Advises For The Interview 2

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RITA: Hello, Jim, I hear you’re looking for a new job?

JIM: Yes, that’s right. Do you have any tips you can offer me?

RITA: Well, it depends. What sort of job do you want exactly?

JIM: I’m not sure. I like working in the hotel trade, and the salary isn’t bad. But I’ve been a sales
supervisor for five years now and …

RITA: And you’re bored with it?

JIM: Well, yes, I am actually. And the promotion prospects are terrible where I am now.

RITA: So what do you like about your present job?

JIM: Oh, I like the variety, and dealing with people, the clients, colleagues … But I suppose I’d
like a more challenging job, really.

RITA: Maybe you should look for a post as a hotel manager.

JIM: That’s certainly challenging! I’m not sure if I’ve got the right previous experience …

RITA: But you have some highly transferable skills. You’re used to working in a customer-facing
role, you manage other people, you’re well organised.

JIM: OK, so I should start looking at job adverts, websites …

RITA: Yeah, and why don’t you send your CV to some of the big hotel companies and ask them if
they have any hotel manager vacancies? You never know …

JIM: Ah yes, my CV. I need to prepare a new one.

RITA: Yes, it should be up to date and it should include information about your transferable skills.

JIM: Then what if I get invited for an interview? I get so nervous!

RITA: That’s normal. You’ll be all right if you’re well prepared. And you should read the job
description carefully so that you have a clear idea of what the responsibilities are, and look at the
company’s website beforehand so that you know a bit about it. Think of the questions they might
ask and how you will answer them. Then, in the interview, give clear, honest answers.

JIM: Should I prepare some questions to ask them, do you think?

RITA: Yes, that’s a good idea to ask some questions; it shows you’re really interested in the job.

JIM: [sounding unsure] Mmm, OK …

RITA: Don’t worry, Jim! You’re an outgoing, self-confident person, and that’s how you’ll come
across in an interview, but anyway, you’re not there yet. First you have to find a job and apply for
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