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INDU 411 Lecture 5:

Process Planning and

Concurrent Engineering
Instructor: Dr. Amar Sabih, PEng

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INDU 411

1. Process Planning
2. Computer-aided Process Planning
3. Concurrent Engineering and Design for Manufacturing
4. Advanced Manufacturing Planning

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1. Process Planning
 Product design is the plan for the product and its
components and subassemblies
 Manufacturing plan is needed to convert the product
design into a physical entity.
 The activity of developing such a plan is process planning
 It is the bridge between product design and manufacturing

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Process v.s. Production Planning
 Process planning
 Technical details
 The engineering and technological issues of how to
make the product and its part.
 What types of equipment and tooling are required to
fabricated the parts and assemble the product?
 Production planning
 Logistics issues
 Ordering the materials and obtaining the resources
required to make the product in sufficient quantities to
satisfy demand.

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Process Planning
 Determining the most appropriate manufacturing
processes and the sequence in which they should be
performed to produce a given part or product specified by
design engineering
 Limitations imposed by available processing equipment
and productive capacity of the factory must be considered
 Parts or subassemblies that cannot be made internally
must be purchased from external suppliers

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Who does Process Planning?
 Manufacturing engineers
 Other titles: industrial engineers, production engineers,
process engineers
 They must be familiar with the particular manufacturing
processes available in the factory
 They are able to interpret engineering drawings.
 Based on their knowledge, skill, and experience, they
develop the processing steps in the most logical sequence
required to make each part
 Some details are often delegated to specialists, such as
tool designers

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Tasks in Process Planning
1. Interpretation of design drawings
 The part or product design must be analyzed to begin
the process planning procedure
 Starting materials
 Dimensions
 Tolerances
2. Choice of processes and sequence
 The process planner must select which processes and
their sequence are required, and prepare a brief
description of all processing steps

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Tasks in Process Planning
3. Choice of equipment
 The process planner attempts to develop process plans
that utilize existing plant equipment
 Otherwise, the part must be purchased, or new
equipment must be installed in the plant
4. Choice of tools, dies, molds, fixtures, and gages
 The process planner must decide what tooling is
required for each processing step.
 Design of special tooling is usually delegated to the tool
design group, and fabrication is accomplished by the
tool room, or an outside vendor

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Tasks in Process Planning
5. Analysis of methods
 Workplace layout, small tool, hoist for lifting heavy part
 Hand and body motions must be specified for manual operations
(e.g., assembly, loading and unloading)

6. Setting of work standards

 Time standards set by work
measurement techniques

7. Choice of cutting tools and cutting conditions

 Specified for machining operation, often with reference to standard
handbook recommendations.
 Similar decisions must be made other than machining
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Process Planning for Parts
 Processes needed to manufacture a given part are
determined largely by the material out of which the part is
made and the part design itself
 The material is selected by the product designer based on
functional requirements
 Once the material has been selected, the choice of
possible processes is narrowed considerably

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Process Planning for Parts
 A typical processing sequence to fabricate a discrete part
consists of
1. A basic process
2. Secondary processes
3. Property-enhancing operations
4. Finishing operations

Typical sequence of processes required in part fabrication.

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Process Planning for Parts
1. Basic process
 Establishes initial geometry of work part
 Examples: metal casting, forging, sheet metal rolling

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Process Planning for Parts
2. Secondary processes
 Starting geometry is transformed into final geometry
 Sand casting  machining
 Rolling mill  stamping (punching, bending)
 Net shape processes – no secondary process
 Near net shape process – minimal secondary process

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Process Planning for Parts
3. Property-enhancing operations
 Improve their mechanical and physical properties
 Do not alter the geometry of the part
 Heat treatment – strengthen metal components
 In many cases, these operations are not required

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Process Planning for Parts
4. Finishing operations
 Usually provide a coating on the work surface
 Examples: electroplating, painting
 Enhance appearance, change color, protect the surface
from corrosion, abrasion, or other damage.
 Not required on many parts, e.g., plastic moldings.

