A Machine Learning Approach For Tracking and Predicting Student Performance in Degree Programs

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A Machine Learning Approach for Tracking and

Predicting Student Performance in Degree Programs

Jie Xu, Member, IEEE, Kyeong Ho Moon, Student Member, IEEE, and Mihaela van der Schaar, Fellow, IEEE

Abstract—Accurately predicting students’ future performance early interventions on students whose performance will be
based on their ongoing academic records is crucial for effectively unlikely to meet the graduation criteria of the degree pro-
carrying out necessary pedagogical interventions to ensure stu- gram on time. A critical step towards effective intervention
dents’ on-time and satisfactory graduation. Although there is a
rich literature on predicting student performance when solving is to build a system that can continuously keep track of
problems or studying for courses using data-driven approaches, students’ academic performance and accurately predict their
predicting student performance in completing degrees (e.g. col- future performance, such as when they are likely to graduate
lege programs) is much less studied and faces new challenges: and their estimated final GPAs, given the current progress.
(1) Students differ tremendously in terms of backgrounds and Although predicting student performance has been extensively
selected courses; (2) Courses are not equally informative for
making accurate predictions; (3) Students’ evolving progress studied in the literature, it was primarily studied in the contexts
needs to be incorporated into the prediction. In this paper, of solving problems in Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITSs)
we develop a novel machine learning method for predicting [3][4][5][6], or completing courses in classroom settings or
student performance in degree programs that is able to address in Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) platforms [7][8].
these key challenges. The proposed method has two major However, predicting student performance within a degree
features. First, a bilayered structure comprising of multiple base
predictors and a cascade of ensemble predictors is developed program (e.g. college program) is significantly different and
for making predictions based on students’ evolving performance faces new challenges.
states. Second, a data-driven approach based on latent factor First, students can differ tremendously in terms of back-
models and probabilistic matrix factorization is proposed to grounds as well as their chosen areas (majors, specialization-
discover course relevance, which is important for constructing s), resulting in different selected courses as well as course
efficient base predictors. Through extensive simulations on an
undergraduate student dataset collected over three years at sequences. On the other hand, the same course can be tak-
UCLA, we show that the proposed method achieves superior en by students in different areas. Since predicting student
performance to benchmark approaches. performance in a particular course relies on the student past
Index Terms—Student performance prediction, data-driven performance in other courses, a key challenge for training an
course clustering, personalized education effective predictor is how to handle heterogeneous student data
due to different areas and interests. In contrast, solving prob-
lems in ITSs often follow routine steps which are the same for
I. I NTRODUCTION all students [9]. Similarly, predictions of students’ performance
Making higher education affordable has a significant impact in courses are often based on in-course assessments which are
on ensuring the nation’s economic prosperity and represents designed to be the same for all students [7].
a central focus of the government when making education Second, students may take many courses but not all courses
policies [1]. Yet student loan debt in the United States has are equally informative for predicting students’ future perfor-
blown past the trillion-dollar mark, exceeding Americans’ mance. Utilizing the student’s past performance in all courses
combined credit card and auto loan debts [2]. As the cost that he/she has completed not only increases complexity but
in college education (tuitions, fees and living expenses) has also introduces noise in the prediction, thereby degrading the
skyrocketed over the past few decades, prolonged graduation prediction performance. For instance, while it makes sense to
time has become a crucial contributing factor to the ever- consider a student’s grade in the course “Linear Algebra” for
growing student loan debt. In fact, recent studies show that predicting his/her grade in the course “Linear Optimization”,
only 50 of the more than 580 public four-year institutions in the student’s grade in the course “Chemistry Lab” may have
the United States have on-time graduation rates at or above much weaker predictive power. However, the course corre-
50 percent for their full-time students [2]. lation is not always as obvious as in this case. Therefore,
To make college more affordable, it is thus crucial to discovering the underlying correlation among courses is of
ensure that many more students graduate on time through great importance for making accurate performance predictions.
Third, predicting student performance in a degree program
is not a one-time task; rather, it requires continuous tracking
J. Xu is with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
University of Miami, Coral Gables, FL, USA. and updating as the student finishes new courses over time.
K. H. Moon and M. van der Schaar are with the Department of Electrical An important consideration in this regard is that the prediction
Engineering, University of California, Los Angeles, USA. M. van der Schaar needs to be made based on not only the most recent snapshot
is also with Oxford-Man Institute of Quantitative Finance and the Department
of Engineering Science at Oxford University, UK. Their research is supported of the student accomplishments but also the evolution of the
by NSF under grants ECCS 1407712 and PFI:BIC 1533983. student progress, which may contain valuable information for
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JSTSP.2017.2692560
1932-4553 © 2017 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See http://www.ieee.org/publications standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.

