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SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL Bayombong Nueva, Vizcaya



The Problem and Its Background


Technology is the branch of knowledge that deals with the creation and use of technical

means and their interrelation with life, society and the environment, drawing upon such subjects

as industrial arts, business, engineering, applied science and pure science. And a scientific or

industrial process invention, method or the like.

According to Paul Allen (2018) technology has important effects on business operations.

No matter the size of your enterprise, technology has both tangible and intangible benefits that

will help you make money and produce the results your customers demand. Technological

infrastructure affects the culture, efficiency and relationships of a business. It also affects the

security of confidential information and trade advantages.

First and foremost, technology affects a firm’s ability to communicate with customers. In

today’s busy business environment, it is necessary for employees to interact with clients quickly

and clearly. Websites allow customers to find answers to their questions after hours. Fast

shipment options allow businesses to move products over a large geographic area. When

customers use technology to interact with a business, the business benefits because better

communication creates a stronger public image. Ellon Musk (2017)

Sergey Brin (2011), states that technology also helps a business understand its cash flow

needs and preserve precious resources such as time and physical space. Warehouse inventory

SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL Bayombong Nueva, Vizcaya

technologies let business owners understand how best to manage the storage costs of holding a

product. With proper technology in place, executives can save time and money by holding

meetings over the Internet instead of at corporate headquarters.

Larry page (2015) Technology creates a team dynamic within a business because

employees at different locations have better interactions. If factory managers can communicate

with shipment coordinators at a different location, tensions and distrust are less likely to evolve.

Cliques and social tensions can become a nightmare for a business; technology often helps

workers put their different backgrounds aside.

Jack Ma (2014) Most businesses of the modern era are subject to security threats and

vandalism. Technology can be used to protect financial data, confidential executive decisions

and other proprietary information that leads to competitive advantages. Simply put, technology

helps businesses keep their ideas away from their competition. By having computers with

passwords, a business can ensure none of its forthcoming projects will be copied by the


Carlos Slim (2013) A business that has the technological capacity to research new

opportunities will stay a step ahead of its competition. For a business to survive, it must grow

and acquire new opportunities. The Internet allows a business to virtually travel into new

markets without the cost of an executive jet or the risks of creating a factory abroad.

Tim Cook (2016) The last two decades have marked an enormous increase in the number

of home computers. With it, computer owners have invariably taken to entrepreneurship in many

varied fields. Thanks to the growth of technology, computers and the Internet, new methods have

SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL Bayombong Nueva, Vizcaya

been developed for processing everyday business activities easily. Without the advent of

technology, routine tasks would otherwise have taken and enormous amount of time and

specialization. Undoubtedly, the computer represents the top technology development in the last

century as it relates to businesses today, both large and small. Advances in the field of

technology have created a vast number of business opportunities.

Mark Cuban (2012) In 2003, the U.S. Small Business Administration produced a

report/survey that established conclusively that more than 75% of small businesses owned

computers and had heavily invested in new technology. Let us try to understand what the

computers mean to businesses and how they contribute to increase their productivity.

Brad D. Smith Both men and women in business have adapted successfully to new

technology. But the SBA report cites the general decline in skill levels of people, which may

eventually result in an overall reduction of income levels. It seems that people get used to

technology doing all the work and tend to neglect their skill development. It is up to individual

companies to make sure that their employees are still able to do crucial tasks without the

assistance of computers, if necessary.

Mukesh Ambani (2017) Technology helps businesses maintain data flow, manage

contacts, track processes and maintain employee records. Technology makes it possible for

businesses to operate efficiently and effectively with minimal manpower and helps to reduce the

cost of doing business. Technology helps business operations by keeping them connected to

suppliers, customers and their sales force. Because of its ability to streamline operating costs,

SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL Bayombong Nueva, Vizcaya

technology delivers instant access to supplies and information, so businesses are better able to

offer affordable pricing of goods and services without sacrificing quality.

The purpose of this study is determine the importance of technology in the different

Businesses of Bayombong Nueva Vizcaya.

Statement of the problem

The main purpose of this study is to determine the importance of technology in business.
Systematically, It seeks to answer the following questions:

1. Profile of respondents according to:

a. Sex
b. Age
2. What is the importance of technology in the areas of:
a. Leading
b. Controlling
c. Planning
d. Organizing
e. Staffing
3. What are the advantage and disadvantage of using technologies in the areas of:
a. Services
b. Management
c. Business
d. Innovation
e. Customers

SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL Bayombong Nueva, Vizcaya

Significance of the study

Department of Trade and Industry. The results of study may provide significant

insights on how different establishment are doing the hospitality industry and trades which can

be very useful in planning for interventions to the different concerned business establishments.

Future business owners. This study may also be beneficial to upcoming owners of the

different business.

