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Dear Professor Smith,
Hello Ms. McMahon,
Hi Mary Jane,
If you don’t know the name of the person you are addressing, or if the e-mail addresses a
diverse group, try something generic, yet polite:
To whom it may concern,
Dear members of the selection committee,
Hello everyone,

Dear Sir / Sirs
Dear Mádam

Your closing is extremely important because it lets the reader know who is contacting
them. Always sign off with your name at the end of your e-mail. If you don’t know the
reader well, you might also consider including your title and the organization you belong
to; for example:
Mary Watkins
Senior Research Associate
Bain and Company
Joseph Smith
UNC-CH, Class of 2009

For your closing, something brief but friendly, or perhaps just your name, will do for most
Thank you,
Best wishes,
See you tomorrow,

For a very formal message, such as a job application, use the kind of closing that you might
see in a business letter:
Respectfully yours,

1) To:
Subject. Saint Valentine (Friendship Day)
Hello dear,
How are you doing these days? No news since long and was anxious about you. I hope you
are in pink of health and hoping to see you soon.
So what is new with you and I know that you must have forgotten about the friendship day,
since you have forgotten to wish me. Wishing you a happy friendship day.
Thank you for being my friend and I wanted to let you know that your friendship has made
a big difference to my life. I have always been inspired by you and sincerely wished that I
too had some of your qualities. You have been special friend and will always remain so.
You were always been there for me through my good times-bad times, remembering those
old times is fun now as we have got on busy with our lives. I am hoping to get together
with you to spend some time together.
Your friend,
2) To: Mark
Subject: Birthday Gift
Dear Mark,
Hi, I am writing this email to thank you for the birthday wishes and love that you sent to me
through the wonderful birthday gift. I am filled with joy knowing that you care about my
likes and took effort to find the perfect birthday gift for me. I have no words to put my
feelings into words on receiving it.
I have wanted to get a XXXX for a long time. Now, I have it thanks to you. So this is why
this gift is all the more special to me.
Thanks once more and see you soon,
3) To:
Subject: Love is finally HERE!
Dear Anna,
This is to inform you that I have found love and my love is you. Since I have seen you I
have understood the meaning of love.
Baby, I have always wanted someone in my life, a friend with whom I can share everything
in my life and that friend of mine is you. I can not only share all the dark secrets of my life
with you, but also want to spend rest of my life. All I ask for is your presence in the rest of
my life.  In return I give you the authority to control my life. I give you the authority to
become the woman of my house. You have the authority to spend all my earnings on
whatever you want to and I promise not to complain even if my credit card bills are high.
I love you baby and will always keep loving you. I am lucky that you are a part of my life.
Yours loving,

4) To:
Subject: Love note email
Dear James,
Hope you are enjoying the best of your health and my mail finds you in the best spirits.
I am replying to the mail that you send me yesterday. You had asked you about my feeling
for you and you have proposed me to be your valentine. I am feeling very happy to accept
your proposal for being your Valentine.
I think you are the best person in this world on whom I can rely and spend my entire life
with. I believe you will be able live up to my expectation by giving me a lot of love, care
and warmth.
One thing I want to make clear in our relationship is that being dishonest is a quality which
I cannot tolerate at all. You should always be ready to tell and accept the truth no matter
whatever might be the circumstances or the reasons. Our relationship should be based on
love and trust.

Hope that our love life gets stronger with every passing day. Now I will be eagerly waiting
for your mail so that we can go on a date together and spend some quality time there and to
know each other better.

Yours lovingly,


5) Dear All,

As you know I am getting married next week and will be moving to London with my
husband, I want to thank all of you for your good wishes and blessings.

You have been a source of immense joy and support in the most difficult times and it
deeply saddens me to leave you all. I will remember our college days, all the mischief we
did in the hostel and how we were there for each other in times of crisis. I wish you all the
best for your future and hope that I can find more friends like you in London too.

You may have my contact details but I am adding them once again: email
– or call me at 9875747754.

I will send you my new phone number and address once I reach London.

I will miss all of you very much.

With love,
Janet Attis

6) To:
Re: Apology
Dear Christine,
I am deeply sorry for missing our scheduled meeting on 11th March 2012, regarding the
discussion of the latest project. I am really embarrassed about it.
As you might understand, I was unable to come for the meeting because my flight was
delayed by 10 hours due to extremely poor weather conditions in New York.
This meeting was very important as I was to discuss all the working directions and the
product requirements for our new project.
I would like to settle another meeting with you for the upcoming week. I would be
available from 20th March to 27thMarch, any time before 7:00 PM. Please let me know
whatever time best suits you by 15th March so that I can book a ticket in advance.
I look forward to seeing you.
Roose Marley

7) Hi Dr. Jones, (very casual)

I am in your ENGL 101 class on Thursdays, and I have a question about the paper that is
due next Tuesday. I’m not sure that I understand what is meant by the following sentence
in the prompt:
“Write a 10 page paper arguing for or against requiring ENGL 101 for all UNC freshmen
and provide adequate support for your point of view.”
I am not sure what you would consider “adequate” support. Would using 3 sources be
Can I come by your office tomorrow at 2:00 pm to talk to you about my question? Please
let me know if that fits your schedule. If not, I could also come by on Friday after 1:00.
Thank you,
Tim Smith

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