making more accurate predictions. However, the complexity such as decision trees [11], artificial neural networks [12],
can easily explode since even mathematically representing the matrix factorization [13], collaborative filters [14] and prob-
evolution of student progress itself can be a daunting task. abilistic graphical models [15][6], have been applied to de-
However, treating the past progress equally as the current velop prediction algorithms. Most of this work ignores the
performance when predicting the future may not be a wise temporal/sequential effect that students improve their knowl-
choice either since intuition tells us that old information tends edge over time and treats the prediction as a one-time task.
to be outdated. To take the temporal/sequential effect into account, a three-
In light of the aforementioned challenges, in this paper, we mode tensor factorization (on student/problem/time) technique
propose a novel method for predicting student performance in was developed for predicting student performance in solving
a degree program. We focus on predicting students’ GPAs but problems in ITSs [16] and a similarity-based algorithm was
the general framework can be used for other student perfor- proposed to issue predictions of student grades in courses only
mance prediction tasks. Our main contributions are three-fold. when a certain confidence level is reached [17]. However,
(1) We develop a novel algorithm for making predictions due to the aforementioned substantial differences of predicting
based on students’ progressive performance states. It adopts student performance in degree programs, these methods are not
a bilayered structure comprising a base predictor layer and applicable in our setting.
an ensemble predictor layer. In the base layer, multiple base Our progressive prediction algorithm uses the ensemble
predictors make local predictions given the snapshot of the learning technique, in particular, the Exponentially Weighted
student’s current performance state in each academic term. In Average Forecaster (EWAF) [18] as a building block to en-
the ensemble layer, an ensemble predictor issues a prediction able progressive prediction of student performance and online
of the student’s future performance by synthesizing the local updating of the predictor as new student data is received. The
predictions results as well as the previous-term ensemble major difference from the conventional EWAF algorithm is
prediction. The cascading of ensemble predictor over academic that an ensemble predictor has access to multiple base predic-
terms enables the incorporation of students’ evolving progress tors (experts) as well as the previous-term ensemble predictor,
into the prediction while keeping the complexity low. We also whose output summarizes the outputs of all previous-term base
derive a performance guarantee for our proposed algorithm. predictors (experts) whereas the conventional EWAF algorithm
(2) We develop a data-driven course clustering method has access to all experts directly. To our best knowledge, this is
based on probabilistic matrix factorization, which automati- a novel architecture for designing predictors for progressively
cally outputs course clusters based on large, heterogeneous expanding input spaces, which significantly reduces design
and sparse student course grade data. Base predictors are and implementation complexity and easily scales with the
trained using a variety of state-of-the-art machine learning number of academic terms. In this setting, we prove that each
techniques based on the discovered course clustering results. ensemble predictor still performs asymptotically no worse than
Specifically, only relevant courses in the same cluster are used the best base predictor in hindsight among all previous-term
as input to the base predictors. This not only reduces the base predictors in the worst case, thereby providing strong
training complexity but also removes irrelevant information performance guarantee. More importantly, when the best base
and reduces noise in making the prediction. predictor is biased towards current-term base predictors, our
(3) We perform extensive simulation studies on an un- algorithm is able to achieve better expected regret than the
dergraduate student dataset collected over three years across conventional method that has access to all experts directly and
1169 students at the Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering treats them equally.
department at UCLA. The results show that our proposed
method is able to significantly outperform benchmark methods
B. Course Relevance Discovery
while preserving educational interpretability.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section II Our course relevance discovery method is based on the la-
discusses the related work. Section III formulates the student tent factor model [19] and uses the probabilistic matrix factor-
performance prediction problem and provides an overview of ization algorithm [20] to perform course clustering, which are
the proposed method. Section IV describes how to discover extensively used in recommender systems [21][22][23]. The
course correlations and train the term-wise base predictors. problem faced by recommender systems is similar to that for
Section V proposes a novel progressive prediction algorithm to student performance prediction: the dataset in recommender
incorporate students’ evolving performance into the prediction. systems is sparse in the sense that each user has rated only
Section VI presents the dataset and experimental results. a small set of items in the entire item space whereas in our
Section VII concludes the paper. case, each student has taken only a small set of courses in the
entire course space. The latent factor model is therefore used
II. R ELATED W ORK to discover the hidden latent factor that resolves the sparsity
problem. While recommender systems use the discovered
A. Student Performance Prediction latent factor to enable similarity matching among users and
Machine learning for education has gained much attention make item recommendations, our system uses the discovered
in recent years. A substantial amount of literature focuses latent factor to cluster relevant courses. It is worth noting
on predicting student performance in solving problems or that, in the learning context, sparse factor analysis is used to
completing courses [10]. Many machine learning techniques, estimate a learner’s knowledge of the concepts underlying a

domain and the relationships among a collection of questions MATH31A

and those concepts [24]. PHYS1A MATH31B

In [25], the authors make a different connection between PHYS4AL PHYS1B MATH32A MATH32B

recommender systems and student performance prediction. PHYS4BL PHYS1C MATH33A MATH33B
They develop a collaborative filtering algorithm, which is
used in recommender systems to recommend items to users MAT104 EE100
based on user similarity. In this paper, we do not develop MAE183A EE110L
collaborative filtering prediction algorithms, although they can MAE162D

be adopted as base predictors in our method. More broadly, MAE103 MAE150A

Shared Courses
there is a rich literature on recommending relevant courses ME courses MAE157 MAE150B

or problems to students based on their associated knowledge AE courses

level, learning styles, and feedbacks [26][27][28]. Course

sequence recommendation, which considers the specific course Fig. 1. Part of the prerequisite graph of MAE program at UCLA.
constraints, was studied in [29]. To utilize logged data for
course sequence recommendations and curriculum design,
an off-policy estimator was developed to estimate how an xi (j) for each of these courses j ∈ Sit . The courses that
unobserved policy performs given an observed policy [30]. student i has taken by term t are denoted by S̄it = ∪tτ =1 Siτ .
A rank aggregation framework is adapted for the discovery The performance state of student i at the end of term t is

of optimal course sequences at the university level [31]. represented by xti ∈ Xit  [xmin , xmax ]|S̄i | where each entry
However, whereas this literature aims to recommend cours- corresponds to the grade of the course taken so far. There-
es/course sequences based on student backgrounds and past fore, the performance state is expanding over time, namely
performance, the purpose of the current work is to predict xti  xt+1
i , ∀t = 1, 2, .... We assume the 4.0 GPA scale.
future performance based on student backgrounds and past The performance state is considered as the dynamic feature of
performance for a given curriculum. students which is evolving over time. The department usually
recommends for each area a sequence in which the students
should take the courses. In reality, students mostly follow the
III. P ROBLEM F ORMULATION recommended sequence of core courses. Hence, by disregard-
A. System Model ing the elective courses, Sit is more or less the same for all
We consider a degree program in which students must students having the same area. In this paper, we will focus on
complete a set of courses to graduate in T academic terms. the core courses and neglect the elective courses which can
Courses have prerequisite dependencies, namely a course can be vastly different across students. Predicting performance in
be taken only when certain prerequisite courses have been elective courses will be our future work.
taken and passed. In general, the prerequisite dependency
can be described as a directed acyclic graph (DAG) (see B. Objective
Figure 1 for an example). There can be multiple specialized
Our objective is to predict the final cumulative GPA (of
areas in a program which require different subsets of courses
the core courses) of a student in a certain area at the end
to be completed for students to graduate. We will focus
of each term t. Specifically, at the end of each term t, the
on the prediction problem for one area in this department.
predictor outputs a prediction GPA  t = F t (θi , x1 , x2 , ..., xt )
Nevertheless, data from other areas will still be utilized for i i i i
our prediction tasks. The reason is that data from a single area given student i’ backgrounds θi and the evolving performance
is often limited while different areas still share many common x1i , x2i , ..., xti . However, because the cumulative GPA is a
courses. function of all course grades, namely  the weighted  average
Figure 1 illustrates part of the prerequisite graph of the of all course grades GPAi = j∈J c(j)x i (j)/ j∈J c(j),
undergraduate program in the Mechanical and Aerospace where c(j) is the credit of course j, the GPA prediction will
Engineering (MAE) department at UCLA. In this department, be more accurate by splitting the known course grades and
there are two areas, namely Mechanical Engineering (ME) and the unknown course grades. Therefore, the final GPA can be
Aerospace Engineering (AE). Since the complete prerequisite predicted by
j∈S̄ t c(j)xi (j) + j∈J \S̄ t c(j)x̂i (j)
graph is huge, Figure 1 only lists some lower-level courses and t
a few higher-level courses. As we can see, ME and AE areas 
GPAi =  (1)
j∈J c(j)
share most of the lower level courses but they have distinct
upper-level courses. In other words, instead of predicting the final GPA directly, we
Students start the program with different backgrounds (e.g. will focus on predicting the grade of every course j ∈ J ∗ \S̄ t
high school GPAs and SAT scores). Denote student i’s back- that has not been taken by the student yet where J ∗ is
grounds by θi ∈ Θ where Θ is the space that includes all the set of required courses by the area under consideration.
possible backgrounds. Student backgrounds are considered as Let ŷi (j) = fjt (θi , x1i , x2i , ..., xti ) denote the predicted grade
the static features of students which do not change as the of course j given the student’s backgrounds and evolving
students advance in the program. In each term t, student i performance state up to term t. Note that ŷi (j) = x̂i (j) in
takes a subsets of courses Sit ⊂ J and receives a grade equation (1). We use different letters to better differentiate