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INDU 411 Process Planning for Parts
Typical Process Sequences
Basic Process (Material Form) Secondary Processes (Final Shape) Property‐ Finishing Process
Sand casting (sand casting) Machining (machined part) Optional Painting
Die casting (die casting) Net shape (die casting) Optional Painting
Casting of glass (glass ingot) Pressing, blow molding (glassware) Heat treatment None
Injection molding (molded  Net shape (plastic molding) None None
Rolling (sheet metal) Blanking, punching, bending, ‐ None Plating
forming (stamping)
Rolling (sheet metal) Deep drawing (stamping) None Plating
Forging (forging) Machining (machined part) None Painting
Bar drawing (bar stock) Machining, grinding (machined part) Heat treatment Plating
Extrusion of aluminum  Cutoff (extruded part) None Anodizing
Atomize (metal powders) Press (PM part) Sinter Paint
Comminution (ceramic  Press (ceramic ware) Sinter Glaze
Ingot pulling (silicon boule) Sawing and grinding (silicon wafer) None Cleaning
Sawing and grinding (silicon  Oxidation, CVD, PVD, etching  None Coating
wafer) (integrated circuits)INDU411 16
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Process Planning for Parts
 Process planning usually begins after the basic process
has provided initial part shape
 Example: machined parts begin as bar stock or
castings or forgings, and these basic processes are
often external to the fabricating plant
 Example: stampings begin as sheet metal coils or strips
purchased from the mill
 These are the raw materials supplied from external
suppliers for the secondary processes performed in the

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Process Planning for Parts
 Route Sheet (or operation sheet)
 The documentation of processing sequence
 Includes the following information:
 All operations to be performed on the work part, listed
in the order in which they should be performed
 A brief description of each operation indicating the
processing to be accomplished, with references to
dimensions and tolerance on the part drawing
 The specific machines on which the work is to be done
 Any special tooling, such as dies, molds, cutting tools,
jigs or figures, and gages.

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INDU 411 Process Planning for Parts
Route Sheet

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Process Planning for Assemblies
The type of assembly method used depends on:
1. The anticipated production quantities
2. Complexity of the assembled product,
 e.g., number of distinct components
3. Assembly processes used
 e.g., mechanical assembly vs. welding

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INDU 411 Process Planning for Assemblies
Work Element and Precedence Order
 Process planning for assembly involves development of
assembly instructions as show in in this example)

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INDU 411 Process Planning for Assemblies
Precedence Diagram

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Process Planning for Assemblies
 For single stations, the documentation contains a list of the assembly
steps in the order in which they must be accomplished
 For assembly line production, process planning consists of line
balancing (allocating work elements to particular stations along the
 As with process planning for individual parts, any tools and fixtures
needed to accomplish a given assembly task must be decided, and
the workplace layout must be designed

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Make or Buy Decision
 Inevitably, the question arises whether a given part should
be purchased from an outside vendor or made internally
 Virtually all manufacturers purchase their starting
materials from suppliers
 Machine shop buys bar stock from metal distributor (or
sand castings from a foundry)
 Plastic molding plant buys molding compound from
chemical company
 Stamping plant buys sheet metal from distributor
 Very few production operations are vertically integrated all
the way from raw materials to finished product

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Make or Buy Decision
 Given that a company purchases some or all of its starting
 Shouldn’t we question whether the company should
purchase the parts that would otherwise be made in its
own factory?
 The answer to the question is the make or buy decision
 The make versus buy question is probably appropriate
to ask for every component used by the company

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Factors in the Make or Buy Decision
Factor Explanation and Effect on Make/Buy Decision

How do part costs  This must be considered the most important factor in the make 
compare? or buy decision. 