Future Researchers. The output of this study can provide them with vital source for

research literature.

Management. This study is also helpful to make works easier in any managements.

Scope and Delimitations

This study will examine the impact of technology in the different business establishments

in Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya.

The study will also define the profile of managers and also the profile of the business.

The population that is involve in this study are the Business Managers of different business

establishments in the municipality of Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya so the generalizability of the

study to the larger population is limited.

SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL Bayombong Nueva, Vizcaya


Related literature

This chapter contains the review of related literature. The purpose of the review is to gain

an understanding on the importance of technology in the different businesses in Bayombong

Nueva Vizcaya.

Conceptual Literature

According to encyclopedia (2009) Technology is the application of scientific knowledge

to the practical aims of human life or, as it is sometimes phrased, to the change and manipulation

of the human environment.

Base on the articles of ming yeung (2018) The role that technology plays in human life is

becoming an increasingly urgent question. Big tech companies like Facebook and Twitter are

under fire for their role in spreading fake news and misinformation during the 2016 presidential

election. But the impact of social media will likely pale in comparison to potential revolutions in

artificial intelligence or gene editing technologies. I reached out to Bess to talk about our

technological future and why he thinks we’re not asking the sorts of questions we should be

asking about where we’re headed and what it will mean for humanity.

Kevin Pollack (2015) The increased role technology plays on today's campuses,

especially in areas such as data collection, analytics, and predictive modeling, has taken it far

beyond a simple support structure. The ability to not only impact student success models but to

take leading roles in future success.

SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL Bayombong Nueva, Vizcaya

Vaishali Sinha, B. A Psychology, Patna Women's College, Patna (2017) The technology

is very useful for the students, They can take the courses and attain their degree online just as

any student on campus as the technology provides many chances for the students all over

the world to receive an education online. The technology helped the companies to save the time

and gain a lot of money, they use the technology to communicate with individuals, they can

release the information to many different people at once without calling a meeting or requiring

printing of the materials.

Michael Houston (2016) The human uses the technology to travel, to communicate, to

learn, to do business and to live in comfort, the technology has changed the world, it is very

useful to us, it play an important role in our life but it has many bad effects .The technology

helped us to strengthen the relationships by keeping in contact with old friends, the colleagues,

and the co-workers, The e-mails cause speed delivery of messages , they reduce of the paper

costs. The technology enables the communication among people, it has helped you to

communicate with people all over the world through email, instant messaging, Skype, social

media, etc.

Karehka Ramey (2013) what is technology? Technology is wide and everyone has their

way of understanding its meaning. We use technology to accomplish various tasks in our daily

lives in brief: we can describe technology as products and processes used to simplify our daily

lives. We use technology to extend our abilities, making people the most crucial part of any

technological system. Technology is also an application of science used to solve problems. But

its is vital to know that technology and science are subjects which work hand-in hand to

accomplish specific tasks or solve problems. We apply technology in almost everything we do in

SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL Bayombong Nueva, Vizcaya

our daily lives; we use technology at work, we use technology for communication,

transportation, learning, manufacturing, securing data, scaling businesses and so much more.

Technology is human knowledge which involves tools, materials and systems. The application of

technology typically results in products, if technology is well applied, it benefits humans, but the

opposite is true, if used for malicious reasons. Many businesses are using technology to stay

competitive, they create new products and services using technology and they also use

technology to deliver those products and services to their customers on time within a budget. A

good example is mobile phone companies like apple and Samsung, these mobile empires, use

high end technology to create new smart phones and other electronic devices to stay competitive.

Dein Hammilton (2017) There is no doubt that technology is playing a critical role in

developing societies as countries depend on it in all disciplines of life. Countries all over the

globe are competing to invent and develop the highest technological devices that can maintain

the highest efficiency and accuracy of the work. Starting from 1980s, people started to use

technology every day. The use of technology kept rising dramatically that people used it in tiny

things. That overuse resulted in many negatives. There are many negative effects of overusing of

technology on societies but the three major effects could be health problems, privacy problems

and social problems. One of the negative sides of the rapid use of technology on societies is the

health issue. There is no doubt that the technology is getting better and spreading around the

world. That led societies to deal with it almost every day to get their work done resulting in

many issues. These issues can mainly be divided into two main categories which are mental

health problems and physical health problems. First of which is the physical health problem,

there are many physical health issues that caused by dealing with technology but the critical ones

SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL Bayombong Nueva, Vizcaya

are weaken the eyesight. People who usually deal with computers for a long periods of time like

programmers suffer from blurry vision and eye soreness. 