͘͘͘ ͘͘͘
what is known (i.e. xti ) and what is to be predicted (i.e. yit (j)) YƵĂƌƚĞƌ 1 YƵĂƌƚĞƌ 2 YƵĂƌƚĞƌ t

in a given term t. We also highlight that the predictor is using ǀŽůǀŝŶŐWĞƌĨŽƌŵĂŶĐĞ^ƚĂƚĞƐ

not only a single performance state xti but all the performance ࢞௧௜ WƌĞĚŝĐƚŝŽŶ
‫ݕ‬ො௜ଵ ‫ݕ‬ො௜ଶ ‫ݕ‬ො௜௧
states in the previous terms x1i , ..., xit−1 , thereby incorporating ݂ଵ ݂ଶ ͘͘͘ ݂௧

the evolution of the student’s performance. However, the input

space of the predictor grows exponentially in the number of ߠ௜ ǡ ࢞௧௜
terms, thereby making the predictor construction even more
challenging. For expositional brevity, we neglect the index j ĂƐĞWƌĞĚŝĐƚŽƌƐ KĨĨůŝŶĞ
for the targeted course in fjt whenever it is clear. ௧ dƌĂŝŶŝŶŐ
‫ݖ‬௛ǡ௜ ǡ ‫ ࣢ א ݄׊‬௧
‫ݕ‬ො௜௧ିଵ ‫ݕ‬ො௜௧
C. Overview of the Proposed Method YƵĂƌƚĞƌƚWƌĞĚŝĐƚŽƌ
In this paper, we propose a novel method for designing
predictors based on the evolving progress of students. The Fig. 2. System Block Diagram.
key idea is that since the input xti of predictor f t for term
t is a superset of the input xit−1 of predictor f t−1 for term ensemble predictors and take the temporal correlation into
t − 1, f t can capitalize on the prediction output ŷit−1 of f t−1 account. Specifically, this is to answer how to synthesize the
by incorporating the incrementally new information xti . This prediction results of the multiple base predictors as well as
significantly reduces the complexity of constructing f t and the prediction from the previous term. In the next sections,
makes the prediction algorithm scalable. we will develop novel methods to address these challenges.
Our approach to enable such progressive predictions is
based on the ensemble learning technique and integrates offline IV. O FFLINE L EARNING BASE P REDICTORS
learning and online learning. The proposed architecture con-
sists of two layers — a base prediction layer and an ensemble In this section, we describe how to learn a base predictor
prediction layer. h. In fact, we will learn term-wise base predictors ht , ∀t,
(1) In the base prediction layer, we construct a set of which are the same predictor h trained on different training
base predictors H implemented using different prediction datasets. Specifically, to learn ht , we will utilize a training
algorithms. For each base predictor h ∈ H, let zh,i t
= h(θi , xti ) dataset Dt = {xti , yi }i∈I that contains the performance state
denote the prediction result of h for student i given the xti up to term t for a number of students who have graduated
student’s static feature and the current performance state xti . and earned grades yi for the targeted course. Note that the
The base predictors are trained using a dataset consisting of students, although they are in the same department, are in
all student data in the department without differentiating areas different areas. One may also wonder why not simply train
to maximally utilize the data. In fact, predictor h may even be a single base predictor h based on DT and use it for every
trained differently for each term t’s prediction task. Therefore, term. This is because in term t < T , much information in DT
we write ht (θi , xti ) rather than h(θi , xti ). Learning the base is unavailable yet which may negatively affect the prediction
predictors is done offline. accuracy given the current performance xti .
(2) In the ensemble prediction layer, we construct an ensem-
ble predictor for each term. The ensemble predictor f t for term A. Method Overview
t synthesizes the previous ensemble output ŷit−1 and output of An important question when training ht is how to construct
the base predictors zh,i , ∀h ∈ Ht and makes a final prediction the (input) feature vector given the student performance states
t t−1 t
ŷi based on ŷi and zh,i , ∀h ∈ Ht . The ensemble predictor xti , ∀i ∈ I. Because students come from different areas as
is learned using student data in the same area since students well as have different interests, the courses in the performance
having different areas take different courses and in different states can be very different. A straightforward way is to
sequences and hence, the temporal correlation is likely to be construct a large feature vector that contains the grade of
different. Learning the ensemble predictors is done online. courses that have appeared in Dt . Entries corresponding to
A system block diagram of the proposed bilayered architec- courses that a student did not take in this vector are filled
ture for the term t ensemble learning is illustrated in Figure with null values. In this way, students have the same feature
2. Although the proposed architecture is easy to understand, vector format. However, there are two major drawbacks for
a couple of challenges must be addressed in order to achieve this method. First, the feature vector can be very large,
good prediction performance. The first challenge is how to especially in the later terms of the program when students have
construct the base predictors. Although existing off-the-shelf taken more courses. The problem is more severe since even
machine learning algorithms can be used to perform the though students in different areas may have many courses in
prediction task, we would like to construct a base predictor common, they also have considerably many distinct courses. In
that is customized to the considered course grade prediction addition to the increased complexity, the second drawback is
problem to improve its prediction performance. A specific the possible degraded prediction accuracy due to added noise
consideration in this regard is what information should be since not all courses, even the courses within the same area,
included in the training of the predictor as well as making have predictive power for predicting the grade of the targeted
the prediction. The second challenge is how to construct the course. Therefore, we will learn the set of courses that are

