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Gillian Myers

STEM Capstone

Volunteer Hours

February 21st, 2021

White Coat Reflection

I volunteered to iron the junior white coats for their upcoming ceremony.
This is an extremely important event, honoring their hard work and dedication to
our program for 3 years. I ironed them to the best of my ability in hopes to make
sure the juniors have a memorable night. There were 23 white coats, which all
had to be hand steam ironed. This was difficult because it was heavier than I
expected, and I underestimated the amount of whitecoats I had to iron. However,
it was a good learning experience because I got what I put out. The more time I
put in on each coat gave a better result that I was happy with. I would definitely
do this again if it meant to make another positive impact for future STEM

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