Is  If the equipment and technical expertise for a given process are 

the process available  not available internally, then purchasing is the obvious 
in‐house? decision. Vendors usually become very proficient in certain 
processes, which often make them cost competitive in 
external–internal comparisons. However, there may be long‐
term cost implications for the company if it does not develop 
technological expertise in certain processes that are important 
for the types of products it makes.

What is the total  As the total number of units required over the life of the 

production quantity  product increases, this tends to favor the make decision. Lower 
and anticipated  quantities favor the buy decision. Longer product life tends to 
product life? favor the make decision.

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Factors in the Make or Buy Decision

Factor Explanation and Effect on Make/Buy Decision
Is the component a Standard catalog items (e.g., hardware items such as bolts, screws,
standard item? nuts, and other commodity items) are produced economically by
suppliers specializing in those products. Cost comparisons almost
always favor a purchase decision on these standard parts.

Is the supplier A vendor that misses a delivery on a critical component can cause a
reliable? shutdown at the company’s final assembly plant. Suppliers with
proven delivery and quality records are favored over suppliers with
lesser records.

Is the company’s In peak demand periods, the company may be forced to expand its
plant already own plant capacity by purchasing a portion of the required
operating at full production from outside vendors.

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Make or Buy Example
Given: The quoted part price from a vendor = $20.00 per
unit for 100 units. The same part made in the home factory
would cost $28.00. Cost breakdown on the make alternative
is as follows:
Unit material cost = $8.00 per unit
Direct labor = $6.00 per unit
Labor overhead at 150% = $9.00 per unit
Equipment fixed cost = $5.00 per unit
Total = $28.00 per unit
 Should the component by bought or made in-house?

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Make or Buy Example
 Although the vendor's quote seems to favor the buy
decision, consider the possible effect on the factory if the
quote is accepted
 Equipment fixed cost of $5.00 is an allocated cost based on
an investment that has already been made
 If equipment is idled by a buy decision, then the fixed
cost continues even if the equipment is not in use
 Overhead cost of $9.00 consists of factory floor space,
indirect labor, and other costs that will also continue even if
the part is bought

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Make or Buy Example
 By this reasoning, the decision to purchase might cost the
company as much as $20.00 + $5.00 + $9.00 = $34.00 per
unit if it results in idle time in the factory on the machine
that would have been used to make the part

 On the other hand, if the equipment can be used to

produce other components for which the internal prices
are less than the corresponding external quotes, then a
buy decision makes good economic sense

INDU411 30
INDU 411 Computer-Aided Process Planning
 Problems arise when process planning is done manually
 Different process planners have different experiences,
skills, and knowledge of the processes in the plant
 Leads to variations and inconsistencies
 Shop-trained people knowledgeable in manufacturing
processes are gradually retiring
 Automation to process planning is needed, and computer-
aided process planning (CAPP) is developed

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Benefits of CAPP
 Process rationalization and standardization
 CAPP leads to more logical and consistent process
plans than traditional process planning
 Increased productivity of process planners
 Reduced lead time to prepare process plans
 Improved legibility over manually written route sheets
 Incorporation of other application programs
 CAPP programs can be interfaced with other application
programs, such as cost estimating, work standards, and
NC part programming

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INDU 411 Computer-Aided Process Planning
 Computer-aided process planning systems are designed
around either of two approaches:
1. Retrieval CAPP systems
2. Generative CAPP systems

 Some CAPP systems combine the two approaches in

what is called semi-generative CAPP.

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Retrieval CAPP Systems
 Based on group technology
(GT) and parts classification
and coding
 A standard process plan is
stored in computer files for
each part code number
 The standard plans are
based on current part
routings in use in the factory,
or on an ideal plan prepared
for each family
 The standard plan is edited if
Operation of a retrieval type
modifications are needed CAPP system
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Retrieval CAPP Systems
 If the file does not contain a
standard process plan for the
given code number, the user
may search the file for a
similar code number
 By editing an existing
process plan, or starting from
scratch, the user develops a
new process plan that
becomes the standard plan
for the new part code
 a.k.a. variant CAPP systems
Operation of a retrieval type
CAPP system
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Retrieval CAPP Systems
 Final step is the process plan
formatter, which prints out
the route sheet in the proper
 Formatter may call other
application programs:
determining cutting
conditions, calculating
standard times, or computing
cost estimates