I  J
p(X|U, V, σ 2 ) = T 2 1ij
j=1 [N (Xij |Ui Vj , σ )] , where



ŽƵƌƐĞƐ N (x|u, σ ) is the probability density function of the Gaussian
̱ ൈ
distribution with mean μ and variance σ 2 , and 1ij is the
indicator function that is equal to 1 if student i takes course j
ŽƵƌƐĞƐ ĂƚĞŐŽƌŝĞƐ and equal to 0 otherwise. We also place zero-mean spherical
Fig. 3. Illustration of matrix factorization.
Gaussian priors on student and course feature vectors:

2 2
p(U |σU )= N (Ui |0, σU I), p(V |σV2 ) = N (Vj |0, σV2 I)
more relevant to the targeted course. Notice that for different i=1 j=1
targeted courses, the relevant courses will also be different.
Once the relevant courses are found, the feature vector is The log of the posterior distribution over the student and
constructed using only elements in xti that corresponds to course features is given by
the relevant courses. Then our method will utilize various ln p(U, V |X, σ 2 , σV2 , σU
state-of-the-art supervised learning algorithms to train the base I J
predictors. In this paper, we do not invent new supervised =− 1ij (Xij − UiT Vj )2
learning algorithms but only focus on learning the relevant 2σ 2 i=1 j=1
courses. I M
1  T 1  T
− U i U i − V Vj (2)
2σV2 j=1 j
B. Learning Relevant Courses ⎛⎛ ⎞ ⎞
One way to determine the relevant courses is by using the 1 ⎝⎝  ⎠
− 1ij ln σ 2 + IK ln σU
+ JK ln σV2 ⎠ + C
educational domain knowledge. For instance, the prerequisite 2 i=1 j=1
dependencies of courses can be used to determine the rele-
vance of different courses. Suppose we want to predict for where C is a constant that does not depend on the parameters.
course j, then only courses that are prerequisites of j are Fix σ 2 , σU
, σV2 , maximizing the log-posterior over U and V
considered as the input courses. is equivalent to minimizing the following regularized problem
Our method in this paper adopts a data-driven approach I J
to learn the relevant courses in addition to utilizing the 1  λU λV
min 1ij (Xij − UiT Vj ) + U 2F + V 2F
educational domain knowledge. We aim to find course clusters U,V 2 i=1 j=1 2 2
where relevant courses are grouped in the same cluster. To
2 2
this end, we construct a matrix X of size I × J based on DT where λU = σσ2 , λV = σσ2 and  · F denotes the Frobenius
where the rows represent students and the columns represent norm. A local minimum of the objective function can be found
courses that appeared in DT . We aim to find a factorization by performing gradient descent in U and V . This model can
on X such that X = U T V where U is the compressed grade be viewed as a probabilistic extension of the SVD model.
matrix of size K × I and V is the course-cluster matrix of In particular, if all course grades have been observed, the
size K × J. The physical meaning of this factorization is as objective reduces to the SVD objective in the limit of prior
follows. K is the number of course clusters that we try to find. variances going to infinity.
The matrix V represents how the courses are grouped in these In order to estimate the best values of the parameters Ω 
K clusters. In particular, Vk,j represents the relevance weight (σ 2 , σU
, σV2 ), we utilize the Expectation-Maximization (EM)
of course j with respect to cluster k. A higher value of Vk,j algorithm. The objective is to find the maximum likelihood
means that course j is more likely to be grouped in cluster k. estimate of Ω such that
The matrix U represents the students’ performance (grades) in
each cluster. In particular, Uk,i represents student i’s average Ω̂ = arg max p(X|Ω) = arg max p(X, U, V |Ω)dU dV
performance (grade) in courses belonging to cluster k. Figure
3 illustrates the idea of matrix factorization. The EM algorithm works iteratively. In the r-th iteration,
The above problem can be solved using Singular Value the EM algorithm performs two steps: Expectation Step.
Decomposition (SVD), which aims to minimize X − U T V . Compute g(Ω) = E(U,V |X,Ω̂(r−1) ) [ln p(U, V |X, Ω)], where
However, student grade matrix X can be sparse since it is ln p(U, V |X, Ω) is given in (2) and Ω̂(r−1) is the estimate
constructed using data from multiple areas and students only from the last iteration. Since the expectation is not in closed
take a subset of courses. When X is constructed using all form, we draw Gibbs samples and compute the Monte Carlo
courses not only limited to the core courses, it can be highly mean. Maximization Step. Find Ω̂(r) = arg maxΩ g(Ω).
sparse. The sparsity results in a difficult non-convex optimiza- Once U and V are found through probabilistic matrix
tion problem which cannot be solved using standard SVD factorization, course clustering can then be performed. There
implementations. In this paper, we leverage the probabilistic are several ways to perform the clustering, below we describe
matrix factorization method proposed in [20] to deal with the two. Method 1: Each course j is assigned to a single cluster
sparse matrix X, which is detailed as follows. k in which the value of the cluster-course matrix V has the
Probabilistic Matrix Factorization. We define the con- highest value among all possible K course clusters. Let k(j)
ditional distribution over the observed course grades as denote the cluster that course j belongs to, then k(j) =

