Per - Dev.11 (January 25-29,2021)

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Development -11
Quarter 2- Module 3
Building and Maintaining

Lesson Social Relationship in Middle and Late Adolescence
8 Week 2:7 hours

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the week, it is expected that the learners must be able to:

1) distinguish the various roles of different individuals in society and how they
can influence people through their leadership or followership;
2) compare one’s perception of himself/herself and how others see him/her; and,
3) conduct a mini survey on Filipino relationships (family, school, and community)

Mrs. Dela Cruz, a PerDev teacher, explains that each adult has to
develop quality social relationships with peers, family, school, and community.
Said relationship focuses around closeness, shared experiences,
communication, respect, humor, and affection.

The teacher added that to manifest closeness one has to show care,
loyalty, trust to people, shared feelings, support during trying times, shared
goals, beliefs, and recognition as well as respect for individual differences.
Further, it was emphasized by Mrs. Dela Cruz that in shared
experiences, an individual shares common interests, talks about experiences
and shows respect to other individual’s interests. One also has to be honest
and listens to what the other person says.

Subsequently, the teacher further explains that a person necessitates to

use respectful language and act on ways that do not demean others,
understands friends or partner’s wishes and feelings, and should be ready to
compromise or meet the other half-way when conflict or argument will arise.
Additionally, one has to enjoy the company or presence of each other by
sharing pleasantries. As a footnote, the teacher said: “Show to your partner or
friend the needed affection (love, care and respect )”
1) Describe your social relationship with your Parents, Grandparents, and the
significant others in your family.

2) Make a personal assessment on how you get along with your peers and classmates
in school.

Tremendous physical, psychological, emotional, and social changes occur

dramatically in adolescent stage. With adolescence comes puberty, expanded
cognitive abilities, and a new sense of self and personal identity, increase
expectations at work and in school. Relationships with parents and peers also
change. Adolescents gain social skills as they mature.

Quality relationship gives beneficial outcomes such as psychological health, improved

academic performance and success in adult relationships. The absence of quality
relationships is associated with negative outcomes such as delinquency and
psychological issues

Answer the following questions succinctly.

1) What are the different changes that will dramatically occur during adolescence?
Briefly explain each.
2) How do quality relationships influence positive outcomes?

3) Explain this quote “Quality relationship promotes excellent people and higher work

Write a reflection about Social relationships of middle and late adolescence.

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