Tripp (2013), people who usually use computers for long terms experience serious issues

such as soreness of the eyes and blurring the vision. That can be clearly seen since eyes have to

concentrate all the time on the screen that emits dangerous radiations that affects the eyes

critically leading the eyes to start dropping tears which can make the eye blurry. Resulting in

soreness of the eyes on long terms. In addition, technology can cause mental problems for some.

Some people who usually spend hours dealing with TVs and Computers without interacting with

people get discouraged and get an independent behavior which results in fear of talking to people

resulting them to suffer from mental disease called anxiety. 

Crawford (2011) mentioned that due to spending huge amounts of time; huge number of

children were diagnosed by di polar disorder, anxiety and depression resulting in using enormous

amounts of psychotropic medications. That can be clearly seen since the parents does not take in

consideration that technology isolate the child from the outer world thus they get mental

diseases. To sum up, technology has double edged effects which are mental and physical


Karehka Ramey (2012) Technology and human life cannot be separated; society has a

cyclical co-dependence on technology. We use technology; depend on technology in our daily

life and our needs and demands for technology keep on rising. Humans use technology to travel,

to communicate, to learn, to do business and to live in comfort. However, technology has also

caused us concerns. Its poor application has resulted in the pollution of the environment and it

has also caused a serious threat to our lives and society. This calls for the proper use of

SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL Bayombong Nueva, Vizcaya

technology. The biggest challenge facing people is to determine the type of future we need to

have and then create relevant technologies which will simplify the way we do things.

Chris miller (2017) Technology can cause both positive and negative feelings and effects

on people’s lives and on society.  Focusing on the positive you will find that technology is a very

important factor in the growth of humankind in every way possible.  From the very start,

technology made life easier for people.  It can also open lots of doors to many opportunities that

looked unlikely to be achievable before.

According to one of the greatest fast food chains in the world which is Mcdonald (1950)

Administrator provides real information, but also increase employee motivation. Feedforward

control is designed to prevent or reduce the performance deficiencies before they accur.

Feedforward control can greatly improve the companies chances of success. If managers can

predict in advance the problems and fix it. Mcdonald is the worlds largest chain of hamburgers

fast food restaurants. The headquarters of company began in 1940. In 1955 business man ray

kroc joined the company in the united states, the company, in subsequently purchased the chain

from the mcdonald brothers and overseeing its global growth.

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Research Methodology

Research Design

This study used the descriptive-correlational method of research. Descriptive quantitative

because the researchers identified and determined the importance of technologies in handling the

different businesses in Bayombong Nueva Vizcaya. The researcher also used a survey

questionnaire as a research tool answered by the respondent. Which will serve as the survey form

of our research that will be conducted here at Bayombong Nueva Vizcaya.

Research Environment

The study was conducted in the municipality of Bayombong Nueva Vizcaya. Its because

some of our observation that many establishments of business here at Bayombong that had been

constructed and located.

Research Respondents

The respondents of the study were the 10 managers/owners of the different businesses in

Bayombong Nueva Vizcaya. The businesses here at Bayombong Nueva Vizcaya. The businesses

offering the same services. The businesses were included the owners technology use in leading,

controlling and managing a restaurant.

Research Instrument

The researchers used the following instruments in order to gather the most relevant data

in the determination of the importance of technologies in the different businesses in Bayombong

Nueva Vizcaya.

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The researchers gathered the necessary data through the use of a researcher develop

survey questionnaire. Part 1 what is the importance of technology in the areas of leading,

planning, controlling, organizing and staffing. And part 2 what are the advantages and

disadvantage of using technologies in the areas of services, management, business and


Statistical Treatment of data

The researchers distributed the survey questionnaires to the respondents and make sure

that they answered by the respondents seriously and honestly to become relevant in the study that

they can derive information necessary in the importance of technology in the different businesses

in Bayombong Nueva Vizcaya. The data gathered then be tallied for analysis.

The data gathered wil be analyzed through the use of statistical tool. The researchers used

frequency counts, percentage were used to identify the distribution of the respondents according

to their profile variables and the importance of technologies in different businesses in

Bayombong Nueva Vizcaya characteristics. The tallied system were used to identify the

distribution of the respondents according to their opinions regarding the importance of

technologies in handling different businesses in Bayombong Nueva Vizcaya.

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SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL Bayombong Nueva, Vizcaya

Name:___________________________ Age:____ Sex:____

A. Put a check in the column that corresponds to your answer on the given questions.

Do technologies important in leading your business?
Do technologies important in controlling your business?
Do technologies important in planning your business?
Do technologies important in organizing your business?
Do technologies can be useful in your business services?
Do technologies can be useful to the management?
Do technologies can be useful in business finance?
Do technologies can be useful in innovating a business?
Do technologies can be useful in entertaining the customer

B. This question is to be answered with a brief essay.

 As owners or managers of a business, please give at least two advantages and
disadvantages of technology in your business?

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