arg maxk Vk,j . Method 2: Course clusters are determined j ∗ that student i is supposed to take in a later term using the
using a thresholding rule. Specifically, course j belongs to static feature θi as well as the performance vector x̃ti restricted
cluster k if Vk,j > v̄ where v̄ is a predefined threshold value. to the relevant courses. Therefore, in term t, we have a total
In this case, a course may belong to multiple clusters. Our number of t×H prediction results per targeted course, namely
simulations adopt Method 1 to perform course clustering. zh,i , ∀τ ≤ t. Our task is to synthesize these base prediction
results and output a final prediction ŷit . The reason why we
C. Training Base Predictors want to utilize all these base prediction results is that even
Given the course clustering results, the base predictors though one particular base predictor performs the best in the
are constructed by implementing off-the-shelf machine learn- offline testing, it may not be the best in the online setting since
ing algorithms, such as linear regression, logistic regression, the underlying distribution of new students may not be exactly
support vector machines, artificial neural networks etc. As the same as that of students in the existing dataset. Sticking
we mentioned before, even for the same predictor, multiple to one particular base predictor may end up with a very
instances are trained, one for each term. In term t, students in suboptimal performance. Note that base predictor ht may not
the area under consideration have taken courses S̄ t following necessarily perform better than ht−1 since it is possible that
the recommended course sequence. Let Nk(j ∗ ) be the course the newly added course grade information represents noise.
cluster to which the targeted course belongs to. For term t Before presenting our algorithm, we define a performance
base predictor ht , the feature vector x̃ti has a size equal to measure which will be useful for the description and the
|S̄ t ∩ Nk(j ∗ ) |. That is, only relevant courses that have been analysis of our algorithm. The cumulative loss for a term t
taken by term t are used in the training for ht . If a student base predictor h ∈ Ht with respect to group g up to student
n t
did not take a course in S̄ t ∩ Nk(j ∗ ) (e.g. the student is in a n is defined as Ln (h|g) = i=1 l(zi,h , yi )1{gi = g}, where

different area), then the corresponding entry is set to NULL. l(y , y) is a loss function that characterizes the prediction error.
Clearly x̃ti is also expanding over t since S̄ t is expanding. For instance, l(y  , y) = (y − y  )2 for the regression case and
Given the new dataset {x̃ti , yi }i∈I , ht can be trained by using l(y  , y) = 1{y
= y  } for the classification case. The overall
any of the off-the-shelf algorithms. cumulative loss for  a term t base predictor h up to student
n is thus Ln (h) = g∈G Ln (h|g). These loss functions can
V. O NLINE L EARNING E NSEMBLE P REDICTORS be easily computed using the individual prediction of the base
predictors and the realized performance of student 1 through
So far we have obtained a set of base predictors Ht for each
n. Let h∗ (t|g) = arg minh∈Hτ ,∀τ ≤t Ln (h|g) be the best base
term t. Let H = |Ht | denote the number of base predictors
predictor for group g among all base predictors up to term t in
per term. The next question is how to make predictions using
hindsight and L∗,t ∗
n (g) = Ln (h (t|g)|g) be the corresponding
these base predictors for new students. There would not be
minimal cumulative loss.
any problem if there were just one term, i.e. T = 1 and one
Similarly, we define the cumulative loss for a term t
base predictor, i.e. H = 1. However, multiple base predictors
ensemble predictor f t withrespect to group g of student 1
and multiple terms introduce new challenges of (1) how to n
through n as Ln (f t |g) = t
yi )1{gi = g} and the
i=1 l(ŷi ,
synthesize the prediction outcome of base predictors in each
overall cumulative loss as Ln (f ) = g∈G Ln (f t |g). These
term and (2) how to incorporate the prediction outcome from
cumulative loss functions will depend on how the ensemble
previous terms. The second challenge is of particular interest
prediction is made based on the base prediction results. Our
since it is closely related to incorporating students’ evolving
objective is to synthesize the local prediction results such that
performance. In this section, we propose an online progressive
the long-term performance of the ensemble predictor is at least
prediction architecture based on ensemble learning techniques.
as good as that of the optimal individual base predictor in
A. Problem Formulation
To formalize the problem, we consider a stochastic setting
where new students arrive in sequence i = 1, 2, .... Such a B. Progressive Prediction
stochastic setting is in fact suitable for both offline training and A major challenge in utilizing all the base prediction results
online updating. Given an offline training dataset, the student zh,i , ∀τ ≤ t is that the number of these prediction results
arrival sequence can be easily generated according to a random grows linearly with the number of terms and can be very large
process. In the online scenario, the ensemble predictors are when t is large. Moreover, even though the previous-term pre-
able to keep improving themselves using the new student data. dictors hτ , τ < t may still add valuable information, in general
Each student belongs to a student group depending on θi the their predictive power is less than the current-term predictor
static feature of the student (e.g. high school GPAs and SATs). ht and hence should be treated differently. To address these
The student group can be created by a variety of state-of-the- two issues, we propose a progressive prediction architecture
art clustering algorithms. Let gi ∈ G be the group of student based on ensemble learning techniques. Specifically, for each
i and G be the group space. For instance, G can consist of a term t we construct an ensemble predictor f t . The input to f t
high SAT score student group and a low SAT score student is the prediction results of the term t base predictors Ht and
group. the ensemble prediction from the previous term. Due to the
In each term t, each of the base predictor ht ∈ Ht makes a cascading structure, the prediction results of all base predictors
prediction zh,i = ht (θi , x̃ti ) of the grade of a targeted course up to term t is implicitly taken into account.

ĐĂĚĞŵŝĐ^ƚĂƚĞ‫ݔ‬ Algorithm 1 Ensemble-based Progressive Prediction (EPP)