Operation of a retrieval type

CAPP system
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Generative CAPP Systems
 Rather than retrieving and editing an existing plan from a
database, the process plan is created using systematic
procedures similar to those sued by a human planner
 In a fully generative CAPP system, the process sequence
is planned without human assistance and without
predefined standard plans
 Designing a generative CAPP system is part of the field of
expert systems (a branch of artificial intelligence)
 The computer programs that can solve complex
problems, which may require a human years of
education and experience to solve

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Components of an Expert System
 Knowledge base
 The technical knowledge of manufacturing and logic
used by process planners must be captured and coded
in a computer program
 Computer-compatible part description
 The description must contain all the pertinent data
needed to plan the process sequence
 CAD model and/or GT code number
 Inference engine
 The algorithm that applies the planning logic and
process knowledge contained in the knowledge base to
a given part description
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3. Concurrent Engineering
 Traditional approach to product design that tends to
separate design and manufacturing engineering
 Product design develops the new design, sometimes with
small regard for the manufacturing capabilities possessed
by the company
 There is little interaction between design engineers and
manufacturing engineers who might provide advice on

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Concurrent Engineering
 By contrast, concurrent engineering involves the
manufacturing engineering department in the product
development cycle
 Provides advice to facilitate manufacture and assembly
 It also proceeds the early stage of manufacturing planning
 Quality engineering,
field service, vendors,
and customers can also
be involved

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Concurrent Engineering
 All of them contribute during product development to
improve product functionality, performance, producibility,
inspectability, testability, serviceability, and maintainability
 Through early involvement of all interested parties, the
total product development cycle time is reduced
 As opposed to reviewing the
final product design after it is
too late to conveniently make
any changes

INDU411 41
INDU 411 Product Development:
Two Approaches
Comparison of:
 (a) traditional product
development cycle,

 (b) product
development using
concurrent engineering

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Concurrent Engineering
 Certain enabling technologies such as rapid prototyping,
virtual prototyping, and organizational changes are
required to facilitate the concurrent engineering approach.

Concurrent engineering includes several elements:

 Design for manufacturing and assembly
 Design for quality
 Design for cost
 Design for life cycle
 …

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INDU 411 Design for
Manufacturing and Assembly
 Estimated that 70% of the life cycle cost is determined by
basic decisions made during product design
 Decisions include material for each part, part geometry,
tolerances, how parts are organized into subassemblies,
and assembly methods
 Once these decisions are
made, the ability to reduce
manufacturing cost of the
product is limited

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How Design Affects Process Planning
 Example: If product engineer designs an aluminum sand
casting with features can be achieved only by machining
 Then the process planner must specify sand casting
followed by the necessary machining operations
 A better decision might be to use a plastic molded part
that can be made in a single step
 The manufacturing engineer might advise the designer
that a plastic molded part would be superior
 It is important for the manufacturing engineer to have an
opportunity to advise the design engineer as the product
design is evolving

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INDU 411 Design for
Manufacturing and Assembly
 An approach to product design that systematically
includes considerations of manufacturability and
assembleability in the design

 DFM/A includes:
 Organizational changes
 Design principles and guidelines

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Organizational Changes in DFM/A
 To implement DFM/A, a company should make
organizational changes to provide closer interaction
between design and manufacturing personnel
1. By forming project teams consisting of product designers,
manufacturing engineers, and other specialties
2. By requiring design engineers to spend some career time
in manufacturing to gain first-hand experience
3. By assigning manufacturing engineers to the product
design department to serve
as producibility consultants

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DFM/A Principles and Guidelines
 DFM/A includes principles and guidelines that indicate
how to design a given product for maximum
 Many of these principles and guidelines are universal
 Rules of thumb that can be applied to nearly any
product design situation
 In addition, DFM/A includes principles that are specific to
given manufacturing processes

