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Exit test

Name: __________________________________________ Date: ___________

Section 1: Vocabulary
1 Complete these sentences. Use one word in each gap.
1 Passwords must be at least eight ________ long.
2 I wear a(n) ________ at work so I can speak and listen on the phone and still have both
hands free.
3 Because there is a(n) ________ inside this device, its software can detect when it moves or
changes speed.
4 There are several types of database ________, including reports, forms and tables.
5 We need devices with long battery ________ so that we don’t have to worry about recharging
them too often.
6 The website uses ________ – these are small data files – to keep track of users.
7 Before the programmers can start coding, we have to make sure the ________ are finished and
approved by the client so that the programmers know what to write.
8 It’s hot! Don’t ________ your fingers!
9 This instruction gives the value 5 to ________ ‘a’.
10 ________ networks are very flexible because you don’t need cables to connect the computers.

Section 2: Language
1 Complete these sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
1 If you add five and four, you _______________ (get) nine.
2 Could you just _______________ (put) the memory stick here? Thanks.
3 I usually assist the systems administrator but this week I _______________ (look after)
everything while she’s away on holiday.
4 _______________ (you / find) any bugs in the program that you looked at yesterday?
5 How many calls _______________ (you / answer) so far today?
6 He _______________ (repair) a computer when he had an electric shock. He should have
unplugged it first!
7 Can you _______________ (tell) me how old that computer is?
8 Twenty seven of our computers _______________ (sell) yesterday.
9 If I had my laptop with me, we _______________ (download) those photos now.
10 After _______________ (reinstall) the operating system, please install our proprietary software.

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Section 3: Reading
1 Read the report and answer these questions.
1 What kind of software is the report about?
2 What kind of device will it run on?
3 Who is the client?
4 Which two common stages is the project between at the moment?
5 Is the project going well or are there problems?
6 Why was beta testing quick?
7 At which stage were the largest number of bugs found: alpha testing or beta testing?
8 How many small bugs were there after beta testing?
9 How many bugs are there now?
10 Do the team members have good personal skills? Why?

Progress report: smartphone app for Timura Digital

Project overview
The purpose of this project is to produce a smartphone app for Timura Digital. The app should show the
company’s services and examples of successful projects they have completed. It should also make it easy
to contact the company.

Project status
The project has recently passed the beta testing phase, and we expect to make the release candidate
available before the end of the month. This is one week before the time that was scheduled at the
beginning of the project.

Recent developments
Beta testing was quite quick because most of the bugs were removed at the previous testing stage – we
found far more bugs at that stage. Only 37 bugs were found. Of these, 10 were very serious, 20 were
important and the rest were minor. This is better than usual for a project of this size. All have now been
dealt with. We expect to have no further problems.

Final stages
Due to good progress earlier, we hope to finish the project before the scheduled time. We expect to hand
the app over to the client early next month. At that time, the team will be available for further projects.
All members of the team have worked hard and I recommend them all for any future projects.

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Section 4: Writing
1 You found a problem with the administration manager’s computer and have now repaired
it. Write an email to him about it. Follow these steps.
1 Use a greeting. His name is Vladimir Buskin.
2 Say what the problem was (a faulty hard drive).
3 Say what problems this may cause.
4 Say what you did to solve the problem (replaced the hard drive).
5 Say what else you had to do (restore from backup).
6 Sign off.


Section 5: Listening
1 ► 42 Listen to six people describing problems and answer these questions.
Speaker 1
1 What can’t she do? _________________________________________
2 What is the problem? _________________________________________
Speaker 2
3 How often does the problem happen? _________________________________________
4 What does he need to do? _________________________________________

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Speaker 3
5 What tells her there’s a problem? _________________________________________
Speaker 4
6 What’s the problem? _________________________________________
Speaker 5
7 Which component was faulty? _________________________________________
8 Was his data safe? _________________________________________
Speaker 6
9 When did she purchase the device? _________________________________________
10 What did she try doing? _________________________________________
Section 6: Speaking
1 Prepare a presentation for your teacher about your job or the job you would like to have
and your future work plans. Include the following:
About the job:
• Say which job you have or would like to have.
• Explain what about the job is or would be interesting for you.
• Talk about the different responsibilities in the job.
• Explain which tasks are necessary.
Your skills and education:
• Explain your training and what you are able to do.
• Talk about your personal and technical skills
Your future
• Talk about what you plan to do in the future.
• Talk about what you hope to do in the future.

Your teacher will mark your talk using the scorecard below. The teacher circles 1 mark if
a student includes the area and 2 marks for communicating it accurately and effectively.
There is a maximum of ten marks.

The student:
presented his/her current job or a job he/she would like to have and 1 2
said why it’s interesting.
described the responsibilities and tasks involved in the job. 1 2
talked about his/her training. 1 2
described his/her personal and technical skills. 1 2
talked about what he/she plans and hopes to do in the future. 1 2

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