ߠ 1: Initialization: L(ht ) = 0, L(f t ) = 0, ∀t.
͘͘͘ ĂƐĞ
2: for each student i do
࢝ 3: Observe backgrounds θi , student group gi
‫ ݖ‬ǡ ‫࣢ א ݄׊‬
4: for term t = 1 to T do  Prediction Phase
5: Observe performance state xti
6: Extract relevant state x̃ti
‫ݕ‬ො ‫ݕ‬ො 7: Receive prediction ŷit−1 from f t−1
8: Base predictor h ∈ Ht predicts zh,i t
= ht (θi , x̃ti )
tĞŝŐŚƚ >ŽƐƐ t
‫ݒ‬ ݂ hƉĚĂƚĞ 9: Ensemble predictor f predicts
10: ŷit = f t (ŷit−1 , {zh,i
}h |v it−1 , wti )
Fig. 4. Ensemble Prediction and Weight Update. 11: end for
12: Observe true label yi .
13: for term t = 1 to T do  Update Phase
The term t ensemble predictor is learned using the ex- 14: Compute prediction loss l(ŷit , yi ) and l(zi,h t
t , yi )
t t t
ponentially weighted average forecaster (EWAF) algorithm. 15: Update Li (h |gi ) ← Li−1 (h |gi ) + l(zi,ht , yi )
Specifically, each base predictor ht is associated with a weight 16: Li (f t−1 |gi ) ← Li−1 (f t−1 |gi ) + l(ŷit , yi )
vector wi (ht ) and the previous term ensemble predictor f t−1 17: Update weights wti+1 and v ti+1 according to (4)
is associated with a weight vector v i (f t−1 ). All these weight 18: end for
vectors have a size |G| equal to the number of student groups. 19: end for
Therefore, weights are maintained for each student group.
The weights are updated when the student performance in
the targeted course j ∗ is realized and hence are changing
C. Performance Analysis
over the student index i. All weight vectors are initialized
to be (1, ..., 1). For student i, at the beginning of term t,
In this section, we characterize the performance of the
the ensemble predictor f t makes a prediction ŷit based on a
t proposed progressive predictor. We study only the case |G| = 1
weighted average of the base prediction results zh,i , ∀h ∈ Ht
since the extension is straightforward. We will focus on
and the previous-term ensemble prediction results ŷit−1 . De- the ensemble predictor for a particular term t and compare
pending on whether the prediction is a regression problem or a it with the best base predictor among terms 1, 2, ..., t in
classification problem, the weighted averaging is deterministic hindsight. Once the performance of ensemble predictor f t is
or probabilistic as follows. characterized, characterizing the overall performance of the
Regression. The ensemble prediction is the weighted aver- progressive predictor is also straightforward. However, since
age of the input predictions: the ensemble prediction is deterministic in the regression case
 t t−1 t−1
h∈Ht wi,g (h)zi,h + vi,g (f )ŷi whereas it is probabilistic in the classification case, we analyze
ŷi = t−1
(3) the performance separately for these two cases.
h∈Ht wi,g (h) + vi,g (f )
Regression Case. We define the regret of ensemble predic-
Classification. The ensemble prediction is ŷit−1 (or zi,h
) tor f t up to student n as the difference between its cumulative
with probability loss Ln (f t ) and the cumulative loss of the best base predictor
vi,g (f t−1 ) wi,g (h) L∗,t t
n , denoted by Reg (n) = Ln (f ) − Ln .
 t−1 )
(or  t−1 )
h∈Ht i,g (h) + v i,g (f h∈Ht i,g (h) + vi,g (f
w Proposition 1 (Regret for Regression). When the EPP algo-

Using the later realized performance in the targeted course rithm runs with parameter η i = 8(ln(H + 1))/i, then for
∗ any number n of students, the regret of ensemble predictor
j of student i, the weights of the base predictors and the
t t √ t
previous-term ensemble predictor are updated according to f satisfies
t (1) Reg (n)
< O( n) and (2) E[Reg (n)] ≤
their cumulative loss for group g students. Specifically, the O((t − τ =1 ρ τ + 1) n ln(H + 1)) assuming that the best
∗ τ
weights to be applied to student i + 1 are updated to base predictor
t h is in term τ with probability ρ (we must
have τ =1 ρτ = 1).
wi+1,g (ht ) = exp(−ηi Li (ht |g)) (4)
t−1 Proof. This proof is largely based on Theorem 2.3 in [18],
vi+1,g (ht ) = exp(−ηi Li (f t−1 |g)), if g = gi (5)
which can be establish regret bounds on the performance
where ηi is a sequence of input constants. For g
= gi , the difference between f t and the best among Ht when we restrict
weights remain the same. Intuitively, the predictor with a larger to the ensemble learning problem in term t. In particular, we
cumulative loss will be assigned with a smaller weight and have
hence its prediction for future students will be considered
less important in the ensemble synthesis. Figure 4 illustrates Ln (f t ) − min{Ln (f t−1 ), Ln (h), ∀h ∈ Ht }
the ensemble prediction and the weight update. Algorithm 1
provides the pseudo code of the proposed Ensemble-based n ln(H + 1)
≤2 ln(H + 1) + (6)
Progressive Prediction (EPP) algorithm. 2 8

