that she ended pregnant of Zeus. I didn’t want to be the step-
mother of another baby, I had enough with my children. In the moment I got pregnant
I knew I wasn’t prepared to be mother. I had more many things to do, but I guess that
having a baby with Zeus was the correct thing to do…But anyway, getting back to the
story, I didn’t want that baby to be born, because this would mean more
responsibilities for me so I decided that I was going to do the impossible to get rid of
that baby. First, I tried to prevent the birth tying Alcmene’s legs with ropes, however,
this unfortunately didn’t work and Hercules was born. Also, I tried to kill him sending
him snakes but he fought back, so in the end I couldn’t get rid of them. Many people
thought that I did all those things to Hercules because of jealousy but that was far from
the reality.
Now, I was at Thetis and Peleus’ wedding. I was sitting in front of Athena and
Aphrodite and they were looking at me over their shoulders. I don’t really like them; I
don’t know why but I saw them as the typical women who believe they are the most
beautiful goddesses of the Olympus. I don’t really like to compare myself with them
because each woman is special on her way, but the further they were away from me,
the better.
Many of the guests were having very fluid conversations and all I was doing was
listening; I always thought it was better to keep your mouth shut. I heard that Eris was
not invited to the wedding. Ugh, stupid girl. She was one of my daughters, but she
knew how not to like people. Suddenly, I saw that something was falling from the sky
and it fell on the gods. It was a golden apple and it really got my attention given that
the words “for the most beautiful” were written on the apple. The apple was thrown
by Eris.
I was getting more and more nervous with the situation. I know this would lead to a
competition between Aphrodite, Athena and me for the mere fact that we were the
only women on the room. I didn’t want to participate on this, but the fierce stares of
the two women looking at me got me to bring out my most competitive side. At the
end, prince Paris was the one choosing the most beautiful goddess. He chose
Aphrodite and, in that moment, I felt horrible because I lost that beauty competition. I
told myself many times I shouldn’t feel frustrated for these types of things but this was
too much for me.
When we got home, Zeus told me that Paris chose Aphrodite because she promised
him that she would make that the most beautiful mortal in Greece, Helen of Sparta,
fell in love with him. That made me feel a little better, but I knew that I had to improve
a lot of things about myself because many events of this type could happen to me
again, and I had to be prepared as the powerful woman I am.

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