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General Guidelines in DFM/A

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General Guidelines in DFM/A

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General Guidelines in DFM/A

 Guidelines sometimes conflict with one another

 Design for part manufacture v.s. Design for assembly
 A suitable compromise must be found

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Design for Quality
 Design for quality (DFQ) refers to the principles and
procedures employed to ensure that the highest possible
quality is designed into the product.
DFQ’s general objectives:
1. To design the product to meet customer requirements
2. To design the product to be “robust”, i.e., its function and
performance are relatively insensitive to variations in
manufacturing and subsequent application
3. To continuously improve the performance,
functionality, reliability, safety, and other
quality aspects of the product to provide
superior value to the customer.
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Design for Product Cost
 The cost of a product is a major factor in determining its
commercial success.
 Design for product cost (DFC) refers to the efforts to
specifically identify how design decisions affect product
costs and to develop ways to reduce cost through design
 DFC and DFM/A overlap to some degree: improved
manufacturability usually results in lower cost
 DFC includes costs of inspection, purchasing, distribution,
inventory control, and overhead.

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Design for Life Cycle
 It refers to the product after it has been manufactured
 Includes factors ranging from product deliver to disposal
 Other factors include installability, reliability,
maintainability, serviceability, and upgradeability
 The price of the product may be a small portion in the total
cost when life cycle costs are considered
 Service contracts offered by
the producer for maintenance
and service, the costs must
be included in the total
product cost

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4. Advanced Manufacturing Planning
 Emphasizes planning for the future
 Distinct from process planning because it is concerned
with products being contemplated in the company's
long-term plans rather than products currently being
designed and released
 Advanced manufacturing planning attempts to forecast the
new products that will be introduced in the 2 to 10 year
 And to determine what production resources will be
needed to make those future products

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Advanced Manufacturing Planning
Activities include:
1. New technology evaluation
2. Investment project management
3. Facilities planning
4. Manufacturing

General planning cycle

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New Technology Evaluation
 Future product lines require processing methods not
currently used by the company
 Implement a new technology internally as a distinctive
competitive advantage for the company
Other reasons:
1. Quality improvement
2. Productivity improvement
3. Cost reduction
4. Lead time reduction
5. Modernization and replacement of worn-out facilities

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Investment Project Management
Each project typically includes the steps:
1. Proposal to justify the investment is prepared
2. Management approvals are granted for the investment
3. Vendor quotations are solicited
4. Order is placed to the winning vendor
5. Vendor progress in building the equipment is monitored
6. Any special tooling and supplies are ordered
7. The equipment is installed and debugged
8. Operators are trained
9. Responsibility for running the equipment is turned over to
the operating department
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Facilities Planning
 When new equipment is installed in an existing plant, the
facility must be altered.
 Facilities planning: the planning work required to renovate
an existing facility or design a new one
 Floor space must be allocated to the equipment
 Other equipment may need to be relocated or removed
 Utilities (power, heat, light, air, etc.) must be connected
 Manufacturing engineering and plant engineering must
work closely to achieve a successful installation

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INDU 411 Manufacturing
Research and Development
Manufacturing R&D is applied research, the objective is to
develop or adapt a technology that will result in higher profits
and a distinctive competitive advantage for the company
1. Development of new processing technologies
2. Adaptation of existing processing technologies
3. Process fine-tuning
 Efficiency, quality, develop model, control, optimum condition
4. Software systems development
5. Automation systems development
6. Operations research and simulation

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 Process planning is to determine the most appropriate
process to convert a design to a physical product,
including manufacturing of parts and assemblies
 Computer-aided process planning (CAPP) systems are
designed to facilitate and improve the planning.
 Retrieval and generative
 Concurrent Engineering integrates different functions in
product design to reduce the elapsed time
 Design for manufacturing and assembly (DFM/A)

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