Now consider term t − 1, we have the same bound for f t−1 ࣢ଵ ࣢ଶ ͘͘͘ ࣢ ௧ିଵ ࣢௧
Ln (f t−1 ) − min{Ln (f t−2 ), Ln (h), ∀h ∈ Ht−1 }
݂ଵ ݂ଶ ͘͘͘ ݂ ௧ିଵ ݂௧
n ln(H + 1)
≤2 ln(H + 1) + (7)
2 8 ࣢ଵ ࣢ଶ ͘͘͘ ࣢ ௧ିଵ ࣢௧
Combining both bounds, we have WƌŽŐƌĞƐƐŝǀĞ
݂ଵ ݂ଶ ͘͘͘ ݂ ௧ିଵ ݂௧
Ln (f t ) − min{Ln (h), ∀h ∈ Ht−1 }
=Ln (f t ) − Ln (f t−1 ) + Ln (f t−1 ) − min{Ln (h), ∀h ∈ Ht−1 } Fig. 5. Difference between direct method and progressive method.
n ln(H + 1)
=≤2 2 ln(H + 1) + (8)
2 8 all past performance states. The cumulative loss Ln (ht ) clearly
is no less than L∗,t n on average for any t. Since Ln (f t )
By induction, we have ∀τ ≤ t is asymptotically no more than L∗,t n on average, it can be
t τ concluded that using the student’s evolving progress improves
Ln (f ) − min{Ln (h), ∀h ∈ H }
  the prediction performance.
n ln(H + 1) Classification Case. Since the prediction output in the clas-
≤(t − τ + 1) 2 ln(H + 1) + (9)
2 8 sification case is randomly sampled according to a distribution,
we define regret in a slightly different way. Instead of using the
  realized cumulative loss, we use the expected cumulative loss
t n ln(H + 1) when defining regret: Regt (n) = E[Ln (f t )] − L∗,t n . Because
Reg (n) ≤ t 2 ln(H + 1) + (10) of the probabilistic prediction, the space of predictions
2 8 and
the loss functions are not convex in the classification case
and and hence, results of Theorem 2.3 in [18] are no longer
E[Regt (n)] (11) applicable. Our prior work [32] establishes a similar result for
  the classification case, which is utilized in the regret analysis
n ln(H + 1) in this paper.
≤ E(t − τ ∗ + 1) 2 ln(H + 1) +
2 8
  Proposition 2 (Theorem 2 in [32]). When the EPP al-
n ln(H + 1) gorithm runs with parameter η i = ln(H + 1)/i, then
≤ (t − ρτ τ + 1) 2 ln(H + 1) + we have E[L (f t
)] − min{L (f t−1
), L (h), ∀h ∈ Ht } ≤
τ =1
2 8 n n n
2 n ln(H + 1).
where τ ∗ is the term of the optimal base predictor in hindsight.
Using Proposition 2, we can perform a similar analysis for
the classification case and obtain the following proposition.
Several remarks are made as√follows.
Proposition 3 (Regret for Classification). Assume that the
(1) The regret bound is O( n), which is sublinear in the
best base predictor
t h∗ is in term τ with probability ρτ (we
number of students n. This implies that the average regret τ
must have τ =1 ρ = 1). When the EPP algorithm runs
tends to zero when n → ∞, i.e. limn→∞ n1 Regt (n) → 0. This
with parameter ηi = ln(H + 1)/i, then for any number
bound provides a worst-case performance guarantee for the
n of students, √the regret of ensemble predictor f tsatisfies (1)
ensemble predictor, stating that the ensemble predictor is no t t t τ
worse than the best base predictor in hindsight asymptotically.
Reg (n) < O( n) and (2) E[Reg (n)] ≤ O((t − τ =1 ρ τ +
(2) Another way to perform the ensemble learning in term 1) n ln(H + 1)).
t is to learn directly among all the base predictors up to The implications of Proposition 3 for the classification case
term t. Therefore, the input to f t is zh,i τ
, ∀h ∈ Hτ , ∀τ ≤ t. are similar to those of Proposition 1 for the regression case.
Figure 5 illustrates the difference between the direct method
and the proposed progressive prediction method. However, the VI. E XPERIMENTAL R ESULTS
direct method not only induces significantly larger complexity
since the ensemble learning in each term becomes much A. Dataset
more complicated but also may have worse expected regret Student data used to test our method is collected from the
performance. In particular, the expected regret bound for the Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering department at UCLA
direct method can be shown as E[Regt (n)] ≤ O( n ln(Ht)) across students who graduated in three years (2013, 2014,
which is independent of the probability distribution ρτ . 2015). The dataset has 1169 anonymized undergraduate stu-
(3) Proposition 1 in fact highlights the importance of taking dents enrolled in the program in two different areas (Mechan-
the student’s evolving progress into account when predicting ical Engineering and Aerospace Engineering). All students
the student’s future performance. Consider a particular term completed their program. We excluded the transferred students
t. The base predictor Ht uses only the current performance to UCLA since the course information of these students before
state but not the previous performance state to make the the transfer is missing. The data of each student contains the
prediction whereas the ensemble predictor f t implicitly uses student’ pre-college traits (high school GPA and SAT scores),

4 200
Final Cumulative GPA

# Students

Correlation Coefficient: 0.19585 50

Student Performance
Linear Regression Fitting ( y=0.0020319x + 1.677 )
1.5 0
400 500 600 700 800 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
SAT Math Score # Selected Courses

Fig. 6. Correlation between SAT Math and final GPA. Fig. 9. Distribution of course selection

4 the correlation between the high school GPA and the final
GPA. The general trend is that students with higher SAT
Final Cumulative GPA

scores also obtain higher final GPA in the degree program.

3 However, high school GPA is almost not correlated with
2.5 the final GPA in the college, suggesting that high school
GPA has weaker predictive power than SAT scores. Figure 8
Correlation Coefficient: -0.081558
further illustrates the correlation (obtained by linear fitting)
1.5 Student Performance
between SAT verbal/math/writing/combined and final GPA.
Linear Regression Fitting ( y=-0.17475x + 3.9414 ) SAT combined score has the highest correlation with the
3 3.5 4 4.5 5 final GPA. SAT math is the most powerful predictor among
High School GPA individual SAT scores, which is reasonable since students are
from an engineering department.
Fig. 7. Correlation between high school GPA and final GPA. Figure 9 illustrates the distribution of the number of courses
selected by students. The average number of courses that
students take is 38. Although students take a similar number
the courses (including lectures and labs) that the students take
of courses, the courses that they take are extremely diverse.
in each academic quarter, the course credits and the obtained
The total number of distinct courses among all students is
grades. We use only high school GPA and SAT scores as the
811 while 759 of them are taken by less than 10% of the
static features of students due to the limitation of the dataset.
students. The diversity is mainly due to the elective courses,
Nevertheless, other features, if available, can be used in our
which can be vastly different depending on students’ own
framework. UCLA adopts a quarter system and hence, each
interest. We observed that a significantly large portion of the
academic term is a quarter. We consider only the fall, winter
courses are taken by only one student in our dataset, making
and spring quarters but not the summer quarter which has
the distribution extremely biased towards the lower percentage
a different enrollment pattern and different course durations
(i.e. shorter than courses in other quarters). We consider only
letter-grade courses but not pass/fail courses.
Figure 6 shows the correlation between the SAT math score B. Learning Correlated Courses
of the students and their final GPA, and Figure 7 shows We performed probabilistic matrix factorization on the
student dataset to learn the course correlation. We explored
different numbers of course clusters by setting K = 5, 10, 20.
Figures 10 and 11 show the discovered V matrix for core
courses in a colormap representation, where the values are
represented by color, for K = 20 and K = 5, respectively.
Final Cumulative GPA

Below we provide a couple of case studies to show how

the clustering results relate to and are different from course
clustering using educational domain knowledge.
MAE 182A. MAE 182A is the course “Mathematics of
SAT Verbal (slope: 0.0008) Engineering”. The prerequisite courses of MAE 182A are
SAT Math (slope 0.0020)
SAT Writing (slope: 0.0012)
shown in Figure 12 which are all math courses. Besides these
(Scaled) SAT Combined (slope: 0.0022) courses, our methods discover several other correlated courses,
2 including CHEM 20BH, EE 110L, MAE 102, MAE 105A
200 300 400 500 600 700 800
SAT Scores and PHYS 1A, even though they are not prerequisite courses
Fig. 8. Correlation between SAT Verbal/Math/Writing/Combined and final of MAE 182A. Table I reports the correlation coefficients
GPA obtained by using our matrix factorization method and the

5 0.4
Course Name MF Pearson Note
Core Courses

MATH 33A 0.3103 0.3278 Direct Pre-requisite

0.2 MATH 33B 0.4668 0.4505 Direct Pre-requisite
MATH 31B 0.0924 0.0874 Indirect Pre-requisite
20 MATH 32A 0.2624 0.1986 Indirect Pre-requisite
0 MAE 105A 0.4862 0.4779 Additionally Discovered
25 CHEM 20B 0.4205 0.4072 Additionally Discovered
MAE 103 0.4205 0.3942 Additionally Discovered
30 -0.2 MAT SCI 104 0.4096 0.4041 Additionally Discovered
5 10 15 MAE 105D 0.1775 0.1997 Excluded
MAE 94 0.1243 0.1053 Excluded
Course Category

Fig. 10. Matrix Factorization Results (the V matrix restricted to the core
courses) in Colormap (K = 20). Integration & Infinite Series
MATH 32A(H):
3.5 Multi-variable Calculus I
5 Oscillations, Waves,
3 EM Fields
Core Courses

Multi-variable Calculus II
2.5 PHYS 1C:
15 Electrodynamics, Optics,
Special Relativity
EE 100:
25 1.5 Electrical & Electronic
30 1
EE 110L:
Circuit Measurement
1 2 3 4 5 Laboratory
Course Category
Fig. 13. Prerequisite courses of EE 100 and EE 110L.
Fig. 11. Matrix Factorization Results (the V matrix restricted to the core
courses) in Colormap (K = 5).
C. Prediction Performance

Pearson correlation coefficients for a number of courses. As we We constructed four base predictors for each quarter im-
can see, our method is effective in discovering the correlation plemented by four classic machine learning algorithms: linear
among courses. In particular, regression, logistic regression, random forest and k-Nearest
Neighbors (kNN). Base predictors in quarter t are trained using
EE 100 and EE 110L. These two courses are “Electrical
course grade data up to quarter t restricted to the discovered
and Electronics Circuits” and “Circuit Measurements Labo-
relevant courses of the targeted course.
ratory”. Figure 13 shows their prerequisite courses. Besides
We point out an important difference between the setup
the prerequisite courses, our method discovered three more
used in the simulation and that in the model. In our model,
courses that have predictive power, namely CHEM 20B/BH,
we assumed that students in the same area follow the exact
MAE 103, MAE 102, and MAT SCI 104. However, our
same course sequence and take the exact (core) courses in each
method shows that MATH 32B is not a strongly correlated
quarter. In practice, however, students may still take courses in
course even though it is a co-requisite course of PHYS 1B
slightly different orders. As a result, some students may take a
and PHYS 1C.
targeted course later than the recommended quarter in which
the course should be taken. Therefore, in the simulations, the
prediction performance for a targeted course is shown for the
MATH 31B: entire program duration, namely 12 quarters.
Integration & Infinite Series
Figures 14 and 15 show the mean square errors of the
MATH 32A(H): grade prediction for MAE 182A and EE 110L, respectively. In
Multi-variable Calculus I general, the prediction error decreases over the quarters for all
the base predictors as well as the ensemble predictor. This is
MATH 33A: MATH 33B: because more information is accumulated over time. Note that
Linear Algebra Differential Equations
the first data point in all curves correspond to a model that uses
only static matriculating measurements but not the evolving
MAE 182A:
Mathematics of Engineering performance of students. Among the base predictors that we
implemented, random forest performs the best, kNN performs
Fig. 12. Prerequisite courses of MAE 182A. (Dashed lines are co-requisite the worst in most cases. The proposed progressive prediction
courses) algorithm outperforms all base predictors since it not only

Linear Regression
Logistic Regression 0.4

Mean Square Error

Random Forest
Mean Square Error
kNN 0.35

0.2 Same Department Only

0.3 Direct Pre-Requisite Only
0.15 Series of Pre-Requisites
Course Clustering
0.2 0.1
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Time (Quarter) Time (Quarter)

Fig. 14. Prediction performance for MAE 182A. (Ensemble v.s. Base) Fig. 16. Prediction performance for MAE 182A. (Different Inputs)

0.35 0.25
Linear Regression
Logistic Regression

Mean Square Error

Random Forest
Mean Square Error


0.25 0.2

Same Department Only

0.2 Direct Pre-Requisite Only
Series of Pre-Requisites
Course Clustering
0.15 0.15
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Time (Quarter) Time (Quarter)

Fig. 15. Prediction performance for EE 110L. (Ensemble v.s. Base) Fig. 17. Prediction performance for EE 110L. (Different Inputs)

utilizes the prediction of the base predictors in the current 110L, prerequisite courses have more predictive power than
quarter but also utilizes the previous quarter prediction results. courses offered by the same department. In both cases, our
We also perform the experiments on three other courses algorithm based on course clustering yields the best prediction
EE100, MAE105D and PHYSICS4BL in all of which the performance.
proposed ENN algorithm beats the base predictors.
We further compare the prediction performance with algo- VII. C ONCLUSIONS
rithms taking different input features in order to show the In this paper, we proposed a novel method for predicting
impact of learning relevant courses. Specifically, we compare students’ future performance in degree programs given their
three benchmarks based on the educational domain knowl- current and past performance. A latent factor model-based
edge: Same Department Only. The courses in a curriculum course clustering method was developed to discover relevant
are offered by different departments. For instance, in the courses for constructing base predictors. An ensemble-based
MAE curriculum, courses EE 100, EE 110L etc. are offered progressive prediction architecture was developed to incorpo-
by Electrical Engineering department. Courses MATH 33A, rate students’ evolving performance into the prediction. These
MATH 33B etc. are offered by Mathematics department. In data-driven methods can be used in conjunction with other
this benchmark, only courses offered by the same department pedagogical methods for evaluating students’ performance
as that of the targeted course are considered relevant; Direct and provide valuable information for academic advisors to
Prerequisite Only In this benchmark, only the direct pre- recommend subsequent courses to students and carry out ped-
requisite courses are considered as the relevant courses of the agogical intervention measures if necessary. Additionally, this
targeted course. For instance, the direct pre-requisite courses work will also impact curriculum design in degree programs
of MAE 182A are MATH 33A and MATH 33B; Series of and education policy design in general. Future work includes
Prerequisites. Direct prerequisite courses may also have their extending the performance prediction to elective courses and
pre-requisite courses. In this benchmark, the series of the using the prediction results to recommend courses to students.
prerequisite courses are considered as the relevant courses of
the targeted course. For instance, for MAE 182A, in addition R EFERENCES
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